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In Canada, It’s Springtime for Hitler!


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Fascism makes strange bedfellows | In Canada, It’s Springtime for Hitler! - Communism is an idi

Fascism makes strange bedfellows [Morning Reckoning] September 28, 2023 [WEBSITE]( | [UNSUBSCRIBE]( In Canada, It’s Springtime for Hitler! - Communism is an idiotic economic system that impoverishes any country it touches. - Fascism, while oppressive, brings The State far more income than communism. - Was this incident just a dry run to whitewash history and make fascism respectable? [The Scariest Part About Biden’s 2024 Campaign…]( It’s not that he could raise our gas prices to $10 a gallon. It isn’t because he has America on the cusp of a nuclear World War III… And honestly, it’s not even his ridiculous, “woke” agendas… What scares me the most is… [Is this](. Are you prepared to lose thousands – or tens of thousands – of dollars per year due to his upcoming policies? If not… [Watch this video now](. [LEARN MORE]( Asti, Northern Italy September 28, 2023 [Sean Ring] SEAN RING Good morning Reader, I’ve never been a major fan of Canada. It’s probably why I’ve never traveled there. Canada is a frozen piece of tundra between Russia and the United States, with “free” healthcare and “affordable” universities, those things paid for with a [dependence on the US military for protection](. I remember hanging out with my friends in a London pub in the Noughties and asking a girl what part of America she was from. I had assumed incorrectly. And as a Canadian, she was wholly offended, walked away, and disappeared for the rest of the night. I guess she didn’t say “out and about” enough for me to tell where her accent was from. I’m sure the cowboys and the oilies out west are far more affable. But you can keep the Canadian “cosmopolitans.” That’s why I can’t stop laughing over this utter public relations crisis north of the border. Canada Gets a Case of The Clap It’s been nearly a week, and I still shake my head in sheer disbelief. How could you NOT know this old man was a Nazi? If you’ve been under a rock or not on (formerly Twitter!), the Canadian Parliament invited a farm fresh, free-range, organic Nazi to their House to honor him for his service. Yes, this is the same government that accused Canadian truckers of being Nazis while having their bank accounts frozen. If you’re wondering why a commie like Justin Trudeau and a Jewish person like Volodymyr Zelensky are clapping for Nazis, it goes like this. Communism is an idiotic economic system that impoverishes any country it touches. But fascism allows corporations to do their thing (within The State’s wishes) … and then the government can tax the crap out of them at year-end. The Nazis, of course, were fascists. Ironically, the Chinese Communist Party is also fascist. The marriage of corporations and The State brings The State far more riches than it could ever get from deploying communism throughout the land. Just ask Mao. Credit: Toronto Sun So, The State (parading as communists) tells The People they’ve taken over those nasty private companies. But really, the State gives those private companies free rein within its directives and then takes its piece in the form of taxes. No organized crime organization could dream up a better scheme. [You’re Invited To A LIVE Zoom Call!]( What: An urgent Zoom call exclusively for Morning Reckoning readers. When: Friday, September 29 at 10 AM Eastern. Where: Attend right from home via a virtual link. [>> Spots are limited. Click here to see how to reserve your seat.]( [LEARN MORE]( Credit: [@catturd2]( Commies to Fashies I never really believed in the concept of a psy-op. It always seemed a bit too easy to use as any excuse for something happening, like an act of God. A psy-op, short for psychological operation, is a term used to describe a form of influence or propaganda designed to manipulate people's beliefs, emotions, and behaviors. Governments, military organizations, intelligence agencies, or other groups with specific agendas typically carry out psy-ops. These operations can take various forms, including disinformation campaigns, false-flag operations, or spreading misleading information to shape public opinion or achieve specific strategic goals. But Monday, as the story unfolded of how a Nazi — a real-life, genuine Nazi named Yaroslav Hunka — got a standing ovation in Canada’s parliament, it became clear to me that this whole thing was a psy-op. You see, the problem with communism is that it exterminates not only people but the economy. It’s the most idiotic economic system ever devised. When governments stop respecting private property, people stop working. It’s as simple as that. If you stop working, you have no economy. Governments figured this out a long time ago. So, governments stopped being out-and-out communists. They had to figure out a way to incentivize