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Mailbag: Monday Morning QB Edition


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Big dissent in the Rude mailbag! | Mailbag: Monday Morning QB Edition - Is ?hating the French? r

Big dissent in the Rude mailbag! [The Rude Awakening] September 11, 2023 [WEBSITE]( | [UNSUBSCRIBE]( Mailbag: Monday Morning QB Edition - Is “hating the French” really “hating the French?” - Edna leaves the Rude over its alleged support to “overthrow our democracy.” - Helsinki is, in fact, in Europe. Not the United States. [A $557 credit has been applied to your account.]( [Please click here to learn how to claim it.]( — Customer Service, Paradigm Press [Click Here To Learn More]( [Sean Ring] SEAN RING Good morning from La Bella Asti! I hope you had a wonderful and restful weekend. After vegging out on Saturday, Pam, Micah, and I traveled to Turin's Gran Balon antique market. There were so many cool items there. We picked up a new hallway table and a few maps of the Italian regions. It was a lovely day. Good friend and Head of Paradigm’s Business Development, Dustin Weisbecker, sent me the mailbag. And wow, was there some dissent! Honestly, I don’t get much of that. But it’s important to air both sides of a debate. So, I hope you have fun with this edition of the Rude. These readers aren’t covering me in glory, that’s for sure! Hating the Frogs From "The Morning Reckoning" on 9-7-23: [The Frightening Fall of the F*cking French]( Apparently, Paradigm Press condones Francophobia. This is not the first time I’ve seen it, either. An apology to your French clients is in order. If you don't like France, French people, or Francophones, please keep it to yourselves. Duane S. Duane, Duane, Duane… A phobia is a fear of something. I assure you no one has feared the French since Napoleon sat on the throne. But I know that’s not what you mean. On this side of the world, everyone “hates the French.” No, not the French people. That’s why I took my family to Chamonix, Nice, St. Paul de Vence, Menton, and Paris this year. We all love French food, cuisine, and language. But we, and I mean the Anglosphere and the rest of Europe, utterly loathe French politics, politicians, and their machinations. Oddly enough, it mirrors the same hatred the rest of the world feels for America, but not Americans. It’s an important distinction. To wit, France just beat New Zealand in the opening game of the Rugby World Cup, which France is hosting this year. Here is the correspondence with Aussie Trav: [The rude awakening] Everyone has two favorite teams: their home country and whoever’s playing France. C’est la vie! But more to your point: Aussie Trav and I attended London Business School with a Frenchman named Philippe, who’s genuinely one of the world’s most extraordinary people. I remember that on the night of our first exam, Philippe closed a major M&A deal as his wife went into labor. He got an A+ on the exam. His legendary status was assured. Philippe pulled me up on this very article. Here’s what he had to say: “Wow, Sean, that was honest and below the waist from A to Z 🙄 - You are right about how controlling the currency means controlling people's lives, though. In fact, as a son of Uncle Sam, you know full well the full weight USD has had on emerging market economies (not just those using Franc CFA) in the last 80 years or so! The mote that is in thy brother's eye….” This is what I wrote back: Absolutely true! It’s a shame BRICS didn’t offer an alternative at their conference last month. Unfortunately, the EU backed the US neocons against Russia. It’ll cost the EU its currency, whose share of world trade has collapsed. And we parted as friends. It’s crucial to remember that the only people who set Paris on fire are Parisians! I merely called the subordination of Africa via the CFA franc the way I see it: a staggering hypocrisy for those who shout, “Liberté, Egailité, Fraternité” at the top of their lungs. [New AI 62 Times Smarter Than Einstein?]