Newsletter Subject

How strong writing skills can transform your life


Email Address

Sent On

Fri, Apr 26, 2024 04:04 PM

Email Preheader Text

You might know my money rule when it comes to improving yourself: There’s no limit on spending

You might know my money rule when it comes to improving yourself: There’s no limit on spending on health or education! [Rich Life Insiders Banner](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK223qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3l5W83-rs32mySpSW8-bmX798kN_YW6LsnVJ9bMb5_W3nsQHS1RTBmYW7zP34j71CmBSV7TfZG1Z0mZ1W5MyyXH6VyblbW78W_vy1GFwm0W6wGcdx63hHj0W55QFCL2brqb0W5YVlH85-r7lLW719CBJ4cFtp4W98Qcxl2g93hpM3p5sy-8x8KW1PvZ8r7kgW5bW75-R3n7s9TDCW6xVlvn5rDt1gW1vS_jY8qtDVCW91fVGQ5mxsP0N4HYpHTrMvy7W1X8BCB3BCLHwV9sfyK82lK6rW2L4ww_8lc44lW4pWJvr8gRlylW3-b7Ns7ZS4m2MM1sPQ5R-W9f6bQqMj04) {NAME}, You might know my [money rule](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK2l3qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3p6VH4xj96Kb7ZyW8rxzpL3JbnPxW7dNBNm3sr1gsW20c30v1xnjczW3vWJSf5rT0YFW34WjPD8KvwXBW76NtZy4nS5RvW3zb47s2TJpmcW8BDHBy86rStjW80P7mZ71QydkW50gmv44MVV8hW4-9HCc1KTbQ-W2sNB0M8V5q2bV--6Hr2f8pZ7W6mHGFf2Sn6VcW8MJS2S5_cNy5W2LqZLS3CPF40VSzBrL3DLx6lW2Xnmkt60c-31W4SRmtt8vhDQXW3HjSsS6t0wx_W1LHjhs3sbCvVW31CY3W5pMqsnW6nM4jg3xLbRgW4fXWVl7b-bhgW5S2nVt24nLp5W2G9qM_2c_37tV5p3p447F9Lff7w_hJg04) when it comes to improving yourself: There’s no limit on spending on health or education! In this unpredictable economy, adding more lucrative skills to your arsenal is one of the smartest things you can do. Becoming a great writer is one of those skills. That’s why I’ve been making such a big deal about my premium copywriting program, [Call to Action](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK2F3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3ljW16zGtd1z3dNrN92vQq2nNHxsW7D1L4t3s2r1dW9f0Tks6VVsWpW4mv3fY8q8HWNVhq6Zg8jQWzfW2M5hKG24jz-RN1wsQpXL7g5xW6q8M0K8bdyHXW63lHC35twJMZW2SDBMR8T7CyJW5VWSFF6jx0r7W7dXNLw6rftqcW6DPNDZ3XS15BW9cMKC06mhFxqMsf3bKZ4h57W86ctYS8Q3Z8TW7vBp9s6D98mCW5Dy37C9gqFg7W6NZP8q4Gq_pQW6wdfL_5K42g4N433PtfHbwKmW4qfmwz53nYdwW1hp3Vx1jsBmCW4j4yvh8RTqXKW7JT4Xl2hyFZcW6ByNp51nj7njN4kLPmJndR3LW6yWFRz2lsR-3MlRQgbMzc3Ddv3MRW04), this week. [Call to Action image](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK2F3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3mzW6vTVWK4PRQnlW7PPQlF8Nt6sPW3W24WL5jl2RfW4Fr1-B5qr1bGW6YKJbq6kHdzMW1TlNPQ609mfDW7n_xvz24B3-WW6TsnqJ8LNSBJW9hBPJg5ZB-KVN8TjGYnSGJ3xW5FTS2D7d1cFhW8vQmg-31W9_nN5ZSc61xgwPQW70SNK13MKMQ1W8y9yQk6cgc5LW1QPVJ88pKz9qW5YyT2h7y0bddW10r9pK74_zW0VcCxPL5hm-9DW5JYjWL6qFb_ZW8C1yCm4KDVgZW5Bb3Tx8lkLvHW5QqyNc7NjjZnVmTGqw10JBJrW4gf3695NhrmXW5_Cw4Z3s8kq1W3m-n8H426CNCW5Gyvrz690F_TW3PrlHl4bvF83VgPn5V5TMbcxf3wNz7K04) Learning how to write in a way that irresistibly engages people is so profitable and worth more than gold — and nobody can ever take that skill away from you. With that skill, you can: - weather any