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🥒 How Design Pickle booked 86% more demos


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Thu, Jun 29, 2023 04:20 PM

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The playbook behind how Design Pickle was able to nearly double their conversion rate. Plus: All you

The playbook behind how Design Pickle was able to nearly double their conversion rate. Plus: All you need to make your website work [MutinyLogo-01](113/cMsZQ04/VVYG1G30VvvxW64ygPz7qmr45W2x7JLQ50n8JGN9fbG8D3lLzNV1-WJV7Cg-7GW1PlKDw69pPt6W5zPvmR5VWCs0W7qhlZC1_GdyjN9g__QT8-BR8W7wzM2X5y9PdxW75lG577DDd9GW1m4X8c12vh6qVGvcYL37YPtCW7lZNmK7gXxWKW6D-9KN1zJ61YW4YxHkf1FntSJN2QfNCJb7VRCV608tX3LvvNXW7Bp8Mx8QvNFdW72ZrPW6vxyBbW19FkLc3jRx1XW13P3DJ4vGV69W94nCtM3Q9Q-h325Q1) Hi there, There are a lot of "armchair marketers" out there. You've no doubt seen these people on Twitter and LinkedIn. They're pretty easy to spot with posts sounding like: 99.3% of marketers are playing on hard mode. Here are 7 things you should be doing to grow faster, or some similar BS hook. That type of marketing content is like sugary candy that's branded as healthy because it uses "real fruit". It's so easy to binge, gives the illusion of learning and productivity, but actually has no nutritional value, leaving you feeling unaccomplished and bummed that you're not growing as fast as others. It's also extremely likely that what you're reading is completely fabricated. As I was writing this, I came across a perfect example of someone dissecting the growth strategy of a business, only to have the [founder come out and say,](113/cMsZQ04/VVYG1G30VvvxW64ygPz7qmr45W2x7JLQ50n8JGN9fbG9w3lLBGV1-WJV7CgPPpW5gm_lv3vsZXbW85N43J5jz8g_W7KqBtt8_p8tcW6XVN9K946-_yW2P60366Vm-btW5Q_8Vh99SNgRW8QdGWT7FQ--dW8sZDbq4r6wTyW8t62Z28jtGj7N5m8Z5sR9YkfW1gYcQr19MpBwW6z1x6J7JSyg9W5qbW2P4z_tpHW5rr5Dm1N5xWHW3H-9435zn4g4M_w4YR66k0dW5j32xJ1SM-VmV8jWlz8Vfx2RN4YtD1rxxV1vVzh4m64HSyrJW3XLDL81lRjjhW1WgVmv7lKWQbN4-2BCC1YnN0W5-gwyC6gQ06p32kQ1) "the info is directionally correct but the figures and cause and effect are way off." [Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 11-40-06 AM](113/cMsZQ04/VVYG1G30VvvxW64ygPz7qmr45W2x7JLQ50n8JGN9fbG9w3lLBGV1-WJV7CgYShW13DWvC2HYdpRW35kZ3j8Ky8VBW7_dh9d1p5jz4W2MWt9x3qrPm5W334ZJK7rbTHhW6dXxbl7Y86czW2HN8wG1cRLmJVCvXXf8mJplWW3VC9nB2q9BBvW6vPDh01-RfFzW8mx0wG6Gc7mbW7F6Flz3_jlqZW2bZx3d75hFltW1KLSn_3C-BJrW6mFgzT4m8yLwW36Nsv27zFn71N7M6cMjqdVwVW4fwyCg2FBj6sW48KyjM4pPPrhW7hRb6n32LKTpW8nJXvT5bZB72W95LG192B1-ZnW3wm9vP89SLPWW1YhNws4FS2QJ37nG1) The main problem is that every business model is different. No piece of advice will ever be perfectly relevant unless it's specific to how your company does business. For example, in the [newest playbook we learn that Design