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Newsletter Wednesday, November 29, 2017


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Wed, Nov 29, 2017 09:51 PM

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[ - Calling all smuthounds!] Wednesday, November 29, 2017 [Intro for November 29, 2017]( [Matt Lauer](Dear Gossips, Well. We had a two day break. And now…it’s Wednesday, November 29, 2017. Welcome to Today. As the Hollywood Predator Advent Calendar has opened its newest door to reveal… Matt Lauer. Fired from NBC. At the top of the hour. Matt Lauer has been terminated from NBC News. On Monday night, we received a detailed complaint from a colleague about inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace by Matt Lauer. As a result, we’ve decided to terminate his employment. []( — TODAY (@TODAYshow) [November 29, 2017]( They say they found out Monday. And they’ve acted quickly. They also say it’s the “first complaint about his behaviour in the over 20 years he’s been at NBC News”. Sure. Maybe official complaint. But then that’s followed by “we were also presented with reason to believe this may not have been an isolated incident”. In the two months since the Predator Advent Calendar started opening all its hideous doors, it’s almost never a f-cking isolated incident. And the fact that they had to clarify that this was the “first complaint” sounds like a goddamn bureaucratic cover-up. It’s ass coverage. It’s laying the groundwork for being all like, well, no one went to HR and wrote it down in black and white. What, so your ears weren’t working?! There will be more. Once the seal comes off everything behind it comes gushing out. But what about Ann Curry? Ann Curry lost the last 4 years of her career. Ann Curry was pushed out of The Today Show because of the “[boys’ club atmosphere behind the scenes]( at The Today Show. One of the books Duana cites most often on Show Your Work is Brian Stelter’s Top Of The Morning. Definitely add it to your holiday reading list if you haven’t already read it. There’s a detailed part in there about Ann Curry was treated and how they pushed her out. They allegedly called it Operation Bambi. Operation Bambi! Because she’s so sweet they knew they were silencing a beloved but defenceless deer! New York Magazine published a summary of [Operation Bambi]( a few years ago. And [here’s the excerpt]( from that part of the book in the NY Times. This morning the old boys’ club cancelled Matt Lauer’s membership. But that doesn’t mean the old boys’ club isn’t out here trying to save itself. That old boys’ club exists everywhere, in every industry. Right now, some of them are even trying to get one of their own elected. Yours in gossip, Lainey [Click here for the rest of the photos.]( Posted at 1:29 PM [Jennifer Lawrence is an asshole]( [Adam Sandler and Jennifer Lawrence cover Variety](Those are her words, not mine. In a new interview with [Adam Sandler]( for Variety’s [Actors on Actors series](, [Jennifer Lawrence]( says she is purposefully mean to fans who approach her in public. JLaw: Once I enter a public place, I become incredibly rude. I turn into a huge asshole. Sandler: You get icy? JLaw: Yeah, and that’s the kind of my only way of defending myself, just be an asshole. It’s interesting to me that Jennifer chooses to describe this behavior as a defense, to use the word “defending” specifically. What is she defending herself against? Is this really the right way to describe a slight inconvenience during dinner? The point she’s trying to make before she sh-ts on people who want a picture with her, the same people who go to her movies and have made her one the highest paid actresses in Hollywood, is that it must be harder for Adam Sandler because he’s a comedian who seems friendly (I guess?). Sandler counters that her persona is also one of approachability. He’s right. Jennifer Lawrence has built a pubic identity as a Cool Girl who could be your best friend. It makes sense that people would approach her with the assumption that she’s down-to-earth and Just Like Us! So, is she deliberately being an ass in protest of that façade? Or is she just an ungrateful ass? JLaw elaborates to say that if a fan starts to approach her table at a restaurant, she’ll wag her finger at them to stop. If they ask for a selfie, she’ll brush them off with a hard NO. Listen, I know it’s probably irritating to have people interrupt you during dessert and the people who do this are probably not the kinds of people you want interrupting your dessert but is this really the thing you