Consonance email design inspirations, newsletters, and email subjects




Total result: 158
of 2
The art of self-revision and the courage to change your mind, what it's like to be a falcon, flowers for things you don't know how to say
The art of self-revision and the courage to change your mind, what it's like to be a falcon, flowers for things you don't know how to say
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The door at the end of your suffering, the most important thing to remember about your mother, the poetic science of how cicadas sing
The door at the end of your suffering, the most important thing to remember about your mother, the poetic science of how cicadas sing
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On love and desire, The Universe in Verse book, inside the creative process of beloved artists
On love and desire, The Universe in Verse book, inside the creative process of beloved artists
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The Evening Wrap: Congress promises minimum wage, ₹1 lakh per year to poor families, law on LGBTQIA
The Evening Wrap: Congress promises minimum wage, ₹1 lakh per year to poor families, law on LGBTQIA
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Midweek pick-me-up: Virginia Woolf's arresting 1927 account of a total solar eclipse
Midweek pick-me-up: Virginia Woolf's arresting 1927 account of a total solar eclipse
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Consonance: Definition and Examples
Consonance: Definition and Examples
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George Saunders on how to live an unregretting life, Hannah Arendt and the art of beginning afresh, Rachel Carson's lost ode to the science of the sky
George Saunders on how to live an unregretting life, Hannah Arendt and the art of beginning afresh, Rachel Carson's lost ode to the science of the sky
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Middle age and our search for meaning, Oliver Sacks on the secret life of chocolate, moonlight and the magic of the unnecessary
Middle age and our search for meaning, Oliver Sacks on the secret life of chocolate, moonlight and the magic of the unnecessary
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The other significant others, how to live with remorse and wrest from it defiant joy in living, Alice and the paradox of nature writing
The other significant others, how to live with remorse and wrest from it defiant joy in living, Alice and the paradox of nature writing
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Wilderness, solitude, and creativity — artist and philosopher Rockwell Kent's century-old meditation on art and life during 7 months in remote Alaska
Wilderness, solitude, and creativity — artist and philosopher Rockwell Kent's century-old meditation on art and life during 7 months in remote Alaska
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Henry Miller on the antidote to despair, the enchanting science of cloud chambers and cosmic rays, philosopher Jacob Needleman on time and the soul
Henry Miller on the antidote to despair, the enchanting science of cloud chambers and cosmic rays, philosopher Jacob Needleman on time and the soul
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The art of solitude – a Buddhist scholar on contemplative practice and creativity
The art of solitude – a Buddhist scholar on contemplative practice and creativity
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Love and mystery, how groups of birds got their names (\
Love and mystery, how groups of birds got their names (\"a murder of crows,\" \"a parliament of owls\"....), what makes life alive
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A Spell Against Stagnation: John O'Donohue on Beginnings
A Spell Against Stagnation: John O'Donohue on Beginnings
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Annual Special: Favorite Books of 2023
Annual Special: Favorite Books of 2023
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The paradox of transformative experiences, poetic ecology and the biology of wonder, the sky and the soul
The paradox of transformative experiences, poetic ecology and the biology of wonder, the sky and the soul
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The Evening Wrap: 77% voter turnout in Mizoram, 70% in Chhattisgarh
The Evening Wrap: 77% voter turnout in Mizoram, 70% in Chhattisgarh
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The Evening Wrap: Supreme Court’s majority view holds that it cannot legalise queer unions
The Evening Wrap: Supreme Court’s majority view holds that it cannot legalise queer unions
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Yes to Life, in Spite of Everything: Viktor Frankl's lost lectures on the deepest source of meaning
Yes to Life, in Spite of Everything: Viktor Frankl's lost lectures on the deepest source of meaning
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Quantum pioneer Erwin Schrödinger on bridging Western science and Eastern philosophy to reckon with the mystery of what we are
Quantum pioneer Erwin Schrödinger on bridging Western science and Eastern philosophy to reckon with the mystery of what we are
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Audre Lorde on the relationship between eros, creativity, power, and joy; a watercolor ode to the courage of authenticity; Virginia Woolf vs. Hitler
Audre Lorde on the relationship between eros, creativity, power, and joy; a watercolor ode to the courage of authenticity; Virginia Woolf vs. Hitler
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The ant, the grasshopper, and the antidote to the cult of More; Kevin Kelly's life-tested advice on living; the power of being an outsider
The ant, the grasshopper, and the antidote to the cult of More; Kevin Kelly's life-tested advice on living; the power of being an outsider