Pickle](113/cMsZQ04/VVYG1G30VvvxW64ygPz7qmr45W2x7JLQ50n8JGN9fbG9c3lLBmV1-WJV7CgSKBW28HXv77ZGXSHW668D2k1yQ66CW2vt3B971chHNW41VVBk2t_Mf_W5Jf94L1dypVyW1XzjZ76ljVsSVqqCTF68CKN6W7SkcGQ71jzZJW4vr-NK71HKZCW85mMnQ3V7N8kW6Zw9NW1C1tFkW20s62J4cSG5TW8qNNJq35vRzGW6Bx9Kd6m-5vrW5jV6wV8RfTKBW6CtJhL9d9npfW8v8y799gzdCcW2ZYCvb1pslrlN48S_tlR7QtyW7HYqr93BSlQvN1_79RDgzfzTW6Vm3wy5qLFfL32P-1) operates a high-velocity business model. Their sales cycle is super short, sometimes closing customers on the first phone call (sounds nice, right?). But that comes with it's own challenges. Mainly, keeping the pipeline really full so that the sales team can focus completely on selling and taking as many calls as possible. This might not be the same strategy as your company. So as you continue to read, I want you to pick up the breadcrumbs of how this playbook can apply to your business, but in a way that's contextual to your model. There's no such thing as a silver bullet tactic that will magically make your company succeed. It's a combination of compounding good choices, executed well over a long time. In this email, I'll share [how this playbook from Design Pickle](113/cMsZQ04/VVYG1G30VvvxW64ygPz7qmr45W2x7JLQ50n8JGN9fbG9c3lLBmV1-WJV7CgT9-W7SlGMs1nHj3FW1qMC5g7VYV_vW3V_wXX72BWYPW6Mkj-H1TsfXtW2mZ4sK1vTQMtW4P9Q0L7Vv0MzW2pzgbP5smNt4W4n8x_Y46vXwTW8V1mnr9cXvQYW7nvk5y5_LkN4W6XgTwj86qwm4W72bC8K8VPH3jVrtz3w8zwrwPN5yHVMFLlvtsW2W-S4W2s-HYHW5vXy6s4pf-7XW1mpHrs8r53YnW4c8dwj5lJzlKW90ldsk1sJfP-N2QW9N89CWJFN7S2m8VsvVhvW7_sBGF8vXN753k9x1) was one of those good choices. In this email - A small demo form tweak that led to huge gains - What it feels like to work on your company's website [How Design Pickle Tweaked Their Demo Form And Grew Bookings By 86%](113/cMsZQ04/VVYG1G30VvvxW64ygPz7qmr45W2x7JLQ50n8JGN9fbG9c3lLBmV1-WJV7CgWfRW602c401C_RFCM8RzT8CSqLwW2Kdp9l4dsGCKMfxGc-ZxCZ2W3s-T_B1MkspwVbBTXz1bm_jrV__cbV6B81wXW4kLNp62lr62_W8qXLKr37LWcSW61T0DM8_2R75W3rdGYM5jftgDW7qXj562cBppwW7rD_XC6BT7kbN6vy4qVQdV3wW7TZBxz5XqG9WN93vZqWXMdg2Vh7fPN5MS7sYW2LTsK08915G5W7d67122MSvx4W4GlTjZ5HXMRcM8fvKxvTh7FW6VPv9W6Pq-ml3pL61) Marketing at Design Pickle is on the hook for 100% of the company's pipeline. No outbounding, no prospecting. Just good ‘ol fashioned inbound marketing. This means that Design Pickle’s sales and marketing must operate in lock-step. If ‌deal velocity slows down, or the close rate decreases, they won’t hit their revenue targets. And because they operate using a high volume business model, efficiency is the name of the game. Jennifer Osgood, Senior Director of Marketing, saw a problem. “The marketing team was generating a ton of qualified leads. However, when we looked at the data, less than 10% were actually converting into any kind of opportunity”. If the lead doesn’t book a demo, the cost of acquisition goes up and