Newsletter Subject

Say Goodbye to Dirty Toilets


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Sent On

Sun, Aug 13, 2023 11:00 PM

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Breaking News from Union Daily Post ~/AARe7wA~/RgRmu-WRP0TQaHR0cDovL3RyYWNrLnVuaW9uZGFpbHlwb3N0LmNvb

Breaking News from Union Daily Post ~/AARe7wA~/RgRmu-WRP0TQaHR0cDovL3RyYWNrLnVuaW9uZGFpbHlwb3N0LmNvbS8_eHRsPXNjZ2VqcmtyMm93Mng4NWV5MHlsd21uOHprbHNtMHZpMzMxNDZkMTlnNWh0enptMGFqOG9ldDNycmptZm1rbWkxNDEzb3R5OGQxZjBrbW84cG5rcWU3dHRlY3l4M3E2NHE3anBtNnRmOXBwYWxndTZlYTBzMGxwOHYxZSZlaWg9N3AyZ2M3eW9raTg3dmFoc3hpMHo4aDM3aDhlZDNqcnZ2bzdsam9sYWd5NVcDc3BjQgpk1JZg2WQPE9_rUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44NUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~ You'll Never Have to Hand Scrub a Toilet Again After This [hand washing a toilet with a sponge](~/AARe7wA~/RgRmu-WRP4QvAWh0dHA6Ly90cmFjay51bmlvbmRhaWx5cG9zdC5jb20vP3h0bD0xaTkyOHkzeDQzMDVqb3BicXdyNmZiN2hzcXByOWJkODM4ODYxNmp2Y2VscjczYXNvM3NlOGRkc2xxN3ZvN3lpajQyNmF3Zm95bmNnaTF0NXVvZmJqczRwdGJ3YmI1aGc3eHdnZnFuN29vdG14MWV4MmJlMHB2dGF3bjYwcWZ3Ymk0bXJxdXZ2dXJ5amZodnlud3N4cWZ0dGkyYnA4NWM5dGNnd3lpYjB1OXFvOXJuZDNucHM4ZGFhbHlhaTNpaWE0ejRvcDNwMTlqcXAxNHVvYzd2d3NvNDE5MCZlaWg9N3AyZ2M3eW9raTg3dmFoc3hpMHo4aDM3aDhlZDNqcnZ2bzdsam9sYWd5NVcDc3BjQgpk1JZg2WQPE9_rUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44NUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~) An official fact that I read about Americans recently, is that we hate cleaning the toilet the most! I’ve definitely been saying that “unofficially” for many years! I mean, really, who actually enjoys cleaning toilets? A sadomasochistic, that is who. Cleaning a toilet is flat out disgusting. When your hands and knees are touching the floor and those hard to reach places… and your face is an inch from the seat that everyone sits on! YUCK! I forgot about this, but one time while cleaning, my hair actually dipped into the toilet. (I really wish I hadn’t remembered that, I think I need a shower now…) So, you’re wondering, why am I thinking about toilets? Well, recently my son moved out of the house, closer to his college. Everything was going great. Now there is one less person in our house to clean up after. And he’s finally figuring out that his mom (me) isn’t as half as bad as he thought. I recently decided to visit him at college. He was doing so well in all of his classes and I was feeling really proud! And the best part was that his room was actually clean! Well, clean for the most part until I saw the bathroom… [picture of dirty toilet](~/AARe7wA~/RgRmu-WRP4QvAWh0dHA6Ly90cmFjay51bmlvbmRhaWx5cG9zdC5jb20vP3h0bD0xaTkyOHkzeDQzMDVqb3BicXdyNmZiN2hzcXByOWJkODRpM3J3bGR6M2o2ZmdndDYxNXlkN2g5ZzYxMzhzamRoOWh2MGJid2Z1eTU4a24wZXFubnRmdnprYXFuNWtzNWEzb2tvcDljaDB0cW1kdXIzeTl6bWt5NXgxazR0Znh5MDJjZXlsOTIyMzlhOHViOXB5cGxzb2I1bTZqbjh6b3h0ZXNpdzl2Zmw1M3RhcnNiZzVybWRvMjByd2g1bWlyeDQ5ajducWM1c2I5c3BwODlvbm0xMXozaGpiMSZlaWg9N3AyZ2M3eW9raTg3dmFoc3hpMHo4aDM3aDhlZDNqcnZ2bzdsam9sYWd5NVcDc3BjQgpk1JZg2WQPE9_rUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44NUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~) Do