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Strategies That Crush The Market


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Tue, Mar 12, 2024 11:12 AM

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This email is an advertisement from a third party. Always perform your own due diligence. Dear Inves

[](~/AAPxiwA~/RgRn0rqwP0QWaHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9ja25ld3MuY29tL1cDc3BjQgpl75V772VJ83KlUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44OEBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAE~) This email is an advertisement from a third party. Always perform your own due diligence. Dear Investor, I have some very exciting news. We've just been given permission to offer you this special opportunity for this week only. I'm talking about trades handed to you that had a triple digit track record last year, and more. These trades come from a partnership with another company that shares our passion for finding trades based on rigorous quantitative research and time-tested trade management. One way this company expands on what we offer is in their deep emphasis on fundamental data inputs. Remarkably, as you'll see when you look at their track record, the timeliness of their trades is incredible, and as a result, their returns are amazing. For example, last year when the Mag 7 stocks and technology was the hot area, this company’s "Value" portfolio was up 106%! So, who's doing this? We are very excited to have the opportunity not only introduce you to The Wealth Quorum® of New York City, but also provide you with an insider’s deal. You’ll find them at the [](~/AAPxiwA~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~~), but before you jump there, here are a few things you should know. If you’re interested, we’ve arranged special access to their systems. I’ll explain below. First, The Wealth Quorum® has several different model portfolios. When you review their track records, you’ll see that they all significantly outperform the markets. For example, last year the S&P 500 was up about 26% and The Wealth Quorum® portfolio performances achieved: - Value: +106% - Earnings Momentum: +34% - Aggressive Technicals: +33% - Aggressive Growth: +97% You’ll find the details on how they select and manage trades on The Wealth Quorum® website. [Here’s a link to the Aggressive Growth portfolio details](~/AAPxiwA~/RgRn0rqwP4RoAWh0dHBzOi8vZGF0YXZpZXcua2VhcC1saW5rMDA1LmNvbS92Mi9jbGljay9lYmQxNjJmNDY3Yzg0ZWY2N2E3NmRjNjg0YzUxZGE4Yi9lSnlOa01GcXdrQVFodDlsenFreEZTSHVUVVFreEhvbzdWbUdaSm9zVFhhM3M1TXNRZkx1WGFYVWstRDVfLWI3Wi1ZQ1FnYU5GRFVvcUZGdzFCUWdBYVpLTzAxR2R0WUlWcmQ4bldmTGJKMUFwODMzZ2UzZ1FGMGVqUDhqMTJDeldlWExQQUdaSEVYczQzMjdLNHZUNFh3c1RtVmtIWExzZWRLMWVzM2lFbmZaX20xYkhHR2VIOXFwMTdJZlk0RUhKVHpROWJSYXhfUGtrN3ZJdHlMT3F6UU5JU3dDWVNmdHoyQjU2QmVWN1ZNdmpFTE5sR0xUTUhtdlIzcHAyQVpwb3htZEkxUF9fYWVrQ2RRWGRwN21YeHY2Y213PVcDc3BjQgpl75V772VJ83KlUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44OEBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAE~). Over A Decade of Service Founded in the Fall of 2011, The Wealth Quorum® is an independent think tank composed of some of the brightest and most experienced quantitative minds in the investment industry, intensely dedicated to developing consistently profitable trading algorithms. Each of their factor-based investment strategies carefully selects a small number of companies based on highly selective fundamental and technical analysis criteria provided by more than a dozen industry-leading data and research providers. Easy To Follow Strategies Every week, they run their models to evaluate their current positions and consider the potential of adding up to 3 new trades. At the beginning of each week, members enjoy easy-to-follow trade ideas and details for any suggested portfolio changes. They also maintain complete performance statistics with a fully transparent transaction history - meticulously detailing each historical recommendation. A Different Quant Model We share their philosophy of quantitative trading strategies. However, they offer very different model criteria, and therefore… We are very excited to be working with them. More specifically, if you act right away, you can actually receive 18 months of access for the very same price as their 12-month Membership. That’s a big discount! This opportunity has never been offered to anyone before. This is a limited time offer reserved exclusively for the [](~/AAPxiwA~/RgRn0rqwP0QUaHR0cDovL1N0b2NrTmV3cy5jb21XA3NwY0IKZe-Ve-9lSfNypVIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luODhAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAAB) community. Due to the exclusivity of this opportunity… It does require that you make contact and enroll this week! You’ll also need to gain access directly through The Wealth Quorum® Managing Director, Clayton Anderson. Even if it weren’t required, I’d recommend you contact Clayton Anderson directly today. He enjoys personally meeting anyone considering a Membership and… As a co-founder, Clayton is the guy to talk to get any questions answered and gain access to additional data about their trading systems. Call Clayton today at 212-655-9831 or 800-655-0361 or email him directly at and simply mention me (by name) -or- [](~/AAPxiwA~/RgRn0rqwP0QUaHR0cDovL1N0b2NrTmV3cy5jb21XA3NwY0IKZe-Ve-9lSfNypVIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luODhAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAAB). He’ll be happy to grant you temporary preview access, review trades with you, and expand on anything else you’d like to know, so you can come to a fully informed decision before this exclusive offer expires on Friday, March 15th. [Click here to learn more at the Wealth Quorum website](~/AAPxiwA~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~~), and then please contact Clayton directly for your special opportunity. Best Wishes for your trading, Stephen “Reity” Reitmeister CEO [](~/AAPxiwA~/RgRn0rqwP0QUaHR0cDovL1N0b2NrTmV3cy5jb21XA3NwY0IKZe-Ve-9lSfNypVIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luODhAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAAB) This is an advertisement.This is not a solicitation for the purchase or sale of securities. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and due diligence, and/or obtain professional advice, prior to making any investment decision. Advertisements and sponsorships are provided as a service to Stock News users. Stock News is not responsible for their content, services or products. The statements and opinions contained in this advertisement are not those of Stock News, and Stock News disclaims any liability for or arising from such statements and opinions. This email was sent to {EMAIL} You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website at 1 Penn Plaza, 39th Floor New York, NY 10119 [Unsubscribe from this list](~/AAPxiwA~/RgRn0rqwP0QzaHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9ja25ld3MuY29tL3Vuc3Vic2NyaWJlLWZyb20tb3VyLW1haWxpbmdzVwNzcGNCCmXvlXvvZUnzcqVSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjg4QGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAAAAQ~~) [](~/AAPxiwA~/RgRn0rqwP0QZaHR0cDovL3d3dy5zdG9ja25ld3MuY29tL1cDc3BjQgpl75V772VJ83KlUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44OEBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAE~) | [Terms of Use](~/AAPxiwA~/RgRn0rqwP0QcaHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9ja25ld3MuY29tL2xlZ2FsL1cDc3BjQgpl75V772VJ83KlUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44OEBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAE~) | [Performance](~/AAPxiwA~/RgRn0rqwP0QhaHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9ja25ld3MuY29tL3BlcmZvcm1hbmNlVwNzcGNCCmXvlXvvZUnzcqVSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjg4QGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAAAAQ~~) | [Privacy Policy](~/AAPxiwA~/RgRn0rqwP0QeaHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9ja25ld3MuY29tL3ByaXZhY3kvVwNzcGNCCmXvlXvvZUnzcqVSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjg4QGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAAAAQ~~)

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