want to say out loud, for those same fans to read and interpret as they please? Especially when Adam Sandler is sitting across from you saying that while he also has said no to selfies, he lets his fans pull up a chair and chat with his family? I don’t think celebrities owe us their spare time but we also don’t need to hear them whine about the peasants who dare to breathe their air. Here, JLaw comes off as whiny and unappreciative. Jennifer’s willingness to say the first thing that comes to her mind is part of her charm though, isn’t it? Sometimes, she’ll say something that makes her sound horrible but other times, she’ll be so refreshingly honest, you can’t help but like her. This is her skill. It works. When she’s not saying dumb sh-t, I generally like Jennifer Lawrence. And I was a Hunger Games nerd so deep down, she’ll always be Katniss Everdeen to me. I like her candor. As someone who produces celebrity interviews for a living, I appreciate that JLaw is always a good interview. She shows up. She entertains. She’s good at her job. But, to me, Jennifer Lawrence’s real-life likeability has two exceptions: when she’s gratingly dropping anecdotes about her friendship with Amy Schumer and in actor on actor roundtable situations like the recent [Hollywood Reporter Actress Roundtable](. She seems to be someone who loves to hear herself speak. She’s constantly speaking over others and dominating the conversation. In these scenarios, I don’t want Jennifer Lawrence—highest paid actress, Academy Award winner, Hollywood sweetheart— to have the loudest voice in the room and yet, she usually does. That said, in this particular conversation for Variety, she’s more tolerable. I don’t want the rich, straight white man who has been given countless chances after many failures to dominate a conversation either but Adam Sandler seems like someone excruciatingly uncomfortable with hearing himself speak. He’s constantly looking at the floor and attempting to deflect the questions back on Jennifer. She swoops in to help him finish his sentences and makes it all seem less awkward. The most awkward moment of this interview could have been when talk turned to JLaw’s ex, [habitual scarf-wearer Darren Aronofsy](. Aronofsky comes up a few times in the conversation, mostly in the context of being Jennifer’s director, not her boyfriend. But when Adam Sandler asks about whether she reads reviews of her work, JLaw offers up a potential reason for her breakup, other than their “[huge age difference.]( )” “We’d be on the tour together, I’d come back to the hotel and the last thing I want to talk about or think about is the movie, and he comes back and that’s all he wants to talk about… I was doing double duty of trying to be a supportive partner while also being like, ‘Can I please, for the love of God, not think about ‘mother!’ for one second?’” There’s that relatable JLaw again! If you’ve ever dated someone you also worked with, you can probably relate to never being able to escape the work. It also makes complete sense that [Darren Aronofsky]( is a pretentious dick who obsessively reads reviews of his movies out loud to his girlfriend. I don’t understand how she lasted that long in a relationship with this dude. In the same interview that Jennifer Lawrence confessed she’s rude to fans to “defend” her privacy, she volunteers intimate details about her relationship and admits to googling herself to only read positive reviews. That’s the kind of sh-t people love her for, right? That’s the reason they want to take a selfie with her, right? Does Jennifer Lawrence get to be – and profit from – the Cool Girl who is beloved for her bluntness AND be an unapproachable asshole? [Click here for the rest of the photos.]( Posted at 7:49 PM [Smutty Social Media, November 29, 2017]( ve never liked Chris Pratt more than when he was on Parks and Recreation. (Yes I realize this is the hipster equivalent of saying a popular band was cooler when they played small clubs and sold CDs out of their trunks.) [A post shared by chris pratt (@prattprattpratt)]( on Nov 27, 2017 at 2:15pm PST Vogue posted a video of the [Victoria’s Secret slumber party]( Rebecca Bunch did it better in [Feeling Kinda Naughty](. [A post shared by Stella! (@stellamaxwell)]( on Nov 28, 2017 at 1:20pm PST Bill Hader would be really good at this. An SNL sketch where the reporters report on their own sexual misconduct and firings but they don't know it until live prompter — christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) [November 29, 2017]( I know I’m very late on this but Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, OK? Sorry, the goop wedding is just not inspiring the same kind of excitement in me (even if Chris Martin walks Gwyneth Paltrow down the aisle, which she could really rub in our faces). [A post shared by Gwyneth Paltrow (@gwynethpaltrow)]( on Nov 26, 2017 at 12:59pm PST A few readers have told me they are very into Justin Baldoni, so this is for them. And about Jane the Virgin… it’s still great, no question. Gina Rodriguez is a star. But it’s feeling a little less shiny, like there could be an end in sight. And that’s OK. [A post shared by Justin Baldoni (@justinbaldoni)]( on Nov 28, 2017 at 1:32am PST Inspired by the exchange between Stephen King and Patton Oswalt, I looked up the lyrics to this song and am screaming with laughter. But every article of clothing they describe in the song (top hat, silk suit, stick pin, white gloves) means that every girl's crazy about a circus ringmaster. — Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) [November 29, 2017]( Yesterday, Sasha sent me this video of Noel Gallagher opining on book titles, authors (“people who write books are f-cking idiots”), Twitter, self-driving cars, artificial intelligence gadgets, and donuts. Tell me he’s wrong about Kanye and Ed Sheeran and we are fighting. (Obviously extremely NSFW language.) [A post shared by Noel Gallagher (@themightyi)]( on Nov 28, 2017 at 3:37am PST [Click here for the rest of the photos.]( Posted at 7:25 PM [Princess Kate takes the mic]( [The Duchess of Cambridge visits Robin Hood Primary School, November 29, 2017](An apple-cheeked, wide-smiling [Catherine Cambridge]( visited with school children today at Robin Hood Primary in London. It’s been a busy week for Kate. She was out on the weekend, she was out yesterday, and again today. I’m going to be a sh-t disturber here and ask you if you think she seems different in these photos, like way more relaxed. Maybe it’s just what she’s wearing. It’s also the shot of her holding on to a cup of tea while walking. Just like us! Except our paper cups aren’t so cute. I don’t know exactly what’s allowed or not but it’s definitely a much more casual vibe. And she even got on the mic, not at a podium, to say a few words to the children. Thank you for all of your responses yesterday to my post [about Kate’s reaction]( to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s engagement news. Some of you were like, she’s so boring! Others were much more sympathetic, understanding of Kate’s role and status. She is married to the future king of England and the mother of the future king of England. Meghan Markle has much less restrictions. For Kate, totally, it’s always going to be an expectation of composure over charisma. Especially since she was stepping into a spotlight that was vacated by the most charismatic woman in the world, a woman whose own charisma also became a source of pain. We could not get enough of her. She didn’t have enough to give us. And that was what William has always wanted to avoid for Kate. The goal has always been to set up the situation so that what happened to Diana would never happen to his wife. There’s also, of course, the expectation from those old timey aristocrats who were probably already pissy that Kate didn’t come from an old timey family. These are the judgy pearl clutchers who remain out of the spotlight but control who and what comes and goes in upper society. The way Kate presents herself is for their benefit too. That’s why she worked so hard on her accent and the way she holds herself. Even, I guess, the way she dresses. The question is though… how long will those old timers remain in power when power structures are being challenged all over the place? I’m not saying we’re going to see a change in their status, like, tomorrow. But there is a generation coming up that does not relate to that old timey sh-t. This is why the royal family is on Twitter and Instagram. They royal family of England is on Twitter and Instagram. These people. Who won’t write on a piece of paper that hasn’t been embossed or engraved or whatever without their seal, these people are on Twitter and Instagram. But they joined Twitter and Instagram to be of the times. And that’s been the balance of the royal family – how to be of the time but also to maintain tradition. At a certain point though, “tradition” isn’t going to matter as much as it used to. Especially not when “tradition”, by their perspective, is based on a point of view determined by class and whiteness. People love the Queen. Loving her is a tradition. When she’s gone, who’s the recipient of that tradition? Is it Prince Charles, who is not without his controversies? Is it Will and Kate? And do people love them enough for it to become a “tradition” that can weather the change? It’s possible. But the question is, have they connected enough with enough of the people for that to happen? This is why it’s interesting to observe both Will and Kate’s relationship with the public, their interactions, their behaviours, and their attitudes – and whether or not together they can build the kind of appeal that can generate the kind of loyalty it takes to defend a tradition. [Click here for the rest of the photos.]