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CHALLENGE: Automate this one thing today


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Wed, Apr 10, 2024 04:06 PM

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Whatever you want to be better at, you might think it’s just a matter of willpower. {NAME}, Do

Whatever you want to be better at, you might think it’s just a matter of willpower. [Rich Life Insiders Banner](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyFq3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3n3W4Xx6B623-DqHW14NfNx5Cwgd6W6C0M3z3tZ_htW3ZxRJp5lW1NfW7rnTld65QX9cW8q5PDH1Pl0G5W2Vw7j-4W33kvN5Cm5h9KBJ6hW41W2tw3NhjKtW8z2-HH6psvfQW7NKfVL381Z9zW68wRTt5nkXcHW4VkTlY3V9mzwN3lL3Vy1-s5XW4S7ZTT3HW5fWW76jhdc67rbFQW6n2wkD3kbzn3W1tGf6Z1XDfZKN8TxdS3tN76kW77lBrR62zRk1W8wWTCd65rblMW4RC76P1nGHTPVpCSXm2m4J_YW8YJ6t83kpch-W5r_pxG1Q0LKQW1nPXG34RRyF2f8Jbz0804) {NAME}, Do you find yourself saying, “I just need to be better about ______?” Better about eating right, better about exercising regularly, better about saving money… Whatever you want to be better at, you might think it’s just a matter of willpower. Like you can FORCE yourself into escaping from the natural [willpower depletion](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyDd5nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3pZW4h0kVj3Lb8wBW3mX5Hg8KX9lMW6cT-XW6xSTsdW8qZm9D1CxtxRW35vKPw6x5dM8W8nzZwJ3XDhmVW8FSv92991qv2N9j1SWDQPC8vW5T7vFC5xfXVhW1zZz_f23Mml1W84gjPC7k6JtgW98q9JR5Z-Z3hW6y84CD7c5ZJYW1KRT0F8Kt2V2W6B1vJd3sNlHmW7R7zD63gyL8_W7cktYD13gs2nW5Wxlj64tpj1nW7gNX5b3LwNkyW13hGQ82jVPKxVJ91gy86HMb8N1JMcBBzjT_JW4bjV296Jnt26W1xtqfG88T2j4W2T4xWD1h7JlBN3HMv-VBBk-dN660CCL_DgSxN3yL1Nb26ymnN7ws_HC-R-zvW8JbHP-2-C67pW8Y4G1w96tJpqV6TcVl738S6gW4l9Hsf6Dl47kW4q5Z655B8984f1ZyWVg04) that every human eventually slips into. But white-knuckling your willpower just doesn’t work. Not in the long run. Especially when it comes to [sticking to a budget](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyCY5nXHsW50kH_H6lZ3kLW87JzYf3FPqMPW3MjsVR4FwqrQW7HkVX68sdVhDW3vm2nl5NMN62W4gwYZx8ghGDQW8MBMs98m0YnRW2mKQYR2Td9n2VnpBJX7h6v_-W8ZptFV50gY2LW584yPS5V3BQyN26Blw-ppZVRN1VyGKkVDW2LW2kLW606w9fhJW3PTrdJ4MHz8DW60pBlM3yX81lW86BCG85RtgYXW953nBq2P2fYHW8V9tYs8S3zWkW75PC_r9359mqW93xvYc7cptrNW4dYHjT6qFGDlW1QN36z5vq2gHW2RT1BT2knV3JW3mRld918ZpkBW46RwC67X4xj0W2Fp8_W5_Tr0jW470t1L7WTSjpW7-Fsxf27SjsBW3Kg1JM1dd_ylW4qS-8Y2qrJcqW1sx-062sDn7XW3k81Wx37WF5Cf5M-74R04). [Ramit's socmed post - If its that easy, why doesnt everyone do it?] If you want to save consistently, you need to take willpower (and temptation) completely out of the equation. How? By [setting up your automated saving system](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyG03qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3pZW7976Jx6lKnd5W6TWc0v308xPhW7dnCyp1zM60bW1Y-z0H5hb9P8W2Bp_w15sqchNN5QbWK8V3N7lV9M3Q94Gn4HNW3XlhJS9lk0ZdW6RgxJR1RVlj2W7Z87Ln6D0ZRFW5YybVH4vDY-bW4mlzTG1p6py9W4XLm-75yt3J_W85r-P62cg4S1W3dSfQ_1Cn1qrW65Xl5d9lLwN0W1SXs-c2_tcXhW6M_0Kj4vM16TN7mKYxKwx1y7W8N-_Mw6sk957VYHMv52WYw62VG-GTj3TLlqVW7d2R0M4YTgDhW89wbvM7QkJKjW6ZfCt72HqHtpW8M_Yj-4C7tPKW4VpDtC900SjYW7BTJmn6ls0nhN66S_JfXQtngW94Bw5q34Dy2Xf5pJw3P04). Today’s challenge: automate saving for 1 goal I want you to create a system that saves automatically. In doing so, you’ll remove all the agonizing decision-making. So you’ll be saving money…and you won’t even have to think about it! [Winning feels good