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Talkative Frenchie has the most unique “voice” 😂


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Fri, Jan 5, 2024 12:30 PM

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And, this fawn who visits a woman’s door every day January 05, 2024 Hello👋 Meet Lucy and

And, this fawn who visits a woman’s door every day January 05, 2024 Hello👋 Meet Lucy and Ronnie — when Lucy’s family adopted her, they knew she’d had puppies in her past life. She used to look for them, and they wished they knew what happened to them. When a dog named Ronnie showed up at a local rescue looking exactly like Lucy, they wondered — could the pair be [related](? January 05, 2024 Hello👋 Meet Lucy and Ronnie — when Lucy’s family adopted her, they knew she’d had puppies in her past life. She used to look for them, and they wished they knew what happened to them. When a dog named Ronnie showed up at a local rescue looking exactly like Lucy, they wondered — could the pair be [related](? OBSESSION OF THE DAY OBSESSION OF THE DAY [Heartbroken shelter dog shuts down when her best friend gets adopted without her]( “She definitely misses having a sibling to [cuddle with](” 💔 [hero image]( STILLWATER ANIMAL WELFARE MY PET'S ON THE DODO 🐱 Wilbur Rescue domestic shorthair, 7 years old. “Wilbur was adopted at 5 months old from a family who couldn’t handle such an active boy. He is very talkative and thinks he should be fed every 30 minutes. He loves to burrow inside a pillowcase, his mom’s bathrobe sleeve and the sheets. He is the Best. Cat. Ever!” — his person [pet photo of the week]( Atlanta, GA [Got a cute pet? Submit them here.]( MUST WATCH 👀 [Talkative Frenchie has the most unique ‘voice](’ [gif of the week]( Sunny never used to be a talker — but when he turned 7, he suddenly wouldn’t stop. His voice is the most unique thing his parents have ever heard, and he definitely turns heads when they’re [out and about]( 😂 MORE STORIES WE ❤️ - [Hidden camera catches fuzzy animals using rope bridges to get to safety]( They knew [exactly]( what to do 😲 - [Fawn comes to lady's door every morning]( He grows the [cutest]( little antlers 🦌 - [Passersby see orange fuzz on AC unit — then realize it's a baby in need]( “[M]y phone started [blowing up]( …” Love, Dodo ...and [this]( pittie and baby who get to grow up together 🐶💕 [Facebook]( [Instagram]( [Twitter]( [Snapchat]( [YouTube]( [Tiktok]( Was this email forwarded to you? [Subscribe here.]( Read our [Terms & Conditions](, [Privacy Policy.]( Vox Media, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, Floor 12 Washington, DC 20036. Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved. Love, Dodo ...and [this]( pittie and baby who get to grow up together 🐶💕 [Facebook](#) [Instagram](#) [Twitter](#) [Snapchat](#) [YouTube](#) [Tiktok](#) Was this email forwarded to you? [Subscribe here.]( Read our [Terms & Conditions](, [Privacy Policy.]( Vox Media, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, Floor 12 Washington, DC 20036. Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved. [View on the web]( [Unsubscribe](

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