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The Next Wave: reggie Spreads the Gospel


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Wed, Apr 14, 2021 04:30 PM

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Your weekly dose of music discovery from Pigeons & Planes has landed. Welcome to the latest edition

Your weekly dose of music discovery from Pigeons & Planes has landed. [Pigeons Planes ](#) Welcome to the latest edition of The Next Wave. This week we've got P&P favorite reggie sharing some important gospel songs, a Louisiana artist you can't miss, and some insights into why AG Club is next up. Next week we'll be doing a special edition of The Next Wave that is all about our advice column Dear Pigeons. So if you've got a question for the P&P team, hit us up on socials with the hashtag #DearPigeons for a chance to get your question answered. Now, let's get to it. [Image](#) [Kenny Mason](#) Photo by Juan Nieto reggie Spreads the Gospel reggie has released just three songs, but it only took one, his debut "Southside Fade" to mark him as one of the most exciting new artists out. The Houston-raised, LA-based singer and producer makes music with weight and soul—he might not be the next viral sensation but his art feels as if it will resonate now and for years to come. reggie was brought up in the church and has spoken about gospel music's deep influence on him. Here are three gospel songs that are important to reggie on a personal level and why, in his own words. Voices of Unity - "Who Is Like Our God?" "This song literally moved me. Frfr moved me. I found it by myself and I found it late but I found it at the right time and it’s been my go to ever since." [LISTEN TO "WHO IS LIKE OUR GOD"](~/AAJOsQA~/RgRiWZ2NP0UBM4QBAWh0dHBzOi8vYXBwLmhpdmUuY28vZW1haWwvZWx0Lz9oX3NpZD00MTkyZGJkNWNlLTVhOGY4NGZkZmJkOTliNzA2NDlkMDExNyZoYXNoPTRkYTBiYmE1ODhiZjAwZCZuZXh0PWh0dHBzJTNBLy9tdXNpYy5hcHBsZS5jb20vdXMvYWxidW0vd2hvLWlzLWxpa2Utb3VyLWdvZC8yNTQxNjM1MDUlM0ZpJTNEMjU0MTYzNjM5JTI2dXRtX3NvdXJjZSUzRGhpdmUlMjZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtJTNEZW1haWwlMjZ1dG1fY2FtcGFpZ24lM0RoaXZlX2VtYWlsX2lkXzY0NzAyVwNzcGNCCmB0jRh3YLjisUxSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAAAAA~~) John P. Kee & The New Life Community Church - "Jesus is Real" "Anything John P Kee is my favorite I ain’t gone lie just cause of how he sing. He ain’t conventional but he get the point across Ima always aspire to do the same. 'Jesus is Real' gotta contagious energy he got hella more songs but this one of the ones I always connected with." [LISTEN TO "JESUS IS REAL"](~/AAJOsQA~/RgRiWZ2NP0UBNET7aHR0cHM6Ly9hcHAuaGl2ZS5jby9lbWFpbC9lbHQvP2hfc2lkPTQxOTJkYmQ1Y2UtNWE4Zjg0ZmRmYmQ5OWI3MDY0OWQwMTE3Jmhhc2g9NGRhMGJiYTU4OGJmMDBkJm5leHQ9aHR0cHMlM0EvL211c2ljLmFwcGxlLmNvbS91cy9hbGJ1bS9qZXN1cy1pcy1yZWFsLzI2NDA4OTg5NSUzRmklM0QyNjQwOTA3ODQlMjZ1dG1fc291cmNlJTNEaGl2ZSUyNnV0bV9tZWRpdW0lM0RlbWFpbCUyNnV0bV9jYW1wYWlnbiUzRGhpdmVfZW1haWxfaWRfNjQ3MDJXA3NwY0IKYHSNGHdguOKxTFIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAAA) Kirk Franklin - "Something About The Name Jesus" "Man. 