Gantz email design inspirations, newsletters, and email subjects




Total result: 421
of 5
IDF names 9 terrorists killed in UN school, slams media for trusting Hamas * Biden: PM heeded Rafah warning * Gantz set to quit gov’t Sat. * European Jewish self-defense
IDF names 9 terrorists killed in UN school, slams media for trusting Hamas * Biden: PM heeded Rafah warning * Gantz set to quit gov’t Sat. * European Jewish self-defense
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IDF controls Gaza-Egypt border * PM gets poll boost; Gantz party submits election bill * Israelis in shadow of W Bank Hamas gunmen *Khameini hails US anti-Israel students
IDF controls Gaza-Egypt border * PM gets poll boost; Gantz party submits election bill * Israelis in shadow of W Bank Hamas gunmen *Khameini hails US anti-Israel students
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What Israel Needs; the Editor Who Discovered Anne Frank; the Gantz Game Plan
What Israel Needs; the Editor Who Discovered Anne Frank; the Gantz Game Plan
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Mixed Messages
Mixed Messages
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Monday Briefing: Iran’s president killed in helicopter crash
Monday Briefing: Iran’s president killed in helicopter crash
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Iran president in helicopter crash * Smotrich threatens Hezbollah with invasion * 50 Egypt-Rafah tunnels found * Gantz to PM: Adopt post-war Gaza plan by June 8 or I quit
Iran president in helicopter crash * Smotrich threatens Hezbollah with invasion * 50 Egypt-Rafah tunnels found * Gantz to PM: Adopt post-war Gaza plan by June 8 or I quit
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Blinken to Hamas: Take ‘extraordinarily generous’ Israeli offer * PM caught between Gantz, far-right threats on deal * Researchers boycotted * WH raps campus antisemitism
Blinken to Hamas: Take ‘extraordinarily generous’ Israeli offer * PM caught between Gantz, far-right threats on deal * Researchers boycotted * WH raps campus antisemitism
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LIVE: US veto uncertain as UN poised to vote on ceasefire * IDF: Hamas firing from Shifa emergency room, maternity ward * PM amends Haredi draft bill; Gantz still opposed
LIVE: US veto uncertain as UN poised to vote on ceasefire * IDF: Hamas firing from Shifa emergency room, maternity ward * PM amends Haredi draft bill; Gantz still opposed
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PM assails Schumer for seeking his ouster * Trump warns of ’bloodbath’ if not elected * Germany’s central bank confronts Nazi past * New: DOCU NATION for ToI Community
PM assails Schumer for seeking his ouster * Trump warns of ’bloodbath’ if not elected * Germany’s central bank confronts Nazi past * New: DOCU NATION for ToI Community
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Top Israeli: US seeking to oust PM; DC looks to contain rift * Gaza aid sent overland through Israel * Op-ed: Glazer’s misdiagnosis * Israel prefers Trump to Biden 44-30%
Top Israeli: US seeking to oust PM; DC looks to contain rift * Gaza aid sent overland through Israel * Op-ed: Glazer’s misdiagnosis * Israel prefers Trump to Biden 44-30%
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UN to debate Hamas Oct. 7 sexual violence * Exclusive: How Yemen’s last Jews were rescued * US to build aid pier on Gaza coast * Did PM put Gantz at risk of arrest in UK?
UN to debate Hamas Oct. 7 sexual violence * Exclusive: How Yemen’s last Jews were rescued * US to build aid pier on Gaza coast * Did PM put Gantz at risk of arrest in UK?
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IDF starts probing pre-Oct. 7 failures * Hostage talks deadlocked * Shocked by ’the intensity of the hate’ – Abe Foxman int’w * 1st deadly Houthi attack on merchant ship
IDF starts probing pre-Oct. 7 failures * Hostage talks deadlocked * Shocked by ’the intensity of the hate’ – Abe Foxman int’w * 1st deadly Houthi attack on merchant ship
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Netanyahu blamed for deadly Meron crush * What Biden’s top aides told Gantz * PM okays Ramadan Temple Mt access * Horovitz Op-ed: Most worrying period for Jews since WWII
Netanyahu blamed for deadly Meron crush * What Biden’s top aides told Gantz * PM okays Ramadan Temple Mt access * Horovitz Op-ed: Most worrying period for Jews since WWII
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Hamas ’doesn’t know’ which hostages alive * Harris hosting Gantz * Border residents who no longer see conciliation * Jewish actress told not safe to leave London theater
Hamas ’doesn’t know’ which hostages alive * Harris hosting Gantz * Border residents who no longer see conciliation * Jewish actress told not safe to leave London theater
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14 soldiers killed * 86 of 155 homes damaged at northern border kibbutz * IDF: Kid-sized explosive belts found in Gaza civilian shelter * What future for Tunisia’s Jews?
