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Genetics, Diet, and Lifestyle for Longevity


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Fri, Mar 29, 2024 04:32 PM

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New Personalized Longevity Supplementation From Saints One  ͏  ͏  ͏  

New Personalized Longevity Supplementation From Saints One  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ March 29th, 2024 | [Read Online]( Saints One is your longevity 360°. Personalized daily supplementation, DNA Age Testing, 24/7 AI via the Saints One app, and your own longevity concierge – all in one plan. Good Morning , The pursuit of a life not just prolonged but imbued with health and vitality has led to groundbreaking advancements in our understanding of aging. This exploration is not merely academic; it is deeply personal, touching upon the very essence of our existence and our desire to extend our healthspan alongside our lifespan. This exploration is underpinned by the idea that our genetic destiny is not set in stone but can be influenced by our daily habits. It presents a compelling case for the role of diet and exercise in 'switching on' genes associated with longevity, offering a glimpse into the potential for individuals to actively shape their health trajectories. Dr. Longo's work, rooted in the rich dietary history of Italy and the Mediterranean diet, emphasizes the profound impact of nutrition on aging. His advocacy for a fasting-mimicking diet, alongside a critique of modern dietary pitfalls, encapsulates the intersection of tradition and innovation. By identifying the 'poisonous 5 P's' — pizza, pasta, protein, potatoes, and pane (bread) — and advocating for a return to a more traditional Mediterranean diet, we explore practical guidance for those seeking to improve their healthspan. Together, these articles weave a rich tapestry of knowledge, spanning the genetic basis of aging, the power of dietary interventions, and the societal dimensions of nutrition and health. They present a holistic view of longevity, grounded in scientific research yet deeply relevant to individual and collective choices. We are reminded of the potential for science and lifestyle to converge in meaningful ways that extend healthy lives and enrich our understanding of aging. Let’s dive in … FRIDAY SPOTLIGHT Healthspan vs. Lifespan How to ‘Switch On’ your Anti-Ageing Genes At the core of this discussion is the concept that, although we inherit a fixed set of genes, the expression of these genes — essentially, how they manifest in our health and longevity — is significantly modulated by our daily habits and environmental interactions. Craig’s article embarks on this journey with a fundamental introduction to genetics, reminding us that our approximately 20,000 genes are not mere determinants of fate but rather elements in a complex system influenced by our lifestyle choices. The narrative swiftly moves to the heart of longevity science, guided by insights from Prof. Joao Pedro Magalhaes, who underscores that while genetics accounts for about 25% of human longevity, a staggering 75% is influenced by environmental and lifestyle factors. This balance between genetic predisposition and lifestyle flexibility forms the bedrock of the article’s exploration into how we might 'switch on' longevity through conscientious living. Central to the discussion is the mechanism of gene expression modulation through lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise. The article illuminates the concept of caloric restriction and its effects on the mTOR pathway, a critical cellular mechanism associated with nutrient sensing and growth regulation. By harnessing the power of caloric restriction, either through direct dietary choices or pharmacological mimetics like rapamycin, individuals can potentially extend their lifespan by dampening mTOR activity, thus enhancing longevity. The narrative takes a fascinating turn with the discussion of specific genes like FOXO3, known for its role in autophagy and protection against various age-related diseases. Here, the article weaves a story of potential, where genetic fortune intersects with lifestyle choice, offering a glimpse into how individuals might leverage exercise to activate this 'superintendent gene.' The discussion on sleep and dietary specifics further broadens the article’s scope, delving into the importance of circadian rhythms and the anti-inflammatory potential of foods rich in AMPK activators like green tea and quercetin. For the longevity industry, this narrative underscores the potential for innovative interventions that bridge the gap between genetic science and practical, accessible lifestyle changes. Through its exploration of the science behind gene expression and the practical steps individuals can take, the article offers a compelling blueprint for navigating the path toward a longer, healthier life. [The Telegraph]( The most striking discovery was in the elderly, where taurine levels were a staggering 80% lower than in their younger counterparts. This nutrient's potential seems promising, especially when considering its ability to add an estimated seven to eight years to human life. “Mangia a Lot Less”: Italian Expert’s Ideas on Aging Epidemiological observations have long hinted at a curious phenomenon: populations residing at high altitudes often live longer and seem less susceptible to certain diseases. This study sought to replicate these findings in a controlled animal setting, shedding light on the potential benefits of high-altitude living. The pursuit of longevity, with its intricate blend of genetic predisposition and lifestyle choices, finds a captivating narrative in Jason Horowitz's portrayal of Dr. Valter Longo, a figure who embodies the confluence of rigorous scientific research and a deep-rooted belief in the power of diet to influence aging. Dr. Longo has a comprehensive approach to extending life span through dietary interventions that mimic the effects of fasting, grounded in the rich cultural tapestry and dietary history of Italy—a country renowned for its centenarians. His journey from a music-obsessed youth to a pioneering gerontologist frames the narrative, offering a unique lens through which to explore the complexities of aging research. His transition from grappling with the live-fast-die-young ethos of his bandmates to dedicating his life to unlocking the secrets of longevity provides a compelling backdrop to his scientific endeavors. Central to the article is Dr. Longo's advocacy for a diet that not only supports longevity but also mimics the physiological