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The Evening Wrap: Supreme Court paves way for Rahul Gandhi’s return to Parliament
The Evening Wrap: Supreme Court paves way for Rahul Gandhi’s return to Parliament
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Love's work and the value of getting it wrong, how to be animal (and more fully human), a tender illustrated parable of friendship
Love's work and the value of getting it wrong, how to be animal (and more fully human), a tender illustrated parable of friendship
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How people change, Hermann Hesse on wonder and how to be more alive, a tender modern fable about reversing the Anthropocene
How people change, Hermann Hesse on wonder and how to be more alive, a tender modern fable about reversing the Anthropocene
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May Sarton on the work of happiness, John Berger on the power of music, the forgotten Scottish philosopher John Macmurray on the key to wholeness
May Sarton on the work of happiness, John Berger on the power of music, the forgotten Scottish philosopher John Macmurray on the key to wholeness
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Midweek pick-me-up: The paradox of personal transformation
Midweek pick-me-up: The paradox of personal transformation
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Editor's Pick: Karnataka Elections | Congress snatches BJP’s only South Indian state
Editor's Pick: Karnataka Elections | Congress snatches BJP’s only South Indian state
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Nick Cave's advice on life, May Sarton on writing and gardening, Thoreau on living through loss
Nick Cave's advice on life, May Sarton on writing and gardening, Thoreau on living through loss
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How to love the world more: George Saunders on the courage of uncertainty; magnolias and the meaning of life; the art of lying fallow
How to love the world more: George Saunders on the courage of uncertainty; magnolias and the meaning of life; the art of lying fallow
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Editor's Pick: Data Protection Bill to be tabled in Monsoon Session
Editor's Pick: Data Protection Bill to be tabled in Monsoon Session
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How to grow re-enchanted with the world and counter burnout, the Dalai Lama's advice to the young, the story of the world's first seed bank
How to grow re-enchanted with the world and counter burnout, the Dalai Lama's advice to the young, the story of the world's first seed bank
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Nick Cave on the art of growing older, Pico Iyer on our search for the sacred, uncommonly beautiful 19th-century Scottish illustrations of birds
Nick Cave on the art of growing older, Pico Iyer on our search for the sacred, uncommonly beautiful 19th-century Scottish illustrations of birds
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Midweek pick-me-up: Hermann Hesse on solitude, the value of hardship, the courage to be yourself, and how to find your destiny
Midweek pick-me-up: Hermann Hesse on solitude, the value of hardship, the courage to be yourself, and how to find your destiny
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Ram Dass on the spiritual lessons of trees and how to be less harsh with yourself (and others); Elie Wiesel on the antidote to overwhelm; on wonder
Ram Dass on the spiritual lessons of trees and how to be less harsh with yourself (and others); Elie Wiesel on the antidote to overwhelm; on wonder
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Midweek pick-me-up: The four Buddhist mantras for turning fear into love
Midweek pick-me-up: The four Buddhist mantras for turning fear into love
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What is time? 200 years of ravishing reflections, from Kierkegaard to Borges to Nina Simone; Margaret Wise Brown's radical life, illustrated; and more
What is time? 200 years of ravishing reflections, from Kierkegaard to Borges to Nina Simone; Margaret Wise Brown's radical life, illustrated; and more
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Five Easy Hacks To Spruce Up Your Home Decor - From The Kitchen To The Master Bedroom
Five Easy Hacks To Spruce Up Your Home Decor - From The Kitchen To The Master Bedroom
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The Evening Wrap: Cyclone Mandous to make landfall in north Tamil Nadu around midnight
The Evening Wrap: Cyclone Mandous to make landfall in north Tamil Nadu around midnight
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Storytelling and the art of tenderness, David Bowie on creativity and his advice to artists, the poetic science of the aurora borealis
Storytelling and the art of tenderness, David Bowie on creativity and his advice to artists, the poetic science of the aurora borealis
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Editor's Pick: SC orders release of all six Rajiv case convicts
Editor's Pick: SC orders release of all six Rajiv case convicts
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How to be un-dread — Anaïs Nin and D.H. Lawrence on the key to living fully; C.S. Lewis on our task in troubled times; the woman who saved native song
How to be un-dread — Anaïs Nin and D.H. Lawrence on the key to living fully; C.S. Lewis on our task in troubled times; the woman who saved native song
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Nick Cave on self-forgiveness and creativity, how to stop waiting and start living — a jolt from Henry James — and more
Nick Cave on self-forgiveness and creativity, how to stop waiting and start living — a jolt from Henry James — and more
