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Updates from Morocco and Libya


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Sat, Sep 30, 2023 02:30 PM

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Turning shock, fear, and despair into action. Dear friend, This has been an incredibly heartbreaking

Turning shock, fear, and despair into action. Dear friend, This has been an incredibly heartbreaking month. Three weeks ago, we woke up to the news about a disastrous 6.8-magnitude earthquake in Morocco. Nearly 3,000 are now confirmed dead, with thousands more who are missing or injured. Two days later, we heard about the tragic flooding in Libya because of Storm Daniel. Flash flooding caused two dams to burst, and waves of water inundated populated areas. Whole neighborhoods have reportedly been washed away. Approximately 884,000 people have been directly affected by the storm and flash floods. This includes nearly 230,000 women of reproductive age and 25,000 pregnant women. UNFPA has been in Morocco for decades and is prepared to help and we are on the ground in Libya working with partners to deliver Dignity Kits and Mama Kits – but we urgently need your support to ensure women and girls surviving these crises have the resources they need. - Mama Kits ensure that new mothers have everything they need for themselves and their newborns. These kits include clothing for the mother and her baby, diapers, a baby blanket, baby soap, and much more. - Dignity Kits ensure that women and girls can maintain their personal healthcare needs after a crisis. These kits include menstrual pads, bath soap, multiple pairs of underwear, a flashlight, toothpaste, a toothbrush, and more. We are determined to provide care for every woman and girl, mobilizing quickly and deploying critically needed supplies in the immediate aftermath of a disaster, like an earthquake or flooding. That’s why I am personally reaching out to ask you to make an emergency humanitarian gift in response to these crises — and all the others around the world — where women and girls are at risk of being overlooked in the disaster response. You can use my custom donation link below to make a gift: [?form=FUNQWCMFSDT]( UNFPA has just announced they need to raise an additional $6.9 million to respond to the crisis in Libya alone, and your special humanitarian gift would be truly appreciated. We know how paralyzing a tragedy of this size can feel. But together, we have the opportunity to turn that shock, fear, and despair into action. Thank you so much for your partnership in these difficult times. With appreciation, Anu Surendran CEO, USA for UNFPA This email was sent to {EMAIL}. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, please unsubscribe [unsubscribe](. USA for UNFPA 605 Third Ave 4th Floor New York, NY 10158 United States

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