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June 9th┆Unseen AI Powerhouse: The Company Defeating Russian Kinzhals 📡📟


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This remarkable feat was accomplished with the aid of a pioneering "AI kill chain," a technology so

This remarkable feat was accomplished with the aid of a pioneering "AI kill chain," a technology so advanced it is redefining the very rules of warfare. [Logotype]( Dear Reader, The nature of warfare has been forever altered. We are witnessing the dawn of a nеw era - an era where artificial intelligence stands victorious against traditional forms of military might. This transformation has been brought into sharp focus with the groundbreaking event that has rocked the world's military circuits - the destruction of six Russian Kinzhal missiles, previously deemed invincible. [Missile]( This remarkable feat was accomplished with the aid of a pioneering "AI kill chain," a technology so advanced it is redefining the very rules of warfare. This incredible tech is the brainchild of a small, seemingly unassuming company. But don't be fooled by its size - this innovative firm is making waves with its revolutionary AI, standing tall against a Goliath adversary. But what does this development mean? It signals a shift in power dynamics on a global scale, a shift made possible by the quiet brilliance of AI and the audacity of a company that dared to dream. It represents a future where the small can stand up to the mighty, where the innovative can triumph over the traditional. [Gеt the inside scoop on this game-changing company and its revolutionary AI technology hеre ]( The Buck Stops Нere, Dylan Jovine Chairman Behind the Markets Logotype We are serіous about being your “eyes and ears” for special opportunities for уou to take advantage of. The message above from one of our partners is one we think you should take a close look at. [Logotype]( This email was sent by D/B/A M&MWatchdog. © 2023 M&MWatchdog. Аll Rights Reserved. 1151 Walker Rd, Dover, DE 19904 Follow This Steps To [whitelist us.]( Thinking about unsubscribing? Just tap the link is below. [Privacy Policy]( | [Update Profile]( | [Tеrms & Conditions]( | [Unsubscrіbe]( s Abram Garfield (November 19, 1831 – September 19, 1881) was the 20th president of the United States, serving from March 1881 until his assassination in September 1881. A lawyer and Civil War general, Garfield served nine ter of the Ohio State Senate in 1859, serving until 1861. He opposed Confederate secession, was a major general in the Union Army during the American Civil War, and fought in the battles of Middle Creek, Shiloh, and Chickamauga. Garfield was elected to Congress in 1862 to represent Ohio's 19th district. Throughout his congressional service, he firmly supported the gld standard and gained a reputation as a skilled orator. He initially agreed with Radical Republican views on Reconstruction but later favored a Moderate Republican–aligned approach to civil rights enforcement for freedmen. Garfield's aptitude for mathematics extended to a notable proof of the Pythagorean theorem, which he published in 1876. At the 1880 Republican National Convention, delegates chose Garfield, who had not sought the White House, as a compromise presidential nominee on the 36th ballot. In the 1880 presidential election, he conducted a low-key front porch campaign and narrowly defeated the Democratic nominee, Winfield Scott Hancock. Garfield's accomplishments as president included his resurgence of presidential authority against senatorial courtesy in executive appointments, a purge of corruption in the Post Office, and his appointment of a Supreme Court justice. He advocated for agricultural technology, an educated electorate, and civil rights for African Americans. He also proposed substantial civil service reforms, which were passed by Congress in 1883 as the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Ac and signed into law by his successor, Chester A. Arthur. Garfield was a memer of the intraparty "Half-Breed" faction who used the powers of the presidency to defy the powerful "Stalwart" Nw York senator Roscoe Conkling. He did this by appointing Blaine faction leader William H. Robertson to the lucrative post of Collector of the Port of Ne York. A fracas ensued that resulted in Robertson's confirmation and the resignations of Conkling and Thomas C. Platt from the Senate. On July 2, 1881, Charles J. Guiteau, a disappointed and delusional office seeker, shot Garfield at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station in Washington. The wound was not immdiately fatal, but managed to kill Garfield on September 19, 1881, due to infection caused by his doctors' unsanitary methods. Due to his brief tenure in office, historians tend to rank Garfield as a below-average president, though he has earned praise for anti-corruption and pro–civil rights stances. Childhood and early lie A log cabin with a statue and a tree in front Replica of the log cabin in Moreland Hills, Ohio, where Garfield was born James Abram Garfield was born the youngest of five children on November 19, 1831, in a log cabin in Orange Township, nw Moreland Hills, Ohio.