( [James Altucher]( AI is already 100,000 times faster than humans are… And by 2025, Elon Musk predicts AI will also be “vastly smarter” than any human. Masayoshi Son, the CEO of SoftBank goes as far as to predict that, over time, AI could reach an IQ of 10,000… That would make AI more than 62 times smarter than Einstein’s IQ of 160. Can you imagine the possibilities of an AI supercomputer which is 100,000 times faster than any human and has an IQ of 10,000? [Over time, AI could be used to cure cancer, enable a new age of space travel, and much, much more](. That’s why AI is set to change the world in ways almost nobody can imagine today. And anyone who invests now – while this new technology is still in its infancy – could see the chance at making generational profits. [Click here now to see the 3 tiny AI stocks we believe are best positioned to profit](. [Click Here To Learn More]( It’s Biden For Me! I am interested in your opinions on financial issues. Some are very helpful. But that doesn’t make up for the right-wing screeds. I support President Biden. You don’t, and I respect your right to vote as you see fit. I draw the line at pro-Trump propaganda, whether from Orban, Carlson, Fox News, or you. He was happy to ignore the invasion of the Capitol by people who brought a noose to murder his VP, hunted the Speaker, and desecrated the building. It’s a wonder that more people didn’t die that day. I am a descendant of people who served the U.S. from the Revolution to Korea. I have voted for candidates who won and candidates who lost. In every other case, those who lost went to court if there were actual legal issues. And then, if the Supreme Court ruled against them, they congratulated the winner, attended the inauguration in a show of national unity, and went on with their lives. Believe it or not, there are other things that are as or more important than the markets. Not supporting those who seek to overthrow our democracy is at the top of my list. Goodbye. Edna B. Edna, I’m genuinely sorry to see you go. Especially over Biden. Geez. You may find this crazy, Edna, but working in London in banking for ten years exposes a person to every kind of person in the world. London is the center of finance for the world, not New York. NYC is just the biggest equity marketplace… or was before the Chinese took over. Gay. Straight. European, African, Asian, South American. North American. Married. Single. Polysexual (before it was cool). I’m for the legalization of drugs (except, specifically, crystal meth, cocaine, and heroin). Read Ayelet Waldman’s A Really Good Day if you’d like to find out why. I’m pro-gay state marriage because of the [immorality of inheritance laws](. However, I don’t think churches should ever have to perform those marriage rites. The only reason why I’d be considered right-wing today is because the Left lost its damn collective mind. I just have a few questions for you, though, if you’re still here by any chance: - How can you consider Carlson’s interview with Orban propaganda? Just because he conducted it at all, or because Orban openly stated he thinks Trump can solve the Russia issue? - If those who “invaded” the Capitol “desecrated” the building, why did they [walk between the velvet ropes]( - If it’s a wonder that more people didn’t die that day, have you reflected on why Ashli Babbit had to die at all? As for the loser going to court for legitimate issues and then just accepting the judgment, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Here are [twelve minutes of Democrats denying election results](. Cartographically Challenged I just received another of your relentless Rude Awakening sales teasers. But this one borders on the idiotic! You cite rolling blackouts in some parts of the USA. And warn of blackouts perhaps coming to my area - Helsinki. For your information: Helsinki is the Capital of the Republic of Finland!! Finland is in Northern Europe! OK? The sordid business of peddling financial newsletters just showed another low! Not the first one, not the last one, for sure. Shame on you. Hans B. Hans, I know your intention wasn’t to make me laugh, but you did. I’ve said to many friends the most dangerous people on Earth are AWOPs (Americans WithOut Passports). Unfortunately, computers are only as geographically informed as their programmers, so I will take this up with management. But before you shame me for selling you my excellent colleagues’ newsletters - the Rude is gratis, as you know - let me tell you something. I work with the finest men and women in this business. Perhaps you’ve heard the oft-quoted statistic that it takes, on average, seven visits to a store before a person decides to make a purchase. You’re pelted with “sales teasers” because we’re opening our store to you… And deciding if you’d like to buy something will take a while. Let me ask you this: If I had the solution to your problem and didn’t sell it to you, would you like me more? Of course not! It’s not fair to you. And it’s certainly my job to alleviate your problem in any way I can. So the Rude, while free of charge, carries ads that we hope you’ll find to alleviate whatever issue you may have. Don’t understand macroeconomics and want to profit from it? Try Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence with Dan Amoss’ great picks. Want to learn about options and how to make money with little