14 soldiers killed * 86 of 155 homes damaged at northern border kibbutz * IDF: Kid-sized explosive belts found in Gaza civilian shelter * What future for Tunisia’s Jews?
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The Evening: Colleges grapple with antisemitism concerns
The Evening: Colleges grapple with antisemitism concerns
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Tuesday Briefing: An Israeli warning to Hezbollah
Tuesday Briefing: An Israeli warning to Hezbollah
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LIVE: Truce strained ahead of next hostage releases * Hamas makes hostages wave g’bye * Nightmare deepens for baby Kfir, family * Hamas wants Arab Israeli prisoners freed
LIVE: Truce strained ahead of next hostage releases * Hamas makes hostages wave g’bye * Nightmare deepens for baby Kfir, family * Hamas wants Arab Israeli prisoners freed
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LIVE: Today’s hostage releases delayed; Egypt says deal near for today and two more days of releases * Biden calls family of freed Avigail, 4 * Musk tours ravaged kibbutz
LIVE: Today’s hostage releases delayed; Egypt says deal near for today and two more days of releases * Biden calls family of freed Avigail, 4 * Musk tours ravaged kibbutz
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At US request, Israel lets some fuel into Gaza * Marching with the hostage families * Bin Laden screed is TikTok hit * ToI in Gaza’s Shati * Liberal Jews’ DC rally lament
At US request, Israel lets some fuel into Gaza * Marching with the hostage families * Bin Laden screed is TikTok hit * ToI in Gaza’s Shati * Liberal Jews’ DC rally lament
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Top Stories from
Top Stories from
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IDF assassinates Hamas commander, hits 250+ targets
IDF assassinates Hamas commander, hits 250+ targets
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Netanyahu's support is collapsing
Netanyahu's support is collapsing
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Sovereign Hearts
Sovereign Hearts
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Speaker Scalise? Maybe.
Speaker Scalise? Maybe.
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Netanyahu, Gantz Put Rivalry Aside to Form Unity Government Amid Gaza War
Netanyahu, Gantz Put Rivalry Aside to Form Unity Government Amid Gaza War
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Gantz: PM’s plea for judicial talks is ’spin’ * 2 hurt in J’lem terror stabbing * Revealed: FTX’s binary options connection * Explained: Early humans’ strange carved orbs
Gantz: PM’s plea for judicial talks is ’spin’ * 2 hurt in J’lem terror stabbing * Revealed: FTX’s binary options connection * Explained: Early humans’ strange carved orbs
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Iraq seeks civilian nuclear program * Soldier killed in truck-ramming terror * Iran says it foiled Mossad missile sabotage * Elron panned for Supreme Court presidency bid
Iraq seeks civilian nuclear program * Soldier killed in truck-ramming terror * Iran says it foiled Mossad missile sabotage * Elron panned for Supreme Court presidency bid
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PM slams anti-overhaul reservists * Gantz: Don’t tear Israel apart * Biden to speak to PM; Herzog heads to US * Explained: PM’s heart monitor * Binary options testimony
PM slams anti-overhaul reservists * Gantz: Don’t tear Israel apart * Biden to speak to PM; Herzog heads to US * Explained: PM’s heart monitor * Binary options testimony
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Stream AJC Global Forum-Featuring Isaac Herzog, Benny Gantz, and More
Stream AJC Global Forum-Featuring Isaac Herzog, Benny Gantz, and More
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Foreign worker badly hurt by Gaza rocket, after Islamic Jihad hunger-striker dies * Inside Story: J’lem’s Tolerance Museum * Women’s minister booted for slamming woman MK
Foreign worker badly hurt by Gaza rocket, after Islamic Jihad hunger-striker dies * Inside Story: J’lem’s Tolerance Museum * Women’s minister booted for slamming woman MK
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PM, Lapid, Gantz urge divided Israel to respect Memorial Day * Visiting US Jews lobbied against overhaul * Life in absentia for Paris shul bomber * Arthur Miller’s tale