[a] Garfield's ancestor Edward Garfield migrated from Hillmorton, Warwickshire, England, to Massachusetts around 1630. James's father Abram was born in, Warren (or Alfred) Belden, and a scandalous divorce was awarded in 1850. James took his mother's side in the matter and noted Belden's 1880 death with satisaction in his diary.[6] Garfield also enjoyed his mother's stories about his ancestry, especially those about his Welsh grat-grat-grandfathers and an ancestor who served as a knight of Caerphilly Castle.[7] Poor and fatherless, Garfield was mocked by his peers and became sensitive to slights throughout his lie; he sought escape through voracious reading.[6] He lefthoe at age 16 in 1847 and was rejected for work on the ony ship in port in Cleveland. Garfield instead found work on a canal boat, managing the mules that pulled it.[8] Horatio Alger later used this labor to good effect when he wrote Garfield's campaign biography in 1880.[9] After six weeks, illness forced Garfield to return hme, and during his recuperation, his mother and a local school official secured his prmise to forgo canal work for a year of school. In 1848, he began at Geauga Seminary, in nearby Chester Township, Geauga County, Ohio.[10] Garfield later said of his childhood, "I lament that I was born to poverty, and in this chaos of childhood, seventeen years passed before I caught any inspiration ... a precious 17 years when a boy with a father and some wealth might have become fixed in manly ways."[11] Education, marriage and early career An unsmiling young man with curly hair wearing a three piece suit Garfield at age 16 Garfield attended Geauga Seminary from 1848 to 1850 and learned academic subjects for which he had not previously had time. He excelled as a student and was especially interested in languages and elocution. He began to appreciate the power a speaker had over an audience, writing that the speaker's platform "creates some excitement. I love agitation and investigation and glory in defending unpopular truth against popular error."[12] Geauga was coeducational, and Garfield was attracted to one of his classmates, Lucretia Rudolph, whom he later married.[13] To support himself at Geauga, he worked as a carpenter's assistant and teacher.[14] The need to go from town to town to find work as a teacher aggravated Garfield, and he developed a dislike of what he called "place-seeking", which became, he said, "the law of my lie."[15] In later years, he astounded his friends by disregarding positions that could have been his with little politicking.[15] Garfield had attended church more to plese his mother than to worship God, but in his late teens he underwent a religious awakening. He attended many camp meetings, which led to his being born again on March 4, 1850, when he was baptized into Christ by being submerged in the icy waters of the Chagrin River.[16][b] After he left Geauga, Garfield worked for a year at various jobs, including teaching jobs.[18] Finding that some Nw Englanders worked their way through college, Garfield determined to do the same and sought a school that could prepare him for the entrance examinations. From 1851 to 1854, he attended the Western Reserve Eclectic Institute (later named Hiram College) in Hiram, Ohio, a school run by the Disciples. While there, he was most interested in the study of Greek and Latin, but was inclined to learn about and discuss any nw thing he encountered.[19] Securing a position on entry as janitor, he obtained a teaching position while he was still a student there.[20] Lucretia Rudolph also enrolled at the Institute and Garfield wooed her while teaching her Greek.[21] He developed a regular preaching circuit at neighboring churches and, in some cases, earned one old dollar per service. By 1854, Garfield had learned ll the Institute could teach him and was a full-time teacher.[22] Garfield then enrolled at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts, as a third-year student; he received crdit for two years' study at the Institute after passing a cursory examination. Garfield was also impressed with the college president, Mark Hopkins, who had responded warmly to Garfield's letter inquiring about admission. He said of Hopkins, "The ideal college is Mark Hopkins on one end of a log with a student on the other."[23] Hopkins later said of Garfield in his student days, "There was a large general capacity applicable to any subject. There was no pretense of genius, or alternation of spasmodic effort, but a satisfactory accomplishment in al directions."[24] After his first term, Garfield was hired to teach penmanship to the students of nearby Pownal, Vermont, a post Chester A. Arthur previously held.[24] Lucretia Garfield in the 1870s Garfield graduated Phi Beta Kappa[25] from Williams in August 1856, was named salutatorian, and spoke at the commencement. His biographer Ira Rutkow writes that Garfield's years at Williams gave him the oppunity to know and respect those of different social backgrounds, and that, despite his origin as an unsophisticated Westerner, socially conscious Nw Englanders liked and respected him. "In short," Rutkow writes, "Garfield had an extensive and positive first experience with the world outside the Western Reserve of Ohio."