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Biden Bucks: The Empire Strikes Back


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Wed, Nov 8, 2023 12:03 PM

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Fearing Fed Coin is not alarmist nonsense. It?s smart. | Biden Bucks: The Empire Strikes Back SEAN

Fearing Fed Coin is not alarmist nonsense. It’s smart. [The Rude Awakening] November 08, 2023 [WEBSITE]( | [UNSUBSCRIBE]( Biden Bucks: The Empire Strikes Back [Sean Ring] SEAN RING Let’s be honest: cash is a pain in the ass. But it’s under your complete control at all times (assuming you haven’t been pickpocketed). Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), otherwise known as Fed Coin or Biden Bucks, are under the government’s control. So when people come up with all sorts of dystopian scenarios against Biden Bucks, those scenarios shouldn’t be dismissed as alarmist nonsense. Yesterday, I interviewed my friend, economist, and Rude contributor Thorsten Polleit. He wrote the warmly received Rude edition titled “[Biden Bucks? How About World-Widen Bucks!]( Our team is doing its best to edit the interview so we can release it next Tuesday, November 14th. Thorsten thoroughly answers, explains, and illuminates points on Germany, America, and gold. Here’s a little nugget: Thorsten is an economist who participated in the 2023 Precious Metals Forecast Survey of the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA). He gives his gold target price for the end of the year and why he hasn’t changed it. I’ll send you the link once it’s posted on the [Paradigm Press YouTube Channel](. This piece borrows heavily from an article I wrote back in 2021. But oddly enough, it was prescient then. Now, it’s downright spot-on! Central Bank Digital Currencies: What’s in Your Wallet? Old friend and Rude reader Trav sent me an interesting email yesterday that I almost dismissed offhandedly. When you've been a right-libertarian for many years, you’re naturally ahead of the curve, as libertarians are a vigilant, fearful, pessimistic bunch. Many arguments, caveats, and banana peels they saw coming decades ago are now just entering the mainstream. Travis sent me this [Doomberg]( article, which talks about the impending USD digitalization. Libertarians for ages have hated all sorts of elimination of cash or central bank digital currencies because governments can theoretically just turn off wallets. This is not a far-fetched scenario, in that as early as June 2021, the Bank of England asked ministers to intervene in [digital currency programming](. The digital currency can then be programmed to be spent only on essentials or items the government or employer thinks are “sensible.” This is an affront to anyone who knows civilization was built on the foundation of private property rights. [Critical Customer Service Notice]( [Click here to learn more]( Hi, this is Dustin Weisbecker, the Director of Customer Service for Jim Rickards. And I’m trying to reach readers about [a massive change we’ve just implemented to Strategic Intelligence.]( As a reader of Jim’s work, this change could have a direct impact on you and your subscription. What’s more, this change will be going into effect immediately – in fact, you may have already noticed it. To bring you up to speed, I just recorded a short video explaining all of the important details about this upgrade. [Click here now.]( [Click Here To Learn More]( What’s Yours is Mine Think about these things: If the government knows that you got caught driving while intoxicated once, are you ever going to be able to buy alcohol again with your central bank-issued digital currency? If you abused prescription drugs at one point, will you be able to buy them later on, even if you're completely over it, with your central bank digital currency? Are you ever going to be able to purchase marijuana? Are you ever going to be able to do anything that you want with your own money? This is an assault on private property. A government would be able to turn off your medium of exchange, thereby prohibiting you from buying what you want. Your wealth is the sum of your lifetime’s income minus all the costs. Your money is all about how you wield your wealth. I have been privy to these arguments forever. One Ring to Rule Them All Thorsten Polleit, an excellent German economist of the Austrian School, has called the impending central bank digital currencies ["The one ring to rule them all."]( From Polleit’s speech at the Property and Freedom Conference in 2021: However, the One Ring of Power stands for the particularly evil idea of creating a state of states, a world government, a world state; and the creation of a single world fiat currency controlled by the states would pave the way toward this outcome. Knowing the globalizers inside the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, Washington, London (despite Brexit!), and the European Union, you could see that as an endpoint. What if one government sticks a prohibition on you? Can you, say, book a plane ticket? Will you be able to put your digital currency in whatever bank in the world? And if you stick it in the bank, will your home government monitor your transactions from afar? We can see that the IRS wants to monitor all bank transactions over $600. We've also seen [via Bloomberg]( that China has ordered HSBC, Manulife, and AIA to prohibit