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What your “work” day could look like


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Wed, Apr 17, 2024 04:03 PM

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If I asked you to describe your Rich Life, what would that look like? {NAME}, If I asked you to desc

If I asked you to describe your Rich Life, what would that look like? [Rich Life Insiders Banner](113/d586LZ04/VWwNSs5x7mY7W1v09lJ1vGcnJW1WCq9G5d07cvN7jDJw03qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3nQW6lWP6q54gW1DN3VwK51w9SWCW8q_5M62jv9GFW7y83ll5SPy20W6LF0233ltQfkW8mGgLz2N9q_sW3-37LL7KpRmrW7_d2Mm59WDPTVSS4fX47sk2lW2w194d6M8N0zW5dNsZc3VXSW0W2sYF6_4SHjwsW7R8MTn4tzB0RW6nRxWj7KFT8QW3ZFMwn1Ck_3NVLQqYK1mh9SYW77WY4C1YcyxXW4xFzZ540wQpZVtwBg98wnDszW5FDnjb8Tc3D8N7CJ_71rhXqbW2xBqQq734YsZW25Vr-g9cBRF2W5gvygv1frrQgW1r-dh49cvnMsW3wGmdy1sD_-Zf3qGdz-04) {NAME}, If I asked you to describe your Rich Life, what would that look like? I bet you wouldn’t answer with this: - Working a dull 9 to 5 job - Binging the same Netflix show at night - Taking weekend trips to Home Depot to buy some new shelves - Scrolling endlessly on Instagram to see places you’ll never visit - Watching the days turn to weeks and the weeks into years… …for the rest of your life. Not even the most boring person I know would say that. So why do so many of us settle for that kind of lifestyle? [Ramit and his wife in Japan] For Cassandra and me, our Rich Life includes traveling — like we did this 10-day trip we took to Japan. Your work day (and life) could be different Imagine it’s Monday morning. You wake up at 8:45 am as the sun streams through your window. No need for an alarm anymore. Every morning starts off like this. Rolling over, you grab your phone and scroll through Instagram for as long as you feel like. You take in all the breathtaking travel photos of people traveling in Japan, because you know that in just two weeks, you’ll find yourself there. After a while, you get up, make a coffee, and get ready to kickstart your day. You cue up your favorite podcast to listen to as you step outside to take your dog on a walk. No rush, no guilt — this walk has become your morning routine. When you get home, you pour yourself another coffee and feel energized and inspired to start work. You open your calendar and what do you see? No Zoom meetings. No Slack threads to catch up on. No fires to put out. You’re deep in writing, the words are flowing out like magic, and you lose total track of time. A full day’s worth of work is done in just hours. Your phone buzzes — and you smile. It’s not a demanding boss checking in on you — it’s your favorite client reporting back that the campaign you just wrote generated over 130K in days. [Favorite Client feedback] You could be receiving texts like this. Now you spend more time on your health, too Just as you’re wrapping up your gym workout, a friend texts you to see if you want to grab a coffee. “Sure,” you say — and because you have complete control over your schedule, you end up hanging out for 2 hours. When you get home, you wrap up a couple of edits for a client and then call it a day. You check