financial storm - do whatever you want for work - and have ultimate freedom If you want to learn how to make more money on the side with writing, the first step is to join my proven program [Call to Action](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK2F3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3ntW1bv1358WLCG5W7ZLvzR7FfDnKW6LFhl-32w95MW7Vy6vz1HdLm9VgJdNf1S5n5qW7RBqDJ18ZjLnW3nDdlC38K5Y2W8XYnjN4dL9NbW1J0ckB5dwKQwW4PqdTS1T-5ZLW2JzXJ12GPhjKW3dv9nn5-8hMVW348Fvk5-CBVLW3J76gy1Q94xYW3Cp2NF5WjSj3W7v5ggk1B5xBvVZl3pN4684-BN7S_hPR3fP69W5n97qK6YJx0TW4Jp-_L8v85dWW1y1wJx522pZXVtL1M642Tx51W7Q6qHP4lZSsqW3xbYXf4lZfybW7pf-G63vSHd-W2BL4B979SPljN5mNKxQbMZsSW1F-Pnf88ZVXTVlcz1v6-8_NmW6t4sss1gx7lDf9k0j_F04), which shows you the simple way to become a great writer. Enrollment ends TONIGHT, so now’s the time to decide. [Join Call to Action before midnight](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK2F3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3lbW2bx4Kg6FNyRTW5vjL0w7t6GsPW2b-VND6Y0SYxW4M0SKM8G5jWRW4DYvKH6RLXmNW97h-X413pVxCVcZq1z1qDcJqW6wgR8_23WK98N5RCv1-hTjNwW4Kclr87PwMnKV5b7Bb7gb9plW96qlmR1FP_cXW4JSGm83XGN4sVpV5dl3pxDyVW4-62FP8NK_XcW4FDP7m6-zvBWW5Clvp-6Gy2NWN8hD_lqVWlWSW8qwvGT1MR7PKW3KR1sS7C__r_W1jVBqC7stMzlW76BLlZ479cjhW3KtPWw88QdLPN8qyW592StSNW1fYPZY2SQm-hW7jBNbG4QVQd3W6YgDgs4QsJ2hVZQ8mQ5B6PP8N6-J3Fct6g-HN5h_G6wJq9Z5f58k6dM04) If you’re still on the fence, I want to show you why becoming a great writer is the easiest way to make a few extra thousand a month and instantly upgrade your lifestyle. 3 reasons great writing will change your life 1. COPYWRITING IS FOR EVERYONE Copywriting is one of the most underrated, misunderstood skills out there. It’s a skill that can withstand the test of time and bring you success in every area of your life. Think about it: You can use copywriting in the office. Write a captivating email to an HR manager to hire you, or ask your boss for a raise — and get it! If you have your own business, great copywriting can get prospects to buy your product. It can also help you get quicker customer support to fix your website or troubleshoot an error in your email software. You can send persuasive text messages and emails to your friends and family, like inviting them to a local event or your birthday party. You can use principles of copywriting for other handy things — like getting late fees waived by your bank or convincing airline customer service to easily rebook your flight. [Ramit typing on his Macbook] Writing about all the ways you can use writing Yes — great writing can even help with things as “minor” as birthday invitations. Once you learn how to write persuasively, you’ll see how to use it everywhere in your life. It took me 10+ years of work and millions of dollars to become a master at this skill. That’s why I recommend you take advantage of my failures and follow a proven system I created that tells you exactly what to do, step by step. That's exactly what my [Call