GIF] You, when you see your automated savings start to stack up. Here’s how: Step 1: Pick your goal Need inspiration? Here are some real goals my students have saved for: - Getting gas wherever I am. No more comparison shopping. - Flying home to visit family for + days at least once every quarter (and being able to work remotely). - Trying a new fine dining restaurant with my best friend every month. - Hiring a virtual personal trainer to program all my workouts so all I have to do is show up at the gym and follow whatever the plan is for that day. - Buying flowers for a friend who was having a bad day. - Sending wine as a thank you gift. Now pause here. Take a moment to think of a goal. Do you want to save for a vacation? A fancy blender? Regular date nights with your partner? Mimosas at brunch this weekend? Pick any goal you want, big or small. This is YOUR Rich Life. [Ramit and his wife in Japan] Travel is a big part of my Rich Life, so my wife and I spend at least 6 weeks traveling every year. Here we are in Japan. Step 2: Decide how much to save & how often To do this, you can use the percentage of your monthly income you established for savings in your [Conscious Spending Plan](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyFK3qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3lFW5SL-LM4VnlsjW3MVFX-56BfvtW87g6Lt6QFvrqW29gqyg33f7SQN2mkDsq-MdfvW5_8lJ98G2XYhW8Gyxwj4Sjp_lW6bpQSW7B7CvZW8tqlSN6NJRfmN1rMgcyFmG0FW74CZhC22wlX4W82jNYG5_Vsk6W7R7_-B4wK4fqW1b64gp8C415HW2K2vjQ5P0xYsW7fQLx37dSjcmVT09gN40X7g9W6tPbwl4QcvPRW7H4ssb3Z7mBjW8fJ9d13lr0LWW7n47Zh7-SMwxW3p8z9v6pwKX6Vzxc602tn8WgW4dl3Tq6_r2NyW5YXkgX4b9YfqW8X3lTR9cK7KQW9g4KWY7Rnwf8W77TtXT7GBlB8f2zwvkv04). Usually, this is around 5-10 percent. If you can’t afford that much right now, that’s OK! Just set up an automatic transfer for $5 to prove to yourself that automation works. You won’t miss that 5 bucks a month. And once you see it adding up, you’ll be motivated to increase the amount when you can. Timing-wise, I recommend setting your transfer for the 5th of every month. If you get paid on the 1st, that gives you 4 days of room to correct for any delays or cancel that month’s transfer. The idea of this transfer happening shouldn’t be stressful. Instead, it should be something you can set and forget — so that when you remember you’re saving for this goal, you can be pleasantly surprised by the amount that’s piled up in the background while you were running around, living your Rich Life. [Money Coaching_Community win] This Money Coaching student knows how great it feels to discover you’re saving automatically Step 3: Set up your transfer Log into your bank account (I’ll wait). Look for a section or button that says something like “Transfers.” (If you can’t find it, you can always google “how to set up automatic transfer [YOUR BANK NAME].”) Type in your savings amount, choose a monthly date for the transfer to take place… And boom! You’re done. You can stop stressing over saving, because it’s going to happen. Step 4: Congratulate yourself By setting up this automated transfer, you’re one step closer to [building the automated Money Machine that funds your Rich Life](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyG03qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3krW6XPGlK2kpKQcW88jGqr4RCGhbMKqHXTm3FsRW4gKVvq2BP55XW3B6y1H2nBVc8W3wvcTf3xl97TW5wYG8q5TsJ13W7zwcf32p5Y9fW8SG6cD2PtC7zW6_h0gk7L8DLcW7wk4TX5YQw1JVf79b77vR0MbW2BGpTZ5m2vnqW2239w03kbryjW4w-rmd8ZMqJ1W4JB99J1dRRtTW8wLsSt20H6YfW6TTnH24GGXpKW85Y5bY8Zzlx1W94VHyQ9cFqxVW8mZp__1cJphzW48kjND4jnrn4W97TfNT6HGM5sW8Zm8Tp3MT4r5VWn2Bh7J1z-WW27tZgP6G3W8cW6SCFzj6FSjhJW1Rq3XF2hY6k7N169-zLg15nbW5lh5L566C2Q2f8jLBbC04). Do