withdrawals for Hong Kongers leaving the territory to resettle in England. On the surface, that’s because they have British national overseas passports, and the Chinese government doesn't recognize them. But the real reason is they don’t want billions of dollars withdrawn in Hong Kong and deposited in London. This was another thing libertarians were way ahead of the curve. Because what happens when Social Security genuinely runs out of money and can't print anymore? They will start seizing retirement accounts, which is why I smartly put mine offshore years ago. If you can do that, please do so. You never, ever know when that day will come, and in the great words of Andrew Henderson of Nomad Capitalist, "You'd rather be three years early than one day late." What About Cryptocurrencies? This bolsters the argument for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether, which are beyond government control. Again, the arguments that Bitcoiners put forward 12 years ago no longer seem fanciful, even to the mainstream. That’s because government actions speak for themselves. This is another reason why at least part of your portfolio should be in cryptocurrencies. Because when the rush to buy cryptos genuinely happens, crypto will roof it. We’re still in the early adopter stage, so you have some time. Bitcoin and Ethereum lead the way now, although who knows what'll happen with these newer digital currencies coming up? Friedrich Hayek was a proponent of the denationalization of money and putting money in the hands of where it should be, which is the market. Money is subject to the laws of supply and demand, just like everything else, and should be out of government hands. Of course, everyone alive today has not lived through a regime where the government did not control money, so that's an entirely foreign concept. Unfortunately, far from denationalizing money, we’re going in the complete opposite direction, where governments will be able to control every purchase that we make. It’s paramount that if you value your freedom, you avoid this scenario at all costs. So prepare yourself, start looking at crypto, start getting your pension offshore, if it isn't offshore already, and beware of what your government is doing in terms of digitalizing its currency. And, of course, put part of your portfolio in gold. Once Powell cuts, asset classes like crypto, gold, and stocks will outperform. Sorry for the grave tidings, but the “utopian” future governments promise us seems pretty dystopian. Have a great day. All the best, [Sean Ring] Sean Ring Editor, Rude Awakening X (formerly Twitter): [@seaniechaos]( In Case You Missed It… Rickards is Right: Biden’s Out [Sean Ring] SEAN RING It’s always a treat to see politicians and their minions repeating meaningless phrases and slogans to get the populace to believe something. In the run-up to former UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s failed snap election, she kept repeating “strong and stable” with respect to her government. That’s because her government was weak and chaotic, but she tried her damnedest to get across a different message. So it is with Bidenomics, whatever the hell that is. You see it all the time on (formerly Twitter): BIDENOMICS WORKS. They even dug up [Paul Krugman to claim on CNN’s Amanpour that U.S. economic data were “surreally good.”]( I guess “really good” wasn’t good enough for Biden’s handlers. The thing is, people see what’s in their wallets and don’t give a damn about data. And it looks like Joke Biden is about to find this out in real-time. Paradigm Publisher Matt Insley recently interviewed [macro guru Jim Rickards on why Biden won’t be the Democrat Nominee for President]( let alone win the Presidency again. If you haven’t watched the video on our brand-new Paradigm Press YouTube channel, get over there and watch it after your morning cuppa. Over 104,000 people already have. But if you thought, “Come on, who else are the Dems going to run?” I’ve got news for you. Even The Wall Street Journal looks like it agrees with Jim. Before I explain why, I want to let you in on a conversation I overheard recently: This is the most critical chart in America today... It’s not inflation, interest rates, bond prices, or anything like that... It shows the number 17... Yeah, I see it... I want to be very clear: if this number hits ZERO, mark my words — I believe all hell could break loose here in America. I'm talking… $250 oil... $15 gas... Shortages of all types of critical items... Everything from food to water... I'll tell you more about this chart in a moment… But I believe the coming weeks will be make or break for millions of Americans.... And if you wait to prepare, it could very well be too late. Listen in on this secret conversation at [](. Now, why is Joke Biden finally - finally - in trouble? [[Revealed!] New AI Opportunity Bigger Than The PC?]