you see that toilet? I do not know where he learned this from, but definitely not from me! It was so disgusting! I really can’t remember the last time I was that grossed out when I saw the toilet like that. I’m sure it hadn’t been cleaned even once. Actually, I know he hadn’t cleaned it once, because when I looked around for his cleaning tools, there weren’t any! Not even a sponge…. So, as his mom, I did the logical thing. We went straight to WalMart to pick up all the bathroom cleaners, especially a toilet cleaner. But, there was a problem… WalMart only had those cleaners where you get down into the toilet to scrub…. Now, don’t get me wrong, I wanted to teach him to clean the toilet the hard way! It would have been a good feeling to know that he learned what his mother has been dealing with her whole life… But I really thought it would be better to be realistic in this situation. This boy has never really scrubbed a toilet, and he wasn’t going to just pick it up overnight. And I definitely was not going to do it for him! I knew, that there had to be a better way. So, later that evening, I jumped online to do some research for a toilet cleaner that would work for him. So he could have a clean toilet without all the scrubbing… After a deep search, I found this thing called [Splash Toilet Cleaner](~/AARe7wA~/RgRmu-WRP4QvAWh0dHA6Ly90cmFjay51bmlvbmRhaWx5cG9zdC5jb20vP3h0bD0xaTkyOHkzeDQzMDVqb3BicXdyNmZiN2hzcXByOWJkODZ2a2I0ZXhjdDFxOHV4OWhjN2VjNmtlN296a2p4emlmeXlsZ2Nnb21xaXZ6MHd3cm05Zjliejd2aDMxeTdjcnRsNG5majU2dWF5bm1qbDF5NWZ1eHZhZnR2eDJsOHB6bTlwbWd2bHd3YTNidjd1bDRqN3VubXdmMnRkajQydnNjMzZrdmk2a2pkangweHUzajd2ODJyb282NjN4YmFrOXdyN21tc29qaTR4dXBibzBuaW91dWZoemc1OCZlaWg9N3AyZ2M3eW9raTg3dmFoc3hpMHo4aDM3aDhlZDNqcnZ2bzdsam9sYWd5NVcDc3BjQgpk1JZg2WQPE9_rUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44NUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~). Honestly, at first, I was a little skeptical. I mean, I started the internet search thinking a product like this would be too good to actually exist. But I kept reading reviews and here’s what I found: What is Splash Toilet Cleaner? It’s a scrub-free cleanser, the second it touches water, it instantly expands in the bowl. Foam immediately covers the bowl, destroying stains and limescale build up. Not only does it clean the bowl of the toilet, it also actively cleans into the drain! It’s also not just for toilets! Because it reacts in any water, it can be used in bathroom skins, kitchen sinks, washing machines, all kinds of tile floorings and other hard to reach areas! [splash being used in a toilet](~/AARe7wA~/RgRmu-WRP4QvAWh0dHA6Ly90cmFjay51bmlvbmRhaWx5cG9zdC5jb20vP3h0bD0xaTkyOHkzeDQzMDVqb3BicXdyNmZiN2hzcXByOWJkODg3ZmtheHJmZzV4ejZvMnhyOWtiNjJtd3ZtZ3ljcTFkbHFzYWRsM2RuNmsxMmc0MjY4bjF4Y2Q1MWRlMnQwYm5naGJudDB5Nm9kOG40cmE0YnBwaTRkdHExODFzejVhd3JsZjI0YzMzOGpjZmlvYWk4MTE2OHNzZ2V5dWx0Y25rcGowdnVnM2lxZGFvZHZ1MDl6NXB1eXppZG8yNHRzazB3dHA5dGxjbnZqd3ExcmRudHIwMDB6cmN4cCZlaWg9N3AyZ2M3eW9raTg3dmFoc3hpMHo4aDM3aDhlZDNqcnZ2bzdsam9sYWd5NVcDc3BjQgpk1JZg2WQPE9_rUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44NUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~) So, how