you know how many people will read this email, think to themselves, That sounds smart. I should do that... …then click away without doing it?? I don’t know exactly how many, but I guarantee you it’s a lot of people. So you deserve a high-five. There’s more where this came from If you love the idea of automating your finances so you can: - Pay down debt - Build an emergency fund - Cover your fixed costs without stress - Save for something special - And most importantly, feel in control and proud of your money management But you’re not sure where to start or how to balance all these goals (or you feel like you can’t do any of this stuff yet, because you’re living paycheck to paycheck)... Then I’d like to invite you to [join](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyG03qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3l0W7Z6p0B7Js88XW3DYtPp6-m5x9W7lS4vW3SVkYQW5G8D853msB8FW42g-1P6Qb42dW4kzqqQ7s6D6KW5whCyW77-kywN3qZn2DnxrFcW1Wl-mJ6tMSCpW2SgRKy2c-K-9W7zktp31Vw323W65YXQT1rCNQ2W5RpVJF58fgN7W1vmFlV6ysltRW7slkZs5dS2GSW6mCRNp6HH9hJW20gr0F2jpB9BW5hy6Dg3bZqp1W6Q7kRt6gDwr5W6DPchR6-r2s3W58BmpN899666VBXqQT2Jxwg9N95BS6cfMV3dV-qq028sRbd0W4F-Lc73BGXyMW2zGz8r6zNKgcW6Yrdry1Kp3VPW691PTW5wJ9m7W5tHJKm3rnwRdW5vLKrL1npGZGf8vk7xH04)[Money Coaching](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyG03qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3pjN3_9KJ43_M2NW15lKxc47x4PYMXFdbB90W64W6QfGq15bL4vCW2tsTd16__CLpW53bXdP6cYRWNW7Zk-bp6HYt9GW1ByR8k7lnZZWW2vTn_x6hSs6cVHJg2K3jwmwNW91xvlQ37ffk7N8F2Kz36bdt9W3Cs7dZ89F4vjW4RxSrG34F2hYW5Hplf_3myr7mW4xHwSZ3WtYHCW7pL4xh9gMPqyW8Vln4l7xhXrsW6l93XM98hz28W8T6tkJ18TXPZW6KV89j8140k6VcrrJJ3s6c5VW48KP3f19LjPsW2Xwbph16YNM0W5pTtzM76rw5bW3FdMNy4Ppw3JVskc_l3q9gGBW2hZ6fF6zsxSLW4l170Z52sHJBW3mJssC6JkwCbf7Kq9n-04)[.](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyG03qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3nTVZs7f02JFZj9W16tVw81cdfxzW7TgRv42kgpWgW85JQsY559HffW3kWbM71GGgftVJZ3XM1tZmQqMqsZM_K3jlSW2HBm724bHPR6VP0Kfp1WxyZDN38Bkm6_rHk_W7N3Fqn8_W7CBW96VXFk84wjFwW3f3zz-7G2zh-W8M-dJ518sQqVW34yGsK57mSssW5J0-ZQ1F8tvBW6FhgfH96sKRhW8YFx-G42-k60W11mHjv7FxqYLW2H1Z1T5D07zVN3GvWx_J50-yW7HZmdK6XzWgbW1p_LS932lH1BW1rDjSf5mhtFZW7643DK3_N16XW6lGXp839P7fyW8sQHlj2GC4SXW5-ZWq33-Fdt6W8C6XVy8-pC2GW8hk31m8j_w8Lf4SxWb-04) Money Coaching is my group coaching program for anyone, at any income level, who wants to start living their Rich Life NOW. [Money Coaching](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyG03qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3mTW1CN5Dw65dRMPW375vnQ65Gq9mW55KMPB58B33jW1pmXcL6Dr1bTW4y3dLb4_KrKZN8bFPpzfN2ycW6tkwgg8DHCHsW4t8RXB4VGXBVW2q4_yG6ps3ntW41v3KM2xQ1hpVg_mHp8BD-r4VVDlqj37Z305W4g1Y4d8VtQq8N3d0VLMJRjr6W5xlbgK1HgcQ4W161fpj7vdrM8W8nzZLN2gDTxMW95kP9g58pSFJW8dqq084hYbhwW2s9_fD7LChRqW3w-c0428XvDYW6yc1Jw8_xVNJW6g5vMj8Cl-H7W6lwPDj7Tq1h0W2_JYyP40rlzWW1skbf-7g_KVJW8vvZsl6g37GlW24nDrf7ckwx_W5-Sgnx53r090W5h7qxv1KCrrdf8tQ6mg04) Just so you know, Money Coaching is pretty different from traditional personal finance courses. Instead of rigid financial instructions that depend on willpower, my program helps you build your automated Money Machine and start living your Rich Life. [dianne_maxon] "Thank you for