people to work while siphoning off the fruits of the labor. Unluckily for us — but luckily for them — a system like that already existed. It’s called fascism. Let’s Define Fascism Fascism is a complex and often misunderstood political ideology that emerged in the early 20th century, primarily in Italy under Benito Mussolini. It's a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that seeks to unify the nation by suppressing dissent, often through totalitarian means. Now, let's break it down a bit: - Authoritarianism: In a fascist regime, the state's power is centralized under a single leader or a small elite. This leader has the ultimate authority and often uses it to suppress dissent and opposition. - Nationalism: Fascism places a heavy emphasis on the unity and purity of the nation. It often involves a form of ethnic or cultural nationalism that excludes those who are considered "other." - Totalitarianism: Fascist regimes seek to control every aspect of life, from politics and the economy to culture and education. The state's influence penetrates deep into society, often using propaganda and state-controlled media to maintain control. - Militarism: Fascism often glorifies military power and is willing to use it aggressively to achieve its internal and external goals. - Anti-Communism: Fascism emerged as a reaction against the rise of socialism and communism. It opposes collectivist ideologies and promotes individualism, albeit within the constraints of a unified and homogenous nation. - Economic Corporatism: Fascist economic policy aims for a "third way" that's neither capitalist nor communist. It often involves a partnership between the state, labor, and corporations, organized into "corporations" based on their sector of activity. Of the above six characteristics, the US and Canada exhibit four in spades. Sure, they’ve traded nationalism for globalism. And they can’t come out as anti-communist yet. Too many of the hoi polloi think they’re in on the joke. But authoritarianism, totalitarianism, militarism, and corporatism are displayed for all to see. Isn’t a tiny elite like the WEF in charge? Isn’t the government trying to control our lives? How many bases does NATO have around the planet? Does Big Tech work with the government or against it? If you want to see just how off the deep end Big Tech has gotten, [watch this video of Palantir CEO Alex Karp saying his focus is to 'embarrass' competitors in AI to work with the U.S. government.]( It’s positively dystopian! In the context of today's geopolitics and economics, it's essential to be vigilant about the rise of fascist tendencies. The suppression of free speech, the erosion of individual liberties, and the concentration of power in the hands of a few are all red flags. Why? Fascism works well for governments… at least in the short term. You see, for most of the year, companies will operate normally as if they are capitalist entities (within the bounds the State sets). They will do all the accounting for you. They will do all the risk-taking for you. They will do all the manufacturing and shipping for you and provide any service you need. And then, at the end of the year, the government will look at the profits those companies made and take a pretty large portion of them, along with any finished products The State wants to function. You know, like the kind of spying software Palantir makes. Fascism, as an economic system, is best understood as the marriage of the corporation and the state. That’s how Il Duce defined it, and he was the first Fascist leader in Europe, so he ought to know. It’s like Big Tech getting in bed with the government… Or like Big Pharma getting in bed with the government… Or Big Banks getting in bed with the government. Sound familiar? And it’s not just the United States that it works this way. Look at China. China is ruled by something called the Chinese Communist Party, but are they communist? Are they doing anything the way that idiot Mao did? Are they starving their people? Deng Xiaoping, who succeeded Mao, said, “To be rich is glorious.” What the Chinese are doing right now is fascism. They have one ruling party. They let their companies do what they want even if they’re state-owned (SOEs), and then they tax the crap out of them at the end of the year. It works the same way in the United States. And in Europe. The danger is not worldwide communism. The threat now is worldwide Fascism. Wrap Up This episode in Canada’s parliament is to get you used to clapping for Fascists. Since Justin Trudeau is Klaus Schwab’s prize pupil, it makes sense they’d try this crap there. It’s not so much “NaziGate” as opening the gate for Nazis. After all, Chrystia Freeland’s grandfather served in Ukraine with Hunka. That’s why she was so enthusiastically clapping. [Max Blumenthal of The Grey Zone tweeted]( After serving as one of Hitler's top Ukrainian propagandists in occupied Poland, Michael Chomiak joined thousands of