( Posted at 6:53 PM [Avengers: Beginning of the End]( [Sebastian Stan shopping in New York, November 28, 2017](Following that [canonization]( in Vanity Fair, Marvel has released the first trailer for Avengers: Infinity War. Fans have been clamoring for it since basically Comic-Con, but anyone who pays attention should know by now that Marvel runs their advertising on a pretty tight six-month clock, and we are about six months from May 2018 and the first part of the grand Avengers finale. And boy, does this trailer want us to feel how important that is, how grand the beginning of the end will be. A big, swelling, slightly slowed-down version of Alan Silvestri’s Avengers theme plays—the closest Marvel has come to iconic music—and we get glimpses of all our heroes in distress. Thanos emerges on his own two feet at last, stabs Vision and, assumedly, takes his Infinity Stone (killing him?). Tony Stark looking like all his worst nightmares are coming true. T’Challa giving orders. Everything so serious. Everything so greatly important. LOOK AT CAPTAIN AMERICA’S BEARD. I’m sorry, I know Marvel wants us to feel the import of the moment but all anyone cares about is Captain America with shaggy hair and a beard. Do you think Chris Evans cried a little when they told him he didn’t have to shave or cut his hair, at least for the first part of filming? I bet he did. I bet he hugged his dog and felt the purest joy. And it’s totally worth it because Beardy Captain America is ten times hotter, just like Beardy Chris Evans is the best Chris Evans. This is a really good look for Cap. T’Challa says, “Someone get this a man a shield,” but I hear, “Someone let this man keep his facial hair.” (We already know he’s [clean-shaven]( again by Avengers 4: Space Boogaloo.) Other observations: We’re seeing proper Spidey-sense from Peter Parker, and also he’s now running around in that souped-up suit Tony built him. Hulk will crash down in Doctor Strange’s house. Cap’s been hanging around Wakanda with Black Widow, who is blonde now, and, incredibly, Scarlett Johansson is STILL wearing a wig. Just let Natasha have ScarJo’s short hair already. Bucky with the good hair is back, sporting long flowing locks in the Wakandan breeze. That is also a good look on Sebastian Stan. But I want to go back to the tone of this trailer. It’s big, it’s grand, it’s probably going to play well in front of Star Wars. But then it ends with Thor, looking busted in the face so presumably someone (Thanos) just kicked his ass, meeting the Guardians of the Galaxy. This beat comes from the preview shown back at Comic-Con, and in its fuller context, it’s a comedic moment. They’ve edited it down to mostly fit the tone of the trailer, but Mantis’s little wave is a clue that it’s not really of that tone. And my prevailing question re: Infinity War is what tone the movie ultimately goes with. This trailer indicates they’re going with Important Things Happening Importantly, but the success of their three movies this year, all with strong comedy bases, makes a case for not going against the grain of the characters that can handle comedy. Infinity War has been a high-stress production. It’s just so much, even for a studio used to making big ass movies with lots of moving parts. And among the most important of those parts is settling on the tone of the movie. Justice League couldn’t settle on a tone, and as a result, it’s a mess. I don’t think Infinity War is having a real tonal clash like Justice League did, but I have a little worry. Certainly Marvel has earned the benefit of the doubt, and if anyone can pull a rabbit out of a hat, it’s them. But this is the first time in a while that I have had ANY worry for a Marvel movie, and it’s a slightly jarring feeling. Attached - Sebasitan Stan shopping in New York yesterday. [Click here for the rest of the photos.]( Posted at 6:18 PM [Alexander Skarsgard: What’s next?]