capital outlay? Alan Knuckman and Dave Gonigam are your men. Need a hedge fund manager to hold your hand through the investing process? Then try Jim Rickards’ Banker, Zach Scheidt. Do you love tech but have yet to catch the right wave? Then Ray Blanco will help you out. But if you still want to eliminate our “sordid” ads, you can write again to Dustin Weisbecker at and tell him to take you off the promotions list. However, let’s employ Frederic Bastiat’s seen and unseen method before you do. The seen will be a clearer inbox. The unseen will be a missed opportunity. It’s up to you. Wrap Up That was a long Rude for a Monday. Thanks for sticking with me until the end. All the best, [Sean Ring] Sean Ring Editor, Rude Awakening X (formerly Twitter): [@seaniechaos]( P.S. I can’t believe 9/11 was twenty-two years ago. Let’s say a little prayer for those who lost their lives that day… and their families and friends. In Case You Missed It… Village Idiot Adams: Sanctuary Kills NYC [Sean Ring] SEAN RING Happy Friday! It’s a beautiful, sunny day here in Asti. Yesterday, my friend and colleague Byron King not only sent me the article we ran in [yesterday’s]( but sat with me for an hour to record a fun interview about the state of the world. In fact, we visited five continents while we chatted! I can’t wait until that interview gets through post-production so you can watch it. I’ll let you know as soon as it’s ready. Today, I just drank my coffee at Fabrizio’s and even helped an old lady carry her bags to her car. Oh, happy days. And since I’ve built up a modicum of spiritual capital with The Man Upstairs, I feel I can let loose on mere earthbound mortals like Eric Adams. Adams, the mayor of New York City, has a brain as smooth as his bald pate. Adams virtue-signaled to all Americans when he boldly claimed NYC was a “sanctuary city,” only for New York State Governor Kathy Hochul to back him up and proclaim New York state a “sanctuary state.” I’m sure all those upstate farmers were pleased as punch! Now, the butcher’s bill has come due. And Adams doesn’t want to pay it. Let’s have some fun at Adams’ expense in this Rude. What Did Adams Say? Here’s a great juxtaposition of what Adams initially said about being a sanctuary city and what he said on Wednesday: [SJN] Credit: [@ImMeme0]( In the top video, from only one year ago, the ABC correspondent asked Adams this: You pledged during your campaign to keep New York City a sanctuary city. Do you have any concern that that policy is attracting more people to the border? Adams replied: No. Not at all. This city has always been a sanctuary city, and we’ve always managed those who wanted to come to New York City to pursue The American Dream. In the bottom video, here’s what Adams said Wednesday about NYC being a sanctuary city (bolds mine): Let me tell you something, New Yorkers. Never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to. I don't see an ending to this. I don't see an ending to this. This issue will destroy New York City. Destroy New York City. We're getting 10,000 migrants a month. One time we were just getting Venezuela. Next time we were getting Ecuador. Now we’re getting Russian speaking coming through Mexico. Now we’re getting western Africa. Now we're getting people from all over the globe who have made their minds up that they're going to come through the southern part of the border and come into New York City. And everyone is saying it’s New York City’s problem. Every community in this city is going to be impacted. We have a $12 billion deficit that we’re going to have to cut — every service in this city is going to be impacted. All of us. And I say this to you as I turn it over to you. These are some of the most educated, some of the most knowledgeable, some of my commissioners and deputy commissioners and chiefs live in this community. So, as you ask me a question about migrants, tell me what role you played. How many of you organized to stop what they’re doing to us? How many of you were part of the movement to say, “We see what this mayor is trying to do… and then try to destroy New York City.” It’s going to come to your neighborhoods. All of us are going to be impacted by this. I said it last year when we had 15,000. I’m telling you now with 110,000. The city we knew, we’re about to lose. And we’re all in this together. All of us. Staten Island is saying, “Send them out to Manhattan.” Manhattan is saying, “Send them out to Queens.” Queens is saying, “Send them out to Brooklyn.” No. It’s not a game we could play.” This is delicious. [TIME-SENSITIVE: A “Second Wave” Of Inflation Is Coming]( [Click here to learn more]( During the 1970s, inflation lasted for years and came in three separate waves. Each wave was far worse than the last. [Today, the same exact thing is happening again.]