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Impact Report: Climate Justice in Burkina Faso


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Tue, Jul 19, 2022 01:41 PM

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We won’t abandon the world’s poor | “In the past, there was fruit that children could

We won’t abandon the world’s poor | [Oxfam.](113/cssrH04/VXc4NF6J7N9GW6jy1LY49jFx5W7CpFKy4MHsTTN4-lLfG5nCTJV3Zsc37CgXP-W78F2sg5l1tF4W16Fs-M7FHqpgW5BxlxP70khGfW8nB_vr8r1WkqW4mRsZp20VFGnW73HMP83Ccv26W7t6wjV852yRGN31_L-VBCKkXW91nXn_6_Fvk0W4nw9Lj817m4dW8C64Gz5TKTnpN2Lx9g3RjNBCW6Jy1T61BZzjhW3BGDSm6ZnKXTW3VyTjl8J-pP8W76vscm7Q0D-FW9kynfb2G22vxW8KRlQB1h-Vq0W4bsyw64wRcDXVGrQMn5NHVxQW6vhhKs6CFN6GW6Xzq995YQyjKTJ_6Z7QZV_HW2Sh0X762mRxfW110N4S7P-05xW7MzGWM4r-Hm2N7SqQ_g8ntTPW8QJDkm5SDR5GW2Q669368Z_hgMQP4XQNp4xjW1YVFCQ5SY94WW6GqX9b3YmVdk32ny1) [Impact Report: Climate Justice in Burkina Faso](113/cssrH04/VXc4NF6J7N9GW6jy1LY49jFx5W7CpFKy4MHsTTN4-lLhr5nCWtV3Zsc37CgK93W4K9cfT5FYkqtW8ZDNBJ3j2490W2kJ-HH5Pv6d_W6Lhhg05QjbdRW64s6F02HbwhlW2ddCDs9lfzg9W1QjjnF3s0gZ3W5KpV_D5Yx255N1mC7l91sbxGW5VqZTn7WjfgsW3LCJXx17sMfkW1vLSBh1lTCHSW2ptTNy7Gr3C4W2v-7fw3pTBF3W3lGjwy3ZnpjNW9dH3Vd6Wjk28N3K--KgnNb-fW7vxb-n3G8yNLW69rzkx2pRhb9N3p_9S1R7BntW633bxB7yN5pbW6l-2KC4Sr-jXW49_dfn60-4KVW2KKbRc2mBkdjW6wxnZ342pYXfW2bdV2_7t_YH1W3lhzdd5yGlcrW6Kx0d-3TfsXJN4SWMld8v7WmW6s16HC8pqk3RW2ZwhQ95l2QbmVQSg6M1HMQNlW4D0rqz29jnN9N8W0Pnwm1lCRW1cmN_G7TqB2PTJWNL9dx5mpW1W7SRg8k4G3BN45_0TPqs_xYW9jY15z8pnCdgVHd22x2S6zDlVzh90j7lQxrFW8mvtNz5QPLkGN4fnZ34nT55gW4t45j45F6jf_373C1) “In the past, there was fruit that children could pick and eat. Now there is a drought. Rains are rare. There is no more food, no more pasture, no more money to pay the children's school fees.” - Sanfo Ramata, 49 Sanfo, a farmer and herder, works with the Confédération Paysanne du Faso, an Oxfam partner in Burkina Faso. She’s noticed less and less rain over the years, but now it hardly rains at all. Her livestock is her livelihood, but lack of grazing has meant Sanfo has been forced to sell them at a loss before they die. She has almost no animals left, which leaves her wondering how she’ll pay for food or her children’s school fees. Oxfam in Burkina Faso is working with local groups to reach more than 345,000 people with cash, food assistance, and water and sanitation projects designed to help ensure people have a source of clean water and a safe way to dispose of sewage. But our work in Burkina Faso is just one part of our response to climate disasters around the world. The burden of climate change is heaviest on people in lower-income countries — on people who have contributed the least to this global crisis. While corporations and individuals