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Emerson on how to trust yourself and what solitude really means, Henry Miller on the secret to growth in art and in life, a Victorian prophecy of AI
Emerson on how to trust yourself and what solitude really means, Henry Miller on the secret to growth in art and in life, a Victorian prophecy of AI
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Why are we not better than we are; Alan Lightman on music and the universe; Eric Berne on the true meaning of intimacy (and how to attain it)
Why are we not better than we are; Alan Lightman on music and the universe; Eric Berne on the true meaning of intimacy (and how to attain it)
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Midweek pick-me-up: How to keep love from breaking — wisdom on presence and respect from philosopher Martin Buber
Midweek pick-me-up: How to keep love from breaking — wisdom on presence and respect from philosopher Martin Buber
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The Evening Wrap: Is there a way to curb ‘irrational freebies’, Supreme Court asks Centre
The Evening Wrap: Is there a way to curb ‘irrational freebies’, Supreme Court asks Centre
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Higher police officials using personnel as orderlies a clear misconduct: Madras HC
Higher police officials using personnel as orderlies a clear misconduct: Madras HC
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Poet Muriel Rukeyser on the twin root of our confusion and our power in times of turmoil
Poet Muriel Rukeyser on the twin root of our confusion and our power in times of turmoil
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The Evening Wrap: RBI increases policy rates in sudden move; Sensex plummets 1,300 points
The Evening Wrap: RBI increases policy rates in sudden move; Sensex plummets 1,300 points
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Rumi on love, Iris Murdoch on our search for truth and goodness, Margaret Wise Brown on the puzzle of what makes a thing itself (and you yourself)
Rumi on love, Iris Murdoch on our search for truth and goodness, Margaret Wise Brown on the puzzle of what makes a thing itself (and you yourself)
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Let There Always Be Light: dark matter and the mystery of our mortal stardust with Patti Smith; flowers and the meaning of life with The Little Prince
Let There Always Be Light: dark matter and the mystery of our mortal stardust with Patti Smith; flowers and the meaning of life with The Little Prince
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Rebecca Solnit on trees and the shape of time, Barry Lopez on storytelling, an animated ode to the Hubble and the human hunger to know the universe
Rebecca Solnit on trees and the shape of time, Barry Lopez on storytelling, an animated ode to the Hubble and the human hunger to know the universe
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A 400-year-old remedy for melancholy, how Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh found himself and lost his self in a library epiphany, and old French fairy tales
A 400-year-old remedy for melancholy, how Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh found himself and lost his self in a library epiphany, and old French fairy tales
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Midweek pick-me-up: Thich Nhat Hanh on the four Buddhist mantras for turning fear into love
Midweek pick-me-up: Thich Nhat Hanh on the four Buddhist mantras for turning fear into love
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An illustrated meditation on the deepest meaning of love, Nick Cave on creativity, the myth of originality, and how to find your voice, and a poem
An illustrated meditation on the deepest meaning of love, Nick Cave on creativity, the myth of originality, and how to find your voice, and a poem
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Indian Railways redesignates post of Guard as Train Manager with immediate effect
Indian Railways redesignates post of Guard as Train Manager with immediate effect
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{EMAIL}, Indian Railways redesignates post of Guard as Train Manager with immediate effect
{EMAIL}, Indian Railways redesignates post of Guard as Train Manager with immediate effect
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The antidote to the time-anxiety that savages our lives; the neuroscience of how the body moves the mind and how our feelings shape our consciousness
The antidote to the time-anxiety that savages our lives; the neuroscience of how the body moves the mind and how our feelings shape our consciousness
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Dreams, consciousness, and the nature of the universe; Nietzsche on walking and creativity; an illustrated ode to life, loss, and our search for light
Dreams, consciousness, and the nature of the universe; Nietzsche on walking and creativity; an illustrated ode to life, loss, and our search for light
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Carl Jung on how to live, Rebecca Solnit on Orwell's roses and how nature sustains us, an illustrated French meditation on loss and healing
Carl Jung on how to live, Rebecca Solnit on Orwell's roses and how nature sustains us, an illustrated French meditation on loss and healing
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RE-DELIVERY: The geometry of grief, women in trees, 95-year-old artist Etel Adnan on how to live, how to die, and what gives meaning to our lives
RE-DELIVERY: The geometry of grief, women in trees, 95-year-old artist Etel Adnan on how to live, how to die, and what gives meaning to our lives
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Drawing a tree to see yourself; how the parallels between quantum physics and Hindu philosophy illuminate the central truth of being; viva Corita Kent