'Something About The Name Jesus' is a crazy song. Not even a crazy gospel song. It’s a crazy song. Big difference. Definitely a gospel song but man they was really having a talent show when they recorded this and you can hear it. And the words are so simple but still hit. It seem like the most minimum song ever till you attempt to sing along. [LISTEN TO "SOMETHING ABOUT THE NAME JESUS"](~/AAJOsQA~/RgRiWZ2NP0UBNYQMAWh0dHBzOi8vYXBwLmhpdmUuY28vZW1haWwvZWx0Lz9oX3NpZD00MTkyZGJkNWNlLTVhOGY4NGZkZmJkOTliNzA2NDlkMDExNyZoYXNoPTRkYTBiYmE1ODhiZjAwZCZuZXh0PWh0dHBzJTNBLy9tdXNpYy5hcHBsZS5jb20vdXMvYWxidW0vc29tZXRoaW5nLWFib3V0LXRoZS1uYW1lLWplc3VzLzMwMzEzMTExNyUzRmklM0QzMDMxMzExNzklMjZ1dG1fc291cmNlJTNEaGl2ZSUyNnV0bV9tZWRpdW0lM0RlbWFpbCUyNnV0bV9jYW1wYWlnbiUzRGhpdmVfZW1haWxfaWRfNjQ3MDJXA3NwY0IKYHSNGHdguOKxTFIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAAA) [Image](#) [Image](#) SSG Kobe SSGKobe’s melodies stick after just one listen. Since 2019, the Louisiana native has been putting out music at a prolific rate with incredible consistency. Singles such as “Nurse,” “Sandlot,” and “FNF” are some of the catchiest melodic rap songs in current rotation and SSGKobe’s entire discography is on par with the highlights. SSGKobe’s accomplishments are even more impressive when you take into consideration that he’s only 17 years old. Only three months into 2021 and SSGKobe has released four tracks and a music video. Earlier this year, he dropped two songs as the night before ko EP. “thrax” features skeletal production with distorted bass and an experimental vocal performance as he shifts into upper registers, while “tired of me” is an emotive reflection of a failing relationship anchored by an indelible melody. The culmination of his work caught the attention of director and Lyrical Lemonade founder Cole Bennett, and SSGKobe’s most recent single “Calabasas” came with a Lyrical Lemonade music video along with a guest verse from $NOT. “Calabasas” features a moody trap instrumental produced by Caspell and one of SSGKobe’s most charismatic performances so far. It feels like a breakout moment for the young up-and-comer, and he hasn’t even released his debut album yet. [WATCH "CALABASAS"](~/AAJOsQA~/RgRiWZ2NP0UBOETPaHR0cHM6Ly9hcHAuaGl2ZS5jby9lbWFpbC9lbHQvP2hfc2lkPTQxOTJkYmQ1Y2UtNWE4Zjg0ZmRmYmQ5OWI3MDY0OWQwMTE3Jmhhc2g9NGRhMGJiYTU4OGJmMDBkJm5leHQ9aHR0cHMlM0EvL3lvdXR1LmJlL1puNFVVVktSLWkwJTNGdXRtX3NvdXJjZSUzRGhpdmUlMjZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtJTNEZW1haWwlMjZ1dG1fY2FtcGFpZ24lM0RoaXZlX2VtYWlsX2lkXzY0NzAyVwNzcGNCCmB0jRh3YLjisUxSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAAAAA~~) [Image](#) [Image](#) Tyler, The Creator, Jasper Dolphin, Hodgy Beats, and the rest of Odd Future raised a legion of kids in the early 2010s, inspiring a generation to revel in their