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Bomb, Bomb, Bomb... Bomb, Bomb Iran!


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Mon, Jan 29, 2024 12:00 PM

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Deep State needs a war before John Q Public figures out The Game. | Bomb, Bomb, Bomb… Bomb, Bom

Deep State needs a war before John Q Public figures out The Game. [The Rude Awakening] January 29, 2024 [WEBSITE]( | [UNSUBSCRIBE]( Bomb, Bomb, Bomb… Bomb, Bomb Iran! [Sean Ring] SEAN RING I can't confirm if Lindsay Graham got his X and PornHub accounts confused, but here's what he vomited on social media yesterday: [SJN] I also printed the Community Note for your edification and to let you know not everyone’s asleep at the wheel. The upshot is a bunch of deranged lunatics run the USG. That much is plain to see. But why the constant warmongering? Is it just to give Raytheon and Lockheed Martin new orders? Is it to keep up appearances as the world’s sole superpower? Or is there another, much more nefarious reason? Let’s explore. You’re Right, The Economy is Awful [Zero Hedge]( up a great piece]( on why the GDP number was genuinely dreadful. Sure, it came in at 3.3% for Q4 2023, and we’re supposed to gasp and rejoice. Except that debt drove GDP growth. Gross Domestic Product, or Grossly Deceptive Product, as we like to call it here at the Rude, is based on spending, not output. GDP is, ostensibly, consumption spending plus private investment spending plus government spending plus what we net spend on trade (what we take in from exports minus what we spend on imports). From [Zero Hedge]( The result, for better or worse, speaks for themselves: while Q4 GDP rose by $329 billion to $27.939 trillion, a respectable if made-up number, what is much more disturbing is that over the same time period, the US budget deficit rose by more than 50%, or $510 billion. And the cherry on top: the increase in public US debt in the same three-month period was a stunning $834 billion, or 154% more than the increase in GDP. In other words, it now takes $1.55 in budget deficit to generate $1 of growth... and it takes over $2.50 in new debt to generate $1 of GDP growth! In short, US GDP is now almost completely dependent on the “G” or government spending. [SJN] Credit: [Zero Hedge]( Another stunning statistic is that all jobs created since October 2019 have gone to foreign-born workers. [SJN] Credit: [Zero Hedge]( It’s little wonder the natives are getting restless and the politicians need a distraction. [URGENT: Your $588.88 Credit Is Now Available.]( I am pleased to announce that you've got an immediate $588.88 credit for our research you can take advantage of… [Please click here immediately to learn how to claim this credit.]( **DISCLAIMER: Please note, this offer is limited to the first 1,000 that take advantage today** [Click Here To Learn More]( Trust Us, We Started This War Another theory of mine is that the Dems know Biden is a dead duck, or at least, a lame one. If they’re able to start a war before November, the American public will be more inclined to vote for the incumbent - or the incumbent’s party - [if Michelle Obama does indeed usurp Biden’s nomination](. After all, changing governments during a war is tricky for the Military-Industrial Complex. The new President may not like the current war policy and could seek to change it. Heck, that’s why Zelensky won’t hold elections in Ukraine. The Ukrainian presidential election should be held this coming March. But they’re not happening. Dems: Let’s Start a Middle East “Vietnam” and Hand It to Trump My condolences go to the families of the three US military personnel killed and the twenty-five injured in the drone attack this weekend. It’s incredible how these countries put their borders so close to US airbases! [SJN] Credit: [@visegrad24]( Of course, I’m being facetious. But it really does beg the question: why are US troops stationed in Jordan on the Syrian and Iraqi borders? If they weren’t there in the first place, this wouldn’t have happened. Of course, many Congressional chickenhawks are calling for all-out war now: "The only answer to these attacks must be a devastating military retaliation against Iran's terrorist forces, both in Iran and across the Middle East. Anything less will confirm Joe Biden as a coward unworthy of being commander-in-chief.'" —Republican Senator, Tom Cotton of Arkansas "The Biden Administration can take out all the Iranian proxies they like, but it will not deter Iranian aggression. I am calling on the Biden Administration to strike targets of significance inside Iran, not only as reprisal for the killing of our forces, but as deterrence against future aggression... Hit Iran hard, hit them now." —South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham "Target Tehran" —Republican Senator from Texas John Cornyn Do you know who’s not calling for war? One Donald J. Trump. [SJN] [SJN] [SJN] Biden voters may be the biggest mugs on Planet Earth. Give me mean tweets and world peace any day! So what does this mean for the markets? Ironically, Stay Long Gold is maintaining its ground above $2,000: [SJN] There’s no reason to get short the SPX: [SJN] Bitcoin looks like it's in consolidation mode: [SJN] Same for the IWM (Russell 2000 ETF): [SJN] With the Federal Government spending so much money, it’s not