does it work? The powerful chemicals that are in Splash Toilet Cleaner reacts to water making a very strong foam, the foam then expands to completely cover the toilet bowl. The foam works to break down the dirt and stains. After about 30 minutes the foam has bonded with the dirt chemically and once rinsed away, it leaves a clean bowl. The secret? It’s in it’s NanoTech formula, the formula is so strong that the chemicals in the foam start to form bonds with the stains. Quickly deodorizing and dissolving build up from:  [✅] Limescale deposits [✅] Calcium reservoirs [✅] Rust build up [✅] Hard water scaling The great news is it’s 100% safe to touch and doesn’t irritate the skin.  [gif of splash foaming in a toilet](~/AARe7wA~/RgRmu-WRP4QvAWh0dHA6Ly90cmFjay51bmlvbmRhaWx5cG9zdC5jb20vP3h0bD0xaTkyOHkzeDQzMDVqb3BicXdyNmZiN2hzcXByOWJkODloYjg4cTlqNzlmMWcyaG40bzRhNTVlamJqY25oNDZjbzVqdWYzaDg3dG9yNTN6YjI2ZWZ0Z21jOHN1dWNtbDVjejJmMGkxZzBpNW5taW16OGo5NmJnNW11Z2xrMWpiZ3l5bjlic3h4ZmRlNHg2cXp1Z3cxNm80ejN0NGdpajc2YXoydjV0OGgxeGRhandpM25kMmF4aWx6b3d1djlseXNiZHM4dnl1Y2w5eXFwdnVuMnR0dDdyN3oxNyZlaWg9N3AyZ2M3eW9raTg3dmFoc3hpMHo4aDM3aDhlZDNqcnZ2bzdsam9sYWd5NVcDc3BjQgpk1JZg2WQPE9_rUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44NUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~) But, you might be thinking, is it really worth the hype? Well, so far, [Splash Toilet Cleaner](~/AARe7wA~/RgRmu-WRP4QvAWh0dHA6Ly90cmFjay51bmlvbmRhaWx5cG9zdC5jb20vP3h0bD0xaTkyOHkzeDQzMDVqb3BicXdyNmZiN2hzcXByOWJkOG52d3RlNzQwd3Ewc3RmYTBmcW16NDlubWl3eTBsZ25hYWpxb2c4eWIzZGNmN3A3bms1bXhwamducjU4a2x4OGx5cXNtd2R0dGIxMm50b2o1ZXQ0dG1pZjcwdGtyc2JkNGY4ZnRtNzQ0cXhmcm0wNHFmYTJpNDdlcnFuY2NvNDJxbHA0dWU0cGZhcmgxM3ltNnBnbGxiN25wamVrazJ1bWloMXY3eDluNnF4YXFiejltenZra3E2bHZ0cSZlaWg9N3AyZ2M3eW9raTg3dmFoc3hpMHo4aDM3aDhlZDNqcnZ2bzdsam9sYWd5NVcDc3BjQgpk1JZg2WQPE9_rUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44NUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~) has sold over 10 million units! These orders have been direct to consumers, even without taking the easy route of selling in stores! Splash Toilet Cleaner has actually been SELLING OUT every time there is a new stock available! It’s become, THAT, popular. It’s all from word of mouth. Because people just like you or me, are loving it so much that the reviews alone, are letting people know about it! [review 1 of splash](~/AARe7wA~/RgRmu-WRP4QvAWh0dHA6Ly90cmFjay51bmlvbmRhaWx5cG9zdC5jb20vP3h0bD0xaTkyOHkzeDQzMDVqb3BicXdyNmZiN2hzcXByOWJkOHA3cmRubGszanU3aDV3c2N1c3N5M29mYTM3dGM0d3N6MWFoNmhwcTYwMjU3OXlja2czZXBtMXBpeGZscjhodWZ1NWZlNHlqNXA1bG56ZnZhbzBsZGhsdDN1NGlpaHRlcWxobmFnanl5bHJnYmtmZzY0dHhkMjNzN2I2b3hkbWp6bTM2dXFkdWVuOWtwOXphOXJram1ldHo0djFyb2gwbHAwbnk2eWkzeGZqY3IxZDBtOHlzcndrZHJqOSZlaWg9N3AyZ2M3eW9raTg3dmFoc3hpMHo4aDM3aDhlZDNqcnZ2bzdsam9sYWd5NVcDc3BjQgpk1JZg2WQPE9_rUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44NUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~) [Splash