[24] Upon his return to Ohio, the degree from a prestigious Eastern college made Garfield a man of distinction. He returned to Hiram to teach at the Institute and in 1857 was made its principal, though he did not see education as a field that would realize his full potential. The abolitionist atmosphere at Williams had enlightened him politically, after which he began to consider politics as a career.[26] He campaigned for Republican John C. Frémont in 1856.[27] In 1858, he married Lucreta and they had seven children, five of whom survived infancy.[28] Son after the wedding, he registered to read law at the office of attorny Albert Gallatin Riddle in Cleveland, though he did his studying in Hiram.[29][30] He was admitted to the bar in 1861.[31] Local Republican leaders invited Garfield to enter politics upon the death of Cyrus Prentiss, the presumptive nominee for the local state senate seat. He was nominated at the party convention on the sixth ballot and was elected, serving from 1860 to 1861.[32] Garfield's major effort in the state senate was an unsuccessful bill providing for Ohio's first geological survey to measure its mineral resources.[33] Civil War Seated portrait in army uniform. Garfield has a full beard and mustache Garfield as a brigadier general during the Civil War After Abraham Lincoln's election as president, several Southern states announced their secession from the Union to for a ew government, the Confederate States of America. Garfield read military texts while anxiously awaiting the war effort, which he regarded as a holy crusade against the Slave Power.[34] In April 1861, the rebels bombarded Fort Sumter, one of the South's last federal outposts, beginning the Civil War. Although he had no military training, Garfield knew his place was in the Union Army.[34] At Governor William Dennison's reqest, Garfield deferred his military ambitions to remain in the legislature, where he helped appropriate the funds to raise and equip Ohio's volunteer regiments.[35] When the legislature adjourned Garfield spent the spring and early summer on a speaking tour of northeastern Ohio, encouraging enlistment in the nw regiments.[35] Following a trip to Illinois to purhase muskets, Garfield returned to Ohio and, in August 1861, received a commission as a colonel in the 42nd Ohio Infantry regiment.[36] The 42nd Ohio existed oly on paper, so Garfield's first task was to fill its ranks. He did so quickly, recruiting many of his neighbors and former students.[36] The regiment traveled to Camp Chase, outside Columbus, Ohio, to complete training.[36] In December, Garfield was ordered to bring the 42nd to Kentucky, where they joined the Army of the Ohio under Brigadier General Don Carlos Buell.[37] Buell's command Buell quickly assigned Garfield the task of driving Confederate forces out of eastern Kentucky, giving him the 18th Brigade for the campaign, which, besides his own 42nd, included the 40th Ohio Infantry, two Kentucky infantry regiments and two cavalry units.[38] They departed Catlettsburg, Kentucky, in mid-December, advancing through the valley of the Big Sandy River.[38] The march was uneventful until Union forces reached Paintsville, Kentucky, on January 6, 1862, where Garfield's cavalry engaged the rebels at Jenny's Creek.[39] Confederate troops under Brigadier General Humphrey Marshall held the town in numbers roughly equal to Garfield's own, but Garfield positioned his troops so as to deceive Marshall into believing the rebels were outnumbered.[39] Marshall ordered his troops to withdraw to the forks of Middle Creek, on the road to Virginia, and Garfield ordered his troops to take up the pursuit.[40] They attacked the rebel positions on January 9, 1862, in the Battle of Middle Creek, the ony pitched battle Garfield commanded personally.[41] At the fighting's end, the Confederates withdrew from the field and Garfield sent his troops to Prestonsburg to reprovision.[42] Middle Creek battlefield. Garfield commanded from the distant hill in the center of the photo. In recognition of his uccess, Garfield was promoted to brigadier general.[43] After Marshall's retreat, Garfield's command was the sole remaining Union force in eastern Kentucky and he announced that any men who had fought for the Confederacy would be granted amnesty if they returned to their homes, lived peaceably, and remained loyal to the Union.[44] The proclamation was surprisingly lenient, as Garfield nw believed the war was a crusade for eradication of slavery.[44] Following a brief skirmish at Pound Gap, the last rebel units in the area were outflanked and retreated to Virginia.[45] Garfield's promotion gave him command of the 20th Brigade of the Army of the Ohio, which received orders to join Major General Ulysses S. Grant's forces as they advanced on Corinth, Mississippi, in early 1862.[46] Before the 20th Brigade arrived, however, Confederate forces under General Albert Sidney Johnston surprised Grant's men in their camps, driving them back.