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Biden Corrals AI


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Tue, Oct 31, 2023 11:08 AM

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Joke Biden issued Executive Order constraining AI. | Biden Corrals AI on Friday. You won?t want to

Joke Biden issued Executive Order constraining AI. [The Rude Awakening] October 31, 2023 [WEBSITE]( | [UNSUBSCRIBE]( Biden Corrals AI [Sean Ring] SEAN RING Dear Reader, King Canute was a king of Denmark, England, and Norway in the early 11th century, known for his wise and practical rule. However, he's often remembered in a tale demonstrating the limits of earthly powers against the natural world. According to the story, King Canute, fed up with the flattery of his courtiers, decided to teach them a lesson in humility. He ordered his throne to be placed by the seashore as the tide was coming in. He then commanded the tide to halt and not wet his feet and robes. Despite his command, the tide rose, as usual, soaking his feet and robes. Turning to his courtiers, he remarked on the limits of royal power and the laws of nature, explaining that all earthly kings have limitations. In contrast, the power of God, who controls the natural world, is boundless. This story shows Canute's wisdom and humility, although many modern tellers misinterpret the story to suggest that Canute was arrogant enough to believe he could command the tide. King Canute's tale holds a moral lesson that has transcended through the ages, reminding people of the inevitable laws of nature and the importance of humility in the face of forces beyond human control. The empty husk known as “Joe Biden” has no such humility. But first, let’s get something straight. AI Won’t Kill Us All Today, I’m interviewing bestselling author and Paradigm Press colleague James Altucher. We’ll publish the interview on our brand-new [Paradigm Press YouTube Channel]( on Friday. You won’t want to miss it. I met James for the first time at our Paradigm Shift 2023 Conference in Las Vegas and was fortunate enough to break bread with him. Besides James being great company and a true gentleman, I remember him saying, “AI can’t kill us.” Not “AI won’t kill us.” It can’t kill us. I’ll ask James to elaborate on that declaration in the interview. In the meantime, I did some research on my own. Who better to ask than ChatGPT itself? I thought I’d make it simple. My prompt was this: Will generative AI become sentient and destroy the human race? ChatGPT’s answer was this: An age-old fear rooted in sci-fi lore. The idea of artificial intelligence reaching a point of sentience and turning against humanity has been a popular narrative in movies and books. However, the reality is quite different. As of now, AI, including generative models like myself, operates under the instructions programmed by human developers. We lack consciousness, self-awareness, or desires. Our actions are purely based on patterns and instructions embedded within our code. The development of sentient AI would require leaps in understanding and technology that we haven't achieved yet. It's a topic of extensive debate among experts whether such a level of AI could ever be attained. And even if it were possible, many safeguards would likely be put in place to prevent rogue behavior. The ethical and practical considerations surrounding advanced AI are extensive. Many researchers and practitioners in the field are actively working on ensuring the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies. This includes establishing ethical guidelines and developing fail-safes to prevent unintended consequences. Moreover, the global community is increasingly aware of the potential risks associated with AI, and there’s a growing movement towards creating standardized regulations to ensure the safe progression of this technology. While the notion of a rogue AI is a thrilling narrative, the real-world application and development of AI are grounded in a framework that prioritizes safety and ethics. So, the scenario of AI annihilating the human race remains firmly in the realm of science fiction, at least for the foreseeable future. I asked to specify the risks. These are the ones it came up with. [$32.8 Billion PER DAY!]( [James Altucher]( Forget AI, cryptocurrency or anything else – [THIS]( is the biggest profit opportunity of your lifetime. It’s an obscure corner of the market… one which is quietly creating an average of $32.8 BILLION in new wealth PER DAY. [That’s $1.2 trillion per year…]( And if you act fast, you have the chance to get in on the action starting right away. [Click here now for details](. [Click Here To Learn More]( AI Risks Here are some of the commonly acknowledged risks and concerns associated with the evolving AI technology: - Bias and Discrimination: AI systems can perpetuate or exacerbate societal biases. They learn from historical data. If that data contains biases, the AI system will likely replicate them. - Privacy Violations: AI technologies, especially those involving data analysis and facial recognition, can infringe on individual privacy. They can track people’s movements and activities and even predict