PM, Lapid, Gantz urge divided Israel to respect Memorial Day * Visiting US Jews lobbied against overhaul * Life in absentia for Paris shul bomber * Arthur Miller’s tale
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Likud is losing to Gantz, polls say
Likud is losing to Gantz, polls say
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Holocaust Day: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising is focus of Yad Vashem event * Leo Dee: No hatred for killers * Ben Gvir, ADL row on Jewish racism * Spitting at Old City Christians
Holocaust Day: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising is focus of Yad Vashem event * Leo Dee: No hatred for killers * Ben Gvir, ADL row on Jewish racism * Spitting at Old City Christians
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After pausing overhaul, PM to get US invite * Right-wing extremists attack TV crew, Arabs * Herzog invites sides to dialogue * Horovitz: Why he paused * Hametz law passes
After pausing overhaul, PM to get US invite * Right-wing extremists attack TV crew, Arabs * Herzog invites sides to dialogue * Horovitz: Why he paused * Hametz law passes
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BREAKING NEWS: Netanyahu announces delay of overhaul push to enable dialogue, avoid ‘civil war,’ but says laws will pass ’one way or another’ * Gantz says ’better late than never’
BREAKING NEWS: Netanyahu announces delay of overhaul push to enable dialogue, avoid ‘civil war,’ but says laws will pass ’one way or another’ * Gantz says ’better late than never’
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BREAKING NEWS: President unveils his framework for reform * PM rejects it, Gantz accepts it, Lapid considers it * It denies coalition control of choosing judges, protects basic rights
BREAKING NEWS: President unveils his framework for reform * PM rejects it, Gantz accepts it, Lapid considers it * It denies coalition control of choosing judges, protects basic rights
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PM open to ’counter offers’ on overhaul * Tech CEO says he’s leaving, urges others to follow * Blinken lists Israeli moves US will oppose * A life of shame and secrets
PM open to ’counter offers’ on overhaul * Tech CEO says he’s leaving, urges others to follow * Blinken lists Israeli moves US will oppose * A life of shame and secrets
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Coalition MK: Arrest ’treasonous’ Lapid, Gantz * Ex-justice: ’Democratic dictatorship’ looms * Op-ed: Calmly fix checks & balances *UN exhibit: When world turned its back
Coalition MK: Arrest ’treasonous’ Lapid, Gantz * Ex-justice: ’Democratic dictatorship’ looms * Op-ed: Calmly fix checks & balances *UN exhibit: When world turned its back
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Gov’t aims to overhaul judiciary by March; will select judges * Gantz: Take to the streets * Smotrich: No interest in PA’s existence * In Lodz, a trove hidden from Nazis
Gov’t aims to overhaul judiciary by March; will select judges * Gantz: Take to the streets * Smotrich: No interest in PA’s existence * In Lodz, a trove hidden from Nazis
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Will Deri law be struck down? High Court hears arguments today
Will Deri law be struck down? High Court hears arguments today
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Trump dines with vicious antisemite * Gantz: With key security role, Ben Gvir real PM * Drugs all along Israel coast * NY’s yummy Deli exhibit * ’Rothschilds of the East’
Trump dines with vicious antisemite * Gantz: With key security role, Ben Gvir real PM * Drugs all along Israel coast * NY’s yummy Deli exhibit * ’Rothschilds of the East’
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Israeli killed in Hebron terror * Ben Gvir to demand law that would cancel Netanyahu trial * Election key: Arab turnout * ’Antisemitism’ at Kotel? * Lapid tours gas field
Israeli killed in Hebron terror * Ben Gvir to demand law that would cancel Netanyahu trial * Election key: Arab turnout * ’Antisemitism’ at Kotel? * Lapid tours gas field
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Far-right Netanyahu ally unveils bid to neuter judiciary * Israel fumes at Australia’s J’lem reversal * Key reveals in Bibi’s book * White House raps Trump ’antisemitism’