your revenue for the month, and your eyes light up. You’re sitting at $18,293 — more than double what you used to make in your day job. You have total freedom to choose who you work with — the clients you LOVE — and work on projects that light you up. Gone are the days of limited vacation time. Instead of squeezing in one rushed vacation a year to fit your limited PTO, now you take 3-4 leisurely trips every year to dream locations. You splurge on one of them by inviting your family and paying for everything. [Ramit's 40th birthday in Mexico] For my fortieth birthday, I treated my loved ones to a 4-day Rich Life vacation in Mexico that we’ll never forget. You take dream vacations when YOU want 6 months ago, you were CONSTANTLY grinding, week after week, doing something in a job you didn’t feel passionate about anymore. A job where you were being micromanaged and spending hours on Zoom calls all day…so you couldn’t actually get any work done and had to stay late all the time. Today, you’re totally free. You can live the life you want. All because you’ve turned your copywriting side hustle into a full-time gig. Others are being told they have to be back in the office 3 days a week, while you’re logging in to work from Mexico City or Medellin or Paris or wherever…for a few months, if you want. There’s a rapidly growing wave of people who enjoy lives like this every day. You won’t see them in the ALL-CAPS headlines about the economy or millennials. But they’re quietly earning great money, enjoying flexibility in their schedule, and living their Rich Life every day. I know, because I’m one of them. It’s not rocket science — all you need to do is develop solid writing skills and have the right attitude. And you can easily double or even triple your current salary and upgrade your life. But what if you’re not a great writer? Next week, I'm going to show you how to go from spending hours slaving over one email to effortless writing — all with just a few tweaks. But now I want to hear from you: What does your dream “Rich Life” work day look like? Reply to this email — I read every response. [Ramit Sethi Signature] [Programs →](113/d586LZ04/VWwNSs5x7mY7W1v09lJ1vGcnJW1WCq9G5d07cvN7jDJwj3qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3nvN7K6d8gDhsplN8r0n9ykf5Y8W1NZtZS2SHRZ4W5BKT1q6w-vNLW99wCQy8B4gkMW314Zc01n1L1KW1cKjdT4CG4ycM7gFhsbR0LZW2lK7xs2PqsFYN7N8bgzZ07QMN7PRHf_F4B3yW6jNXQd96xJSdW7lpspY44RhlJW864th94ygLPFN3zl4-2lz-NgW2P3mV169tt-MW2mB7pJ5RfrcvN6Yv1v2LWks7VTcYv386qWjGW2f95pL15RjkQW3mGHpd2GmwpKW3ddFkr4KPd25W6rn5RW5WFJbgN7t6nyb17Pn5W3RjHkN2qBjJFW5nrCtX4tn4VBW627FKf8KRJQ3W4v_M2q46Qdz8f72RQ1z04) [Podcast →](113/d586LZ04/VWwNSs5x7mY7W1v09lJ1vGcnJW1WCq9G5d07cvN7jDJw03qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3kqW7mzRjC3QSfh2W1zdKLR34zJ57W7M-K2c66b9g_W3f9rxY5JFRM-W4wbdR73lFpxZW2j4MRQ4XZlnyW84sSzR6M0-YFW4yM24J5JvgbHW6CyQSP5DgF_mVsj_pG43R0kKVyzSzc4zTf48W1pQRHZ1nwMYfW8dNx1j1--bWSW1m3Bgs5xRCFsW6DsP8X6yxGCdW54nd2Y92flLkW3qKWx27Wd78HW8CRtd84L8R_JN1vMscqbFKtdW8G9yYc498-3DW412SlR4bkkb3W8X1mgL2xw1zlW6l1fHG88zrfkW1d2DRL7-x_2WW9dPV5661_3HlW31xJFg5pfyZ7f6fw3bC04) [Netflix Show →](113/d586LZ04/VWwNSs5x7mY7W1v09lJ1vGcnJW1WCq9G5d07cvN7jDJw03qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3m6W2jQNr82zr2skV5fjkN40fDt2W86-xcF2yFPD7W1Tk-rk1w8G5lW7h4GN48QHTcqN2Mxb5LPFrk_M8fm-c7yG-YVFp0Rc3n4y8JW4pRy0b1XR3G0W8107wg2lSWLbW8JC85D8wvBvwW8mD1JV1YjVRfW6_yyb42DJBppW69FHj14J_q5_Vz8Kfd5_V-BpW5bQG9r7PZlKBW5zfTs35S60dhN8SMxp8LdpBJW2x1QS72dKCSGW6LHfWv29B5wjW3BCN_x761B_bW43qbXs2t-V0yW1QgL-q7BccMrW4pZ5yh1fhPLwW5vs3hh1H0DWHW1b-LVp17XmLzf6Cg-b404) [Books →](113/d586LZ04/VWwNSs5x7mY7W1v09lJ1vGcnJW1WCq9G5d07cvN7jDJw03qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3lHW18w7BG640YGfW4WPTp74jmnrMW4w2n2y4Zcg-pW4FyfKY73DSFMW7ZFbQJ4r9CldW627kFg427LwpW41s8V75PV2ktW7CWMlv8jmz5dW3d-QSl8Ft5h8Vgd1T48-2jKzW5tsQV33T98tjW5DzD4B7vqNQ4W5qRXdg95NTSRW8FkvJx5f6NddW7Q-bnK2DzDndVYF-Qh80kcpSW4KBXYH6zrNWXW7S6TcB1lHKmdVPpdL58zwrKjW1cm5pp6h_mQBW8PJvM613H8knV_XsDS1Jj38MW8qMjJH7jlJXbW8X00Hs18ZxLbW6DVLMq3pBVGBW3QSPc55xT_5Vf7tvhpq04) [Website →](113/d586LZ04/VWwNSs5x7mY7W1v09lJ1vGcnJW1WCq9G5d07cvN7jDJw03qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3mbW7BHz4b8kcCjbW48KvcX5LJdC5W8-LjtZ80p7sRW4tQzYl7jhDF4W67gYT04KbYf5W4HpRZk6jg3cMW4KVymx7mmn8ZW6WJd7x64Ch-QW17HHdN2fyDlCW1t7q2y4nPV0_W7KglJ470dBhZW378rK54sCV48W19k5q91Wv417W4Y9qBK8jzkxtW5F4XWZ1F5cQfV1pZw_4Pvzt-W5XLZ86503fTJW7xbSlm8n9ts6VZH5-j8MCQQLW9d_VR724DhWdW3-GvRK5qQDcSN42qfRgcw4T-W9lN6432wW3SxW3sK7-H5y0WgwW2LrNZ28L4Xw0W6nS_fw8w5st0f7DnmDg04) [Instagram](113/d586LZ04/VWwNSs5x7mY7W1v09lJ1vGcnJW1WCq9G5d07cvN7jDJvK3qn9gW7lCdLW6lZ3mtW44gKTF7x8D8tW6KFRjk5yR1JrW24y2zW2zlgdpW2RFDZM52_hysW704j4W7TVqq9W7-KmNr14HVKrW3RGfBP5YzfJXW66v_Py7TlxnDW68RK-r3Q4MhnW91-yqs3PzcCKW8K_lyZ1F0Cw-W56tNFG6ycnSrW6J59Cq3ND9pWVrWXpw6dkcl_W98MD8r35nncYW9k9lp14SFZrrW4R4xcf12vpmZW25lGgF7L1LDGW4XXjtM3Pk2T1W2r46zx6RZHxVW7l-hM_7tMty4W6q94M712bZVFW91swJh1TknVBW5qgqC87jrKvtf3szBjn04) [LinkedIn](113/d586LZ04/VWwNSs5x7mY7W1v09lJ1vGcnJW1WCq9G5d07cvN7jDJw03qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3kQW2qXkZg2Z8x5rW7myp895TMXF7V6ZTbQ1smSQCW8vqdZm7KtQ4sV1cq0W2bw76XW3tVFDN86L7qKW5QX09C4xNBZfW4T9ncq2XHKgxW95yLtG3p6SzqW6BXrBm162bRBW2zYQCz2_BwVhN6ysCSm5bz94N1zJmSfWgFjSW96dZ2v8W5mydW27r-w46bjL1sW8HKlHJ6pJ7qGW6XpNlQ5XS4_mN16-mV2CYq35W2T1TgP51yC0tW1gn-0d22rFs4W1d0wBF4_ZLxzW8XcF4z71ZGbkN6zCtzj2D-pCW1sSyfl7LB-_HN9chMFWchMfqW4MXm6y2LBgtxf1SX8s804) [Twitter](113/d586LZ04/VWwNSs5x7mY7W1v09lJ1vGcnJW1WCq9G5d07cvN7jDJvK3qn9gW7lCdLW6lZ3lRW5YgtpZ6JNgSFW729tt11zRThWMc5KjptHr85W3N9bVX2MPS4rW4dq2lM5GxgW1W1Lz_t03lCvP_W6VSF2D5mXTJ_W6gBhg831NGrXVdv1-H2fVFj1Vrl5fm3nsx53N3QSQyW_55JpW45gkGj22x36cW2rHR557101_PW65QFlS3FVVvdW7gSMWV1Xd1gBW8rqbpt5pXsB7W22HYY12c09l-W81RwPG297-r3W5mw-Qr1nct4qVQJW4T80n116W7GRgJG5RHvVSW6dK04p2M6MBFW2V4qK_6NKWSfF6MYrY9KBQ0f5Njxsj04) [YouTube](113/d586LZ04/VWwNSs5x7mY7W1v09lJ1vGcnJW1WCq9G5d07cvN7jDJw03qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3kJW3lSXBn8V2prmW60G0B85BYYPRN3ssHcbVQt9zV--4J54BDzlwW8d_s3C7lqBltW96dRPf7_0wkgW2-30sN45HSW9W1v3_2z6DCYW6W8PCVf_1ckM4cW4rxH6C1-MZW3W395T438DQWZ8VzXJnY1H2sjpW60fFPB1QNWrbW7TpQ3q4NwPJ5W3fKgLL8Td_KJV-chFY8Q49HqW3qQl7-4ZHxPjW20C9ck4XzHtNVF17N12bGMhsVy5HcC3whD_CN2q-VnDydhPfW4gCHPy3Q3T_lVVDMcR6Wy_K4W6QGfdv6Z0QXYMkRdfhF3FgSW3TlFYC638_Yhf3ySShv04) Was this forwarded to you? 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