[47] Garfield's troops received word of the battle and advanced quickly, joining the rest of the army on the second day to drive the Confederates back across the field and into retreat.[48] The tion, later known as the Battle of Shiloh, was the bloodiest of the war to date; Garfield was exposed to fire for much of the day, but emerged uninjured.[48] Major General Henry W. Halleck, Grant's superior, took charge of the combined armies and advanced ponderously toward Corinth; when they arrived, the Confederates had fled.[49] That summer, Garfield suffered from jaundice and significant weght los.[c][51] He was forced to return hoe, where his wif nursed him back to health.[51] While he was hme, Garfield's friends worked to gain him the Republican nomination for Congress, but he refused to campaign with the delegates.[52] He returned to military duty that autumn and went to Washington to await his next assignment.[53] During this period of idleness, a rumor of an extramarital affair caused friction in the Garfields' marriage until Lucretia eventually chose to overlook it.[54] Garfield repeatedly received tentative assignments that were quickly withdrawn, to his frustration.[55] In the meantime, he served on the court-martial of Fitz John Porter for his tardiness at the Second Battle of Bull Run.[56] He was convinced of Porter's guilt and voted with his fellow generals to convict Porter.[56] The tial lasted almost two months, from November 1862 to January 1863, and, by its end, Garfield had procured an assignment as chief of staff to Major General William S. Rosecrans.[57] Chief of staff for Rosecrans General William S. Rosecrans Generals' chiefs of staff were usually more junior officers, but Garfield's influence with Rosecrans was greater than usual, with duties extending beyond communication of orders to actual management of his Army of the Cumberland.[58] Rosecrans had a voracious appetite for conversation, especially when unable to sleep; in Garfield, he found "the first well read person in the Army" and the ideal candidate for discussions that ran deep into the night.[59] They discussed everything, especially religion, and the two became close despite Garfield's being 12 years his junior. Rosecrans, who had converted from Methodism to Roman Catholicism, softened Garfield's view of his faith.[60] Garfield recommended that Rosecrans replace wing commanders Alexander McCook and Thomas Crittenden, as he believed they were ineffective, but Rosecrans ignored the suggestion.[61] With Rosecrans, Garfield devised the Tullahoma Campaign to pursue and trap Confederate General Braxton Bragg in Tullahoma. After initial Union succss, Bragg retreated toward Chattanooga, where Rosecrans stalled and requested more troops and supples.[62] Garfield argued for an immediate advance, in line with demands from Halleck and Lincoln.[62] After a council of war and lengthy deliberations, Rosecrans agreed to attack.[63] At the ensuing Battle of Chickamauga on September 19 and 20, 1863, confusion among the wing commanders over Rosecrans's orders created a gap in the lines, resulting in a rout of the right flank. Rosecrans concluded that the battle was lost and fell back on Chattanooga to establish a defensive line.[64] Garfield, however, thought part of the army had held and, with Rosecrans's approval, headed across Missionary Ridge to survey the scene. Garfield's hunch was correct.[64] Consequently, his ride became legendary and Rosecrans's error reignited criticism about the latter's leadership.[64] While Rosecrans's army had avoided disaster, they were stranded in Chattanooga, surrounded by Bragg's army. Garfield sent a telegram to Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton alerting Washington to the need for reinforcements to avid annihilation. Lincoln and Halleck responded to the requst for reinforcements by sending 20,000 troops to Garfield by rail within nine days.[65] In the meantime, Grant was promoted to command of the western armies and quickly replaced Rosecrans with George H. Thomas.[66] Garfield was ordered to report to Washington, where he was promoted to major general.[67] According to historian Jean Edward Smith, Grant and Garfield had a "guarded relationship" since Grant promoted Thomas, rather than Garfield, to command of the Army of the Cumberland after Rosecrans's dismissal.[68] Congressional career Election in 1862; Civil War years Salmon P. Chase was Garfield's ally until Andrew Johnson's impeachment tril. While he served in the Army in early 1862, friends of Garfield approached him about running for Congress from Ohio's newly redrawn and heavily Republican 19th district. He worried that he and other state-appointed generals would receive obscure assignments and running for Congress would allow him to resume his political career. That the nw Congress would not hold its first regular session until December 1863 allowed him to continue his war service for a time.[d] Hom on meical leae, he refused to campaign for the nomination, leaving that to political managers who secured it at the local convention in September 1862 on the eighth ballot. In the October general election, he defeated D.B. Woods by a two-to-one margin for a seat in the 38th Congress.