Drawing a tree to see yourself; how the parallels between quantum physics and Hindu philosophy illuminate the central truth of being; viva Corita Kent
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How (not) to love, or, unbreaking our hearts by breaking our patterns; Ursula K. Le Guin's love-poem to life, death, and trees; the art of solitude
How (not) to love, or, unbreaking our hearts by breaking our patterns; Ursula K. Le Guin's love-poem to life, death, and trees; the art of solitude
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A painted poem about us and the cosmos; MLK's lost lectures on technology and the 3 ways of resisting the system; how a virus gave tulips their beauty
A painted poem about us and the cosmos; MLK's lost lectures on technology and the 3 ways of resisting the system; how a virus gave tulips their beauty
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Love, death and Whitman. George Saunders on the two keys to storytelling. Alan Turing, the world's first digital music, and the poetry of the possible
Love, death and Whitman. George Saunders on the two keys to storytelling. Alan Turing, the world's first digital music, and the poetry of the possible
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Midweek pick-me-up: Mary Shelley, writing 200 years ago about a 21st-century world savaged by a deadly pandemic, on what makes life worth living
Midweek pick-me-up: Mary Shelley, writing 200 years ago about a 21st-century world savaged by a deadly pandemic, on what makes life worth living
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The jazz of trees, physicist Alan Lightman's poetic lens on time and the antidote to the anxiety of aliveness, Derek Jarman on night and transcendence
The jazz of trees, physicist Alan Lightman's poetic lens on time and the antidote to the anxiety of aliveness, Derek Jarman on night and transcendence
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The optimism of the oyster, Edward Weston on creativity, Virginia Woolf on the power of nature and the transcendence of a total solar eclipse
The optimism of the oyster, Edward Weston on creativity, Virginia Woolf on the power of nature and the transcendence of a total solar eclipse
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Art and aliveness, the ultimate animated primer on the Theory of Everything, the remarkable life and art of pioneering plant ecologist Edith Clements
Art and aliveness, the ultimate animated primer on the Theory of Everything, the remarkable life and art of pioneering plant ecologist Edith Clements
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Do people change, the art of ending painful relationships, Hannah Arendt on what forgiveness (really) means, poet Naomi Shihab Nye's advice on writing
Do people change, the art of ending painful relationships, Hannah Arendt on what forgiveness (really) means, poet Naomi Shihab Nye's advice on writing
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How our loves reveal who we are, an illustrated serenade to aliveness and seeing the world with newborn eyes, and a great forgotten love story
How our loves reveal who we are, an illustrated serenade to aliveness and seeing the world with newborn eyes, and a great forgotten love story
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The Evening Wrap: Narwal, Kalita, Tanha walk out of Tihar
The Evening Wrap: Narwal, Kalita, Tanha walk out of Tihar
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Midweek pick-me-up: Seneca on grief and the key to resilience in the face of loss
Midweek pick-me-up: Seneca on grief and the key to resilience in the face of loss
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The Evening Wrap: Defer Covid-19 vaccination by 3 months after recovery, says govt
The Evening Wrap: Defer Covid-19 vaccination by 3 months after recovery, says govt
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Aldous Huxley on love, knowledge vs. understanding, and the antidote to our existential helplessness; Neil Gaiman's tribute to a forgotten visionary
Aldous Huxley on love, knowledge vs. understanding, and the antidote to our existential helplessness; Neil Gaiman's tribute to a forgotten visionary
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The Evening Wrap: SC upholds HC order on oxygen supply to Karnataka
The Evening Wrap: SC upholds HC order on oxygen supply to Karnataka
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Gardening as resistance, an ornithologist on the spirituality of science and nature as worship, a Nobel-winning poet's ode to our cosmic humanity
Gardening as resistance, an ornithologist on the spirituality of science and nature as worship, a Nobel-winning poet's ode to our cosmic humanity
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Questions about YC
Questions about YC
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Alan Watts on love, the essence of freedom, and the antidote to fear; Eula Biss on immunity, sanity, and health as communal trust; Newton and trees
Alan Watts on love, the essence of freedom, and the antidote to fear; Eula Biss on immunity, sanity, and health as communal trust; Newton and trees
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A lost Frida Kahlo love letter; Darwin's greatest heartbreak and our search for meaning in loss; learning to listen to the secret language of nature
A lost Frida Kahlo love letter; Darwin's greatest heartbreak and our search for meaning in loss; learning to listen to the secret language of nature
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The decades-old classic is suddenly the ultimate pandemic poem, Jeanette WInterson on how storytelling transforms us, a love story of science
The decades-old classic is suddenly the ultimate pandemic poem, Jeanette WInterson on how storytelling transforms us, a love story of science