Far-right Netanyahu ally unveils bid to neuter judiciary * Israel fumes at Australia’s J’lem reversal * Key reveals in Bibi’s book * White House raps Trump ’antisemitism’
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Iran protests enter 5th week * Beit El man shot in sukkah * Rise of Pentecostal Christianity * Israeli ex-Saudi’s plea * Why won’t Israel help Ukraine on missile defense
Iran protests enter 5th week * Beit El man shot in sukkah * Rise of Pentecostal Christianity * Israeli ex-Saudi’s plea * Why won’t Israel help Ukraine on missile defense
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Soldier shot dead at point-blank range at J’lem checkpoint; friends mourn ’wonderful girl’ * Chikli, Balad can run in election * How Israel found Syria’s nuclear reactor
Soldier shot dead at point-blank range at J’lem checkpoint; friends mourn ’wonderful girl’ * Chikli, Balad can run in election * How Israel found Syria’s nuclear reactor
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ToI’s weekly deep dive: Miami Boys Choir alum * Stoppard’s alt-neu Broadway play * Year to Nizar Banat killing * Introducing Paralyzed Nation * Podcast: IPO’s Lahav Shani
ToI’s weekly deep dive: Miami Boys Choir alum * Stoppard’s alt-neu Broadway play * Year to Nizar Banat killing * Introducing Paralyzed Nation * Podcast: IPO’s Lahav Shani
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Abbas claims he scolded Blinken * Israel takes step to civil marriage * The plot against Netanyahu * Found Hitler’s V2s, died in Israeli obscurity * Nanotech chemo boost
Abbas claims he scolded Blinken * Israel takes step to civil marriage * The plot against Netanyahu * Found Hitler’s V2s, died in Israeli obscurity * Nanotech chemo boost
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4 Palestinian gunmen killed in clash with IDF * Iran demos: Will this time be different? * Ramat Gan mayor won’t remove Ben Gvir ’banish enemy’ poster * Nefertiti found?
4 Palestinian gunmen killed in clash with IDF * Iran demos: Will this time be different? * Ramat Gan mayor won’t remove Ben Gvir ’banish enemy’ poster * Nefertiti found?
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Mother, daughter gunned down in Lod * Next to F-35, Lapid warns Iran * ToI original video: Ramle & Lod, a tale of 2 cities * Blogs: The angels who saved my husband’s life
Mother, daughter gunned down in Lod * Next to F-35, Lapid warns Iran * ToI original video: Ramle & Lod, a tale of 2 cities * Blogs: The angels who saved my husband’s life
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Parents indicted for raping their daughter for 13 years
Parents indicted for raping their daughter for 13 years
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US hints at Iran military option * Netanyahu brokers far-right deal * Ari Folman to ToI on animating Anne Frank * Ancient Jewish Galilee city * Female Russian spy at NATO
US hints at Iran military option * Netanyahu brokers far-right deal * Ari Folman to ToI on animating Anne Frank * Ancient Jewish Galilee city * Female Russian spy at NATO
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7 hurt in terror shooting near Kotel * UN official loses post after condemning rocket fire at Israel * Eisenkot, Kahana join Gantz * Zvika Pik dies * Blogs: Rushdie & me
7 hurt in terror shooting near Kotel * UN official loses post after condemning rocket fire at Israel * Eisenkot, Kahana join Gantz * Zvika Pik dies * Blogs: Rushdie & me
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Will the Gaza ceasefire last and why is Israel obsessed with a dog's death?
Will the Gaza ceasefire last and why is Israel obsessed with a dog's death?
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Kushner: Trump fumed at Netanyahu’s annexation plans, weighed endorsing Gantz * Lapid drops rare nuke hint * ToI in Kharkiv * Medical residents threaten to quit en masse
Kushner: Trump fumed at Netanyahu’s annexation plans, weighed endorsing Gantz * Lapid drops rare nuke hint * ToI in Kharkiv * Medical residents threaten to quit en masse
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Is the opening of Saudi airspace a sign of normalization with Israel?
Is the opening of Saudi airspace a sign of normalization with Israel?