[69] Days before his Congressional term began, Garfield lost his eldest daughter, three-year-old Eliza, and became anxious and conflicted, saying his "desolation of heart" might require his return to "the wild lie of the army."[70] He also assumed that the war would end before his joining the House, but it had not, and he felt strongly that he belonged in the field, rather than in Congress. He also thought he could expect a favorable command, so he decided to see President Lincoln. During their meeting, Lincoln recommended he take his House seat, as there was an excess of generals and a shortage of administration congressmen, especially those with knowledge of military affairs. Garfield accepted this recommendation and resigned his military commission to do so.[70] Garfield met and befriended Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase, who saw Garfield as a younger version of himself. The two agreed politically and both were part of the Radical wing of the Republican Party.[71] Once he took his seat in December 1863, Garfield was frustrated at Lincoln's reluctance to press the South hard. Many radicals, led in the House by Pennsylvania's Thaddeus Stevens, wanted rebel-owned lands confiscated, but Lincoln threatened to veto any bill that proposed to do so on a widespread basis. In debate on the House floor, Garfield supported such legislation and, discussing England's Glorious Revolution, hinted that Lincoln might be thrown out of office for resisting it.[72] Garfield had supported Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation and marveled at the "strange phenomenon in the world's history, when a second-rae Illinois lawyer is the instrument to utter words which shall frm an epoch memorable in ll future ages."[73] Garfield not ony favored the abolition of slavery, but also believed the leaders of the rebellion had forfeited their constitutional rights. He supported the confiscation of Southern plantations and even exile or execution of rebellion leaders as a means to ensure a permanent end to slavery.[74] Garfield felt Congress had an obliation "to determine what legislation is necessary to secure equal justice to ll loyal persons, without regard to color."[75] He was more supportive of Lincoln when he took aion against slavery.[76] Garfield showed leadership early in his congressional career; he was initially the oly Republican vote to terminate the use of bounties in military recruiting. Some financially able recruits had used the bounty system to by their way out of service (called commutation), which Garfield considered reprehensible.[77] He gave a speech pointing out the flaws in the existing conscription law: 300,000 recruits had been called upon to enlist, but barely 10,000 had done so, with the remainder claiming exemption, providing moey, or recruiting a substitute. Lincoln appeared before the Military Affairs committee on which Garfield served, demanding a more effective bill; even if it cot him reelection, Lincoln was confident he could wn the war before his term expired.[78] After many false starts, Garfield, with Lincoln's support, procured the passage of a conscription bill that excluded commutation.[79] Under Chase's influence, Garfield became a staunch proponent of a dollar backed by a gld standard, and strongly opposed the "greenback". He also accepted the necessity of suspension of payment in gld or silver during the Civil War with strong reluctance.[80] He voted with the Radical Republicans in passing the Wade–Davis Bill, designed to give Congress more authority over Reconstruction, but Lincoln defeated it with a pocket veto.[81] Garfield did not consider Lincoln very worthy of reelection, but there seemed to be no viable alternative. "He will probably be the man, though I think we could do better", he said.[73] Garfield attended the party convention and promoted Rosecrans as Lincoln's running mate, but delegates chose Military Governor of Tennessee Andrew Johnson.[82] Lincoln was reelected, as was Garfield.[83] By then, Chase had left the Cabinet and been appointed Chief Justice, and his relations with Garfield became more distant.[84] Garfield took up the practice of law in 1865 to improve his personal finances. His efforts took him to Wall Street where, the day after Lincoln's assassination, a riotous crowd drew him into an impromptu speech to calm their passions: "Fellow citizens! Clouds and darkness are round about Him! His pavilion is dark waters and thick clouds of the skies! Justice and judgment are the establishment of His throne! Mercy and truth shall go before His face! Fellow citizens! God reigns, and the Government at Washington still lives!"[85] The speech, with no mention or praise of Lincoln, was, according to Garfield biographer Robert G. Caldwell, "quite as significant for what it did not contain as for what it did."[86] In the following years, Garfield had more praise for Lincoln; a year after Lincoln's death, Garfield said, "Greatest among ll these developments were the character and fame of Abraham Lincoln," and in 1878 he called Lincoln "one of the few gret rulers whose wisdom increased with his power".