hard to see asset prices increasing in the immediate future. But now it takes much more printing to goose the markets. Wrap Up The Usual Suspects in the Deep State want a war immediately. There are some wholly self-interested reasons why they should want it. - The economic numbers are much worse than they appear. - War would favor an incumbent government far behind in the polls. - Handing Trump a sloppy “Vietnam” style war would cripple his administration for the next four years. And yet, there’s no reason to sell your assets right now. The increase in debt requires more dollars. And more dollars equals higher prices. So stay the course. For now. All the best, [Sean Ring] Sean Ring Editor, Rude Awakening X (formerly Twitter): [@seaniechaos]( In Case You Missed It… Sic Semper Trumpannis! [Sean Ring] SEAN RING It’s been ages since I went through the mailbag. Sorry about that. It usually takes me about a month to recover from the holiday season, so here we finally are with a new mailbag issue. Let’s get right into it. Turning Trump Into a Turnip Sean, I listened to [your interview with Jeff Deist]( and it was impressive. With regard to his comments on Trump, I agree that the powers that be will do all in their power to prevent him from gaining another term. I don't recall where I heard or read it, but someone recently noted that in an article in the Washington Post (I think) the author suggested that if all else failed, they might need to resort to extra-legal means to prevent Trump from regaining office. While I have no doubt that such things are discussed within the deep state, to have it mentioned in a published article I find it shocking. This raises the question of how the country would respond if Trump receives the GOP nomination, and is then assassinated before the election. Of course, there would be a public assassin, but who would really be behind it? The best advice I could give Trump is to pick a running mate who is even more unacceptable to the insiders than he is. Perhaps someone like Rand Paul. One thing is for sure, lots of stuff is going to go down between now and the elections, and I consider that there is a non-trivial chance that the US may not even have elections in November. Look at Ukraine. They are in a state of emergency but if it is allowed to end they must have new elections, and Zelensky would be sure to lose, so the emergency will not end as long as he remains in power. I am grateful to be living in Ecuador and watching from a distance. Yes, we have issues with the cartels fighting the government, but nowhere is perfect. [Vivek] certainly doesn't appear to be part of the swamp, and he is wealthy enough to not be awed by their promises. In any case, I hope Trump has a committee working on his appointments list. That he let this process get co-opted by the deep state was probably his biggest mistake in his first term. Fauci, among a huge host of others, would have been gone long before Covid showed up. I read that Obama had a committee that replaced all 8,000 plus positions that are subject to presidential appointment, and many of these continued to serve through Trump's term and are still in those positions today. Assuming a Trump victory in November, ALL of those people should be replaced, and serious thought should be given to who the replacements are. Actually, if he's not tapped as VP, Vivek might be a good candidate to lead that committee. Trump certainly doesn't have the time or attention that the issue demands. Gordon F., Ecuador Hi Gordon, thanks for writing. I slightly truncated your two questions into one, as they were similar. My stance is, sure, the Deep State can assassinate Trump at almost any time. But it would be a breach of public trust so blatant I don’t think the country would recover from it. It’d make the Kennedy assassination look like child’s play. At the time of writing, 25 of 50 states have sided with Texas over Biden in the border dispute. It's not a great look for political harmony. Could Vivek be the VP? Sure, but I’d like to see him as Secretary of Commerce or the Interior, where he can do some real damage. As for being better prepared for the Presidency this time, according to Steve Bannon, they’re training 3,000 people to be ready to take over in January 2025, replacing much of the Obama detritus. The Mutti Disaster On 1202+0000 Mon 15 Jan, Sean wrote in part: > When you've got your feet on the ground, however unintentional that may > have been, you see what a disaster Angela Merkel's policy was. Not originally hers -- the Gastarbeiter program was in place since 1964, modeled after the US 1942 Bracero program. Her original error was going along with the Green New Scam. As a PhD quantum chemist, she had to know the absorbance of CO2 is saturated. But she went along, most likely as these were "fellow travelers" at best and "useful idiots" at worst. She is an ossi [East German], after all, where such thinking was foundational. Robert Hi Robert! The policy may not have been hers, but she still implemented it. It’s her job to say, “This idea is awful.” She didn’t. But I completely agree with you about her error with the Green New Scam. It’s killing Germany as we speak. [Biden's 2024 Presidential Run Doomed To Fail — Thanks To New Inflation Surge?]