( [Alexander Skarsgard is seen walking in Soho on October 30, 2017 in New York City](Earlier this year, Alexander Skarsgard won an Emmy for Big Little Lies. Now, he is graduating from a supporting role to leading, as he has signed on to star in The Little Drummer Girl, the next John le Carré adaptation from the team that made The Night Manager. That miniseries, you’ll recall with [appropriate cringe]( won Tom Hiddleston a Golden Globe. So this is a project that comes with a trophy shine, and this time it’s superior speech-giver Skarsgard holding the spotlight. This is holdover news from last week, but I noticed it specifically because of what it says about Skarsgard’s career approach recently. Last year, Skarsgard tried the blockbuster thing with Tarzan, and while that movie isn’t as bad as it could be, it didn’t exactly set the world on fire. But Skarsgard followed that tent pole disappointment with Big Little Lies, and an Emmy, and looking at his upcoming projects, it’s mostly character-driven indie stuff. There’s a war movie that inevitably no one will see, but there’s also a project with Jesse Eisenberg, and a tony World War II adaptation with Keira Knightley. There are also upcoming films from Jeremy Saulnier (Hold The Dark) and Duncan Jones (Mute), both of whom are stellar, you-should-be-watching-their-sh*t directors. And then he’ll return to TV in 2019 headlining his own prestige series. It’s a trend we’ve seen before, that when the blockbuster career of an actor stalls out, they switch to indies and television to find success. Jake Gyllenhaal did it—although it can be argued that the blockbuster was the aberration and he’s been indie all along—and more recently, Armie Hammer has done it. But something about Skarsgard’s post-True Blood decisions doesn’t seem that calculated or mercenary. Maybe it’s the genre shuffling he’s done, jumping from horror—he stars in the Duffer Brothers debut feature film, Hidden—to [indie coming-of-age]( to comedy (Zoolander 2), or maybe it’s his willingness to take supporting roles and play unflattering characters, but Skarsgard’s career trajectory reminds me more of Colin Farrell. After blockbuster disappointment, Farrell found his niche in oddball indies, became the muse of Yorgos Lanthimos, and completely reinvented himself as a character actor, and is far more interesting for it. At this point in the cycle of his career, Skarsgard could be looking for another blockbuster project. He’s reconfigured his image with various indie film projects, he’s won an award for a supporting role on TV. Time to give film stardom another shot! Except Skarsgard has elected not to try his hand at that again. In the place where he could slot a tent pole, he’s got The Little Drummer Girl. That’s the kind of decision that makes me wonder what’s next. He’s already got a trophy, and is working with some of the most interesting directors, and is now headlining a prestige TV project. What’s next? I never, ever thought, out of everyone on True Blood, I would be what-next’ing Eric Northman, but here we are. [Source]( [Click here for the rest of the photos.]( Posted at 5:31 PM [73 Questions with Michael Bae Jordan]( [Michael B Jordan](It was about 6 hours between the time our site manager Emily sent me the link to [Michael Bae Jordan](’s [73 Questions with VOGUE]( to when I actually watched it. There is only one person on earth that could make me wait all day before watching almost 9 uninterrupted minutes of my man. That person is Michelle Obama. My brother Sam and I went to Mrs. Obama’s event in Toronto yesterday and I am still on such a high, I will find any excuse to bring up the fact that I was in the same room as Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama, which is essentially what I just did. No shame. Don’t ask me to tell you about it. I will cry and never stop talking and you will regret it. I promise. So, I had 6 hours to psyche myself up for Bae’s 73 Questions and for the love of dear sweet Blue Ivy, it did not disappoint. If you’ve seen any of the other videos in this series (save for [Tracee Ellis Ross’ perfect turn](), you know they can come off rehearsed, stiff and mostly awkward. The only thing stiff about this video is the lady boner it gave me. The first 35 seconds finds Michael in his garage gym, working out. I swear the VOGUE producers have been watching my daydreams. If any other celebrity opened their 73 Questions working out, I would probably call them a douche. I will be a hypocrite. I don’t care. This was brilliant. I resent the time wasted asking MBJ about whether he’s