Toilet Cleaner](~/AARe7wA~/RgRmu-WRP4QvAWh0dHA6Ly90cmFjay51bmlvbmRhaWx5cG9zdC5jb20vP3h0bD0xaTkyOHkzeDQzMDVqb3BicXdyNmZiN2hzcXByOWJkOHFobjBoZWU3bXlyOWZuOXM3dXl4MnNvMTlncHI5bXh4cXNvMGl1NXlpb3Z4bmlteGMybTU2NGp0ZXViaHU1ZXpwajc5YXVvZjFtaW5nbTY2aHdoMnQyNGxsZGhxbTlmYjZ0ZmlyYTU1dzlpMHp6dmpybjR4bGw0MDAwa3Q2dGVod2Y4dTFxemNrNDFicmIyb3UyZ3hoZGtoNDloZHp2emY1eGI1YXVpMTk5ZXJwZ2Q5ZmFqaWRjdm9wbyZlaWg9N3AyZ2M3eW9raTg3dmFoc3hpMHo4aDM3aDhlZDNqcnZ2bzdsam9sYWd5NVcDc3BjQgpk1JZg2WQPE9_rUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44NUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~) has actually started to develop a sort of cult following. With over 14,000 of it’s verified customers reviewing with 5-Stars, look what they’re saying: “One of a fears in life of mine is using a dirty toilet. With 3 teenagers at home, I have unfortunately been exposed to dirty toilets more than I would like to be. But with Splash Toilet Cleaner, life is so much easier! I just simply drop some in, and watch the foam do all the work, just rinse it down after and you’re DONE!” “Cleaning houses for a living has put me in proximity with too many disgusting toilets! When I heard about this product, I didn’t think twice about buying it and giving it a try. I mean I was totally skeptical at first, but now I’ll never go back to scrubbing… This has saved me so much time, and my clients are always so impressed!” “AMAZING! Just do yourself the favor… get Splash Toilet Cleaner now. I mean, unless you enjoy scrubbing toilets?!” After reading these reviews, I was pretty much sold. I had to try Splash Toilet Cleaner for myself. It was actually awesome timing too, because my toilet was starting to get kind of gross. So I ordered Splash Toilet Cleaner for myself and my son. It showed up so quickly! I wanted to see what Splash Toilet Cleaner could do so I let my toilet build up for longer than I normally would. So once I got it in the mail, my toilet was in perfectly ripe disgustingness, to really see how well this could tackle a big problem. It was the moment of truth.. I followed the directions exactly (so simple): - Pour in a teaspoon - Power will foam immediately - Let soak 30 mins - Rinse Wow, after 30 minutes, I opened the lid again and the results were amazing! I flushed the foam and watched all the dirt spiral down the drain! It was the kind of experience where you immediately see a difference. It felt like I was on a hidden camera TV-show commercial or something! [before after photo of splash](~/AARe7wA~/RgRmu-WRP4QvAWh0dHA6Ly90cmFjay51bmlvbmRhaWx5cG9zdC5jb20vP3h0bD0xaTkyOHkzeDQzMDVqb3BicXdyNmZiN2hzcXByOWJkOHN2Nm1yeHltemN5YXQyMjVpd2V3MXZncXN0OTRxMGN2ZDdlZ2p5ajNleWpscTVnOHkwZGoyOHQybDdzbmRzMnQ5YXdkOHBlc2JyZm8wY2VicjRjcDI0ZWl0cWZoYjFnbHA0bzQwcXphNTNqbm90OWFjNHpzamdkZW1od294YWEzaHZtdGExZWJ3azUxeGNzcnc2ZGlsMm14YnVvNnMybzltaGU0YzVhc2F4Z3Jia3U5cWRycGt1bjhmMiZlaWg9N3AyZ2M3eW9raTg3dmFoc3hpMHo4aDM3aDhlZDNqcnZ2bzdsam9sYWd5NVcDc3BjQgpk1JZg2WQPE9_rUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44NUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~) Want to know the best part? Absolutely no scrubbing… that part was true too! I didn’t even touch my toilet bowl scrub brush. What I did next made me even happier, I sent a whole box (a year’s worth) of Splash to my son. Judging by his text… it worked well for him too!!!  [review 2 of splash](~/AARe7wA~/RgRmu-WRP4QvAWh0dHA6Ly90cmFjay51bmlvbmRhaWx5cG9zdC5jb20vP3h0bD0xaTkyOHkzeDQzMDVqb3BicXdyNmZiN2hzcXByOWJkOHZnaWZ2N210cGwxdGV2enhtYjR0bGNoNGZkMHV6dDBzc2NjdWxpczF4N2NkdWFqdXBqZHNncnc5b3dqOG0weTUxN25jbzR6ZTFiem9wYTFjdThzazhtNGJzYWNndXhqdmNwb3Y1aGFibWRsaWM0YjduZGI2Znkzb2l3ZTNzMnF3c2xxc2pvMnlneW5iamY4eGFxeXY1eWsyaGw5MDEzYjV4cmsyZnI5bnY5a3NxNjA4d2lxb28xaDFidSZlaWg9N3AyZ2M3eW9raTg3dmFoc3hpMHo4aDM3aDhlZDNqcnZ2bzdsam9sYWd5NVcDc3BjQgpk1JZg2WQPE9_rUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44NUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~) I was so grateful knowing my son was living in a clean place, and especially that his toilet was going to stay clean too. Without having taken that trip, I would have never discovered Splash Toilet Cleaner and I would still be scrubbing my toilets on my hands and knees! I really never thought the day would come, but I’ll never have to scrub or clean a toilet ever again! And enough time has gone by now, that I don’t think twice about it! How much does it cost? Splash Toilet Cleaner costs $19.95 for a box. If you only use it once every 2 weeks, it will last a whole year. Is it worth it? If you’re like me (and most Americans) then ABSOLUTELY yes. Not only does this safe you time and money, but there is no more cleaning or scrubbing involved! Considering that you would probably pay the same price (probably more though) on traditional toilet cleaners, this is really a no brainer! UPDATE As of Thursday, June 22, 2023, due to popular demand, [Splash Foam](~/AARe7wA~/RgRmu-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) has been in and out of stock. We recommend you buy as soon as possible because this offer can be removed at any moment** [APPLY DISCOUNT & CHECK AVAILABILITY >>](~/AARe7wA~/RgRmu-WRP4QvAWh0dHA6Ly90cmFjay51bmlvbmRhaWx5cG9zdC5jb20vP3h0bD0xaTkyOHkzeDQzMDVqb3BicXdyNmZiN2hzcXByOWJkOHo2em95ZWthNDdzbjQxOTBhZnNyampoaDcwZGlpam1wNjlhNzI1a2xwZXZ2ejgwZTVnZDB5eXpyYmtxNGV4NWVlYzJicmh2M3BsdG9jeG1keG83dnFyc3Vya3pmbzYwNDN5b2tub2Jjc3MydTNlNGJqcWNpYnBxanU5bGdtczUxMnJ1czZ5b3c0bXVxOWkwZGV5dDVvN3h3MnM1Znk1MjFpMDQwaWFnNnBrMnQycHU3ZDFwbWJ4cWd4bCZlaWg9N3AyZ2M3eW9raTg3dmFoc3hpMHo4aDM3aDhlZDNqcnZ2bzdsam9sYWd5NVcDc3BjQgpk1JZg2WQPE9_rUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44NUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~) Hope you guys enjoyed reading!  - Emma & The Glabrous Team --------------------------------------------------------------- The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. 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