to Action](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK2F3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3lGV4w2_j88h2gTW2Rkzxb1Z7xgbW8yJv4z70Z2gjW49ZkZv6VcT2tW7NLpPK46nhp5W3GCDxv59Rm9MW7JPMWG70P8kdW2T__Kw8v89FVW2r32ts6vxm-_W96HyKY6bVFgsW95pQVq8DsY8kW983Nrm41c3GbN6hXMGG64f-hW7b6B9r7ch3zZW4C46Vl2xcHG_W1p-2G63b5mJKM_k34FBYWvgW8zXG4x11M2jwVS4Y056GS_dXW3f_6_55MBHBVW38QD3W5crrnYW8sbbd_2J_bg_W6zX3Nz11KDhQW9dJ9qT52FkwmW7rr2qP49s9YRW7pR-xZ6YVXxWW5YhPVR7K2Yc8N9jgnb2B4TqrW77RfLn8PKpv1VWjJzw3lhSzXf6wNHyb04)[program](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK2F3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3mmW5BL0rW44G5c3W2t5Ynx4KqZHJW3B-p134qcx6pW8k0VW311n6V-W1JMMbG1658f8W7CB1Ym2mhptGW2CP-6x1qy5vXW6SpT5v5xlLcTW24d6jF3KyhNkW3lHXkQ8z0vzlW3T-vRN7_TJ6DW95S9cn2MVGgwN5QbLKjv5TS_W28YP7052K5ZyW4JZYch2pt_qPN6z0gccm09DsW1Mvw_W87TP_jW8qcdWg4XckfQW2CNjvh8H3X7WW4vYd1n7jB-vxN31xNfrs8dZPW6zsx6z6-YGy3W3mDXBZ6CBSxSVY9jtp7-Z963W4XK_t92pw0qSW2Df9xg4q4XnWW1J8qdw8QLwTWN1JgtD4VTQ64W5WrcLS7Z9p8vW3WDQG34c4f_df8r9bfl04) does. 2. COPYWRITING CREATES ENDLESS OPPORTUNITIES When you’re a great writer, the opportunities are endless. Every business needs a copywriter to promote their products and services, which is why it will always be in high demand. There’s no shortage of companies that are willing to pay YOU big money to write for them, right now. You don’t have to start your own business to make a healthy 6 figures (or even multiple 6 figures) a year. The best part is these companies generally don't care when you work or where you work from. They’ll roll out the red carpet for you because you are going to be one of the most valuable people in their company. 3. COPYWRITING FUNDS YOUR RICH LIFE — AND ULTIMATE FREEDOM Great copywriting can generate millions for any business, so it’s no surprise it pays well too. On top of the great pay, you can use it to have ultimate location freedom. You don’t need a fancy office setup. You don’t have to jump on Zoom calls throughout the day. You don’t even need fast Wi-Fi all the time. All you need is a laptop. Writing has made it possible for me to reach millions all while still having time to travel the world. Everything you need to know about Call to Action When you join [Call to Action](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK2F3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3pHW6JsFxP1NLXr0W5TL99j8v7cpTW6wVZ6w4H4V7dW93hmTY4Bkh0QN4s-MbRt-df7W6dfQHN1JPwFJW3nXv7G4p33qCW2RfHHQ18gX5VW1qZ_NF8NfqJFW26RKPn2WV3hMW4MDrNn1KNZdNW6wvLn11tHL5JW26Cmxk4VK9D_W2khJVj3N03bgW50ZbzH8P-GvcW10k4nL8qXrq2W7fk8kj6CVw9MW3bVN4p7qm7w9N5sMg-HvmG2DW6wX0YG1hbWj6W4XQd1T4Xsf0FW5lYRVc7-WlHhVh9z8b3fpVRfW5Y0p-J93kr2JW3D8gz310tP4FW84B_hf6lyr2WVj0r0t2C9xtDW8y67hj6tYRkYW66KYQq4Cz5NcW4hZB6g34DFdnf5FGNYM04), you get everything from the psychology of great writing to detailed breakdowns of email funnels, blog posts, and sales pages. Plus frameworks, hands-on tactics, and more than 20 different templates