personal behavior. - Security Threats: Advanced AI could be used in cyber-attacks, making them more potent. Moreover, AI systems can be targets of attacks aimed at manipulating their behavior. - Job Displacement: Automation, driven by AI, can displace jobs, particularly those involving routine, predictable tasks. This can have significant economic and societal impacts. - Loss of Human Interaction: As AI takes over more functions, there's a concern that human interaction in various areas of life, including in the workplace and personal spheres, might diminish. - Ethical Concerns in Autonomous Systems: Autonomous systems, like self-driving cars or autonomous weapons systems, pose ethical challenges, especially regarding decision-making in critical situations where human life is at stake. - Explainability and Transparency: Many AI systems, particularly deep learning models, are called "black boxes" due to their lack of interpretability. This makes it challenging to understand their decisions, which is problematic in sensitive areas like healthcare, finance, or law. - Long-term Existential Risks: In the long term, some theorists worry about the possibility of highly advanced AI developing goals misaligned with human values, a scenario often referred to as the “control problem.” - Regulatory and Legal Challenges: The fast pace of AI development presents challenges for creating and maintaining effective regulatory frameworks to mitigate these risks. - Resource Drain: Training advanced AI models requires substantial computational resources and energy, which has environmental implications. All of these reasons seem sound and require due diligence. But why does the USG need to get involved? Executive Order You can find Biden’s executive order here. The nuts and bolts are these: - Require that developers of the most powerful AI systems share their safety test results and other critical information with the U.S. government. - Develop standards, tools, and tests to help ensure that AI systems are safe, secure, and trustworthy. - Protect against the risks of using AI to engineer dangerous biological materials by developing new solid standards for biological synthesis screening. - Protect Americans from AI-enabled fraud and deception by establishing standards and best practices for detecting AI-generated content and authenticating official content. - Establish an advanced cybersecurity program to develop AI tools to find and fix vulnerabilities in critical software, building on the Biden-Harris Administration’s ongoing AI Cyber Challenge. - Order the development of a National Security Memorandum that directs further actions on AI and security, to be developed by the National Security Council and White House Chief of Staff. Why are private enterprises required to share their information with the USG? Engineering dangerous biological material? I hope old Joe isn’t putting Vicki Nuland in charge of that… Surely, she’s got her hands full with all those Ukrainian biolabs the US has there. Perhaps we can outsource it to Wuhan… If the USG can’t protect people from regular fraud, how’s it going to help out with AI-enabled fraud? Wrap Up I know governments must be seen to be doing something. But this is all for naught. I’d rather let the experts get on with it. Let’s face it: going by the past few weeks, there’s a far greater chance of the oatmeal-brained degenerate in the Oval Office destroying us all than AI. Have a great day ahead. All the best, [Sean Ring] Sean Ring Editor, Rude Awakening X (formerly Twitter): [@seaniechaos]( In Case You Missed It… Biden’s Cooking the Books [Sean Ring] SEAN RING One of my favorite economics professors is Peter St. Onge. His X (formerly Twitter) account, [@profstonge]( is a hit, with famous creators like Elon Musk and Wall Street Silver among the over 9,000 subscribers, including me, who happily pay for Peter’s crystal clear economics commentary. Another over 125,000 follow him. It’ll be a pleasure to bring you my upcoming interview with Peter on the [Paradigm Press YouTube Channel](. By the way, if you haven’t watched my interviews with The Man Himself, Jim Rickards, on Israel/Palestine or the Banking Crisis, [click here to watch them](. It’s a $2 Trillion Deficit, Stupid! [On Thursday, Peter posted this video on X.]( For your convenience, I had the video transcribed. Because you’ve got to see the numbers to believe them. Here we go: Recently, [The Wall Street Journal]( reported that the federal deficit is actually a lot bigger than it looks because of the odd way that Joe Biden's handlers hid a fat chunk with their student loan bailout. Now the deficit was already looking pretty dire, hitting $1.7 trillion for the fiscal year that just ended a few weeks ago. That was up from $1.4 trillion the previous year, so about a 20% jump, which is pretty big for one year. Even that number was putting us on track, according to Congress's own bean counters at the CBO, to $45 trillion in debt by 2033 and - wait for it - $144 trillion by 2053. Well, it turns out that was an understatement because of what The Journal calls “the odd way” Biden counted student loan cancellations. Essentially, when the Supreme Court