related to basketball royalty Michael Jordan because really? You used one of your 73 questions on what the “B” stands for? Step your game up, VOGUE. There are no words to explain how I feel about my future in-laws making multiple appearances, only high-pitched sounds. Usually, I might be turned off by a 30-year-old man who may or may not live with his parents. In this case, I hope they live there and I hope they have barbecues every weekend and I hope our kids will get to experience their homemade lunches, unconditional love and Grandma’s famous rum cakes. Don’t get me started on the part when Michael Bae Jordan’s mother lovingly mocks the orange plaid suit he wore to the 2015 MTV Movie Awards. I didn’t have to Google that. I have all of MBaeJ’s suits catalogued to memory. My thirst is strong. Aside from his adorable parents, the interview is so natural, funny and charming and just more proof I should leave my life partner and get engaged to the only prince I recognize. Below is a collection of the MBJ answers that prove we are perfect for each other, accompanied by the uncanny reason why. MBJ says he loves food. I love food! MBJ says he loves ironing. I have so much clothes that need ironing! MBJ wants to go to Tokyo. Me too! MBJ’s two dating rules are that his date should never pick up a tab and she should never touch a doorknob. I absolutely want my dates to pick up the cheque in the beginning and I absolutely want them to open doors for me! (Does that make me a bad feminist?) MBJ’s favourite line is, “where’s Wallace?” That line from The Wire made me weep for days and I just screamed when he said it. So yeah, mine too! MBJ’s favourite beverage is apple juice. I love apple juice! See, we’re soulmates. After 73 questions with Michael Bae Jordan, my major burning question is this: WHERE CAN I GET THAT KILLMONGER HOODIE? Give me all of the Black Panther swag. Give me more MBJ. I can’t f-cking wait for February. [Click here for the rest of the photos.]( Posted at 3:46 PM [The Grammys, upgraded]( [Kendrick Lamar](The Grammys, like the Oscars, have been criticised in the past for its archaic voting processes and its lack of representation. At the most recent Grammys, back in February, Adele’s 25 won Album Of The Year, the biggest award, over Beyoncé’s Lemonade – and even Adele was like…um… this isn’t right. Like the Oscars, the recording academy promised change. One of the biggest changes was that the Grammys finally allowed their members to vote online. Per [The Verge](: Grammy nominees are decided by voting members: music industry professionals who have creative or technical credits on at least six commercial tracks on a physical music release, or 12 on a digital album. They’re not just label bigwigs. They’re songwriters, touring artists, and engineers. And, there’s only about 13,000 of them. Before this year though, those 13,000 members had to wait for their ballots to come in the mail. Remember, these members are working musicians and music professionals themselves. They’re on the road. They’re in the studio. They’re travelling from here to there producing and creating with other artists. They’re not waiting for the postman or postwoman to come deliver the mail. Which is why so few of them had a say in the past. With digital access, they now have a way to contribute to the highest honour in their business. And that contribution was immediately evident in yesterday’s Grammy nominations. [Jay-Z]( received the most nominations for 4:44. After that it was [Kendrick Lamar](. After Kendrick it’s Bruno Mars. These are the nominees for Album Of The Year: Bruno Mars, 24K Magic Childish Gambino, Awaken, My Love! Jay-Z, 4:44 Kendrick Lamar, DAMN. Lorde, Melodrama See the difference? Also, basically Donald Glover is made of gold right now. There were obvious changes across other categories too. So many new artists who made a big impact this year were acknowledged. Like Sza. And Cardi B. And Khalid. And… Kesha! Kesha’s album is terrific. She now has her very first Grammy nominations. You can read more about the recording academy’s improvements and those results [here]( at The Verge. But that doesn’t mean it’s perfect. And it also doesn’t make me any less bitter about why these modifications had to happen. A reminder that a black woman hasn’t won album of the year in nearly 20 years despite the existence of Beyoncé, Mariah, Solange, Alicia, Rih — Micah Singleton (@MicahSingleton) [September 13, 2017]( Beyoncé delivered a masterpiece in 2016. A year later, her husband released an album that would not have been possible