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Trump Blasts 'Rat' Cohen


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Sun, Dec 16, 2018 11:55 PM

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"Remember, Michael Cohen only became a “Rat” after the FBI did something which was absolutely unth

[Michael Reagan] President Donald Trump and his attorney, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, blasted Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen Sunday while Trump also attacked the FBI for "breaking into" his former attorney's office. Special: [The Shocking Truth About Magnesium]( "Remember, Michael Cohen only became a “Rat” after the FBI did something which was absolutely unthinkable & unheard of until the Witch Hunt was illegally started," Trump wrote on Twitter Sunday morning. "They BROKE INTO AN ATTORNEY’S OFFICE! Why didn’t they break into the DNC to get the Server, or Crooked’s office?" Trump also continued his attacks on former FBI former FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. "So where are all the missing Text messages between fired FBI agents Peter S and the lovely Lisa Page, his lover. Just reported that they have been erased and wiped clean. What an outrage as the totally compromised and conflicted Witch Hunt moves ever so slowly forward. Want them!" Trump tweeted. [Identities of Washington’s Secret Government Revealed]( Your blood pressure is vital, warns renowned cardiologist Dr. Chauncey Crandall. MAGNESIUM Are You Getting Enough? It’s Absolutely Critical and More Than 50% of Older Americans Fail to Get Enough What you will see over the next few minutes in this educational video directly impacts your ability to maintain your health — particularly your heart health — so I urge you to hear me out. And by the time you finish watching this short, interesting video, you will have learned that 99 out of 100 people know about a nutrient — a mineral, actually — that's crucial to over 325 biochemical processes in your body. You will discover why you've been kept in the dark about its necessity, and whether YOU are at risk for having a low supply of magnesium in your own body. Most importantly, you will see the exact simple steps you can take to turn the tables and address this concern — for the sake of your heart and overall health. Now, you're well-informed enough to know a little bit about magnesium. I'm sure you already know you need it for maintaining health. However, magnesium has long taken a back seat to its more highly studied cousin, calcium. You've probably heard since childhood that you need adequate calcium for strong bones. And of course, that's quite true. But here's the bottom line: Magnesium is just as crucial as calcium. In fact, calcium cannot even be fully absorbed and available to your body's cells without adequate magnesium. It's easy to see why magnesium is considered one of the most critical minerals for overall health, because it affects: - Your heart function and your heart rhythm . . . - Your blood pressure . . . - Your muscle and nerve function . . . - Your blood glucose control . . . - Your energy production . . . - Your antioxidant activity . . . - Your bone development . . . - And much more . . . In a nutshell, calcium basically contracts muscles, and magnesium helps relax them. And although you probably think of muscles as the tissues attached to your skeleton, do you know where else you have critical muscles? Your heart and your blood vessels, that's where. And needless to say, that's one reason why magnesium is so vital to support your cardiovascular health. Bottom line: You don't want too much contracting and not enough relaxing. Although magnesium has been studied much less heavily than other minerals such as calcium, researchers have finally gotten on the bandwagon and identified 3,751 magnesium binding sites on human proteins. OK, hold on for a second, let me take a step back . . . I realize this may sound like a lot of scientific gobbledygook to you or me, but it does mean something to scientists, who are now coming out of the woodwork to study magnesium. That's because they now realize that magnesium's role in maintaining good health has been terribly underestimated. All these new scientific findings have sparked renewed interest in this everyday mineral. Dietary surveys have repeatedly found that magnesium intake for Americans is lower than the recommended amounts (which many doctors feel are already too low). The 2005-2006 edition of the U.S. government's National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that, of those specifically aged 51 and over, a whopping 62% were getting less than the average requirements for magnesium in their diets. Based on these facts, and I hate to say this, you could well find yourself in this group. If you do, however, don't feel guilty. It's not your fault — and here's why... If you fall into the category that the medical profession likes to call the "aging population," your risk of magnesium depletion is higher, for several reasons. First, the Office of Dietary Supplements, a branch of the National Institutes of Health, describes the impact aging can have on magnesium levels: Statistics show that older adults take in even less dietary magnesium than their younger counterparts. Second, with age, your gut's ability to absorb magnesium slows down. Third, older adults are more apt to have less-than-optimal overall health, and are also more likely to take medications that interfere with magnesium uptake in the body. Plus . . . If, like me, you love your coffee (or enjoy drinking alcoholic beverages), you should also know that both caffeine and alcohol can deplete your magnesium stores due to their diuretic effects. Then there's that big bugaboo that affects most of