sales won’t have enough pipeline to stay busy. Not good. During this discovery phase, they needed to look at the on-site buyer journey to see where the disconnect was happening, so they could craft a plan to fix it. Because Design Pickle was processing so many demo requests, they needed to collect enough information to route these leads to the correct sales rep. This meant that they had a 4-step form that needed to be completed before a prospect could book a sales call. It looked like this: [Design_Pickle_Demo_Form](113/cMsZQ04/VVYG1G30VvvxW64ygPz7qmr45W2x7JLQ50n8JGN9fbG9c3lLBmV1-WJV7CgRgSW94NMnq3LxKF_W61hhMP4XkQxhW1ZZBrL7_Wvk1W4P8kLJ1zQJjNN2hb6xD1QMYMW85999d2SXKgSN7Crqg1nH8sHW5GSnpc7SZMT4W4zv3tV4gyL__W6fs24W6Zd4YsW5VbJ2D2Pmvn9W81kdB27hQ6S4W1L7NYM8cbvyBW79k5Zq2wfTRzW6-GsDX2g-qYGW72Rn8-4H9zH3N8jJBvnBsPsqW25Q1_08d87Y9Vtt8Sg6Q3kBwV76tpf8XzD-vV_l0LV6NCyRbW5_VfLk110sZ63psJ1) From their research, they saw that there was a significant dropoff between step 3 and 4. They were a single step away from booking a meeting, but they had no idea! This led them to come up with a hypotheses: prospects aren’t reaching the end of the form because they don’t know how many steps are left. The conversion rate can be improved by informing them when they have just one more step to go. Their hypothesis ended up being right. The resulting change they implemented led to an 86% lift in demo bookings. Design Pickle shares the full playbook of how they adjusted their demo form to nearly double their conversion rate and deliver hundreds of extra leads to sales – [see how here](113/cMsZQ04/VVYG1G30VvvxW64ygPz7qmr45W2x7JLQ50n8JGN9fbG9c3lLBmV1-WJV7CgGrkW4bZLsy22clplN75XzJfTzqnzW2YYDpF1dJ8BVW4ZwVg727G0t8N9fgV6Qwdrz5W122vzq3hTvckW5DWPnH5SWQBtVg3mlQ1ZgVQYW43CjHP2lPQVnW8663tF2RqT4lW8ZwWP07rxgTqW7_Fgmm7-F0QFW3GnwQ31tGV8cW98XtJp8qsZBkV_nK6P818LTCW2f7YZK3ydyfLW5zQLPv1Yv_ppW907dbJ6VTqKXW5T3y0P7wpz_SW25B88R7j4nzZVK7K-551Xhg6W7YXpWR3JxpdM3pZq1). [See Design Pickle's full playbook](113/cMsZQ04/VVYG1G30VvvxW64ygPz7qmr45W2x7JLQ50n8JGN9fbG9c3lLBmV1-WJV7Cg-WZW4Yz9QF5KkHbNW1G5Lmk7vXKn2W4ch4J65zf-0GW4bF-xl3FwsCDVyncCr2kQnRvW5WnqGr54Sb4BW7fL4cZ6mPCR2W8Rq_6m5X7sg2W5plL3D1K9yWbW3yf3jq1G7gJsW42kjbW3w3ZvgW4YhwhT82nZbyW2bNFFV1rSw5JW4dPBJM2ZMs2vW9kVjHJ4fDFbGW5mwB1s1_m9gjW5TzMxm6yJ377VfbbJp3jB_BBW2MSNm74Zl9fjW8R6WTH3rZkNBW3l2Y2m7Y3LzRW8J-gH04PX_Fg32dh1) [Stuff We're Loving](113/cMsZQ04/VVYG1G30VvvxW64ygPz7qmr45W2x7JLQ50n8JGN9fbG8X3lLB3V1-WJV7CgDTSW4WnxyL8qs4nzW69KDT46PNq9rW1tqsgP6HrkxlV-6ZBk1SPG9DW83N9v530JR-rV75k7R8ly21lW3sTXr63bHk8YW3TB4t31XZvX8W6WqTXc2bygl6W3tTyYd8HQxk-W8jzRPg87rsW6VMl5lL1sVgX3W4K8dKq6PBxTjW2Nnsjv5gvTrMW7_jwrK8MVSN_TzC6Q1y0M4jW4TcZlT6qWK8LW75NrVn79qjRlW3k69BD4qBwg3W1-SCPz5lKgNH3mXh1) 😖 My rule when it comes to websites: don't touch ANYTHING! Why does it always feel like you're 1 keystroke