and cheat sheets. [Call to Action Program page] A preview of the Call to Action program You'll also get: - An easy, step-by-step way to create a customer avatar — so you can easily find a “voice” for your hooks & stories (takes less than 30 mins). - The exact system I use to create popular articles. This took me 10 years to develop, and I still use it on IWT posts! - The word-for-word scripts I use for reaching out to customers. Learn what really matters to them — their biggest fears, deepest desires, and the exact words that will cause them to buy. - How to maximize email subscribers: the art of writing mouthwatering copy that compels readers to take action. - Done-for-you templates and formulas for opt-in copy, bonus pages, sales bullets, and more (students have gotten 80% opt-in rates and grown their business 300% using this material). For more details on everything in the program, [check out the Call to Action sales page](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK2F3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3pJVpRf6b7XG1Q5W5j3lMM5nPNSZW3ln_ck1Gk-2mW9hxpKw3LJh19W1_lsHD1cPC2lW7rJRJt6cT3J5W3YQWWg5kGsphW3hFPfD6ljLBGW4LPTQm5W1DmxW24CB6C4_gPpvW47B9Nd2LGbsfN7tQQqXYxFRTW31T0kP3xP1tCW7yvWhq72RrB_W2QPlCS4ST8cLW7GwRzL1Blw_yVCP4Dr5l0n_XW5xGQ006JFLFMW9lgss03DbfKvW4kgLT24Wc2SkW52_WvC3VcCS4W2mdRlc5yt7lMN541pVQRgRnkW52glWJ1cTXW4W6vN3T_59LQw7W1kQTvv4Zv-zWW6p67h43kVfTjW72WY181G0nqJW7qXFBT83ry4zW7mkNpJ2bZ93Lf8D6mxd04). [CTA copywriting system] Each module in Call to Action decodes a specific piece of our copywriting system. When you join today, you'll also find powerful strategies that WORK. Just a few of my favorites in Call to Action include: - How to spot — and eliminate — “marketese” from your writing (this is why my emails sound like someone is talking to you) - How you can write about the same topic 3-4 different ways, so you never run out of ideas again - The most important section of emails and sales letters that will help skyrocket conversions and revenue (see Module 6) - The 5-day sales sequence that brought in $400K for one of our students (this is mindblowing) - 30 of our top-performing email subject lines we sent in a single year (along with their open rates) - What to do if you get writer’s block (it’s NOT what you think) - How do you know if your copy is good or not? (Use this simple checklist before you send out anything) You don’t have to figure it out alone When I was starting out, I would have given anything to get this kind of writing support from someone who’d been there before me. Someone who could show me examples and even templates of how to write great stories in my copy. But there wasn’t anything like it. In fact, after buying all those copywriting books and products, I still couldn’t write “naturally.” That’s why I created the powerful, simple framework in Call to Action that allowed me to become a great writer — and that would get thousands of people to respond to me by opening