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These 6 Words Could Destroy America


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Sat, Apr 6, 2024 02:30 AM

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This is a must read. If you cannot see this email properly, please click Dear Reader, could soon imp

This is a must read. If you cannot see this email properly, please click [here]( Dear Reader, [These six words]( could soon impact the value of your savings, your investments, and even impact your mortgage. Your entire quality of life, in effect. And according to respected financial expert Dr. David Eifrig, [this is now hands-down the biggest story in world finance.]( In recent years, Dr. Eifrig — a physician surgeon and former Goldman Sachs Vice President — has accurately predicted everything from the rise of inflation... to the death of the 60/40 portfolio. But as you're about to see... [This story is much, much stranger than any of that.]( Because tens of millions of unsuspecting Americans could soon feel the financial aftershocks of these words, even if they don't quite understand WHY it's happening to them. Dr. Eifrig says even the most informed "news junkies" won't have heard this buried financial story. And with his permission, we're posting his full, brand-new warning to the public on our website. [You can access it free of charge – click here to view.]( Kelly Brown, Senior Researcher, Stansberry Research P.S. What are these six deadly words? [Find out here.]( And, more crucially, hear the three steps you can take immediately to insulate your savings, protect your financial future... and potentially even lock in anywhere from 606% to 2,382% in the process. This ad is sent on behalf of Stansberry Research, 1125 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21201. If you would like to optout from receiving offers from Stansberry Research please [click here.]( Disclaimer This newsletter contains advertisements which are neither an offer nor recommendation to buy or sell any security. Content marked as "Ad," "Special" or "Sponsor" may be third-party advertisements where the advertiser is paying per click, per lead, or per sale and are not endorsed or warranted by our staff or company. SPMG, and its principles do not own any of the stocks mentioned in this email or in the article that this email links to. Please see the disclaimer on the advertiser's website for additional information, including their relationship with any mentioned security. Compensation for advertising constitutes a conflict of interest as to our ability to remain objective in our communication regarding any companies profiled. Because of this conflict, individuals are strongly encouraged not to use this newsletter as the basis for any investment decision. This newsletter may contain information regarding investment ideas and third-party ratings regarding specific securities. We hold no investment licenses and are thus neither licensed nor qualified to provide investment advice. SPMG, nor its principals are FINRA-registered broker-dealers or investment advisers. The content of this email should not be taken as advice, an endorsement, or a recommendation from SPMG or to buy or sell any security. Always consult a real licensed investment professional before making any investment decision. Be extremely careful, investing in securities carries a high degree of risk; you may likely lose some or all of the investment. The content in this newsletter or email is not provided to any individual with a view toward their individual circumstances. Also, because events and circumstances frequently do not occur as expected, there will likely be differences between the any predictions and actual results. While all information is believed to be reliable, it is not guaranteed by us to be accurate. Individuals should assume that all information contained in our newsletter is not trustworthy unless verified by their own independent research. By opening this email or clicking any links contained, you are reconfirming your opt-in status. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link below in the footer. This is part of your free subscription to 1519 Mecklenburg Hwy Unit 4 | Mt. Mourne | NC | 28123 | United States | 877 411 9808 part of Sandpiper Marketing Group, LLC | 1519 Mecklenburg Hwy | Unit 4 | Mount Mourne | NC | 28123 | United States | 877-411-9808 [Unsubscribe]( | [Report spam]( Sent with [ActiveTrail]( software

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