away from breaking your whole website when doing anything on the back-end? [Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 12.37.45 PM](113/cMsZQ04/VVYG1G30VvvxW64ygPz7qmr45W2x7JLQ50n8JGN9fbG9c3lLBmV1-WJV7Cg-_pW5KnlV44BYXS9W5lXYhG4mQPJqW613CSv4YFHXjW2YVcmt4WPmlnW8kFDYc6mh3fDW8vz9F219cF6HW87nxMt96pwYYW9dNJFN18gQGBN1N2NmLp8GQqW6dCRJM2KvHWvW4KKbCH24LlvtN1PM0fncsNKHW5mWBhd8NrfX0W750pyV6SRSwmW53z_Vh8ScFhHVhzMDC9g5XhTW4-Y-ph7KTC9cW4g1bFx1hV6QSW57mcmC5BfZ8hW7n7w1q8QscbWW2BfjN61zl4cXW3sT6FT2SYnfh2jd1) Until next time, happy growing. [Stewart Hillhouse](113/cMsZQ04/VVYG1G30VvvxW64ygPz7qmr45W2x7JLQ50n8JGN9fbG9c3lLBmV1-WJV7CgT2_W3bVcHF6RLWMFW2Vsz_w86L9bwW7g_CPL8clfyKW4VyFLY34VYnFW1MpkDB3zCsYrW4lj-5q5ylGMTW76r78M2Z3K7qW83WY_g3nRxcxN2nnH37ByctKW4yFCjM8DMzy4W1ZThY221bl9zVCvmtK749mWJN4M0k1Gs6XjxW7BF0v57jd0KMW2kzKyN6nRtXMVPZqRl2vwtBGN6Q8GpBm3TPtN40tLPYx1kQLW7Qwpf-1mH9mFW60j0Vp5LDLylN16JSfhpt-Y-W6XQgt41LfQS23n_Q1) Head of Content at Mutiny What does Mutiny do again? Mutiny is a conversion platform that allows marketers to convert more of their top-of-funnel traffic into customers. Mutiny is trusted by Notion, Brex, Snowflake, 6sense, and hundreds more of the fastest growing companies in the world to power their conversion. Want a walkthrough of how Mutiny works? [Take an interactive demo](113/cMsZQ04/VVYG1G30VvvxW64ygPz7qmr45W2x7JLQ50n8JGN9fbGb53lLCfV1-WJV7CgT3VW3_sKF22fvVrQW6Pf_Bz1s_jjfW8gWQl42zwGHkVB7v7K6MbLB3N35xQJB8YzVQMB-ct-Bqk7cV26G-x5Fk7FFW1wK4bZ2lqf1qW5kcJ8F6zRJvlW72X8WR8ljQq4W2JkY407w1l6gW1MKyZ75vffg8W3Dp-JR29jcQTN8Jzl65_3hDHW7BQzcZ8PXKB5VvkP6j8M5sRqW6jw9bn6-5kpyW4GxsYG1BZ2_DV1KMB33PqKhNVlR-Nb3YPvVKW8WqDQf2N6bzKW6JvwtH1LCYjKW4MSwdN7LmS3FW3d-DGQ39T0SWW6nn12G8xSG5JW2kfG713bgPfQW8YTX6k4h0G6cN2gpV0pZX00T3nch1). If you made it this far, you'll fit right in Join [875+ other revenue-focused marketers](113/cMsZQ04/VVYG1G30VvvxW64ygPz7qmr45W2x7JLQ50n8JGN9fbG8D3lLzNV1-WJV7Cg-zKW4BfF-q6H2dy0W2MQJ8j2Bb2DZN1CSvKt1MbVWVQKbLv8D5CZZN7-m81t5fs8JW4JdNPz8RSlsDW7F99Nx1XRhCvW5T6KSP6LJqRCW5Nv5Fn57Rh57W4fYTCw85l_xnW7RqVCq88hSvKW4Z6PK92kP4_fW1My4J-1HBWHXV1z3qY1DhVJ7N5Jdgm4KJ2BDW2mj1562NNJxsW8nHRW19kJqlrW5DYVgP2zhBCL3n0q1) who use M2 to up-level their career and solve their hardest challenges. Members get access to private roundtables, exclusive in-person events, and a community Slack channel. [Get access to the good stuff – apply to M2 today](113/cMsZQ04/VVYG1G30VvvxW64ygPz7qmr45W2x7JLQ50n8JGN9fbG8D3lLzNV1-WJV7CgF9DW74DbSN18_QqCW16YQ2x5ttV7KW6fn7GS6tQfHxW575r2t4zNbQ6W5kKPpJ8kqMXbW5Tcvnp1DzCTmW7Q9G3C1KrHnZN7nCdfrVWMLsN2WmLMnd6ZThW4d2vV51hTJzTW67GGxf9g2_35N514SNmhcVsSW3fxxvP4P-k85W5bz3F51LdBsVW2xyBYT7fKCQJW8LMb501whp_CW1ZXHsS4XZ_MPW2LhH172FhVNW3gZv1). Mutiny HQ, Mission District, San Francisco, California 94110 [Unsubscribe](

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