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Let’s save some booplesnoots!


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Mon, May 22, 2023 08:45 PM

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Can I just say, you guys are the best? It was so fun to see how you all showed up over the weekend..

Can I just say, you guys are the best? It was so fun to see how you all showed up over the weekend...͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ͏ ‌ ~/AASl5QA~/RgRmTll5P0T8aHR0cDovL2dldGNob25nY2JkLmNvbT91dG1fc291cmNlPUtsYXZpeW8mdXRtX21lZGl1bT1jYW1wYWlnbi1lbWFpbCZ1dG1fY2FtcGFpZ249NS4xOS4yMy4yMyUyMC0lMjBET0RPJTIwJTIzMiUyMCUyODAxSDBRRkE0S0NUMEEzNTJBQzRNSkRTV0tLJTI5JnN1YjE9MDFHR1RWMUpLRjY3NjdaMlIxNjJBMVgzNlEmX2t4PW93aG5RWU0waFd4V18waW9mbU5ucUxyWkFYY3pEMWpKQk1HVnpweUNKZU5Sa1dKWDkxaHIydUIyTG5LLS1oNnIuVnRpalZHVwNzcGNCCmRiedRrZJeT4RJSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAHyQQ~~   Hey Marilyn – It’s Uncle Tommy… Can I just say, you guys are the best? It was so fun to see how you all showed up over the weekend to support our endangered animal adoption! So many of you stocked up on your favorite products at [](~/AASl5QA~/RgRmTll5P0T8aHR0cDovL0dldENob25nQ0JELmNvbT91dG1fc291cmNlPUtsYXZpeW8mdXRtX21lZGl1bT1jYW1wYWlnbi1lbWFpbCZ1dG1fY2FtcGFpZ249NS4xOS4yMy4yMyUyMC0lMjBET0RPJTIwJTIzMiUyMCUyODAxSDBRRkE0S0NUMEEzNTJBQzRNSkRTV0tLJTI5JnN1YjE9MDFHR1RWMUpLRjY3NjdaMlIxNjJBMVgzNlEmX2t4PW93aG5RWU0waFd4V18waW9mbU5ucUxyWkFYY3pEMWpKQk1HVnpweUNKZU5Sa1dKWDkxaHIydUIyTG5LLS1oNnIuVnRpalZHVwNzcGNCCmRiedRrZJeT4RJSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAHyQQ~~) to help with our cause. Not to mention, we now have a fantastic flock of new [Bowlmates](~/AASl5QA~/RgRmTll5P4QGAWh0dHBzOi8vYm93bG1hdGVzLmNvbS9wYWdlL2xvZ2luP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9S2xhdml5byZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWNhbXBhaWduLWVtYWlsJnV0bV9jYW1wYWlnbj01LjE5LjIzLjIzJTIwLSUyMERPRE8lMjAlMjMyJTIwJTI4MDFIMFFGQTRLQ1QwQTM1MkFDNE1KRFNXS0slMjkmc3ViMT0wMUdHVFYxSktGNjc2N1oyUjE2MkExWDM2USZfa3g9b3doblFZTTBoV3hXXzBpb2ZtTm5xTHJaQVhjekQxakpCTUdWenB5Q0plTlJrV0pYOTFocjJ1QjJMbkstLWg2ci5WdGlqVkdXA3NwY0IKZGJ51Gtkl5PhElIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAfJB) casting their votes. I love it, man! Anyway, in the spirit of this week, I found myself deep-diving into the world of endangered species (pro-tip: never start a Google search when you've just rolled a fresh one). And I came across this hilarious article listing "better names for animals". Some of these are real an Arctic Hare is a Snowy Booplesnoot, and a Bald Eagle is now known as a Freedom Glider….(I like this one cuz I’m pretty partial to the word “freedom” myself). But it got me thinking... why don't we cook up our own funny names for the endangered species on our list? Like if a seagull is a “beach chicken,” an octopus is a “floppy floppy sea spider,” and mosquitos are “dirty needles”.... Then what can we call some of the endangered species we’re considering? Now, if you ask me, some names of endangered species are already quite a hoot. I mean, "dodo"? That's comedy gold. (Though, that one's extinct, so I'm not sure if it counts?) But the others? Maybe the Sea Otter could be a Water Teddy. (FYI - There is already something called a "water bear"... Take it from me, do NOT google it...) Or we could call the cabybara a Big Squeak Beast! What do you think they could be? Hit reply and share your favorite "better names for animals". Anyway, if you want to vote on which endangered animal or