most responsible for climate change are raking in record profits, millions of families are one drought, locust infestation, flood or wildfire away from poverty. It’s long been time for the international community, especially the world’s richest countries, to start taking their commitments seriously. New research by Oxfam estimates that funding requirements for UN humanitarian appeals linked to extreme weather are eight times higher than they were 20 years ago, and over the past five years nearly half of appeal requirements have gone unmet. Abandoning climate commitments is equivalent to abandoning the world’s poor — and we won’t stand for it. Friend, this community’s passionate support means we can provide immediate aid to families like Sanfo’s AND hold the powerful accountable for their part in worsening inequality. [Support Oxfam’s work and help our ongoing fight against climate change and global inequality with a gift right now.](113/cssrH04/VXc4NF6J7N9GW6jy1LY49jFx5W7CpFKy4MHsTTN4-lLgS5nCVVV3Zsc37CgH3VW8Q0YDQ21WmMQW1Qb5rk4MpGxXW48cc4v7rxW-NW3l01yN57fR2KVXGnPf5kGYZVW5qxV0y282qblW4nC7Vc7MGD9cW5wykWf39N0fzW7Y1Sbz5QWsZDW3VTln04kwGv9W1PNYHK8XbV30W8ZfFvN62jM3bW91Wn7r2mjs0FW7lQxcP2MP08GW7K6dhH4zDhYHW1Sy0Yy64k4XHVTrLnR38NRhdVDhnjz6TL7Y4W6dtQfr8wNfWlMq8B6Mk74TJW1xc6ws7ZGD3rW5lBxWV4Kc1_CW3X6xy7492DvwW23-FDX3HL_D0W6296gP1K-CYvW8z3bVK3Hl2lwN7LKvYXWs40MW56s_5s3jN0zXMnq-9w9-jBWW2KFwMZ30nDJrW37NJs81vzfWtW6gj4fG8ZRVVRVP2Rs43trr1zW2hT5M_5lMJ-gW7K4zKh5q_2bSW6yvNrP2ws9sfW7qWtyM8kR7MCW3FJynS1GcwspW47nrjc3fP5PTW2m0LnB7xN_xj39FK1) [Send Support](113/cssrH04/VXc4NF6J7N9GW6jy1LY49jFx5W7CpFKy4MHsTTN4-lLgS5nCVVV3Zsc37CgJctW2zNPFw258X94W2mwW8K8q5kXCN4Pn7XrdSg7kW9cdbMf8NcYPmW1Zr2gC1kGYVXVpw6CC1sDLmxN6z7qfCSykb1W8M6vd_237km1W6B5Qv87-bR20VcSm1v55rtkDW77dQP_5-FLXTVLK0vR3gyYbZW2nf5sw8zp3BSW5dyb725fP25fW6GB2xQ9ktRY-W87Br023NYDmMW3SxGWc7jLPmYW5ZVm7q1NZ9T0W1pBqZ72SlRBCW1fs7mV1DKynSN8x_jY36HKk6W55h8VP8s97bxW87SDP67zY1t6W79Dfn31j8qfQVW9hM85k6kjpW7VNPsN26YBxZW7zBQbb4NBcYvN5S54lHtz-vpW6J-2Vd8KRYByW5jJZSq80GWKqW3rs60V8NNPYyW9fLS3441WVWBW3ymTWR8KhymmW2XY3Ht6XZm8WW3qQ1dW5TYjgVN2TRhFbg86JXW2hPGZv8r0_GxW19kXTB2ydjL1W81QL238-q7Y0N4t03Lrfx8-J37yN1) This email was sent to {EMAIL}. If this isn't the best way to reach you, let us know your new contact information by emailing us [here]( Oxfam is only able to help people survive crises and tackle the root causes of poverty because of dedicated supporters like you, and we always love to hear your ideas. Feel free to send us any comments or feedback you have [here](113/cssrH04/VXc4NF6J7N9GW6jy1LY49jFx5W7CpFKy4MHsTTN4-lLfG5nCTJV3Zsc37CgL9CVwWr-06f8QQ_W6R8wP_5gRWqZW8PhRWq1Nb75MW6SjWS85QvF2jVrR8lF7KF8yTVjzkjV5xRYK9W70WcdC8ktcCqW5yXglS4XBW-_W8BjV-H6slcG_W3_msKq45M_MhW2lrdyc5mdztTW1W39F15GkSl7W7MJKjc3ZX1dYW60qk2Q6plHBPW9hkWzZ5JRvDnW7kh4d741CkW-W7-TJ4T6JVQQcV-zqtL5bzhPkW5-4Gm08snLlkW8szBHK7Y_0MsW5GqY5Y8b2lT0W4HSfCC2zxqPzW9kGbNS3rWYl4W2fBTyj30ZKFnW7HNQlv1L6hzvW3TFvnx6d_d5DW5kYgCV5Lzb3BW20VnQQ4-fWXdW7-m-7l34VnDdW39kT844N2n8SN6_TCHcYBM68W5dZBgy5np2L837kt1), or just reply to this message. Reaching you over email is the best way we have to let you know about the ways you can fight inequality to end poverty and injustice around the world. If you no longer want to receive Oxfam email, [unsubscribe here]( but know that it will be harder for you to stay involved with Oxfam and continue the work that you've been such a critical part of. Thanks so much for your support. [Donate now](113/cssrH04/VXc4NF6J7N9GW6jy1LY49jFx5W7CpFKy4MHsTTN4-lLhL5nCWNV3Zsc37CgXt9W27WF8l8GqpdmVCXsK544yYRdW8VpLSq7xVq_fW57b40j23Z-CfW4Jw63D1mJ1_6W62ST903Ll57SW8zJ_Mw36TS9gW31gGGF6WZzPTW5g9ngj6nqHG8W6nFNtP4MLM2dW4mQPDn787Df_W9gw5Cj6J61C3W8dMgVT1TFChtW3h88Mn7KXgvpW46Tv867XNt_VW22cnPL1_0FM2W7v2qNw2QMrs7W97MKGH52-063W92s2VT7bcMB4W7FScDv6qhqwvW5hlL4c6J-1KcW91PFbB59BSLsW4-W_Q617rPgqN7MqCQ_G9pf9VXG-_B7mb2dtV_XCxb7TKB0SW2HSgQY2hngnWW4257gP2ZhDG5W8rbx544r4MJjW14F_ck3H1Q2-W4fVPrJ6HPcT4W638ssC7TPDlwW89TLPQ3Lm4JlW4Vm00q1rP969W3mgKJd90pR8XW2T3W2T28dPdZW1xsp1P4dBr8hW4_-yxn2L5ZnWW5pNY417q4VgCW79L7Mc7q40XXW1HNqx74bQmt1W1zlWmz5d97sVVtl-dh7PpzcLW5YTX8B4gxykrW7wCQHc1v_lC-F99nHyhYSFt3nXy1) [Donate](113/cssrH04/VXc4NF6J7N9GW6jy1LY49jFx5W7CpFKy4MHsTTN4-lLhr5nCWtV3Zsc37CgJpVW7-Hcv4153RQDW2cQCxF5LGyyKF7tf8TWtdZ_W7PnqHB3fvHhSW8LczMG2Qbf8sVvWW021YHs2LN8r1DmHNWZFtVBMD-z1FSx98W4RrL4P4W9JQqW5fdLgM31pcGKW8wMcS28ghBQTN6Pf-HG3RnzrW3qrcbs89tlkyW18XVZ82cvHKhVXq0Vx4WFDKqW5VM96X43-4F8W7gVvZk232qHXW6XjVCP1csC_XV-yZyW4pXdXzW3Hhg_-9ffNq0VHc_P55Tw-6FW1hX4Pv4vpcDTW8pNN6F122Xs7W60s89C6ChhzsW3Mrp5Y42-F6FW48Kvlm5hcSTnW2yhS0195wCVMW1ccXYW3BvWy9N6gm9Q3QNzBxW18M0Y94_sr54W4bRN6m8xttVQW58MNQw6HDM0zW4Ff-s54yxTCPW934sJY3nB_tPW306Vxb5BNMyCVsBwVn78p5RRW25THcQ7zTW4MW5jwpsl7R0SlKN7l23YqCjVY4W65ZyGN3kLKZRW6zzkk651FKKyW1YHjPM6DT3NYW43dRlN1GRtjbW4Y6xxN3sd1983hn11) | [Contact us](113/cssrH04/VXc4NF6J7N9GW6jy1LY49jFx5W7CpFKy4MHsTTN4-lLfZ5nCT_V3Zsc37CgF8zW5H8Djk3HN1KBVxD4KN7MyH2XW7qkcym5Cj7G-W7ytCsc392FWfW5gGfRf8971VkW3bPT0x249hCnW6Lyr9d3tYjWgN50vv8jdp1xlN4Q-MxL9rWNlN1Cv_dZLHVgtW5RW09Y7rJXxmW1RSpj-6fXVY9VpHyFt16T5Y0W23nvlW5HbXsbW5R6zPl7zPMxyW7LNkx98hH9crW3PwcF31PbN9RW4Wm3NX5qHPpQW2DfkNS3Rt60YW88b8hB59VHSZN5Nw1Qt61sjsN57RKpHShQBjW2zM3WQ21tLlpW1YJsqS1nk0f_W1v5Jxv6qZvB0W5ND-D_1QFbGCW3DkgY695Tf8yW3tl6HG3L1wkmTGjv-8VxCNwW2thmjK7k42ZqW5wcK-d3jMKhyW3mDF1Y4mCTnRW3LDGXh143HPXW3b7KPy3BNhds3jKG1) | [Unsubscribe]( Oxfam 226 Causeway Street, 5th Floor Boston, Massachusetts 02114 USA

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