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{NAME}, we're celebrating! 🎉


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Tue, Apr 11, 2023 08:13 AM

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Thank you for twelve years... so FAR! The Biggest deals of the year. The most exciting new wines. Ex

Thank you for twelve years... so FAR! The Biggest deals of the year. The most exciting new wines. Expected to sell out seconds! ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ [vinomofo logo](113/czFL104/VWS7sD7Hkq5RW3KvFMB8vhp_6W3Z50n14Zd5ZxN8_nRGw3q3n_V1-WJV7CgTPmW84Cgt36H5mkxVN5tzx1ch2g3W6bMZhS8SRjlXN1R2sKdsvGJ5W8l3MGD70mPt7W6sSptg5tk9jkW8xGPNm7v4p_WW7GgD0Q6TF7pxW5pqjXN71dr8XW3RwKc08g11mKW4LL5sp4TXrFhW5vjgPz7JQK_LW2VBxcc4Kdn2xW5w4yGv5c1-2xW43VG8S3-_KgmW8ZJ9X735Tq92W9cHmXH2-y3vjW59MQtp7kJJbnW7pNWrY7-w4nMW4d9FFm2ZcgJhW57BT793dgsVCVPdMsX13Xj2wW7Vffl07jY2s8W1KSsq25wTXFPM6nn5NycrMlW5dd4V530GdPn3l8g1) [EDM DEDICATED 1200x1700](113/czFL104/VWS7sD7Hkq5RW3KvFMB8vhp_6W3Z50n14Zd5ZxN8_nRGQ3q3phV1-WJV7CgYwxW7hZ3Tz1kTbKJW5-FSr13bpkLHW2yRJ0H4tDCgZW28BYRZ143QNxW6Pf2nK6QQbPmW3PfHkt8Q5zYHW7ww0wc8Q67hHW7PtMkv5msfYBW98QxdS253j-3W3MjWt67jzb06W6fMyqS5Zbk7BM6sDgzNWkSFN58k1JwhJLM0W82VkxY8Hm5-0W7bSPXf4s2BQMW33p-Ps8RPVNvW1SYDhV4B4q8NW6XWTfL5dyNmWVg1PkJ9gLjcRW74_whq4jtwFcN68BMM5LzV4DW5jggqg7YDYbTW8RTBYv8sgyh0W3hCJPL9fHGnVW8tM_Yv3K78C2W42y3nh3YpTY3W7HrQpk1--4MxW8XN5HK6DRWlV34-01) {NAME}, tomorrow is a big day for Vinomofo… On April 12th, Vinomofo turns 12! We’d like to thank all of you mofos from the bottom of our glasses. It’s been a wild ride and we’ve enjoyed every sip. To celebrate, get ready for a week-long party that’s been months in the making. Expect to see... - The return of some of the biggest deals of the year saved just for this event - Some of the best new wines we’ve seen in the last 12 months (get excited) - Our lowest prices ever on returning favourites, plus free shipping They'll be dropping throughout the week and are expected to sell out fast, so be quick! Think of them as our gifts to you. And because patience isn’t our strong suit, here’s an early gift and a [SNEAK PEEK](113/czFL104/VWS7sD7Hkq5RW3KvFMB8vhp_6W3Z50n14Zd5ZxN8_nRGQ3q3phV1-WJV7CgT1jW3k97dn5TJ2vtW3RL1px9dthPcW8qHpXV5lXjMqW7Pjg0h3tYQdxW6SNjQj5qgXSrVgl_zD45gnqCW2HX0Q_6c1KmjVZ9Rry4KxqykW2t5PY_6SvQycW4DCHXc1kwpC3W5r0WW853lSnYW4ksdc44DXttTW9jbWBd5Z1hb6W7vxzfP23ktqbW3H_-3B8NHxVjW7-V_Pw8X-hJwVZ4Qnz8nnpjKW7k3-Xj6PTSWDW6xdWcX61fC72W7xWX565G1YfWVmfMfl7zgrHyW1Nyvh24Q1tKMN7T-rkpNS0T8W6S4BkN2VvBdYN1hyH4YdVLF9W8TgPny2LLyjGW2Hx9Q831TCyHW6p0gNZ742xzz3jGR1) of what’s to come! Use code: TWELVE For $12 off + Free Shipping until midnight tonight! Hint hint, 95pt Barossa Shiraz 2013 😉 (10 cases only) And remember to keep an eye on those emails tomorrow. We have a few very big things planned that you won’t wanna miss… Make sure you are [subscribed to SMS