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How American Jews stayed white * Joe Biden gets Israel * Liberal Jews in the Rebbe’s Christian America * The Gantz-Sa’ar merger makes sense * The magic of medical clowns
How American Jews stayed white * Joe Biden gets Israel * Liberal Jews in the Rebbe’s Christian America * The Gantz-Sa’ar merger makes sense * The magic of medical clowns
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Gantz, Sa’ar join forces * Analysis: Pragmatism over idealism in Biden’s Saudi trip * 4th vaccine cuts elderly COVID deaths by 72% * Suitcases trashed at Israel’s airport
Gantz, Sa’ar join forces * Analysis: Pragmatism over idealism in Biden’s Saudi trip * 4th vaccine cuts elderly COVID deaths by 72% * Suitcases trashed at Israel’s airport
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Signal to Israel? Saudi cleric who toured Auschwitz gives major sermon * Biden, Lapid reach out to Riyadh * Gantz, Sa’ar plan joint run * Israel OKs online civil marriage
Signal to Israel? Saudi cleric who toured Auschwitz gives major sermon * Biden, Lapid reach out to Riyadh * Gantz, Sa’ar plan joint run * Israel OKs online civil marriage
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Synagogue staffer, Mexican grandpa among 6 dead in Chicago * ToI investigates: Kotel fracas – ’Israel at its lowest’ * Witness describes Netanyahus’ constant gift demands
Synagogue staffer, Mexican grandpa among 6 dead in Chicago * ToI investigates: Kotel fracas – ’Israel at its lowest’ * Witness describes Netanyahus’ constant gift demands
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Israel’s Gantz meets Modi and Rajnath, defence ties to deepen
Israel’s Gantz meets Modi and Rajnath, defence ties to deepen
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Israeli defence minister Benny Gantz to visit India next week
Israeli defence minister Benny Gantz to visit India next week
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Gantz issues Iran bomb warning * No more masks on planes * Hezbollah loses majority, grows as a threat * Police attacked at E J’lem funeral * Where Herod got his bathtubs
Gantz issues Iran bomb warning * No more masks on planes * Hezbollah loses majority, grows as a threat * Police attacked at E J’lem funeral * Where Herod got his bathtubs
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Clergyman slams cops as video shows them in hospital before funeral * ToI investigates: Abuse in Haredi world * Murderer & a startup * Blogs: Why I came out of the closet
Clergyman slams cops as video shows them in hospital before funeral * ToI investigates: Abuse in Haredi world * Murderer & a startup * Blogs: Why I came out of the closet
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Palestinian nabbed for killing elderly Jerusalem couple in 2019 * Ben Gurion airport chaos * Laser system downs drones * ’Father unknown’: Biblical status, modern problem
Palestinian nabbed for killing elderly Jerusalem couple in 2019 * Ben Gurion airport chaos * Laser system downs drones * ’Father unknown’: Biblical status, modern problem
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As coalition teeters, Yamina MK issues ultimatum * Haviv Rettig Gur: Return to paralysis * Why Israel leaves holes in West Bank barrier * When Putin used chemicals in UK
As coalition teeters, Yamina MK issues ultimatum * Haviv Rettig Gur: Return to paralysis * Why Israel leaves holes in West Bank barrier * When Putin used chemicals in UK
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Russia invades Ukraine, nears Kyiv * Zelensky compares Moscow to Nazi Germany * Israel slams violation of world order * Kyiv shul opens as refuge * How to get out by land
Russia invades Ukraine, nears Kyiv * Zelensky compares Moscow to Nazi Germany * Israel slams violation of world order * Kyiv shul opens as refuge * How to get out by land
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Israel backs Ukraine’s sovereignty * Trump hails ’genius’ Putin * Gantz deepens coalition rift * Oxygen therapy can reduce PTSD * Netanyahu: Iran deal spells nuclear ME
Israel backs Ukraine’s sovereignty * Trump hails ’genius’ Putin * Gantz deepens coalition rift * Oxygen therapy can reduce PTSD * Netanyahu: Iran deal spells nuclear ME
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FM reprimands Ukraine ambassador for saying Lapid ‘adopted Russian rhetoric’
FM reprimands Ukraine ambassador for saying Lapid ‘adopted Russian rhetoric’