emails, clicking on ads, and joining my programs. You don’t have to figure these techniques out by yourself, spending your own valuable time and money. By learning these techniques fast, you can start making an extra $500 monthly…or even $15,000…or even $35,000. What would you do with that kind of extra income? [Join Call to Action now](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK2F3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3mXN5843CPkHShdW297XyG9fbF_NW7ZkvBb50tYnsW34Yfpj8zGqqZW2G-Zp72X66dxN825kDvJT9WrW163D7m7JMp6cW8Rm9qv1TCHytW42nhlV8lgrdzW4GvN0r8J5khgW51l9hM6m3yHTN1Ljf7BmDRW0Vv89mC1p2dglN999XYKVkZNwW33fS7D8_HHqLW1K93Nh9djTZWW7H2SLb8rG0XjW8Sx-QS4yjdjHW8ybLW21wW-VHW6zVkhx2LXZ9fW3L5TRG5QnGyhW8TDGBD45YdG5W6cgDDY8VM5xvW1hZ1tl3fvZq1W4qffpS226z8PW6MScFZ8khQbPW5djHCQ1CWvV7W5t2wnK4br5q8W4M9ldZ97Np5DW58Kjxv5jTsgmdkXHhz04) No, your writing doesn’t have to be “salesy” or hypey. No, it’s not going to take you endless hours of work (though you will have to put in the effort). With Call to Action, you’ll learn how to write naturally and make as much or as little as you want in only a few hours a week. You can use this even if you already “know” copywriting and have a successful business. Students who go through Call to Action keep me updated on their progress. These are types of emails I actually LOVE receiving and they always make me smile. Here are some of my favorites: [jeremy_cohen] "When I first saw Call to Action, I thought, ‘No way I’m doing this, I know copywriting!’ … I am reaching the end of the program, and it has been amazing. Every week was teaching me something new, and that I could apply everything on the same day in my business. It’s just different from everything else I’ve seen." — Jeremy Cohen [martin_bentsen] "I redesigned our website to focus on how our headshots get actors more auditions, and within 2 weeks of changing that, the number of bookings we’ve got for actor headshots has gone from about 1–2 per week to 1–2 per DAY. And they are now booking bigger packages too!! That simple change has improved my revenue from actor headshots from around $2,500/month to likely over $15,000/month or more." — M​​artin Bentsen Will you take the chance to join them? If you’re serious about earning more on the side and living your Rich Life, now is the time to take action. Today — until 11:59pm Pacific — you have the opportunity to join [Call to Action](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK2F3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3pTW82DJz_6TltXzW4BKv4Z9cKcxxW70HMKV5L84P5VCdSC16LtZ-nW8GMcWj2H9q_8V6j8c922Zs0yN20B5cdL87XZW7-6WD-47cgGjW8Jpj727Z8HlGW8sl9ls3mZx64W2_87vN200VXvW2cBSyB6Pv75CW5yFRlH6hnZWyN11STDMXNBNpW9bwWFD88RtpvW2fLt7Q1zKb8tN41xdvfrB_9TW7krGC244vnd9W2snCfl7s230pW3Pp9P23_9j-gN7KfLN3hLgH8VSclDS41lcyMVxR3st78x9FJW7MH7cz7nLpVTW5dPrLr7zjpVFVps2Hs3vZqvWW1nMS7h96xt42W7tSVZ64tyHqcW6Pqdy35sbZnbW4vwpx_7zWK3Sf1Fw3fg04), my premium copywriting program that will show you exactly