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Loops, language, the paradoxical loneliness of \
Loops, language, the paradoxical loneliness of \"I love you,\" and what keeps love alive; Einstein on the political power of art; expressionist science
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Why we like what we like, an illustrated meditation on how to live with our human fragility, Toni Morrison's recipe for sanity, joy, and self-love
Why we like what we like, an illustrated meditation on how to live with our human fragility, Toni Morrison's recipe for sanity, joy, and self-love
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The Evening Wrap: SC says farmers have a constitutional right to protest, but urges talks
The Evening Wrap: SC says farmers have a constitutional right to protest, but urges talks
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The 4 Buddhist mantras for turning fear into love; how Lincoln drew poetry and power from his suicidal depression; David Byrne, Maira Kalman, optimism
The 4 Buddhist mantras for turning fear into love; how Lincoln drew poetry and power from his suicidal depression; David Byrne, Maira Kalman, optimism
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Muriel Rukeyser on the wellspring of our power and aliveness in turbulent times, a lyrical illustrated rewilding of the human heart, and more
Muriel Rukeyser on the wellspring of our power and aliveness in turbulent times, a lyrical illustrated rewilding of the human heart, and more
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Whitman on what makes a great person and what wisdom really means, Iris Murdoch on how art helps us reimagine freedom and our inner worlds, and more
Whitman on what makes a great person and what wisdom really means, Iris Murdoch on how art helps us reimagine freedom and our inner worlds, and more
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The science of how alive you really are, with a side of Turing and trees; Audre Lorde on poetry and the courage to feel as an antidote to fear; more
The science of how alive you really are, with a side of Turing and trees; Audre Lorde on poetry and the courage to feel as an antidote to fear; more
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Bruce Lee on death and the key to being an artist of life, a Japanese illustrated serenade to change, Nobel laureate Louise Glück's love poem to life
Bruce Lee on death and the key to being an artist of life, a Japanese illustrated serenade to change, Nobel laureate Louise Glück's love poem to life
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Midweek pick-me-up: Life, loss, and the wisdom of rivers
Midweek pick-me-up: Life, loss, and the wisdom of rivers
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Midweek pick-me-up: Iris Murdoch (born 101 years ago today) on storytelling, why art is essential for democracy, and the key to good writing
Midweek pick-me-up: Iris Murdoch (born 101 years ago today) on storytelling, why art is essential for democracy, and the key to good writing
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Spell to be said against hatred, the illustrated story of astronaut Ronald McNair's childhood civil disobedience, Octavio Paz on otherness and courage
Spell to be said against hatred, the illustrated story of astronaut Ronald McNair's childhood civil disobedience, Octavio Paz on otherness and courage
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Edward Gorey's illustrated 1969 poem about the secret of true love, a stunning musical tribute to Rachel Carson, Ann Druyan on wonder and the sacred
Edward Gorey's illustrated 1969 poem about the secret of true love, a stunning musical tribute to Rachel Carson, Ann Druyan on wonder and the sacred
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Viktor Frankl's lost lectures on moving beyond optimism and pessimism to find life's deepest meaning; James {NAME} on keeping the light alive & more
Viktor Frankl's lost lectures on moving beyond optimism and pessimism to find life's deepest meaning; James {NAME} on keeping the light alive & more
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Astronaut Leland Melvin reads Neruda's love letter to Earth's forests, a color spectrum of sadnesses as a portal to more vibrant aliveness, and more
Astronaut Leland Melvin reads Neruda's love letter to Earth's forests, a color spectrum of sadnesses as a portal to more vibrant aliveness, and more
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Mary Shelley, writing 200 years ago about a pandemic-ravaged world, on what makes life worth living and nature's beauty as a lifeline to sanity
Mary Shelley, writing 200 years ago about a pandemic-ravaged world, on what makes life worth living and nature's beauty as a lifeline to sanity
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Midweek pick-me-up: Against the illusion of separateness – Neruda's stunning Nobel speech about our shared belonging across space and solitude
Midweek pick-me-up: Against the illusion of separateness – Neruda's stunning Nobel speech about our shared belonging across space and solitude
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Midweek pick-me-up: Zadie Smith on optimism and despair
Midweek pick-me-up: Zadie Smith on optimism and despair
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A touching animated short film about depression and what it takes to recover the light of being; poet Lisel Mueller on what gives meaning to our lives
A touching animated short film about depression and what it takes to recover the light of being; poet Lisel Mueller on what gives meaning to our lives
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Total result: 158
of 2
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