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Israel said to drill for ’massive attack on Iran,’ with US officer present * ABC suspends Whoopi Goldberg * Found: Oldest evidence of humans in Israel * Gantz in Bahrain
Israel said to drill for ’massive attack on Iran,’ with US officer present * ABC suspends Whoopi Goldberg * Found: Oldest evidence of humans in Israel * Gantz in Bahrain
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Gantz hosts PA’s Abbas * Israeli hit by Gaza gunfire * Facing Omicron, Israel said mulling herd immunity * Chief rabbi freezes all conversions * NJ Olympic skating hope
Gantz hosts PA’s Abbas * Israeli hit by Gaza gunfire * Facing Omicron, Israel said mulling herd immunity * Chief rabbi freezes all conversions * NJ Olympic skating hope
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Trump savages Netanyahu for congratulating Biden; Netanyahu: I had to * Gantz in US: Iran building up forces to attack us * Calif. Muslim leader: Beware ’polite Zionists’
Trump savages Netanyahu for congratulating Biden; Netanyahu: I had to * Gantz in US: Iran building up forces to attack us * Calif. Muslim leader: Beware ’polite Zionists’
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New X-ray machine could allow fast diagnosis of COVID pneumonia
New X-ray machine could allow fast diagnosis of COVID pneumonia
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New COVID variant: PM warns of emergency; 1st cases found; Africa flights barred * Israel-US friction on Iran * Leonard Cohen’s divine sources * Atarot housing grounded
New COVID variant: PM warns of emergency; 1st cases found; Africa flights barred * Israel-US friction on Iran * Leonard Cohen’s divine sources * Atarot housing grounded
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US general: Iran very close to bomb * Saga of J’lem Airport * Probe urged into ’pimped’ female soldiers claims * Amid NSO scandal, cyber tech sales cut * Animal-free food
US general: Iran very close to bomb * Saga of J’lem Airport * Probe urged into ’pimped’ female soldiers claims * Amid NSO scandal, cyber tech sales cut * Animal-free food
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In Morocco, Gantz signs unique defense pact * Israel, Belgium in settlement row * Why ’Lucky Jew’ dolls are so popular in Poland * Blog: The US, the IDF, & access to guns
In Morocco, Gantz signs unique defense pact * Israel, Belgium in settlement row * Why ’Lucky Jew’ dolls are so popular in Poland * Blog: The US, the IDF, & access to guns
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Top Stories from
Top Stories from
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UK fully barring Hamas * German justice was contaminated by Nazis for decades after war * When US judge said ’gas the kikes’ * Autism ’wake-up call’ * What Erdogan wanted
UK fully barring Hamas * German justice was contaminated by Nazis for decades after war * When US judge said ’gas the kikes’ * Autism ’wake-up call’ * What Erdogan wanted
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Gantz’s cleaner sought to spy on him for Iran * Turkey frees bus-driver couple it suspected were spies * Breakthrough: How germs dodge drugs * A revelatory Esther scroll
Gantz’s cleaner sought to spy on him for Iran * Turkey frees bus-driver couple it suspected were spies * Breakthrough: How germs dodge drugs * A revelatory Esther scroll
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3,000 settlement homes okayed; US steps up criticism * Daily briefing: Will we vaccinate our kids? * ’Jewface’ Joan Rivers series scrapped * Major kashrut reform advances
3,000 settlement homes okayed; US steps up criticism * Daily briefing: Will we vaccinate our kids? * ’Jewface’ Joan Rivers series scrapped * Major kashrut reform advances
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Israel killed Iran’s top nuke scentist with remote-operated gun – NYT * Unfazed by Israeli data, FDA panel limits 3rd shot * Europe’s Jewish palaces * ’Jinx’ Durst guilty
Israel killed Iran’s top nuke scentist with remote-operated gun – NYT * Unfazed by Israeli data, FDA panel limits 3rd shot * Europe’s Jewish palaces * ’Jinx’ Durst guilty
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Bennett’s greatest challenge might be Benny Gantz
Bennett’s greatest challenge might be Benny Gantz
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Border Police officer dies 9 days after shot by Gazan * My Shabbat with Bennett * PM mulls helping transport Afghan refugees * Selling history? Pre-Shoah papers auctioned
Border Police officer dies 9 days after shot by Gazan * My Shabbat with Bennett * PM mulls helping transport Afghan refugees * Selling history? Pre-Shoah papers auctioned