us: chronic stress. When you're under stress, your body produces cortisol. This hormone causes magnesium to be released from cells and excreted in your urine. You literally flush your magnesium away down the toilet! And that's not all. There's also the food issue . . . While magnesium is found in many different plant and animal foods, modern food processing and refining have systematically stripped away much of the nutritional content from foods, including magnesium. To add insult to injury, modern farming techniques combined with the use of herbicides and pesticides, certain fertilizers, and acid rain that occurs with air pollution all combine to make our food lighter in magnesium content. Plus — and this is just between us — let's be honest . . . With our busy schedules and demanding lives, most of us eat too much junk food and processed food with poor nutritional value. And while you should eat as many magnesium-rich foods as possible, like leafy green vegetables, beans, and nuts, even with a healthy diet it's just nearly impossible to consume ALL the magnesium you need from diet alone. You see, just to get the recommended 400 milligrams of magnesium per day (and bear in mind many doctors recommend far more for optimal health), you'd need to eat: - 16 cups of broccoli . . . - 12 bananas . . . - 4½ pounds of yogurt . . . - 16 cups of white rice . . . - Or 2½ cups of boiled spinach . . . Wow! Who could do that? Maybe Popeye could eat the spinach, but I know I couldn't eat enough of any of these foods. That's why top cardiologist Chauncey Crandall, M.D., recommends supplementing your diet with magnesium to promote heart and circulatory system health. By the way, it's important to know more about how magnesium affects your heart health. I'll get into that shortly, but first, I want to give you a quick heads-up . . . In a couple of minutes, you will discover a great new magnesium option designed to support your heart health — and one you can [try RISK-FREE with a special offer]( you'll hear about shortly. So please keep watching. And in the meantime, if you haven't yet heard of Dr. Chauncey Crandall, stay tuned . . . Dr. Crandall works as an interventional cardiologist. He inserts stents in arteries and performs other procedures to help patients with serious cardiac problems. He's actually performed over 40,000 heart procedures during his career. But what Dr. Crandall really relishes is his role as chief of the Cardiovascular Preventive Medicine Program at the Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Florida. He counsels his patients to supplement their diets with certain nutrients essential to good cardiac function, as part of adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle. And Dr. Crandall considers magnesium not only a critical mineral, but a critical cardiac nutrient. Magnesium and some of the other nutrients I'll share with you today are not just fads or folk remedies. In point of fact, the role they play in the health of your heart and other body systems is well-established by repeated scientific studies. I won't bore you with too much technical jargon, but since you don't know me from Adam — and deserve to make up your own mind — here are the facts. A study reported in the American Heart Journal followed 13,922 middle-aged adults. The research concluded that magnesium levels correlate directly with overall heart health. Another study, this one published in the American Journal of Cardiology, found that adequate magnesium levels were associated with normal heart rhythm. The Journal of Clinical Epidemiology published a study of 15,248 participants that explored the correlation between magnesium levels and heart health. The study concluded that adequate magnesium levels were associated with cardiac health. And again, this is just a drop in the bucket when it comes to all the studies supporting the importance of magnesium to heart health. In fact, magnesium: - Supports normal heart rhythm . . . - Helps promote normal blood pressure levels . . . - Supports overall cardiovascular health . . . And that's just your heart. When it comes to the rest of your body, magnesium: - Supports healthy insulin levels . . . - Supports your body's energy production to keep you going strong all day long . . . - promotes proper bone development . . . - Helps your body synthesize the crucial antioxidant glutathione . . . - Helps regulate nerve and muscle function . . . - And performs over 300 additional biochemical functions in your body . . . Now, you could run down to your neighborhood drug store or even your local grocery store and find some inexpensive magnesium, but before you do that, Dr. Crandall has a warning for you: Magnesium supplements are not all created equal. There are many forms of magnesium, each with their pros and cons, each with varying degrees of absorbability and side effects (some even cause loose bowels). How do you know which one you should trust? Here's what Consumer Reports has to say: "Because of inadequate quality control and inspection, supplements contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, or prescription drugs have been sold to unsuspecting consumers. And FDA rules covering manufacturing quality don't apply to the companies that supply herbs, vitamins, and other raw ingredients." Excuse me, but what's wrong with this picture? Over the years, Dr. Crandall has seen many of his patients buy cheap, useless, and potentially unsafe supplements. He understands they really didn't know any better. They were just looking for a bargain. Truth is, when it comes to nutritional supplements, cheap does not equal good. If you're going to take a nutritional supplement, you want . . . One that is what it says it is — and does what it's supposed to do. One that's created