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Adele’s New Album Is a Masterpiece of Heartbreak and Honesty


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Sat, Nov 20, 2021 12:32 AM

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Everything we can’t stop loving, hating, and thinking about this week in pop culture. processin

Everything we can’t stop loving, hating, and thinking about this week in pop culture. [Manage newsletters]( [View in browser]( [Image] with Kevin Fallon Everything we can’t stop loving, hating, and thinking about this week in pop culture. This Week: - Adele’s album really is that good. - You should watch Tick, Tick... Boom! - The glorious return of the J. Lo rom-com - The week’s wildest celebrity news headline - Dionne Warwick has entered the discourse Adele Has Returned to Completely Ravage Us Emotionally We handed Adele the anvil and our consent, even our eagerness: Do your best with it. Wallop us. Pummel our hearts until they shatter. Absolutely ruin us with your music. With 30, she obliges. The new album, released Friday, [finds the singer]( processing the pain of her divorce from her ex-husband. For [someone with a reputation]( for articulating complex and unspeakable emotions through soaring ballads, she’s [operating at a new level here](. Her voice is both richer and more dexterous than it’s ever been, alternately contorting itself around and booming mightily over lyrics so deep and observant, it’s as if they’ve been exorcised from the depths of her being. There is going to be a lot of talk about how impressively open she is about feelings and actions that are not always flattering, but indisputably real. We will be histrionic about how much it makes us all cry. There will be reports of keyboards short-circuiting across the globe after so many tears fall onto them this Friday. Wine shortages will wreak havoc as heartbroken fans frantically seek some sort of emotional balm. Investigations will be launched into whether Adele is in cahoots with Big Tissue. Kleenex executives, what hold do you have on this woman? But that shouldn’t overshadow the monumental accomplishment here. A [singer of unprecedented popularity]( is taking major risks on a collection of new music, a refusal to take the easy route of replicating her past successes. She’s instead produced a collection of songs that challenge herself musically, challenge her voice, and challenge, in lyrical content, just how much vulnerability and openness people are willing to accept or can even process. The emotional acuity here is astounding. Things that the heartbroken, the betrayed, the guilty—all of us—have experienced or felt but never could name, let alone understand, are put to song. Making you feel seen, it turns out, is not Adele’s talent. It is her calling. After listening to 30, I fired my therapist. We all should. Who needs therapy anymore when we have Adele? (I am kidding. Please don’t fire your therapist.) The crowning achievement of 30 is “I Drink Wine.” Contrary to the title, it is not a playful, winking exploration of the instinct to drown sorrows with a bottle. It’s an act of confession—a person revealing their darkest secrets and preoccupations when it comes to love and relationships. She then confronts how that has hurt both her partner and herself. ”How can one become so bounded by choices that somebody else makes?” she sings. “How come we’ve both become a version of a person we don’t even like?” In 30, Adele works through how she got here—how and why she ended a relationship, and what does she do now? It’s a scary place to be, by yourself. Can she weather that, let alone thrive, in the aftermath of such sorrow? What do you sacrifice for love, and can you ever grow it back on your own? And if you can’t, whose fault is that? These questions swirl throughout the album, and the beauty lies in how Adele offers up no easy answers. There’s no conclusion about what she wants from love, what she wanted from herself, or even what she wanted from the marriage that didn’t work. That ambiguity is so frustrating when you’re going through it, something that is reflected in Adele’s voice, like surviving a breakup means solving a riddle that can’t be solved. If someone else isn’t responsible for your happiness, then who is to blame for your heartbreak? There’s a narcissism to loneliness. Is it a choice? Do you have control over it? So much of 30 centers around what a person can or should do to make themselves feel better, yet never dismisses the idea that there is necessity and even power in feeling the pain. To really feel the hurt and understand what is behind it—even if that, at times, can seem impossible—so that you can change from it. In songs like “Cry Your Heart Out,” “Woman Like Me,” and especially “Easy on Me,” it’s almost as if she’s coaching herself through that process. I think so many people were shocked when “Easy on Me” came out, the long-teased first single from the rumored “divorce album.” Fans seemed to expect one of two things: a massive-scale event of emotional devastation, or scorched-earth rage at an ex that has seemed to define most female stars’ post-breakup music. “Easy on Me” was instead a tender plea for empathy rooted