( Biden has given America its worst inflation crisis in over 43 years. But if you think the worst of inflation is over, think again… [A deadly new “Second Wave” of inflation is coming – one which could send the price of food, gasoline, housing and more skyrocketing much higher than they are today.]( Will this new crisis mean Biden’s 2024 Presidential run is doomed to fail? [Click here now to see my urgent warning.]( [Click Here To Learn More]( Why Do We Have Government? Sean, I haven’t seen anything in a long time from anyone about the legitimate duties of government, you can probably dust something off on this one and publish it in the Rude someday soon, as everyone needs to consider “government gone wild” a few times a year. Best Regards, Jim T. My man Jim T.! I owe you about ten other responses. But I can do this one quickly. The legitimate duties of government, and there are only three, are national defense, private property protection, and a legal system. According to Murray Rothbard, none of them have to be state-run. They can be private. Is Switzerland As Good As Gold? Hi Sean, Thanks very much for your prompt reply, especially on Dec 25 :) I hope you and your wife had a wonderful Christmas in Italy. I thought I would get in touch with you regarding a question one of your readers recently asked about the risks of keeping assets in banks. I live not too far from you, in Lugano CH. I have a mortgage on my home with one of the Swiss banks and hold a significant amount of gold there as collateral. Otherwise, I would probably have it in third-party custody, or have some of it at home. In your estimation, do you think there is some, or considerable, counterparty risk in having this arrangement? I take some comfort that it’s CH, and they take their reputation very seriously, as banking is the backbone of the Swiss economy. However, listening to you, Jim Rickards, and many others who have similar opinions, I can’t help but be a bit concerned, especially in a “bail-in” type of scenario. I would be much more concerned if I lived in the US of something like this happening but hope things would/will be different here. I have substantial investments in crypto and hope that they render enough profits soon in order to cancel the mortgage and get the metals out of the bank. But in the meantime…my hands are tied. Thank you for your time and thoughts on this. Wishing you many blessings, and a healthy New Year. Kind regards. Arturo R. Hi Arturo! We have plans to head up to Lugano for Pam’s birthday in February. We have never been there before, and we can’t wait! Regarding your physical gold, if it’s collateral for your mortgage, I doubt they’d let you withdraw it. But my gold-owning friends prefer to keep physical gold holdings in a safe deep underground at their houses. You don’t have to go all John Wick, but somewhere no one knows about that’s easily accessible. My advice is to do that for future gold purchases. When your house is paid off, withdraw that collateral, as well. Switzerland was great, but once Credit Suisse went down, it’s no longer sure. [John Wick] Belize It or Not! Merry Christmas Sean, Thanks for the great entertainment in 2023, not to mention education. Now that the Swiss banks bow to the IRS, what role does their “discretion” play? By contrast, when the IRS shows up asking questions at Caye Bank in Belize, they send’m pack’n. So why would Caye Bank not be a better offshore choice? Ready to learn, Bill W. Bill, thanks for writing. If that’s true, fantastic. Belize is a former British colony that operates under English Common Law. And that’s a huge plus. But with the US Navy about five minutes away, I’d be skeptical about any ironclad guarantees issued. You’re right about Swiss banks, but I think that applies to everyone on the Western side of the economic globe. One Last Thing… Sean, you’re the BEST! I read you first!! After my little local newspaper. And you are, in my opinion, always as they say: “spot on!” Not to mention so much fun. Thanks!!! Sandy W. Thanks for the kind words, Sandy! That’s all we have time for today. Thanks to everyone who wrote in, even if I didn’t publish it yet. Have a wonderful weekend! All the best, [Sean Ring] Sean Ring Editor, Rude Awakening Twitter: [@seaniechaos]( P.S. Did you miss [our latest video]( We just had Jim Rickards on our Paradigm Press YouTube Channel to detail exactly how the Democrats plan to upset the 2024 election. The information we’re sharing will likely get us censored by YouTube, another way for big tech to stifle the truth. [That’s why you need to watch it NOW.]( Click below to check it out. [Click here to learn more]( [Paradigm]( ☰ ⊗ [ARCHIVE]( [ABOUT]( [Contact Us]( © 2024 Paradigm Press, LLC. 1001 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, MD 21201. By submitting your email address, you consent to Paradigm Press, LLC. delivering daily email issues and advertisements. To end your Rude Awakening e-mail subscription and associated external offers sent from Rude Awakening, feel free to [click here.]( Please note: the mailbox associated with this email address is not monitored, so do not reply to this message. We welcome comments or suggestions at This address is for feedback only. For questions about your account or to speak with customer service, [contact us here]( or call (844)-731-0984. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. 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