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Academe Today: After Texas’ DEI bans, administrators got "creative." Then they got in trouble.


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Wed, Mar 6, 2024 10:02 AM

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Texas Tech suspends professor over war comments; Liberty U. is fined $14 million for Clery Act viola

Texas Tech suspends professor over war comments; Liberty U. is fined $14 million for Clery Act violations; a guide to crisis leadership; and more. ADVERTISEMENT [Academe Today Logo]( You can also [read this newsletter on the web](. Or, if you no longer want to receive this newsletter, [unsubscribe](. TRYING TO COMPLY [After Texas’ DEI Bans, Administrators Got ‘Creative.’ Then They Got in Trouble.]( By Katherine Mangan [STORY IMAGE]( A right-wing organization’s undercover video highlights the confusion and hysteria around SB 17. ADVERTISEMENT FREE SPEECH [Texas Tech Suspends Professor Over Alleged ‘Hateful, Antisemitic’ Posts]( By Michael Vasquez [STORY IMAGE]( The professor, Jairo Fúnez-Flores, said criticism from university leaders felt like “character assassination.” CAMPUS SAFETY [Liberty U. Fined $14 Million by Education Dept. Over ‘Extensive’ Violations of Clery Act]( By Sonel Cutler [STORY IMAGE]( The historic fine is the result of an investigation that found the university imperiled campus safety and created a “culture of silence,” discouraging victims from reporting crimes. SPONSOR CONTENT | Florida Atlantic University [Low Income to High Outcomes]( BACKGROUNDER [How Money and Liberty U.’s Leadership Culture Led It Astray]( By Michael Vasquez [STORY IMAGE]( The evangelical institution has long had different sets of rules — one for believers and another for the powerful. RACE ON CAMPUS [Can AI Close Racial Disparities?]( By Daarel Burnette II [STORY IMAGE]( The technology could narrow or widen opportunity gaps within higher education, depending on how leaders react. NEWSLETTER [Sign Up for the Teaching Newsletter]( Find insights to improve teaching and learning across your campus. Delivered on Thursdays. To read this newsletter as soon as it sends, [sign up]( to receive it in your email inbox. Virtual Events: Tune In Live STUDENT SUCCESS [Sharpening the Social-Mobility Mission]( [STORY IMAGE]( UPCOMING: March 12, 2024 | 2 p.m. ET. College is often seen as a chance at economic opportunity. But does that hold true? Join us to explore the connection between college degrees and social mobility. With Support From Ascendium. [Register here.]( STUDENT SUCCESS [Building Successful Graduate Programs]( [STORY IMAGE]( UPCOMING: March 13, 2024 | 2 p.m. ET. Join experts to explore updated strategies that universities can use in their graduate programs. With Support From Evidence In Motion. [Register here.]( INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS [Innovative Interdisciplinary Programs]( [STORY IMAGE]( UPCOMING: March 20, 2024 | 2 p.m. ET. Join experts to learn how the programs have expanded to research how communities face earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters. With Support From Southern Methodist University. [Register here.]( SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHRONICLE Enjoying the newsletter? [Subscribe today]( for unlimited access to essential news, analysis, and advice. Views ADVICE [A Guide to Crisis Leadership]( By David M. Post [STORY IMAGE]( Four lessons for deans, provosts, and presidents on how to manage a crisis, whether its origins are internal or external. SPONSOR CONTENT | Chapman University [An Invitation to the Universe]( A collaboration between a Nobel-prize winning physicist from Caltech and an artist and department chair from Chapman takes viewers on a warped journey through wormholes and the birth of the universe. ADVERTISEMENT FROM THE CHRONICLE STORE [Fostering Students' Free Expression - Buy Now]( [Fostering Students' Free Expression]( Many colleges are trying to expose students to views and ideas that challenge their own thinking. [Order your copy]( to explore how professors and administrators are cultivating environments that encourage discussion of difficult topics — in the classroom and beyond. Upcoming Workshop [The Chronicle's Women Leading Change Program | Spring 2024] [Join us this spring]( for a virtual professional development program designed for women leaders across various roles in higher ed. This workshop series will help participants better understand the complex set of challenges they may face and think creatively to implement transformative change on their campuses. [Reserve your spot today!]( JOB OPPORTUNITIES [Operations and Supply Chain Management Faculty Positions Open Rank]( Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina [Assistant Professor of Exercise Science; Degree Program Coordinator]( Truett McConnell University [President]( Utah Tech University [Search other jobs.]( CAREER RESOURCES [Career Resources]( [Read the March collection]( for insights on navigating the anticipation of job offers. Explore our topics on how hiring decisions transpire, managing anxiety, and what to do if you receive an offer! 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