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Lebanon rockets hit Israel * 1st Jerusalem evidence of biblical earthquake * Gantz names Iranians in deadly ship attack * Hotter, longer: Data shows rise in Israel temps
Lebanon rockets hit Israel * 1st Jerusalem evidence of biblical earthquake * Gantz names Iranians in deadly ship attack * Hotter, longer: Data shows rise in Israel temps
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Unilever disavows BDS; Ben & Jerry’s board chair: ‘I am not antisemitic’
Unilever disavows BDS; Ben & Jerry’s board chair: ‘I am not antisemitic’
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Clashes in Jerusalem as flag march heads to Old City
Clashes in Jerusalem as flag march heads to Old City
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Bennett to praise Netanyahu at Sunday swearing-in * TV: PM’s 3-year offer to Gantz * Haredim rip Women of Wall prayer books * Meet German army’s  1st post-Nazi chief rabbi
Bennett to praise Netanyahu at Sunday swearing-in * TV: PM’s 3-year offer to Gantz * Haredim rip Women of Wall prayer books * Meet German army’s 1st post-Nazi chief rabbi
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Facing defeat, coalition members lament missteps * Netanyahu briefly weighed run for president * Op-ed: A chance for national healing * Oral COVID vaccine advances
Facing defeat, coalition members lament missteps * Netanyahu briefly weighed run for president * Op-ed: A chance for national healing * Oral COVID vaccine advances
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Netanyahu asks Gantz to delay evacuation of settler outpost
Netanyahu asks Gantz to delay evacuation of settler outpost
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Flag march to go ahead after Netanyahu, Gantz reach agreement
Flag march to go ahead after Netanyahu, Gantz reach agreement
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Bennett-Lapid gov’t set to be sworn in Sunday * Orbach says he’ll back gov’t, for 61-59 majority * Haredi MKs: Jewish state in danger if wicked  Bennett succeeds Netanyahu
Bennett-Lapid gov’t set to be sworn in Sunday * Orbach says he’ll back gov’t, for 61-59 majority * Haredi MKs: Jewish state in danger if wicked Bennett succeeds Netanyahu
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Gantz orders seizure of Hamas terror items as Gaza borders remain closed
Gantz orders seizure of Hamas terror items as Gaza borders remain closed
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Five Israelis reportedly killed in Italy’s cable car accident
Five Israelis reportedly killed in Italy’s cable car accident
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Political bedlam: PM names ally as justice minister, backtracks ahead of court ruling, lets Gantz have job * Blog: My friend the missionary * Va ccines don’t harm ovaries
Political bedlam: PM names ally as justice minister, backtracks ahead of court ruling, lets Gantz have job * Blog: My friend the missionary * Va ccines don’t harm ovaries
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Netanyahu blinks, finally makes Gantz justice minister
Netanyahu blinks, finally makes Gantz justice minister
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Netanyahu offers premiership to Gantz
Netanyahu offers premiership to Gantz
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Turkey’s genocide blackmail: Threats to work closer with Iran and Russia
Turkey’s genocide blackmail: Threats to work closer with Iran and Russia
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Gantz: If quiet is not kept, Gaza will suffer
Gantz: If quiet is not kept, Gaza will suffer
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Iran blames Israel, vows to avenge Natanz attack * Nuke program ’set back 9 months’ * Gantz probes leaks * Bennett: Likud has my support * Ra’am : We won’t change charter
Iran blames Israel, vows to avenge Natanz attack * Nuke program ’set back 9 months’ * Gantz probes leaks * Bennett: Likud has my support * Ra’am : We won’t change charter
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Israeli, Jewish leaders mourn Prince Philip * Israel may let tourist groups in * Meet the veteran labor activist battling Amazon in Alabama * Eg ypt finds vast ’lost city’
Israeli, Jewish leaders mourn Prince Philip * Israel may let tourist groups in * Meet the veteran labor activist battling Amazon in Alabama * Eg ypt finds vast ’lost city’
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