uniqueness and embrace being different. When you get wind of the Bay Area-raised collective AG Club and their collaborative approach to creativity, you might be reminded of what Odd Future accomplished a decade ago. This feels like a natural evolution of their blueprint. The scary part is that AG Club is just getting started. "We just try to consume as much stuff as we possibly can. I feel like that’s why we bond. We just like to listen to all types of music and watch all types of stuff to get inspiration from so many places so everything we make never ends up looking or sounding a certain way." - Jody Fontaine [READ THE FEATURE](~/AAJOsQA~/RgRiWZ2NP0UCMTFE9mh0dHBzOi8vYXBwLmhpdmUuY28vZW1haWwvZWx0Lz9oX3NpZD00MTkyZGJkNWNlLTVhOGY4NGZkZmJkOTliNzA2NDlkMDExNyZoYXNoPTRkYTBiYmE1ODhiZjAwZCZuZXh0PWh0dHBzJTNBLy93d3cuY29tcGxleC5jb20vcGlnZW9ucy1hbmQtcGxhbmVzL2FnLWNsdWItZGl5LXNwaXJpdC1pbnRlcnZpZXclM0Z1dG1fc291cmNlJTNEdHdpdHRlciUyNnV0bV9tZWRpdW0lM0Rzb2NpYWwlMjZ1dG1fY2FtcGFpZ24lM0RwYXBzb2NpYWx0d1cDc3BjQgpgdI0Yd2C44rFMUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~) [Instagram](~/AAJOsQA~/RgRiWZ2NP0UCMTJE1Wh0dHBzOi8vYXBwLmhpdmUuY28vZW1haWwvZWx0Lz9oX3NpZD00MTkyZGJkNWNlLTVhOGY4NGZkZmJkOTliNzA2NDlkMDExNyZoYXNoPTRkYTBiYmE1ODhiZjAwZCZuZXh0PWh0dHBzJTNBLy9pbnN0YWdyYW0uY29tL1BpZ3NBbmRQbGFucyUzRnV0bV9zb3VyY2UlM0RoaXZlJTI2dXRtX21lZGl1bSUzRGVtYWlsJTI2dXRtX2NhbXBhaWduJTNEaGl2ZV9lbWFpbF9pZF82NDcwMlcDc3BjQgpgdI0Yd2C44rFMUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~) [Twitter](~/AAJOsQA~/RgRiWZ2NP0UCMTNE02h0dHBzOi8vYXBwLmhpdmUuY28vZW1haWwvZWx0Lz9oX3NpZD00MTkyZGJkNWNlLTVhOGY4NGZkZmJkOTliNzA2NDlkMDExNyZoYXNoPTRkYTBiYmE1ODhiZjAwZCZuZXh0PWh0dHBzJTNBLy90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9QaWdzQW5kUGxhbnMlM0Z1dG1fc291cmNlJTNEaGl2ZSUyNnV0bV9tZWRpdW0lM0RlbWFpbCUyNnV0bV9jYW1wYWlnbiUzRGhpdmVfZW1haWxfaWRfNjQ3MDJXA3NwY0IKYHSNGHdguOKxTFIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAAA) [YouTube](~/AAJOsQA~/RgRiWZ2NP0UCMTRE4Gh0dHBzOi8vYXBwLmhpdmUuY28vZW1haWwvZWx0Lz9oX3NpZD00MTkyZGJkNWNlLTVhOGY4NGZkZmJkOTliNzA2NDlkMDExNyZoYXNoPTRkYTBiYmE1ODhiZjAwZCZuZXh0PWh0dHBzJTNBLy93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vdXNlci9QaWdlb25zQW5kUGxhbmVzJTNGdXRtX3NvdXJjZSUzRGhpdmUlMjZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtJTNEZW1haWwlMjZ1dG1fY2FtcGFpZ24lM0RoaXZlX2VtYWlsX2lkXzY0NzAyVwNzcGNCCmB0jRh3YLjisUxSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAAAAA~~) [Facebook](~/AAJOsQA~/RgRiWZ2NP0UCMTVE1Gh0dHBzOi8vYXBwLmhpdmUuY28vZW1haWwvZWx0Lz9oX3NpZD00MTkyZGJkNWNlLTVhOGY4NGZkZmJkOTliNzA2NDlkMDExNyZoYXNoPTRkYTBiYmE1ODhiZjAwZCZuZXh0PWh0dHBzJTNBLy9mYWNlYm9vay5jb20vUGlnc0FuZFBsYW5zJTNGdXRtX3NvdXJjZSUzRGhpdmUlMjZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtJTNEZW1haWwlMjZ1dG1fY2FtcGFpZ24lM0RoaXZlX2VtYWlsX2lkXzY0NzAyVwNzcGNCCmB0jRh3YLjisUxSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAAAAA~~) [Image](#) © 2021 Complex Media Inc. 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