in an American facility devoted to high quality and safety. And that's why Dr. Crandall created Arterin®, an advanced dietary supplement for heart health that contains magnesium, niacin, and other important nutrients. In particular, Arterin supports normal blood pressure levels and healthy heart rhythm. You'll hear more about this breakthrough formula in a few seconds, but I'll give you a little advance notice right now . . . If you stick with me and continue to watch this presentation, you will see a special offer from the premium supplement company Medix Select to claim your own Risk-Free 30-day supply of Arterin. Since this is a $39.95 value, it just makes good sense for you to keep reading. Even if you choose not to take advantage of this generous opportunity, you will still gain valuable health-boosting information by viewing this video, so please don't abandon ship. [Claim Your Bottle of Arterin Right Now — Click Here]( Look, Arterin is a well-thought-out formula with multiple ingredients, not just a simple magnesium supplement. For one thing, the magnesium in Arterin has been combined for stability and added benefits with malic acid to form magnesium malate. Malic acid is a substance found naturally in apples and other plant foods. It has numerous benefits in digestion, detoxification, metabolism, and cellular energy production. In combination with magnesium, malic acid may also support muscular comfort. When it comes to heart health, a recent preliminary study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that malic acid promotes heart health. In combination with malic acid, you'll find nearly two full grams of magnesium in a daily dose of Arterin — in a form that's easy on your stomach and highly bioavailable. Besides magnesium and malic acid, Arterin also includes niacin, an important B vitamin. Like magnesium, niacin promotes cardiovascular health. It also supports cognitive function, proper nervous system and digestive tract function, and cellular energy production. Similar to the situation with magnesium, you probably don't get enough niacin in your diet either. You can boost your niacin levels a bit by eating red meat, fish, and leafy green vegetables, but you've seen how and why our food is so deficient in these vital nutrients. Another reason for your body's constant need for niacin is that it is a water-soluble vitamin that is not stored — any excess is excreted in your urine — and so must be replenished daily. Therefore, Dr. Crandall recommends you supplement daily with niacin. However, if you've ever taken niacin, you may have experienced the unpleasant sensation of a niacin flush — a burning feeling, mainly in the face, neck, and upper body. This flush is less likely to occur when you take Arterin. That's because the 500 milligrams of niacin (as niacinamide) per daily dose of Arterin is delivered in a flush-free sustained release formula that is released gently into your bloodstream. But let's move on, because there's much more . . . To further boost the cardiac support you get from Arterin, Dr. Crandall also added 5 milligrams of vitamin B6. That gives you 250% of the recommended daily value. Keeping your vitamin B6 levels in the normal range is important: Research suggests that adequate levels of vitamin B6 may support cardiovascular health. The prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reported a study involving 80,082 female participants over a 14-year period. The results suggest that intake of vitamin B6 above the current recommended dietary level can support heart health among women. One reason that vitamin B6 may support heart health is that it impacts homocysteine levels, an amino acid in the blood linked to heart health concerns. Vitamin B6 also supports immune function and brain function. Vitamin B6 helps your body make serotonin, a chemical that influences mood. Plus, B6 plays a role in more than 100 enzyme reactions involving your metabolism. And your body needs B6 in order to absorb vitamin B12 and to make red blood cells and immune system cells. As with all B vitamins, B6 is water soluble, meaning your body does not store it and requires a continuous supply. [Get Your RISK-FREE Bottle of Arterin Today! Click Here Now!]( But that's not all: Dr. Crandall also added a little extra boost of folate, another essential B vitamin, to Arterin. Vitamin B6, B12, and folate are considered combination of key nutrients for heart health because of their effects on vascular health by promoting normal levels of homocysteine. So now that you've discovered why you need to supplement your diet with certain key nutrients for a healthier heart. . . . . What would be the best way for us to show that Arterin really does what we say? Well, just imagine being able to try out a product without risk. Now it's a reality. You be the judge of the impact Arterin can have on your health. Dr. Crandall is confident that Arterin will provide you with support for your heart health, and particularly support for normal heart rhythm and blood pressure. In fact, Dr. Crandall is so confident about this, he insisted you receive the opportunity to try Arterin RISK-FREE! You can now claim your very own RISK-FREE 30-day trial supply of Arterin with this special offer — just click on the BIG ORANGE BUTTON at the bottom of this page. [Get Your RISK-FREE 30-Day Supply of Arterin Right Now — Click Here]( If you order from this special video, premium supplement distributor Medix Select will send you a 30-day supply of Arterin (a $39.95 value) for only $4.95 with enrollment into a convenient and affordable Smart Ship program. Following your 30-day trial, you will receive your 90-day supply of Arterin for just $26.64 per bottle — a 33% savings! Plus, with Smart Ship, you always get FREE shipping! And, if for any reason you are dissatisfied, you may cancel at any time. Fortunately, right now you have the opportunity to judge whether this breakthrough heart health supplement will help you. Of course, Dr. Crandall and the Medix Select team believe it will — or they couldn't afford to make you an offer like this. I'd urge you to do this now, while your heart health is on your mind. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about two other FREE BONUSES we have for you, just for giving Arterin a try. You'll also receive two FREE BONUS GIFTS from Dr. Crandall. The first one is Dr. Crandall's 90-Day Plan for Healthy Blood Pressure Levels, valued at $20. In this report, you'll discover: - How to abolish lifestyle factors that lead to high blood pressure - Top stress-busting techniques - The best foods for healthy blood pressure levels - Easy strategies to maintain normal blood pressure levels - Plus much, much more . . . Your second Bonus Report from Dr. Crandall is A Doctor's Guide to Healthy Heart Rhythm, also valued at $20. In this additional report, you will find: - Must-know information about the key nutrients that can support proper heart rhythm . . . - Simple lifestyle changes to reduce your heart health concerns . . . - 7 things to avoid for healthy heart rhythm . . . - How to reduce the stress that can impact your heart health . . . - And much more . . . Now, since you've stayed tuned to this presentation, I know you're concerned about taking good care of yourself — and your heart. [Claim Your Bottle of Arterin & 2 FREE GIFTS — Click Here Now]( And only with a healthy heart will you be able to enjoy a higher quality of life for all those moments yet to come. Take this generous opportunity to try Arterin. Right now, the ball's in your court. You have nothing to lose — and no risk . . . So don't miss the boat. Click that BIG ORANGE BUTTON at the bottom of this page right now for details and tell us where to mail your 30-day supply of Arterin and your two FREE Special Reports. You haven't clicked the BIG ORANGE BUTTON yet? OK, I realize you may be the skeptical type. So here's what it boils down to... Arterin is produced in a 120,000-square-foot state-of-the-art, pharmaceutical-grade American manufacturing facility. The facility and equipment are FDA-reviewed. All Medix Select products undergo rigorous testing for safety and contain only the highest quality ingredients. Both raw materials and final products are tested to ensure purity, strength, composition, and accurate label claims. For its combination of magnesium and malic acid, Arterin uses the patented dimagnesium malate form of magnesium from Albion®, the world leader in mineral amino acid chelate nutrition. Chelates are special forms of minerals that give the body its best chance for absorption and assimilation. Known as The Mineral People™, Albion® has been making chelated minerals for over 50 years. They are the only chelate manufacturer that can scientifically prove their molecular structure. Arterin also uses a patented form of folate called Quatrefolic®, which is a fourth-generation folate providing improved bioavailability and greater stability. As you've already seen, the niacin in Arterin is a flush-free sustained release formula. Arterin also uses pyridoxal-5-phosphate, or P5P as it is commonly known, the most bioactive form of vitamin B6. Other forms of vitamin B6 used in cheap supplements must first be converted by the liver to the active form the body needs — P5P. Low rates of conversion from the inactive to the active form of vitamin B6 are common, particularly in older adults. By using the active P5P form of B6, conversion is no longer necessary. Since you're still reading, I'm going to assume you have a true and serious interest in supporting your health for as many years into the future as possible. And I'm sure that by now you can see that you won't find this kind of healthy support for your heart anywhere else. Are you with me? Just think, you can't go wrong. After hearing about all these ingredients, and what goes into creating this strategically blended product, you can easily see that Arterin is a premier supplement. And I'm sure you want to get the most benefits for your hard-earned money, don't you? Finally, taking charge of your heart health is easy as 1-2-3. Just click that BIG ORANGE BUTTON at the bottom of this page right now and tell us where to mail your 30-day supply of Arterin (a $39.95 value) and your two FREE Bonus Gifts (a $40 value) for only $4.95. Really, what do you have to lose? As the old saying goes, never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Dr. Crandall is fully dedicated to your heart health. He hopes you are too . . . Click that BIG ORANGE BUTTON below right now for complete details on how to claim your 30-day trial supply of Arterin and Bonus Gifts. To your best health, Sarah Reed, DMH Medix Health Director These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Terms and Conditions Apply. Please call or see our website for complete details. All information presented above is for informational purposes only, and is not specifically applicable to any individual’s medical problem(s), concerns, and/or needs. Readers are advised to consult a health professional about any issue regarding their health and well-being. © Medix Health, LLC. All rights reserved. Medix Select is a registered trademark of Medix Health, LLC. --------------------------------------------------------------- You received this Reagan Reports for America email because you subscribed to it or someone forwarded it to you. [Recommend Reagan Reports for America]( to a friend or [unsubscribe]( from our list. We respect your right to privacy. [View our policy](. 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