( Just imagine being able to turn back the clock to the 1980s – right as a new technology known as the PC was getting its start… Seeing the promise of the PC – and captivated by Microsoft’s technology – an early investor decides to put in $500 during the company’s IPO in 1986. As of today, that $500 investment would have turned into a fortune worth over $1.6 MILLION. I bring this up because we are at the dawn of a new innovation which could be even BIGGER than the PC. [I’m talking about artificial intelligence, or AI](. According to Yahoo Finance, “we are on the cusp of a technological revolution that will fundamentally change how we live our lives.” And you have the chance to invest on the ground floor… [Click here now to see the 3 tiny AI stocks best positioned to profit](. [Click Here To Learn More]( Battleground States [The Wall Street Journal]( reluctantly ran a story on how Trump is killing Biden in the battleground states. The latest Siena College-New York Times poll of six battleground states, released on the weekend, is a five-alarm fire for Democrats a year before the election. It shows Mr. Biden losing to Donald Trump in five of six states on which the 2024 election is likely to hang. Mr. Biden trails Mr. Trump by 10 points in Nevada, six in Georgia, five in Arizona and Michigan, and four in Pennsylvania. He leads only in Wisconsin in the survey, and there by two points. Those are awful numbers for an incumbent and would add up to more than 300 votes in the Electoral College. Numbers like that could help the GOP pick up Senate seats in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Arizona. It’s music to my ears. After The Journal’s new, but usual, lefty hand-wringing, it writes: His Bidenomics pitch hasn’t worked as voters remain sore about rising prices and a fall in real wages during his Presidency. His age and carriage are huge weaknesses even against the 77-year-old Mr. Trump. “It’s the economy, stupid,” James Carville once said. Lower Inflation Isn’t Deflation Feast your eyes on this tweet: [Tweet] Credit: [@zerohedge]( On July 13, 2023, this passage appeared in the [Rude]( Year-on-year CPI was expected to come in at 3.1% but was actually 3.0%. Last month, it was 4.0%. Year-on-year core CPI came in at 4.8% versus an expected 5.0%. Last month, it was a hefty 5.3%. So, the inflation numbers have come down. That’s indeed good news. However, prices are still rising. Just slower than they once were. In that edition of the [Rude]( I describe the differences between inflation, disinflation, and deflation. Feel free to reread at your leisure. I’m glad it only took The Times only four months to catch up… or it could’ve been bad! The Censorship Industrial Complex If things weren’t bad enough for Creepy Joe, here’s Jim Jordan’s tweet bombshell from yesterday: [Tweet] Credit: [@Jim_Jordan]( I know this is no shock to you or me. But it’s finally gotten out. “They” were spying on us and censoring us the entire time. In case you were wondering, CISA is the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. CISA’s responsibilities include: - Preparing for, responding to, and mitigating the impact of cyberattacks. - Providing tools and resources to help organizations reduce their cyber risk. - Responding to active, widespread exploitation of vulnerabilities. - Supporting efforts to maintain safe and secure houses of worship and related facilities. - Hosting and participating in events throughout the year to engage stakeholders, seek research partners, and communicate with the public. Censorship and spying on US citizens don’t seem to be included, as far as I can see. Jordan continued: Here’s how it worked: -EIP “stakeholders” (including the federal gov’t) would submit misinformation reports -EIP would “analyze” the report and find similar content across platforms -EIP would submit the report to Big Tech, often with a recommendation on how to censor Who the heck is the EIP, you ask? EIP stands for Election Integrity Partnership. The EIP is a “non-partisan” (AHEM!) collaboration with a tightly defined mission (HA!) to find and investigate false rumors and disinformation about election processes and procedures. The EIP partnered with CISA in 2020 to help them understand rumors and disinformation around the 2020 election so CISA could provide corrective and clarifying information from election officials. This is about as Orwellian as it gets. And who did the EIP monitor? @realDonaldTrump @SenThomTillis @newtgingrich @GovMikeHuckabee @mtgreenee @seanhannity @MZHemingway @pnjaban @charliekirk11 @RealCandaceO @JackPosobiec @bennyjohnson @TomFitton @TheBabylonBee @NEWSMAX @michellemalkin @seanmdav @RubinReport @paulsperry_ @tracybeanz @ChanelRion @JamesOKeefeIII That’s about every conservative who matters… except for the conspicuously absent Ben Shapiro. Interesting. All this is about to blow up in Biden’s face. Wrap Up Between the failing “Bidenomics,” his lack of marbles, and now the outing of the Censorship-Industrial Complex, Trump is crushing Biden in the places Biden needs to win. Jim Rickards will be proven correct once again. The Dems will have run Gruesome Newsom or another such undesirable against The Donald. Have a great day! All the best, [Sean Ring] Sean Ring Editor, Rude Awakening Twitter: [@seaniechaos]( [Paradigm]( ☰ ⊗ [ARCHIVE]( [ABOUT]( [Contact Us]( © 2023 Paradigm Press, LLC. 808 Saint Paul Street, Baltimore MD 21202. By submitting your email address, you consent to Paradigm Press, LLC. delivering daily email issues and advertisements. To end your Rude Awakening e-mail subscription and associated external offers sent from Rude Awakening, feel free to [click here.]( Please note: the mailbox associated with this email address is not monitored, so do not reply to this message. We welcome comments or suggestions at This address is for feedback only. 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