in shared love and shared past. That surprised and wrecked a lot of people. (Read: me.) Rather than pure, diabolical sadness, it chronicles the excruciating experience of a great love that ended, the difficult journey of coming to that realization, and staring down the hurt that’s about to come. But it is also about acknowledging that the love was something to savor, to hold onto, and to be grateful for. Memories don’t go away because a relationship ends. But can enough forgiveness and compassion—from them, from yourself—be there so you can get to that healthier place? “Easy on Me,” with its maturity and unexpected nuance, hinted at what was to come from 30, a complexity and emotional specificity that manages to be more relatable than breakup music that amps up the misery. There are turns of phrase and breaks in Adele’s voice that will make you cry, startling you because they’re so true. If all anyone truly wanted was a soundtrack to weep along to while downing a pint of Ben & Jerry’s and some pinot grigio, 30 delivers. But with her remarkable vulnerability and candor, Adele allows for something else to happen: You wind up learning about yourself. In “Hold On,” she’s acknowledging the emptiness she feels because of her actions, validating her extreme loneliness—“Everyday feels like the road I’m on might just open up and swallow me whole”—but also delivering herself a pep talk that, despite these feelings, she’s still strong and will feel better again. The ballad begins with the soft twinkle of piano keys and Adele’s voice at a quiet lilt—a spare arrangement that, over the course of six minutes, crescendos to a chills-inducing, booming triumph, emblematic of the transformation she makes herself. “To Be Loved” has her confronting the ways she wasn’t true to herself out of a desperation to make things work. It’s another one that builds as an emotional mirror. Her voice is so raw, nearly hung out to dry by such a stripped-down arrangement. The build here is in volume. There is no “Hello” in 30, a choice Adele has said she purposefully made. But such a grand, accessible track would be out of place here among the edginess, the messiness, and the danger at play: What it means to be fully OK with yourself, as yourself. That’s an audacious proposition, and certainly a frightening one. On “To Be Loved,” Adele’s voice doesn’t so much grow to a loud belt as it cries out for empowerment. Things start to feel a tad voyeuristic—that there is so much honesty and self-exploration happening here that you might be intruding or shouldn’t be witnessing it. But that also seems to be the gambit Adele is making, and she does it from the beginning. The third track on 30, “My Little Love,” finds Adele addressing her child, singing through her guilt and regret for what his life will be like now that his parents are no longer together. Just when the mere concept of such a song is enough to shred your heart into bits of confetti, she plays voice recordings of herself actually speaking with him: “Mommy’s been having a lot of big feelings recently… I’m feeling a little trapped. I feel a bit confused… I feel like I don’t really know what I’m doing.” Adele’s albums have never been all doom and gloom, though from the way people talk about her music you’d think she was a sentient storm cloud. That buoyant, infectious personality that people connect to so deeply is on display in tracks like “Can I Get It,” a welcome upbeat, sassy reprieve. “Oh My God” is as close to a pop banger as 30 has. Then there’s “Cry Your Heart Out,” an Amy Winehouse-invoking retro ballad in the grand Motown tradition: lyrics that are absolutely ruinous but crooned over a bouncy, soulful beat. Great expectations are almost never met. With 30, Adele seems to have somehow operated in a vacuum. There was something specific that her fans clearly wanted from “an Adele divorce album.” She doesn’t necessarily deliver that. Instead, she delivers something far more interesting: an album for herself. Tick, Tick...Boom! Goes My Heart Every once in a while, something happens in life that makes you wonder who you are and if you possibly ever even knew yourself at all. For example, this week I realized I had never seen nor heard a single thing from[the musical Tick, Tick...Boom!](. [Alternate text] I am exaggerating of course. But still, [liking musicals is my thing](, in so much as millennials enjoy making “liking things” their entire personalities. Like any gay thirtysomething who did musical theater at his suburban high shool, I had a big Rent phase. Yet somehow that never really sent me to research more about the works of its creator, Jonathan Larson, and the project he had produced before Rent would posthumously make him a legend. (Larson died the morning of Rent’s first off-Broadway preview of an aortic dissection.) Since it is almost never the case, it was an invigorating experience to go into Netflix’s new film adaptation of Tick, Tick...Boom!, which is now available to stream, with no preconceived opinions of the source material, who should be cast, or even what the songs sounded like. I absolutely loved it. In the best way possible—in that it will likely telegraph whether this is definitely not a movie for