( Is the price of food, gasoline, housing and more about to skyrocket even higher? [== > Get ready for “Inflation’s Second Wave.” Click here now to see my urgent warning.]( [Click Here To Learn More]( Luckily, no one else was home. So, I opened the door, constructed some advanced toilet paper origami, and prepared myself for a game of three-wall Twister. But buff my bottom, I did! I'm sure it looked something like this: What’s the Cost? I won’t say something as vacuous as, “I like Mexican food, so Mexicans are okay with me.” Yes, I like Mexican food. And Mexico is severely underrated as a country. Its people are just fine. But they - per se - aren’t the problem. The problem is when you open up your border, you have no border. It’s just a fact of geopolitics. And the type of people who have to cross a border on foot tend to be those who can’t afford plane tickets or visa fees. So you wind up with less educated, manual workers. America already has plenty of those, so its new arrivals crowd out those already here. What Did the Rude Say Before? Two years ago in [the]( I wrote this]( If all the property on the southern border was privately owned, do you think those landowners would just let strangers trespass on their property? Of course not. Then why has it been acceptable - even lauded - to allow both Mexicans and non-Mexicans to cross the border with impunity? And after that, allow those trespassers to dip their hands in the communal treasury? Because no one owns the land? Because the treasury is now the property of the U.S. Government and not The People? What magical powers have been conferred on this government to make [the answer to that question] The Government? And who granted those powers? Like everything else, they usurped that power. When you think about it that way, it's preposterous to assume governments anywhere should - and do - carry out that duty [of protecting the land and treasury]. Did Angela Merkel do so in 2015? Nein. What's troubling is that the EU knew Syrians weren't the only ones crossing the Turkish border into Europe. Of the 1.3 million refugees who flooded into Europe in 2015, only 378,000 (29%) were Syrian. The US is experiencing the same disaster now from Mexico. Check out this graphic from a few years ago [2018]: [SJN] If this was happening during the Trump Administration, how many non-Mexicans do you reckon are flooding through the southern border today? To be sure, Mexicans are the majority group. But traffickers know what they're doing, and would-be migrants spot the opportunity. Why wouldn't would-be terrorists head that way? Much better than a background check before getting on a plane, isn't it? Now, let’s look at Pew’s updated numbers, as of November 2022: [SJN] Credit: [Pew Research Center]( “Other countries” comprise the vast majority of those crossing the Southern Border. It’s not the Mexicans anymore. They aren’t the big issue. Remember, Adams said he was getting Russian speakers across the border. Do you think those are proper migrants or spies? Both? Maybe. But why take the chance? Wrap Up Eric Adams has a $12 billion deficit he’s got to cut at a time when he’s welcoming - my word, not his - 10,000 migrants per month into his “sanctuary city.” Virtue-signaling, meet Karma. Not to worry, though. House Speaker and Chief RINO Cuck Kevin McCarthy said, “Mayor Adams is right. New York City deserves better.” The Man with the Most Punchable Face in Politics, Mike Pence, said he wanted to give a “hat tip to the mayor of New York, who’s been willing to call out President Joe Biden and his administration for their absolute failure to secure the southern border.” With Republicans like this, who needs Democrats? Have a wonderful weekend! All the best, [Sean Ring] Sean Ring Editor, Rude Awakening X (formerly Twitter): [@seaniechaos]( [Paradigm]( ☰ ⊗ [ARCHIVE]( [ABOUT]( [Contact Us]( © 2023 Paradigm Press, LLC. 808 Saint Paul Street, Baltimore MD 21202. By submitting your email address, you consent to Paradigm Press, LLC. delivering daily email issues and advertisements. To end your Rude Awakening e-mail subscription and associated external offers sent from Rude Awakening, feel free to [click here.]( Please note: the mailbox associated with this email address is not monitored, so do not reply to this message. We welcome comments or suggestions at This address is for feedback only. For questions about your account or to speak with customer service, [contact us here]( or call (844)-731-0984. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. 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