Newsletter Subject

asking for your signature


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Sat, May 4, 2024 06:46 PM

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͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ?

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Teachers Unify To End Gun Violence is trying to prove widespread support for common sense gun safety laws, and we need 10,000 signatures by midnight. So we’re asking for your help to advocate for a critical step in ending gun violence: [Can you please sign our petition to support common-sense gun reform before midnight? >>](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoGQdsP0SdaHR0cHM6Ly9hY3QuY2FtcGFpZ25kZXB1dHkuY29tL2d1bi1yZWZvcm0tY2wtcnM_Y2RtYz0yZnh2N3NIbFpUcVNVekFuSTNrT20wWE5SRTEmcmVmY29kZTI9MmZ4djdzSGxaVHFTVXpBbkkza09tMFhOUkUxJnJlZmNvZGVjZG1jPTJmeHY3c0hsWlRxU1V6QW5JM2tPbTBYTlJFMVcDc3BjQgpmM2yCNmbl5jDdUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAVE~) [SIGN NOW: SUPPORT COMMON-SENSE GUN REFORM >>](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoGQdsP0SdaHR0cHM6Ly9hY3QuY2FtcGFpZ25kZXB1dHkuY29tL2d1bi1yZWZvcm0tY2wtcnM_Y2RtYz0yZnh2N3NIbFpUcVNVekFuSTNrT20wWE5SRTEmcmVmY29kZTI9MmZ4djdzSGxaVHFTVXpBbkkza09tMFhOUkUxJnJlZmNvZGVjZG1jPTJmeHY3c0hsWlRxU1V6QW5JM2tPbTBYTlJFMVcDc3BjQgpmM2yCNmbl5jDdUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAVE~) The reason we’re supporting this is simple, {NAME}: Common sense gun reform laws are proven to decrease gun violence deaths. But the gun lobby is working hard to allow blanket access to all guns, so without widespread support and thousands of signatures, our petition will not be taken seriously. {NAME}, we need you to stand with our coalition of teachers, educators, and school staff. [So please, {NAME}, we’re just asking for your signature, but it can help us save lives. Can you sign the petition before midnight? >>](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoGQdsP0SdaHR0cHM6Ly9hY3QuY2FtcGFpZ25kZXB1dHkuY29tL2d1bi1yZWZvcm0tY2wtcnM_Y2RtYz0yZnh2N3NIbFpUcVNVekFuSTNrT20wWE5SRTEmcmVmY29kZTI9MmZ4djdzSGxaVHFTVXpBbkkza09tMFhOUkUxJnJlZmNvZGVjZG1jPTJmeHY3c0hsWlRxU1V6QW5JM2tPbTBYTlJFMVcDc3BjQgpmM2yCNmbl5jDdUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAVE~) [SIGN NOW: SUPPORT COMMON SENSE GUN REFORM >>](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoGQdsP0SdaHR0cHM6Ly9hY3QuY2FtcGFpZ25kZXB1dHkuY29tL2d1bi1yZWZvcm0tY2wtcnM_Y2RtYz0yZnh2N3NIbFpUcVNVekFuSTNrT20wWE5SRTEmcmVmY29kZTI9MmZ4djdzSGxaVHFTVXpBbkkza09tMFhOUkUxJnJlZmNvZGVjZG1jPTJmeHY3c0hsWlRxU1V6QW5JM2tPbTBYTlJFMVcDc3BjQgpmM2yCNmbl5jDdUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAVE~) – Teachers Unify To End Gun Violence --------------------------------------------------------------- ~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoGQdsP0SPaHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9UZWFjaGVyc1VuaWZ5P2NkbWM9MmZ4djdzSGxaVHFTVXpBbkkza09tMFhOUkUxJnJlZmNvZGUyPTJmeHY3c0hsWlRxU1V6QW5JM2tPbTBYTlJFMSZyZWZjb2RlY2RtYz0yZnh2N3NIbFpUcVNVekFuSTNrT20wWE5SRTFXA3NwY0IKZjNsgjZm5eYw3VIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTFAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAFR ~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoGQdsP0SWaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS90ZWFjaGVyc3VuaWZ5Lz9jZG1jPTJmeHY3c0hsWlRxU1V6QW5JM2tPbTBYTlJFMSZyZWZjb2RlMj0yZnh2N3NIbFpUcVNVekFuSTNrT20wWE5SRTEmcmVmY29kZWNkbWM9MmZ4djdzSGxaVHFTVXpBbkkza09tMFhOUkUxVwNzcGNCCmYzbII2ZuXmMN1SG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkxQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAABUQ~~ [](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoGQdsP0SIaHR0cHM6Ly90ZWFjaGVyc3VuaWZ5Lm9yZy8_Y2RtYz0yZnh2N3NIbFpUcVNVekFuSTNrT20wWE5SRTEmcmVmY29kZTI9MmZ4djdzSGxaVHFTVXpBbkkza09tMFhOUkUxJnJlZmNvZGVjZG1jPTJmeHY3c0hsWlRxU1V6QW5JM2tPbTBYTlJFMVcDc3BjQgpmM2yCNmbl5jDdUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAVE~) We're fighting to make our schools safer for educators, school staff, students, and families. Will you join our movement today to end gun violence? ~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoGQdsP0TSaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL2dhLXR1LWVtP2Ftb3VudD0yNSZyZWZjb2RlPTIwMjQwNTA0X2VtX2ZyX2IxX3BldGl0aW9uX2NsLXJzX2Zvb3RlciZjZG1jPTJmeHY3c0hsWlRxU1V6QW5JM2tPbTBYTlJFMSZyZWZjb2RlMj0yZnh2N3NIbFpUcVNVekFuSTNrT20wWE5SRTEmcmVmY29kZWNkbWM9MmZ4djdzSGxaVHFTVXpBbkkza09tMFhOUkUxVwNzcGNCCmYzbII2ZuXmMN1SG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkxQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAABUQ~~ [DONATE](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoGQdsP0TSaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL2dhLXR1LWVtP2Ftb3VudD0yNSZyZWZjb2RlPTIwMjQwNTA0X2VtX2ZyX2IxX3BldGl0aW9uX2NsLXJzX2Zvb3RlciZjZG1jPTJmeHY3c0hsWlRxU1V6QW5JM2tPbTBYTlJFMSZyZWZjb2RlMj0yZnh2N3NIbFpUcVNVekFuSTNrT20wWE5SRTEmcmVmY29kZWNkbWM9MmZ4djdzSGxaVHFTVXpBbkkza09tMFhOUkUxVwNzcGNCCmYzbII2ZuXmMN1SG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkxQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAABUQ~~) PAID FOR BY TEACHERS UNIFY TO END GUN VIOLENCE Teachers Unify To Gun Violence 113 Mill Plain Rd #1027 Danbury, CT 06811 Email is an important way for us to communicate with our supporters. 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