benefits of fasting without the associated hardships. His development of the Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) represents a pivotal moment in the quest for dietary interventions that can promote health span and delay aging. This approach, characterized by a plant and nut-based diet supplemented with kale crackers, encapsulates his belief in the power of dietary choices to trigger cellular rejuvenation and shed harmful baggage, thus embodying the principle that nutrition can serve as a cornerstone of longevity. With one of the world's oldest populations and pockets of centenarians offering clues to the genetic and lifestyle factors underlying extended health span, Italy serves as a living laboratory for understanding the complexities of aging. Dr. Longo's observations on the evolution of the Italian diet — from the poverty-driven simplicity of the wartime Mediterranean diet to the modern challenges posed by the 'poisonous five Ps '— highlight the intricate relationship between diet, culture, and longevity. His vision of a bifurcated future, where diet and science converge to offer pathways to extended health span, serves as a call to action for individuals and societies to reconsider the foundations of health and aging. [The New York Times]( "The key to a long life is avoiding the ‘poisonous 5 P’s” The article frames a compelling argument against the consumption of the "poisonous 5 P's" — pizza, pasta, protein, potatoes, and pane (bread) — highlighting a cultural shift away from traditional, health-promoting diets towards ones that could diminish lifespan and health span. The piece is particularly poignant in its reflection on the modern dietary landscape of Italy, traditionally celebrated for its Mediterranean diet, which is rich in legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains. Longo points out a disconcerting shift from this diet, associating the rise in obesity and chronic diseases with the increased consumption of the 5 P's. This observation serves not just as a critique of contemporary dietary habits but as a clarion call to return to nutritional principles that have historically supported longevity and well-being. The Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) is a novel nutritional protocol designed to emulate the effects of fasting while allowing for food intake. This diet underscores the synthesis of Longo's research, embodying his belief in the power of dietary control to activate biological pathways conducive to longevity. By reducing caloric intake and optimizing nutritional composition, the FMD aims to promote autophagy, reduce inflammation, and enhance cellular rejuvenation — processes vital for delaying the onset of age-related diseases and extending healthy lifespan. Moreover, Mikhail's exploration of Longo's dietary recommendations offers readers practical insights into longevity-enhancing foods, including sweet and sour sardines, stuffed artichokes, cabbage patties, and onions in walnut sauce. These recommendations are not merely dietary prescriptions but represent a broader philosophy that views food as medicine — a means to influence genetic expression and combat the deleterious effects of aging. The article also engages with the broader implications of Longo's research for public health and societal wellness. The shift away from the Mediterranean diet towards a more processed, high-calorie diet reflects a global challenge in combating lifestyle-related diseases. Longo’s emphasis on the detrimental impact of the 5 P's on longevity serves as a microcosm of the larger dietary issues facing societies worldwide, highlighting the urgent need for a reevaluation of our relationship with food. The article underscores the potential for dietary interventions as a cornerstone of longevity-enhancing strategies, offering a blueprint for product development, nutritional programs, and educational initiatives that align with Longo’s research findings. [Fortune]( Sima, the last surviving rat from the study, stands as a testament to the treatment's potential. She has already surpassed the typical lifespan for her species, drawing parallels to a human living beyond 126 years. It becomes abundantly clear that the journey to extend human healthspan and lifespan is paved with both profound scientific insights and practical, actionable strategies. The articles analyzed provide a rich narrative that spans the genetic underpinnings of aging, the transformative power of dietary interventions, and the societal shifts necessary to embrace a longevity-focused lifestyle. The synthesis of genetic science with lifestyle and dietary interventions underscores a critical paradigm shift in our approach to aging — from a passive acceptance of aging as an inevitable decline to an active engagement in extending healthspan through informed choices and targeted interventions. This shift is not merely of academic interest; it represents a burgeoning market for products, services, and technologies that empower individuals to take control of their aging process. From nutritional supplements and fasting-mimicking diets to wearable technology that monitors and guides lifestyle choices, the demand for longevity-enhancing solutions is poised for significant growth. The broader societal implications of the shift towards longevity-focused diets and lifestyles also present unique opportunities for investment in public health initiatives and educational campaigns. The challenge posed by modern dietary habits and the departure from traditional, health-promoting diets underscore the need for solutions that address these issues at a community and societal level. Investments in startups and initiatives that aim to foster a cultural shift towards healthier eating and living can not only yield financial returns but also contribute to the broader societal good by enhancing public health outcomes and reducing healthcare costs associated with age-related diseases. Until next time, The Longr Reads Team "Life is not merely being alive, but being well." Marcus Valerius Martial Longr Reads' of the Week - Healthcare could be poised for a Golden Age ([Pacific Asset Management]( - Healthcare Investing - 2024 ([BNP Paribas]( - Guided FDA-Approved Drugs Repurposed to Target Aging ([EU Society of Medicine]( Longr is building access to longevity across: generative AI, therapeutics, wellness products, clinics, research, community, and marketplaces. Transforming visionary concepts into tangible solutions - we are facilitating widespread adoption of longevity-enhancing products and platforms. 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