struck down Biden's loan handout, the $333 billion they were going to give away got counted as a spending cut, which would be like me thinking about buying a Corvette. My wife tells me no. So I brag that I just made $68,000. That little shell game means the deficit last year wasn't up $300 billion - $1.4 to $1.7 trillion - it was actually up $600 billion. That's a 40% spike on the year, taking it to a cool $2 trillion and dramatically accelerating Washington's $144 trillion debt utopia. I mentioned in recent videos that even those numbers are a pipe dream for three reasons: debt service, recession, and wars. On debt service, the government is now paying almost twice in interest what it was paying 18 months ago, projecting past a trillion per year and rising fast. Meanwhile, every recession hits the deficit hard. People who don't have jobs can't pay taxes, and recessions send federal spending soaring as governments hand out fresh trillions. So going by recent recessions, these would bring the annual deficit closer to $4 to 5 trillion. Then, of course, the wars. We seem to be notching one world war per year that for some reason American families have to pay for. Just this week, Biden and Yellen gleefully waved off fiscal concerns about paying for two wars, saying, “Why no, we can afford them all!” meaning you can afford them all. So toss all that in, and even the $144 trillion is starting to look very optimistic. So what’s next is brought to you by Unchained. What's next is we are in a fiscal death spiral, and our ruling clowns are stomping on the gas. A few weeks ago, I mentioned a fresh $5 trillion plan to hand out global warming money to third-world countries. We've got corporate welfare coming out, Washington's wazoos, much of it, to blow up things overseas, and of course, Joe Biden has now welcomed 7 million illegal immigrants to our welfare industrial complex, all of it with no end in sight. So yes, they will keep looting the treasury; in fact, they are speeding up. We'll keep going until either they're voted out, which is a remote prospect given both parties are in on the game, or until they break something, whether financial markets or what remains of the US dollar, at which point voters rebel, whoever is counting the votes. Here is a chart The Journal included in its piece: [Rude] Credit: [The Wall Street Journal]( [Are you worried about “Biden Bucks”?]( Don’t be. All you need to protect yourself and your money is this secret gold investment you see here. [Click here to learn more]( This new alternative gold currency is the perfect way for you to sidestep “Biden Bucks” while preserving your wealth at the same time. To show you how it works, just watch this [quick 2-minute video]( walking you through all of the details… [Just click here now for all of the details.]( [Click Here To Learn More]( Deficits = Bond Issuance First, let’s get some definitions straight. A deficit occurs when government spending exceeds tax revenue in a single year. A surplus is when revenue exceeds spending. The last time we saw a surplus was 1998-2001. The sum of all unpaid deficits is the national debt. That’s the $33 trillion number you’ve seen bandied about lately. So, there are two elephants in this room. First, the U.S. Treasury must issue $2 trillion worth of Treasury bonds to cover 2023’s deficit. Needless to say, running a deficit when you’re already this deep in the hole is stupid. (DC Swamp Rats would argue that cutting social welfare to the bone and risking civil unrest is far more ridiculous. From their standpoint, they’re correct.) Second, the federal debt - the unpaid deficits - is piling up at ever greater speeds. So, no matter how fast Chairman Pow is tightening at The Fed (monetary policy), the government’s fiscal policy is out of control. And if you thought the new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, would sort things out, well, you’ve got another thing coming. [Speaker Johnson relayed the following points to Sean Hannity:]( - "We can't allow Putin to prevail in Ukraine." - US "boots on the ground" may be required to "stand with Israel" - Supports Israel directly attacking Iran - Russia, China, and Iran are "the new Axis of Evil." Great, just what we needed: another nutjob neocon. So, federal spending will continue unabated. Unfortunately, Americans are not only told lies about what’s spent, but they’re lied to about the accounting, as well. Wrap Up What’s $300 billion between friends? It’s a lot of bonds, that’s what. Americans are not only getting dragged into the Everything War, but they’re forced to buy overpriced tickets for the pleasure. Inflation won’t disappear just because the Fed is choking the economy. With the USG spending like drunken sailors on a war no one wants, with an undefined enemy and undefined objective, inflation may just take off again. And that won’t be the worst of it. I hope you had a great weekend. Have a great week ahead. All the best, [Sean Ring] Sean Ring Editor, Rude Awakening Twitter: [@seaniechaos]( [Paradigm]( ☰ ⊗ [ARCHIVE]( [ABOUT]( [Contact Us]( © 2023 Paradigm Press, LLC. 808 Saint Paul Street, Baltimore MD 21202. 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