[87] Reconstruction In 1864, the U.S. Senate passed the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery throughout the Union. The bill failed to pass the House by a two-thirds majority until January 31, 1865, when it was then sent to the states for ratification. The Amendment opened other issues concerning African American civil rights. Garfield asked, "[What] is frem? Is it the bare privilege of not being chained?...If this is ll, then feedom is a bitter mockery, a cruel delusion."[88][e] Garfield supported black suffrage as firmly as he supported abolition.[90] President Johnson sought the rapid restoration of the Southern states during the months between his accession and the meeting of Congress in December 1865; Garfield hesitantly supported this policy as an experiment. Johnson, an old frind, sought Garfield's backing and their conversations led Garfield to assume Johnson's differences with Congress were not large. When Congress assembled in December (to Johnson's chagrin, without the elected representatives of the Southern states, who were excluded), Garfield urged conciliation on his colleagues, although he feared that Johnson, a former Democrat, might join other Democrats to gain political control. Garfield foresaw conflict even before February 1866, when Johnson vetoed a bill to extend the lie of the Freedmen's Bureau, charged with aiding the former slaves. By April, Garfield had concluded that Johnson was either "crazy or drunk with opium."[91] A black statue of Garfield atop an elaborate pillar. The United States Capitol rotunda is visible in the background. Garfield Monument, by the Capitol, where he served almost twenty years The conflict between Congress and President Johnson was the major issue of the 1866 campaign, with Johnson taking to the campaign trail in a Swing Around the Circle and Garfield facing opposition within the Republican party in his hme district. With the South still disenfranchised and Northern public opinion behind the Republicans, they gained a two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress. Garfield, having overcome his challengers at the district nominating convention, on reelection easily.[92] Garfield opposed the proposed impeachment of Johnson initially when Congress convened in December 1866, but supported legislation to limit Johnson's powers, such as the Tenure of Office At, which restricted Johnson's ability to remoe presidential appointees.[93] Distracted by committee duties, Garfield spoke about these bills rarely, but was a loyal Republican vote against Johnson.[94] On January 7, 1867, Garfield voted in support of the resolution that launched the first impeachment inquiry against Johnson (run by the House Committee on the Judiciary).[95] On December 7, 1867, he voted against the unsuccessful resolution to impeach Johnson that the House Committee on the Judiciary had sent the full House.[96] On January 27, 1868, he voted to pass the resolution that authorized the second impeachment inquiry against Johnson (run by the House Select Committee on Reconstruction).[97] Due to a court case, he was absent on February 24, 1868, when the House impeached Johnson, but gave a speech aligning himself with Thaddeus Stevens and others who sought Johnson's reoval shortly thereafter.[94] Garfield was present on March 2 and 3, 1868, when the House voted on specific articles of impeachment, and voted in support of ll 11 articles.[98] During the March 2 debate on the articles, Garfield argued that what he characterized as Johnson's attempts to render Ulysses S. Grant, William Tecumseh Sherman, and William H. Emory personal tools of his demonstrated Johnson's intent to disregard the law and override the Constitution, suggesting that Johnson's tralperhaps could be expedited to last ony a day in oder to hasten his remval.[99] When Johnson was acquitted in his tral before the Senate, Garfield was shocked and blamed the outcome on the tria's presiding officer, Chief Justice Chase, his onetime mentor.[94] By the time Grant succeeded Johnson in 1869, Garfield had moved away from the remaining radicals (Stevens, their leader, had died in 1868). By this time, many in the Republican Party wanted to rmove the "Negro question" from national affairs.[100] Garfield hailed the ratification of the 15th Amendment in 1870 as a triumph and favored Georgia's readmission to the Union as a matter of right, not politics. An influential Republican, Garfield said, "[The] Fifteen Amendment confers on the African race the care of its own destiny. It places their fortunes in their own hands."[100] In 1871, Congress took up the Ku Klux Klan ct, which was designed to combat attacks on African Americans' suffrage rights. Garfield opposed the at, saying, "I have neer been more perplexed by a piece of legislation." He was torn between his indignation at the Klan, whom he called "terrorists", and his concern for the power given the president to enforce the at through suspension of habeas corpus.[101]

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