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This is a critical issue affecting rural communities


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Fri, Mar 22, 2024 07:51 PM

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We need your help! Established in December 2016, The Majority Rules is a coalition of concerned citi

We need your help! Established in December 2016, The Majority Rules is a coalition of concerned citizens fighting to end partisan gerrymandering and ensure fair elections. If you'd like to unsubscribe, [click here](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRn4GY5P4QkAWh0dHBzOi8vdW5zdWJzY3JpYmUuZW1haWxkZXB1dHkuY29tL3Vuc3ViP3A9RmJTWmRVTmg3QVN6eXF4T1haNWM0T0k3THlrZ0lkeFFFRktWd0VEYVNGWXMlMkIlMkJvTU4yRWh1MjJsTk9DY0Vya0ZJVGNkSk9VNnlaS1N3JTJGdWpLUTVqN1IzUkp4VlZYclMlMkZWTkpmMkxQTTVYUkRwQjhlT3Rsc3JkUXZSUkYzZ1I3SzdvOEZuSk9mcWwyT1FHVUt2Q3ZXUGlLTEJFd0RHQ1RCejlWUWg1ZFpYRVh2VnlGZG9TUVZlakR2OGNUR0xZNFhEU21XUUNydXpsNU5GMnh6SmMzRXo0U2hSREpycURQYzBpTVBYUGNPJTJGV3clM0RXA3NwY0IKZfw54f1lQfzi5VIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTFAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAG5). {NAME},  There is a critical issue affecting communities, especially our rural communities, across our country: food insecurity and its impact on health.  The very communities that play a crucial role in producing our nation's food are facing alarmingly high rates of food insecurity.  This lack of access to healthy food not only leads to nutritional deficiencies but also contributes to significant health challenges and increased medical expenses.  [Congress needs to strengthen the SNAP program. If you agree, add your name now →](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRn4GY5P4SMAWh0dHBzOi8vYWN0aW9ubmV0d29yay5vcmcvZm9ybXMvc2lnbi10aGUtcGV0aXRpb24tc3RyZW5ndGhlbi1zbmFwLWluLXRoZS1uZXh0LWZhcm0tYmlsbC10by1zdXBwb3J0LXJ1cmFsLWNvbW11bml0aWVzP3NvdXJjZT0yMDI0RmFybUJpbGxfTVImcmVmZXJyZXI9Z3JvdXAtdGhlLW1ham9yaXR5LXJ1bGVzLTMmcmVkaXJlY3Q9aHR0cHMlM0ElMkYlMkZzZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20lMkZkb25hdGUlMkZ0bXJqYTI0JTNGcmVmY29kZSUzRHNuYXBqYTI0MDQlMjZhbW91bnQlM0QxNSZjZG1jPTJlMFpKUjlKN1lMRVJ6dzhqNTk3aFBoT3QzYSZyZWZjb2RlMj0yZTBaSlI5SjdZTEVSenc4ajU5N2hQaE90M2EmcmVmY29kZWNkbWM9MmUwWkpSOUo3WUxFUnp3OGo1OTdoUGhPdDNhJnJlZmNvZGVjZHY9QlcDc3BjQgpl_Dnh_WVB_OLlUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAbk~) [ADD YOUR NAME](~/AAPPAAA~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_Dnh_WVB_OLlUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAbk~) Chronic illnesses such as diabetes, asthma, and depression are directly linked to food insecurity. The resulting health issues often require expensive medications and treatments, leaving families with even less money to afford nutritious food.  Fortunately, there is a solution: the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). This program provides essential nutrition assistance to households with low incomes, helping them afford the food they need to stay healthy during tough times.  Strengthening SNAP provisions in the upcoming farm bill is crucial to ensuring that more families in rural areas have access to the food they need, which can ultimately lead to lower health care costs and improved well-being.  [Congress has the power to make a difference by bolstering SNAP benefits in the farm bill, which is the largest piece of federal legislation for food and farming. By supporting this petition, you are advocating for healthier, more vibrant rural communities. Join us by adding your name now →](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRn4GY5P4SMAWh0dHBzOi8vYWN0aW9ubmV0d29yay5vcmcvZm9ybXMvc2lnbi10aGUtcGV0aXRpb24tc3RyZW5ndGhlbi1zbmFwLWluLXRoZS1uZXh0LWZhcm0tYmlsbC10by1zdXBwb3J0LXJ1cmFsLWNvbW11bml0aWVzP3NvdXJjZT0yMDI0RmFybUJpbGxfTVImcmVmZXJyZXI9Z3JvdXAtdGhlLW1ham9yaXR5LXJ1bGVzLTMmcmVkaXJlY3Q9aHR0cHMlM0ElMkYlMkZzZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20lMkZkb25hdGUlMkZ0bXJqYTI0JTNGcmVmY29kZSUzRHNuYXBqYTI0MDQlMjZhbW91bnQlM0QxNSZjZG1jPTJlMFpKUjlKN1lMRVJ6dzhqNTk3aFBoT3QzYSZyZWZjb2RlMj0yZTBaSlI5SjdZTEVSenc4ajU5N2hQaE90M2EmcmVmY29kZWNkbWM9MmUwWkpSOUo3WUxFUnp3OGo1OTdoUGhPdDNhJnJlZmNvZGVjZHY9QlcDc3BjQgpl_Dnh_WVB_OLlUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAbk~) [ADD YOUR NAME](~/AAPPAAA~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_Dnh_WVB_OLlUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAbk~)   [SUPPORT DMEOCRACY](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRn4GY5P0SxaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL3Rtci1mb290ZXI_YW1vdW50PTE1JmNkbWM9MmUwWkpSOUo3WUxFUnp3OGo1OTdoUGhPdDNhJnJlZmNvZGUyPTJlMFpKUjlKN1lMRVJ6dzhqNTk3aFBoT3QzYSZyZWZjb2RlY2RtYz0yZTBaSlI5SjdZTEVSenc4ajU5N2hQaE90M2EmcmVmY29kZWNkdj1CVwNzcGNCCmX8OeH9ZUH84uVSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkxQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAABuQ~~) The Majority Rules is a coalition of concerned citizens like you, fighting to end partisan gerrymandering and ensure fair elections. We're focused on making sure everyone who's able to vote, can vote. We use your donations to promote state and federal candidates and initiatives across the US to achieve fair elections.  This year is going to be huge in the fight for fair elections! We have seen that voting rights and the integrity of our elections continue to be under attack. Some candidates and organizations have continued to use shady, undemocratic tactics to suppress voters. It's time to fight back! Paid for by The Majority Rules PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. The Majority Rules 15920 Hickman Road Ste 400 PMB 429 Clive, IA 50325 United States To unsubscribe from The Majority Rules' list, [click here.](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRn4GY5P4QkAWh0dHBzOi8vdW5zdWJzY3JpYmUuZW1haWxkZXB1dHkuY29tL3Vuc3ViP3A9RmJTWmRVTmg3QVN6eXF4T1haNWM0T0k3THlrZ0lkeFFFRktWd0VEYVNGWXMlMkIlMkJvTU4yRWh1MjJsTk9DY0Vya0ZJVGNkSk9VNnlaS1N3JTJGdWpLUTVqN1IzUkp4VlZYclMlMkZWTkpmMkxQTTVYUkRwQjhlT3Rsc3JkUXZSUkYzZ1I3SzdvOEZuSk9mcWwyT1FHVUt2Q3ZXUGlLTEJFd0RHQ1RCejlWUWg1ZFpYRVh2VnlGZG9TUVZlakR2OGNUR0xZNFhEU21XUUNydXpsNU5GMnh6SmMzRXo0U2hSREpycURQYzBpTVBYUGNPJTJGV3clM0RXA3NwY0IKZfw54f1lQfzi5VIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTFAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAG5)

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