Nazi collaborators on the ratline to Canada during the 1950s. Following Chomiak's death in 1984, his granddaughter, Chrystia Freeland, followed in his footsteps as a reporter for various Ukrainian nationalist publications. Freeland was an early contributor to the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, which was edited by her grandfather's former boss in Poland, the Nazi collaborator and ethnic cleansing advocate Volodymyr Kubijovyč. Next, she took a staff position at the Edmonton-based Ukrainian News, where Chomiak had served as editor. A 1988 edition of Ukrainian News featured an article co-authored by Freeland, followed by an ad for a book called “Fighting for Freedom” which glorified the Ukrainian Waffen-SS Galician division. During Freeland’s time as an exchange student in Lviv, Ukraine, she laid the foundations for journalistic success. From behind cover as a Russian literature major at Harvard University, Freeland collaborated with local regime change activists while feeding anti-Soviet narratives to international media bigwigs. “Countless ‘tendentious’ news stories about life in the Soviet Union, especially for its non-Russian citizens, had her fingerprints as Ms. Freeland set about making a name for herself in journalistic circles with an eye to her future career prospects,” the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) reported. Citing KGB files, the CBC described Freeland as a de facto intelligence agent: “The student causing so many headaches clearly loathed the Soviet Union, but she knew its laws inside and out – and how to use them to her advantage. She skillfully hid her actions, avoided surveillance (and shared that knowledge with her Ukrainian contacts) and expertly trafficked in ‘misinformation.'” In 1989, Soviet security agents rescinded Freeland’s visa when they caught her smuggling “a veritable how-to guide for running an election” into the country for Ukrainian nationalist candidates. She quickly transitioned back to journalism, landing gigs in post-Soviet Moscow for the Financial Times and Economist, and eventually rising to global editor-at-large of Reuters – the UK-based media giant which today functions as a cutout for British intelligence operations against Russia. Poland and Russia are now exploring options to extradite Hunka to their countries. Do Poland and Russia want the same thing? Fascism makes strange bedfellows. All the best, [Sean Ring] Sean Ring Contributing Editor, The Morning Reckoning X (formerly Twitter): [@seaniechaos]( [[CHART] Could Inflation Hit 20%+ In 2023?]( [Click here to learn more]( Take a close look at this scary chart pictured here… What you see is the money supply in America… And as you can see, the number of dollars in circulation has exploded in the last few years. In fact, more than 80% of all dollars to ever exist have been printed since just 2020 alone! Which is why some say inflation could soon explode even higher than it is now, to 20% or more. And if you’re at or near retirement age you must take action now to protect yourself… otherwise you risk losing everything. [Simply click here now to see how to survive America’s deadly inflation crisis](. [LEARN MORE]( In Case You Missed It… Why I QUIT Investing Greg Guenthner, Editor [Greg Guenthner] GREG GUENTHNER Dear Reader, I have a special note for you today. But first, let’s take a look at the markets… As I type this note, stocks are attempting to post a modest bounce following another rough trading week. But the rally isn’t drumming up too much excitement. In fact, most stocks are sinking as the September struggle remains in full effect. Friday’s action was especially telling. No buyers showed up late in the day despite oversold conditions. When the dust settled, the S&P finished the week down nearly 3%, marking its third consecutive week in the red. The market weakness we’ve seen this month shouldn’t surprise anyone who’s paid close attention to the averages this year. Remember, stocks don’t move higher in a straight line. Pullbacks and corrections are not only normal, but necessary. If anything, you should feel uneasy if the averages don’t retreat at least 5 - 10% a couple times a year. We can study seasonal trends to try to determine when the market will hit these rough patches. For instance, the S&P tends to flame out around the end of June during a typical pre-election year, and remain in a choppy range until a year-end push. The averages are following this pre-election year script, with the minor exception of a strong summer rally that peaked at the end of July. August is generally a weaker performing month (check). Then, September and October get a little hairy (double check). If this pre-election year correlation continues, we can look forward to a final push higher into December. But for now, all eyes are on the averages for a bounce. Unfortunately, it might not be the bounce the bulls have been waiting for… In fact, we might see a weak relief