bird we should sponsor, you know what to do. Go on over to [Bowlmates](~/AASl5QA~/RgRmTll5P4QGAWh0dHBzOi8vYm93bG1hdGVzLmNvbS9wYWdlL2xvZ2luP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9S2xhdml5byZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWNhbXBhaWduLWVtYWlsJnV0bV9jYW1wYWlnbj01LjE5LjIzLjIzJTIwLSUyMERPRE8lMjAlMjMyJTIwJTI4MDFIMFFGQTRLQ1QwQTM1MkFDNE1KRFNXS0slMjkmc3ViMT0wMUdHVFYxSktGNjc2N1oyUjE2MkExWDM2USZfa3g9b3doblFZTTBoV3hXXzBpb2ZtTm5xTHJaQVhjekQxakpCTUdWenB5Q0plTlJrV0pYOTFocjJ1QjJMbkstLWg2ci5WdGlqVkdXA3NwY0IKZGJ51Gtkl5PhElIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAfJB), sign up as a member (it's totally and forever FREE and you get all kinds of special perks)... And you’ll get to cast your vote for which one will become the Bowlmates Mascot. Then we can all decide on its new name and nicknames together--sound fun? And don’t forget you’ll get to help out these animals by getting anything you need over at [](~/AASl5QA~/RgRmTll5P0T8aHR0cDovL0dldENob25nQ0JELmNvbT91dG1fc291cmNlPUtsYXZpeW8mdXRtX21lZGl1bT1jYW1wYWlnbi1lbWFpbCZ1dG1fY2FtcGFpZ249NS4xOS4yMy4yMyUyMC0lMjBET0RPJTIwJTIzMiUyMCUyODAxSDBRRkE0S0NUMEEzNTJBQzRNSkRTV0tLJTI5JnN1YjE9MDFHR1RWMUpLRjY3NjdaMlIxNjJBMVgzNlEmX2t4PW93aG5RWU0waFd4V18waW9mbU5ucUxyWkFYY3pEMWpKQk1HVnpweUNKZU5Sa1dKWDkxaHIydUIyTG5LLS1oNnIuVnRpalZHVwNzcGNCCmRiedRrZJeT4RJSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAHyQQ~~). Use clever discount code DODO for 30% off and free shipping - we'll be donating a portion of proceeds from every order to adopt one of these animals which will then become our Bowlmates mascot! If you prefer to talk to a real-life person, give a call to the Rock Stars at 1-833-667-3223--they’d be down to hook you up and talk about endangered animals with ya! Keep on keepin’ on. Peace and love, Tommy Chong     [Facebook](~/AASl5QA~/RgRmTll5P4QUAWh0dHA6Ly93d3cuZmFjZWJvb2suY29tL2dyb3Vwcy90b21teXNhcm15Z3JvdXA_dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1LbGF2aXlvJnV0bV9tZWRpdW09Y2FtcGFpZ24tZW1haWwmdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPTUuMTkuMjMuMjMlMjAtJTIwRE9ETyUyMCUyMzIlMjAlMjgwMUgwUUZBNEtDVDBBMzUyQUM0TUpEU1dLSyUyOSZzdWIxPTAxR0dUVjFKS0Y2NzY3WjJSMTYyQTFYMzZRJl9reD1vd2huUVlNMGhXeFdfMGlvZm1ObnFMclpBWGN6RDFqSkJNR1Z6cHlDSmVOUmtXSlg5MWhyMnVCMkxuSy0taDZyLlZ0aWpWR1cDc3BjQgpkYnnUa2SXk-ESUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAB8kE~) [Instagram](~/AASl5QA~/RgRmTll5P4QMAWh0dHA6Ly93d3cuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS9oZXl0b21teWNob25nP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9S2xhdml5byZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWNhbXBhaWduLWVtYWlsJnV0bV9jYW1wYWlnbj01LjE5LjIzLjIzJTIwLSUyMERPRE8lMjAlMjMyJTIwJTI4MDFIMFFGQTRLQ1QwQTM1MkFDNE1KRFNXS0slMjkmc3ViMT0wMUdHVFYxSktGNjc2N1oyUjE2MkExWDM2USZfa3g9b3doblFZTTBoV3hXXzBpb2ZtTm5xTHJaQVhjekQxakpCTUdWenB5Q0plTlJrV0pYOTFocjJ1QjJMbkstLWg2ci5WdGlqVkdXA3NwY0IKZGJ51Gtkl5PhElIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAfJB) Don't Want These Emails? All Good Man! [Unsubscribe](~/AASl5QA~/RgRmTll5P0SoaHR0cHM6Ly9tYW5hZ2Uua21haWwtbGlzdHMuY29tL3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMvdW5zdWJzY3JpYmU_YT1WdGlqVkcmYz0wMUdHVFYxSktGNjc2N1oyUjE2MkExWDM2USZrPTI2NDdmZjIzZGVjZmQ4NjY3ZWM4ZmNlZjQ4OGY3ZDM3Jm09MDFIMFFGQTRRSlkwOUZHSFkyRk44U0tDQUUmcj1VQVRVaG54VwNzcGNCCmRiedRrZJeT4RJSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAHyQQ~~) Send All Love Letters & Hate Mail Here: Tommy Chong's CBD 274 S 700 W Pleasant Grove, UT 84062

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