without that masterpiece. She has never won Album Of The Year. And he just might. How do we feel about that? Tell me how to feel about that. And yet, that’s only a possibility. Because there’s always Kendrick Lamar. Duana and I just talked about him on this week’s episode of [Show Your Work]( after reading his feature in [Variety](. What was the motivation behind this interview? Who was it for? My theory was that it was for the Grammys. And, as we know now, Kendrick is contending at the Grammys. What’s interesting about that is not necessarily about the competition but about the participation. Many artists of colour have known the Grammys, up to this point, to be a system that operates on bias. Many artists of colour have complained (Kanye). Others, like Frank Ocean, have simply chosen NOT to engage. He did not submit Blonde for consideration last year. Kendrick, whose work is focused on identifying and interrogating social inequalities, who has performed at events like the Grammys to openly challenge and criticise systems of oppression, has decided to be a part of the Grammys. As Duana and I debated, it would seem like he’s mobibilising change from within, from a position of reform, as opposed to taking a revolutionary approach, which is to tear it all down and start all over again. It’s what Beyoncé does too. Not unlike the way Drake’s doing it in the film and television side of the business. Is that surprising? And should it be? Still, maybe let’s not get too optimistic. Because in my opinion, even though Jay’s leading with 8 nominations, and even though Kendrick’s DAMN. really should be Album Of The Year, in the way he’s moving the artform forward, if we’re going by how the recording academy historically swings, it’s probably going to be Bruno Mars. Nominations are one thing. What will win is another. Nothing against Bruno Mars but it’s about what’s digestible. Even though more of the 13,000 recording academy members were able to put forward their selections this year, that doesn’t mean the part of the membership that made the choices from previous years, the ones who chose Adele over Beyoncé, are gone. They’re still around. They’re the MiniVan Majority of the recording academy. And for them, Bruno is the safest choice, especially since they don’t have Ed Sheeran to vote for. [Click here for the rest of the photos.]( Posted at 3:09 PM [Greta & Saoirse get closer]( [Greta Gerwig attends IFP's 27th Annual Gotham Independent Film Awards on November 27, 2017 in New York City](Earlier this week, it was confirmed that Lady Bird, [Greta Gerwig](’s directorial debut, [set the record for best reviews]( at Rotten Tomatoes. Saoirse Ronan is the star of the film. Saoirse won Best Actress at the Gotham Awards which moves her into very strong position for an Oscar nomination for Best Actress which, if it happens, would be her third nomination in 10 years. She’s 23 years old. What about Greta though? Lady Bird [has performed well]( at the specialty box office. The film is critically acclaimed. The acting is critically acclaimed. So…. Are they just going to give her a screenplay nomination and call it a day? Or will she be included among the best directors of the year? Director nominations, as you know, are almost always reserved for men. And what about [Dee Rees](? Dee Rees is the director of Mudbound, currently sitting at 98% on Rotten Tomatoes. Sarah reviewed it a couple of weeks ago and called it a “[classic](”. She even compared it to Giant. Will a black female director of one of the most critically acclaimed films of the year be considered for a Best Director nomination? There’s also [Jordan Peele]( to consider. He, of course, wrote and directed Get Out, also one of the most praised films of 2017. If Greta, Dee, and Jordan are in (and that’s a big IF), then it’s names like Christopher Nolan (Dunkirk), Steven Spielberg (The Post), Martin McDonaugh (Three Billboards Outside Ebbings, Missouri), and Luca Guadagnino (Call Me By Your Name), Guillermo Del Toro (The Shape Of Water), and Joe Wright (Darkest Hour) who are angling for the last two spots. How do you think the Academy, made up of so many old white men, is going to break that down? [Click here for the rest of the photos.]( Posted at 2:35 PM [November 29, 2017 – Smutty Shout-Outs]( [RuPaul for Simon](Simon! Happy Birthday from Devin! By request, here are RuPaul, Beyoncé, and Janet Jackson. I LOVE THESE CHOICES. [Click here for the rest of the photos.]( Posted at 1:58 PM [Privacy Policy]( - [Unsubscribe](