here!](113/czFL104/VWS7sD7Hkq5RW3KvFMB8vhp_6W3Z50n14Zd5ZxN8_nRH53q3pBV1-WJV7CgWDvW8rGv156qcTX1VyzGzQ3vRqpgW8nnDsC2s3sXzN63NW45yGX96VJz0Ts8X_tMpW6yd0RW3db8qTW3D0RKn1RhhPVN34vbnrQ09j_W7vvgNq5bRd-HN3Vlkqdk8NPHW7KgpBP3SYrXsW2fWH6M86QG1hW5Vrtkh1trlC5W2l5VGb7YLtPsN5ypqBw2BqyNW141tXs3LFfwYW3Mknf87pBQ5lW8PzyD18gX_3yW4-7y5M3yPsC4VqFt4j3-BVdJW4Qb-hr9lMpxxN5PMCWF7PRmtW2732Y-4B87WvW6FR4Cy3cD5k8W8wV2DW98tvDtW6xv3SZ73pzcpW1RD0hJ4M6LfZW4FnG1D6h72ckW2YhSKx10CF2CW99W23m6c3nBH3cTD1) [My Profile](113/czFL104/VWS7sD7Hkq5RW3KvFMB8vhp_6W3Z50n14Zd5ZxN8_nRGQ3q3phV1-WJV7CgZdyW4lMy0n6smrWfW6-bSxq3dfsShW8WxVJx9cKQnNW4F1K6V5xtJxWW34Hny044pClNW3cw_JG8KDYCgW40JWN56spXHnW3zM63C1bJ-0WW3sDXT48Tlz-LW2rMqLz1S2mTkVzNtsc7_xsSnVdL9JL8Y-6kjW50MCBw8K1yZXW27rsSL4lBQGwW319LCp6Mg_PFN1tQvqbXRY9kW3RvyMz56lfS6W4NjmsG25W9jgW5GPfSd3L18MDW9jBc0K7zHXDJW4BK6pv90tjsyVcVYBx6rTG-3W5hPh2t8tKwB5W6NkzzH3j5DZQW1P5JFf401yWCW9jnBvF5rGFQ3N81HBt3x2M-CW8FMy--5C-RMr34vd1) [Privacy Policy](113/czFL104/VWS7sD7Hkq5RW3KvFMB8vhp_6W3Z50n14Zd5ZxN8_nRGw3q3n_V1-WJV7CgH3BW5QVtRT243tvqW5jl8QD1S4SrxW7gk6rD2k7-ngVSp5tH9lbl5CW3Rs_B31s29gRW8-bkwZ3y2yJ1W7kC8mB80G0KFW1xWPy51_fdJ0N70RnshpsDcpVhYq-f928cF2W7j_gbJ2228VcW71qxGz1rRHZSN2CsTcttN3SsW8SV4GY2MLbx1W86V81z99XXLhW2KH3tC6gvnq3W88rTdx5Rr3sZW9gNVgs3dW4VjW8pGQcH7kkv3xW8VLkwW7cNz0NW4Xdt1J82hb_fN44Tl8fbV7ZDVM0dw-6fhp9CW7TNpp29909P_W8fqRRn1vd0gVW1qN6Vw2mNN163q081) [Returns](113/czFL104/VWS7sD7Hkq5RW3KvFMB8vhp_6W3Z50n14Zd5ZxN8_nRGw3q3n_V1-WJV7CgNtLN35J29XwbPJrN7Ds7BLBdzKrV5PJtR2LGC67W4pDRXC2pyfJPW6Tjh_73pXKMLW6Kys-W33wy1CN8RqJd2My1KMW849TCn5wy_7jW7jbsb66Pv1_sW2w7Rfw1G6R_hW77qLHV273MYbW7TSTpL5v6z_BW88grrm48ZQYLW6rnvq96zkxPBW25cqcn7knhHVM2TLW3fNwKVW4WFjl41hf2GdW937rF77YSlfcW1NR5rY3dDBGVW5p0rbQ1SfnhvW3dqfP-2vd4d7N28bBdG4_PTtN2Xgj8S2VQd3W4yp0MM4bdGWyN7xTVF7hPQNbW6Qzxsd6W6BGk36rk1) [Contact us](113/czFL104/VWS7sD7Hkq5RW3KvFMB8vhp_6W3Z50n14Zd5ZxN8_nRGw3q3n_V1-WJV7CgJGdW8llwcq2f9vl5W2FX1SL1p8WJgW2vrrrB3yVz5VVJ60bX9kQWCjW2ZMgwq1kKzp7W3xYZ-p7pJthQW278sQD430SqcW5TKg2l7_R51CW4gPcnZ15WZ49W5zCS6-3YpCN2W4fyWBH17MfCVW3MHC2f37mG2RM8C0hVZx-0TW58JHWz46RyFBW965NKQ7SNKCsW5y_b4r2Cb4BXVvF2PH1Cw2qYW69sC8z4t6YscW1zxmhq4bFNYBW3MKg8Y835202W3Gx2ky1s7PjyW3RyNc25G3j_tW71Y2wF2drgchW2lCtqH7GNHtdW5vVy6K6qvh-RW90VX7c8-yKzP3pM-1) Vinomofo encourages the legal and responsible consumption of alcohol, so be smart and be safe. WARNING Under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 it is an offence; - To supply alcohol to a person under the age of 18 years (Penalty exceeds $17,000) - For a person under the age of 18 years to purchase or receive liquor (Penalty exceeds $700) This email was sent to {EMAIL} by Vinomofo. We love sharing updates but if it’s not agreeing with your inbox [unsubscribe](. 113/czFL104/VWS7sD7Hkq5RW3KvFMB8vhp_6W3Z50n14Zd5ZxN8_nRGw3q3n_V1-WJV7CgTPmW84Cgt36H5mkxVN5tzx1ch2g3W6bMZhS8SRjlXN1R2sKdsvGJ5W8l3MGD70mPt7W6sSptg5tk9jkW8xGPNm7v4p_WW7GgD0Q6TF7pxW5pqjXN71dr8XW3RwKc08g11mKW4LL5sp4TXrFhW5vjgPz7JQK_LW2VBxcc4Kdn2xW5w4yGv5c1-2xW43VG8S3-_KgmW8ZJ9X735Tq92W9cHmXH2-y3vjW59MQtp7kJJbnW7pNWrY7-w4nMW4d9FFm2ZcgJhW57BT793dgsVCVPdMsX13Xj2wW7Vffl07jY2s8W1KSsq25wTXFPM6nn5NycrMlW5dd4V530GdPn3l8g1 Vinomofo Pty Ltd | Suite 103, Level 1/204 Ingles St Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Australia Liquor Licence #36300937

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