how to turn words into money. One that’s proven and gives you EVERYTHING you need to start and become successful in creating the Rich Life you deserve. Tap the button below and join Call to Action today. Don’t risk missing out on this opportunity to start living your Rich Life today. [Join Call to Action tonight](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK2F3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3kLW5vyZG37YS1c9W4BSZhf2Rv6xvW2GxNtX97KV_lW8wzQlf8RvH5KW4ZcL411vywgjVY_rF_6nv-GkW1_qYyV4sHV2mN6fM-Sz4V2NLW4Zc5rY8qZZYnW3zYpL969tJNSW51Cf2B2MNlh1N98-QftjCJYFW1YRtc01qmDvcF5RmVPf-vD-W1mPjVr7qF2srW5-QTnQ8T_SBhN16sGVcLyKgWVZNMDB1tVXpLW51qK4Y8g2Vw9W7H8pqL4r4dmtN1f8_dX97kkxV-WZWF6L2q6lW3H1MKs8_RTpnW19PbXw4JHtkHW71P9qC4wKLwNW20dV_p2W6qQgW17xsfc7qxdfBW3n99yx8lPbKFW3s23tv7RPS51W8294K395c_flf57gxGg04) Even if you just took these writing principles and made an extra $2,500 to take your family on a surprise vacation, wouldn’t it be worth it? Looking forward to seeing you in the program! [Ramit Sethi Signature] P.S. Don’t forget you’re protected by our 100% money-back guarantee. You have 60 days to test-drive the program — the ENTIRE program — and then decide if it’s right for you. It’s a no-brainer. [Join Call to Action now](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK2F3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3mgW2PhLXt4m2G2tW59R7f22Wj2hfW3shv4T48x7n-W4w6xB78r3pS4W1tKGQD6Ts2GPW7b70WP1PWJnlW994xzG6Lt_PrW2ZDLRk4ZxrGWVFTd2T7pkSfTW5Jn3102cl0fMW98njcK3wykBDW5lRkqx5vgMjtW4yGzpG72nD2vVbQ_zL1XFbwxW5L5z0t1b8XKVW6QnV5D5XrTWMV4lk0w5M2d8MW2CDyh-8c2hYZW1s5dfX69691FW3wt_Rn6Yk629W8mPyFG1tLS_fW5HXXdl3MjmB1W1v721m4xBKgMW993DVh8T7fChW3pC0921fD46NW7-N6cg85RhTbW5NQMkT6xk4SDW7f3qDb5mg6DDW6kcqrB8Gh2p3W5rfr9w6K3ywFf90HTFx04). [Programs →](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK2l3qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3pvW283Vhn5G9MBbVRNHp199wJ5vW904CNL3mT-LlM2x_kGfk60QW5sfPws9h_J7pW61C4Mt7xjr4PW6NhcDQ1vMn8PW8-mG9d5cYNCBW3_7Y3b1mNfgQW94kBG27DpJl6VMVfRh6z36zyVRk6Tf8ghwzgW8nkpX35bnpvyW2V3Ygx6gTgnWW6yR1Hw745p80W5HRlGS2rn4gHVcXtSs5bJMHkW95wC5q4fZD7bW4SbZ1W5FVlT4MXGctnYGHMFW3rBltp7x0SzbW33Rqnv5J9P8kN58Shg16HWqjW3m9sKL3tKTzHW4NR2xK62RHBzW7XKx5D8pngmtW4V4kSJ3nC3Z2W3Kpjlz8RywlDf51gJLl04) [Podcast →](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK223qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3mfW5GwqBv7b9vzjW4S6rL64c7pj8N60S5rQRg8qCVjVXpM4C1bTVVqdWQY3MZPSFN3G35pGSMdfzW3j_MJM1rPX-cVm08qk5fLpRQW9fBqBX2mBG7yW13Gr2r4T0M_qM_TPGmRy9zhW2wSv9T6jmMdtW4q58BR4jw35mW3WP02f3QhzcjW2xxnRd2bK6vcW4F5TsS4P7JzkW1_K7rB4bgYFHW8vXxdC1L8hR0W5Q7y458wtKVFVcD9507klGctW6d4Mgw1q_3cYV6sMXH796rRvW97rdMz2S2J9LW1T9G4K6QqNx6W4_4khP64S-q_W5QDCdX1F3-bjf2lkBzs04) [Netflix Show →](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK223qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3lPW5-qg7M2sKd78VlNMwt57ydDYV60crQ1v9SDbW4f1jq25rySHzN5YswpjvGfrHW2qdqBV8cxt8zVZBpD46MMZwhW10Vw1l7ZyNsvN8Qhp4tmyR0SW5RY0J_7GJRY2W6G2l2j8Qb4P_W8ZS0gl4brgx_W8mq9711pXYqpW908bKp3rVdjcW2667Df8mDYtCW8Cb_-X2BB7RxW5MXwgZ2XSlnVVlnlZ831FkM7W3LNP6T1b8c-4W3jql5t8KfkzTW6fv7l56WMKBsW7bQwfc1Lv8lhW8JC_2s3yQHcvW34b7hW8G4BwLW7Yy3nZ2RtZFVVyhWt43KJGgJf2cvCkb04) [Books →](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK223qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3n6Mjl17S3GTvtVKq_VF75LvyNW3_tg6R4T0qXqW12PTW77Qy8LJW4pKjc58LdwfnW40Kmh72lkXlTVGv3T07WVSfPW4Vm41j8-qF74W3r8ZWS3rTFfbW5XK03N4cmspQVz6M3B7xSYsQW5QzqpY2b3hV9W1WSCGR2Lyj49VcC5_43W0p74W1J1x9H1hcnqBW4Wffmx2n6JZ0W93BRqx6L78CxW5v7zzq1GNMTnW8f9gC23gZtrTW2ZfGFh8RfRs7W3xpqNR4fBnX7W8GF49q1yXDG1W3NckvP15tVZRW8XVQH_6Lg8KpMrgcqSqtmCjVY2MLc5CNy3xf6ydPtF04) [Website →](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK223qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3lYM5CtD2MzP5xW9hL_gc8b60XHW4P9W4z2dK_ysW72K_5S4tbkSpW7sb76j6t8L3JN4tfJ9vRrgVTW410jCp1TFxsmVx1VQ51by9DBVTKwrd4Q_qR-W4Jnl-91R9mBVN1xX6TvDVx8kF2xLCYpxxh-W7mdSLK2ry8gqW94614B8j4cMFW2QwSlR5S66qQV31H2r5NwsPwW2rZfhC4VHYJ7W4SB-7X35G4_sVBX9Pb7bLFwbW73t_M71RKfX0W5pNX1h1K1LpPW4mlPCl2f6PsSW2G5fKc1VLZfVW8bybqC3YSsB1W3h0tC-49HMbwW5vq13-3dtPV2f4-kWPd04) [Instagram](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK1M3qn9gW7lCdLW6lZ3mtN8nGrGSJPFSxN5QHYm24PN8LW1lmlkM5F4SLSW8h4VNW447dYhW6ymLhl8SZKWpW58JXg51h49TTN8rhsQqM_58vN2ZZh1rG8jvGW5dN4fv6wkbMfW2dJ7xt5p822fW71Px9y6r1FKJW33X87c7yCbwCW3MMTmF2r2xjFW7fhccM1dCHb9W70qGn22sZyQ4W7jFbF466c91nVwyKY08pf6zNW9hVWry6k6-tGW5xHWY160bnFhW6S8Gg06jpZGFW41DVxT7g7sY2W2wxQ9n5CMR_HN1DlJRgQ1zZSW53BF5v8zMNSzf86jXJT04) [LinkedIn](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK223qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3mpN7Lk8zTb5Nh4VZ2YH67sDVcVW19H2Pn3dLjBgW8T-49T5vkdb2W3qM5QH83N6b-W6-nvGP61XrxYW4B6NPp3Mx2vjW3_CWfg5vLqysW8M3kRq38FWdyVhCBXw7WSjWzW2Lkz0Q5C-S_1VFXvN44h6KcNN4cv7zyPC2QfW3HqPc-5N47SrW7pbbNx5TdVRXW4DnNvv8HcwTRW86B9V92NQ-pQW8-3Rv21xklpcW5tNqnt3fLz51W2ngtfr42s2CZW1cmkp927dK9wW55mg7j7GvPm8W8Jh1FF7DlX19W7t28HV25zHYgW8Y_pLd20LcS1N1XP4pkwlkW3d_CvjM04) [Twitter](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK1M3qn9gW7lCdLW6lZ3n9W70Hgn316QVDBW4gp7W88CnDdRV_4Vwq3hCj5kW5ch12b4Q7_flW4LZZbh7hMnHbW2YTrNK92mj67W8sZjP212zLB8W72PZqD4Gh1X2W2qBb2C5D6GD_N8S8jLngQ1SKW6TxmTW7kf15cW6ykZDM5tL6YFW1wHJdx1h893NW6MV2KY1BB-v3W4j_3Lg8mSKknW33xTvL30Dlx4W7S6Dhv6jVv34W7rr0Zg7yn7DRW5b34VD7JMW2PW2qb0Wk5vHfD8W7q1PsN93gW27VpDLXJ1L0KkdW17BFnb8mv1D0W5QV5m_8MSymgdV4f2W04) [YouTube](113/d586LZ04/VWyxpf2HY2TxW6dwV621DNjhjW2H1VMy5dmr10N7KkK223qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3mzW2CbZ0C8wC618N21tfbc_HQJZW2H5tQF2bcwt4W4bx8846-T-hLW6R4KRY2wr0RvW10HDXH80Rm3nVsMVgc3j-WcMN6ZLQQxLtZXpW1hZtH31f5X-2W41ngD43GrYQ4W2ZzhB6502T_6W6V3z2Z3bL8fPVrtk3G7wJd8vW7LBMyL4nwXVpW6xk94t4_pqVnN4g4lY5JbX9rW2wW0xQ2cq8g-W702SVS8nFXjBW6G4Hbn42YrVPW934f898JQsXhW4bqKJm1c5NJ2W5zSMMS90ttrtW85zZbX9brYgVW6PVfmJ7MGBYjVS7PtS4PX7k1N3r_HtX-CVybf3xhWlR04) Was this forwarded to you? 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