rally that leads to additional downside into October. Regardless, the next market bounce will offer important information related to the market’s health – and how I’ll be looking to trade heading into the fourth quarter. But I don’t care if the market rises or falls this week, next week, or next year. This is simply information I can use to plan and execute my trading plan. What is a Trader? Trading was much easier during the first half of the year. Stocks were in rally mode and the gains piled up quickly. Now that the market’s getting a little dicey, I figured it’s a good time to take a step back and re-introduce myself. My name is Greg Guenthner, but everyone around here calls me Gunner. I’ve been swimming in the shark infested waters that we call the markets for nearly two decades. I considered myself an “investor” in the early days of my career. But the Great Financial Crisis convinced me to master the true forces powering the markets, sparking a quest that led me to classical charting, technical analysis, and showing anyone who will listen how they can learn to think like a trader… and change their life. But what is a trader? You might think of a caffeine-addled maniac, frantically mashing his keyboard as he stares at a wall of computer monitors. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. I love markets because of the freedom it offers to anyone who desires to learn and trade. Sitting at a computer all day doesn’t sound like freedom to me… Truth is, you don’t have to tie yourself to a glowing screen in a dark room to trade. The vast majority of successful traders in the long-term aren’t even daytraders. In fact, some of the most successful traders I know are only buying or selling a couple times a week – sometimes even less. Trading isn’t about timeframes. It’s about mindset. This doesn’t mean you have to bury your head in the sand and avoid any type of news or discussion about economics, the Fed, valuations, or any other market narratives floating around. Quite the opposite! I’m actively engaged with market news and events. And just like any other human, I have my own thoughts and opinions on these subjects. But because I think like a trader, I’ve learned to compartmentalize this information and only trade what’s happening in front of my face. Riding Waves I don’t care if the market is trending higher or lower. I’m not a bull or a bear. I’m simply taking advantage of opportunities when they present themselves – long or short. Over at The Trading Desk, we surfed big rallies all summer. But when the market began to roll over in early September, we traded our longs for shorts. With the exception of a quick play on the uranium breakout, we’ve been loading up on puts all month. Right now, we have open puts on two slumping tech stocks – and we just booked triple-digit gains on a bearish crypto miner bet. While most investors are anxiously watching their long-term holdings give back their summer gains, we’re trading the downside action and booking profits. The market weakness we’re seeing right now might turn into a bigger correction. Or, the bulls might step in and save the day. We just don’t know. No one does! Remember, there were plenty of good reasons to avoid stocks back in January, just as there were legitimate reasons for bulls to hang onto their stocks back in August. But if you’re thinking like a trader, you’ve prepared for every scenario. You took some profits on your longer-term positions in July and August when the market was running hot. You honored your stop losses on the trades that didn’t work out. And you continue to let price dictate your decisions. The result is a trading account that consistently grows – whether the market is trending up, down, or sideways. I’ll write more about these ideas next week… In the meantime, hit me up with your most pressing trading questions by emailing me [here]( Best, [Greg Guenthner] Greg Guenthner Contributing Editor, Morning Reckoning Thank you for reading The Morning Reckoning! We greatly value your questions and comments. Please send all feedback to []( [Sean Ring] [Sean Ring, CAIA, FRM and CMT]( is a former banker and financial educator and is the editor of the Rude Awakening. Sean has trained interns and graduates from Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citi, Bank of America, Standard Chartered Bank, DBS (Singapore), the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), Bank Indonesia (the central bank), HSBC, Barclays, RBS, and BlackRock. He knows the global economy is being corrupted by forces that most people can't understand and has used his unique and worldly experiences to help people navigate the markets. [Paradigm]( ☰ ⊗ [ARCHIVE]( [ABOUT]( [Contact Us]( © 2023 Paradigm Press, LLC. 808 Saint Paul Street, Baltimore MD 21202. By submitting your email address, you consent to Paradigm Press, LLC. delivering daily email issues and advertisements. 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