you—Tick, Tick...Boom! plays like a film made with love by musical theater geeks for musical theater geeks. That has to do as much with what this project is as who made it. [Lin-Manuel Miranda](, a vocal evangelist of Larson’s work and the effect it had on him as a creator, makes his directorial debut with this. He takes Larson’s original project, what the [Los Angeles Times describes]( as “a semi autobiographical rock monologue” about a composer-lyricist who “aims to take the industry by storm with what he believes to be a musical masterpiece,” and opens it up, transforming it from what Larson performed as a barebones one-man show into a vibrant, full-scale cinematic musical set throughout New York City, with all the grandeur and energy that entails. Everything that was small about the production and unknown about Larson explodes. Hope, idealism, emotion, and heartbreak radiate off the screen in near-incessant songs and musical numbers. Andrew Garfield plays Larson with an indefatigable gregariousness, capturing everything determined, deluded, destructive, and genius about Larson and committing to it with a surprisingly lovely singing voice. Who ever understands how these things shake out, but Garfield deserves his second career Best Actor Oscar nomination for his performance. It’s one of the most impressive leading male turns I’ve seen in a movie-musical. Thankfully, it turns out I have not lost who I am completely. To spoil too much would be to ruin it, but let’s just say there is a sequence that is filled with so many cameos of esteemed Broadway legends and I 100 percent burst into tears during it. So you have that to look forward to, too. I Am Inordinately Excited for These Things I Have Not Seen It’s been a big week for trailers of upcoming things that appear to have been generated in a Hollywood lab with the express purpose of appealing to me. First came the thrilling announcement of the return of cinema’s greatest genre: the mid-budget Jennifer Lopez rom-com. If the film industry only produced movies in which Jennifer Lopez and a generic handsome man work through issues stemming from being at different stations in life and fall in love in 100 minutes or less, I would finally believe in art again. Lopez and Owen Wilson star in Marry Me, which will be out on Valentine’s Day, and according to its trailer appears to be an unimpeachably perfect film. ([Watch the trailer here](.) Then Julian Fellowes swooped in and said, “Hi, gays!” as the Downton Abbey creator’s next period piece also unveiled its first trailer. The Gilded Age is set, well, in the Gilded Age, and stars Christine Baranski as a snobby rich lady. Joining her in the cast are Carrie Coon, Cynthia Nixon, and a [roster of Broadway stars so stacked]( we as a community have decided we are just going to turn its premiere red carpet into the Pride Parade. ([Watch the trailer here](.) Finally, the Christmas miracle we all deserve: Mariah Carey is filming another holiday special for Apple TV+. Mariah’s Christmas: The Magic Continues will premiere December 3. The trailer previews Carey in a shimmering ball gown singing holiday music while handsome men dance around her, my happiest of happy places. God bless us, everyone. ([Watch the trailer here](.) Madonna, the Mansion, and the Very Rich Dog On Thursday, I saw a headline that read, “[Madonna’s Former Miami Mansion For Sale By German Shepherd Named Gunther](.” Surely, I thought, I must be misreading this. So I clicked on the article to learn more. It turns out that, well, Madonna’s former Miami mansion has been put up for sale by a German Shepherd who is named Gunther. Gunther VI, to be exact. It turns out that Gunther VI is the inheritor of the property, as well as a fortune worth about $500 million. He enjoys, I kid you not, flying by private jet to the Bahamas and having his personal chef prepare him meals with caviar. I recently had to charge a carton of milk to a credit card, but congrats to this dog. Dionne Warwick Still Winning Twitter (Taylor’s Version) I was certain that I could not be convinced to care about Taylor Swift, Jake Gyllenhaal, and the scarf. Once again, I am humbled. [Alternate text] [Alternate text] - Tick, Tick...Boom!: An absolute joy for musical theater nerds from musical theater nerds. (Friday on Netflix and in theaters) - King Richard: As crowd-pleasing a movie as there is this awards season. Will Smith is gonna win the Oscar. (Friday on HBO Max and in theaters) - The Great: The rudest, crassest, just absolute blast of a TV show. (Friday on Hulu) - Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip: Otherwise known by its alternate title, The Assassination of Ramona Singer. (Now on Peacock) [Alternate text] - Tiger King 2: Exploitative, pointless trash that lost its fun and became stale a long time ago. (Now on Netflix) - Cowboy Bebop: No bebop should be this dull! (Friday on Netflix) Advertisement [Facebook]( [Twitter]( [Instagram]( © Copyright 2021 The Daily Beast Company LLC 555 W. 18th Street, New York NY 10011 [Privacy Policy]( If you are on a mobile device or cannot view the images in this message, [click here]( to view this email in your browser. 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