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Heart attack while pooping?


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Wed, Mar 13, 2024 12:01 PM

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Dear Reader, More than 10% of sudden heart issues happen on the toilet. Sounds crazy, right? But in

[Real News Real Patriots] Dear Reader, More than 10% of sudden heart issues happen on the toilet. Sounds crazy, right? But in a 4-year study of older men and women, a remarkable 11 percent of these events happened on the toilet. It turns out that all of that pushing and straining, only to eke out a few solid pebbles, takes more of toll on the heart than most of us ever realized. Making matters worse, Harvard experts report, “...about one in five adults (has) hard, dry, and small bowel movements that are painful or difficult to pass, and often occur less than three times a week.” It’s never been clearer: Constipation is not a “little problem.” So, if you’re among the 63 million adults who spend more time on the toilet than they’d like to admit... What if I told you that all of that paining and straining can end today? That’s NOT an over-blown promise... it’s a scientific fact backed by over 10,000 human tests and 110 separate clinical studies. In fact, 21 of the world’s top MDs agree that [this one 15-second change](~/AAST1QA~/RgRn1BpOP4R6Amh0dHA6Ly90cmFjay5yZWFsbmV3c3JlYWxwYXRyaW90cy5jb20vP3h0bD0yM2owOXZldzVydWdqZ3gzY3lqbnVxenhtd3B5MzdnZmt2bTNrbTF2b2JieXVnd3g2bHAzbzd4b21jZnRnamR1empzdHIwYXQycDl4bTJidHQ3ZjY0MDhnb29mbnNranMweHo0eWZna3N2aXU5ZDRoM2RsYzhyNmVjd3Brdzhjam9ydDFlMGxsYWMzejlnYnh0NjEyN29uNGg3Ym1lZXdkaW5ua3J4NnR6end2NXFzdnhycm85ZHR2eGNkMzkyNW94eWw3c294NTBpc2YwYnpyeGZ2aXl0MmQzbWRldnFwOHBwdW83YTIybGIybjJiaGpuM2JjcnlqNTE1Y216cmczdHdtMHQwZnEweDlqY2VpanJtMGg1eWpmbDhpMHR4dDRyOGw2bjZiYnBteG93ZjZ5MWVleDJzaWR4cHE4YnAyd3Z4ZmZuMW56Z2kyajB2c3Izejl4ZXZqNjgzMXgxM3dwdXQ4MW51M2RvcWl4dzJpcHJkZjl2c2lvczdrN3Ywc3NwNmtlNHl1bnZ1YXdrcHdpZjZyaWpzaWl2MTk5cjFlbTltdWc4eGRzdG5ocjJoM3JiaXhlcjIwbml4cnc1N3YwM2Vqd3FwMmM5djV3YmVqOGIwNTExc2gxdHFmMTg0MjV2ZDRrMm96YzkxZ2N1M3djbHAwZXliaW0xNzY3ejgydmtscDJvNDZ3MTZsdDlxenR2JmVpaD03cDJnYzd5b2tpODd2YWhzeGkwejhoMzdpazVldndkdTFibWM0Y2FxeXlzJl9fc3RtcD1zYWFjMGNXA3NwY0IKZe9TlfFlReIP0lIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTFAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAAA) to your morning routine can have you pooping like a champ again before tomorrow morning. Without drugs, suppositories, fiber, fancy diets or cleanses... Without straining, without bloating, and without waiting. You sit. You go. You’re empty — Guaranteed. All you must do is [make this one tiny change](~/AAST1QA~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) (it takes less than 15 seconds) to your morning routine... Some folks even report that their gas and poops are less stinky and embarrassing! [See how pooping can be fast and easy – even pleasant.](~/AAST1QA~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) Kind regards, [Lee Euler] Lee Euler, President Green Valley Naturals   Get In The Inbox of Conservative Readers Advertise with Real News Real Patriots to get your brand in front of thousands of Conservative Americans who are always looking for their next interesting product. 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