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yet yesterday year wrote wrong write would worry world works workplace working worked work wore words wonder without within win willingness william wig wife white whiny whine whether went weep weekend week weather wearing way water watching wants want wallace walking waiting wait wag vote vogue virgin videos video victoria version verge variety vacated usually used use unlike understand twitter tv turned turn trying try trunks trophy trend treated travelling trailer tradition top tone tolerable told tokyo together today times time though thirst think thing theory terrific terminated terminate tell television tear team tea tarzan talked talk taking takes take table tab system swoops switch sweet swear surprising summary success studio stop still stepping step stellar status started start stars star spotlight specifically speak source souped soulmates sorry song sometimes something someone soho skill skarsgard situation silencing signed sight shows show shot shield shave shape shame sh settling settle set sentences selfies selfie selections seen seems seem see seal screaming screamed scenes scenarios scarjo says saying say save said rude room role road right return results result restaurant rest resent request representation reminder remain released relationship related relate regret reform record reconfigured recognize recipient received recall reason really realize reading readers read reaction rabbit question pushed pull public psyche prove protest proof promise project profit producing probably privacy prince power postwoman postman post possible possibility position point podium please place piece picture pick perspective persona person performed perfect people peasants past parts part parks parents paper pain others oscars optimistic oppression opposed operates opened ones one ok often observe observations noticed nominees nominations niche next never need necessarily nbc must muse much moving movies movie moves mother morning monday moment modifications miniseries mine mind might mic mess men memory membership members mean mbj mbaej maybe may matter masterpiece married mantis man makes make mail made lyrics loyalty loves love loud lots looking looked long london living live little listen link line like lets lemonade leave least leading laying laughter late lasted lack known know knew kinds kind kids kicked khalid kendrick kate kanye jordan job jlaw jennifer jane interview interpret interesting interactions instagram inspiring inevitably indies indie improvements important import image identifying hypocrite hulk hugged hr hotel horror hope hollywood holds holding high heroes help hearing hear headlining hat harder hard happened happen hand hair guess guardians groundwork grandma grand grammys grain graduating got googling google good gone going goes god goal go give girlfriend giant get generate gave game galaxy future front friendship found followed focused floor firings fire finish finger find filming film felt feeling feel feature far fans family fact faces face explain experience expectation existence excuse excitement exchange excerpt everyone event even essentially especially escape episode entertains enter enough engraved england engineers engage ends end emmy embossed elected edited earth ears earned dude duchess duana dresses douche doubt doorknob done dominating dominate dog disturber disappoint directors director dinner devin dessert describe deliberately deflect definitely defense defending defend deep decision decided debated days daydreams day dates date dark dare cycle cute cut cup cry criticised creative creating crazy crash course couple could cooler conversation controversies control contribution contribute context contending considered consider confirmed composure competition comes comedian come colour collection colleague clue clothing click classic class clarify clamoring choices cheque chat charming characters change challenged chair categories case care cap canonization candor called call calculated business built build brush bruno bring brilliant breathe breakup break boyfriend boy book bluntness blonde blockbuster black big beyonc better bet benefit beloved believe behaviours behaviour behavior beginning become beard based ballots balance bae bad award avoid attitudes attempting assumption asshole ass ask artists argued approachability approach appreciate appeal anyone angling among always although also along allowed album aisle air age advertising admits actors actor acting accompanied accent able aberration 98 25 2017 2016 12

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