answering my question at the last coaching call. The good news is that the reason I wasn’t on the call is because I was out living my rich life. I took my 8-year-old granddaughter on a dream trip to Paris. It was everything I had hoped it would be and feel that Ramit’s classes helped me to ‘dial up’ on this trip. Every penny I spent was worth it. I’m taking to heart Ramit’s advice to go all out in the next 3 years!" — Dianne Maxon Through short practical videos, detailed worksheets, and a supportive community, Money Coaching also helps you identify, explore, and examine the beliefs and stories about money that might be holding you back. With the support of your peers inside Money Coaching, you’ll: - FIX your financial problems, from living paycheck to paycheck to deciding how to spend — whether you make $50,000/year or $500,000 - DESIGN your Rich Life by mapping out your goals, dreams, and priorities across 8 different areas — including Health & Fitness, Friends & Family, Experiences & Adventure, and more - AUTOMATE your bills, savings, investments, and Guilt-Free Spending — so you can eventually spend less than an hour per month managing your money - ANSWER your toughest money questions with me during our monthly group coaching sessions, live on Zoom. (Plus, your program dashboard includes access to all past Money Coaching group calls, so you’ll find more answers to money questions you didn’t even know you had) - SHARE your questions, tips, and wins inside the private Money Coaching community. Nothing keeps you motivated like building your Rich Life in the company of others who are doing the same - ENJOY your money! Instead of worrying about whether you “should” spend on something or not, you’ll be able to give yourself permission to buy what you love — within just a couple weeks of starting the program You’ll also get two bonuses to help you tackle two core areas of personal finance that shape the way you think and talk about money: - Feel Great About Your Money: 6 lessons on how to identify the money beliefs that might not be serving you, and replace them with new ones that work better - Money and Relationships: 2 lessons on how to talk openly with your friends and family about money (plus how to handle people who might be threatened or skeptical about your new money approach) What students are doing inside Money Coaching Inside our private Slack community, your Money Coaching classmates will celebrate your wins, help you solve problems, and keep you motivated to continue building your Rich Life. Ask your questions, and the Money Coaching community has your back. (If there’s anything you’re still stumped on, bring it to our next monthly coaching call and I’ll answer it myself.) [Money Coaching_Community question from student] The systems and practices I’ll show you WILL help you improve your money management and start living your Rich Life, even if… - You don’t make “a lot” of money - You don’t know anything about money or investing - You’re married, in a relationship, or single - You have kids, or you don’t - This is your 17th time trying to get your money in order - You have no idea where to start - You’re well on your way to your financial goals already If you automated saving even $5/month today, you took the first step. [Join me inside Money Coaching to keep going.](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyG03qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3nnW1gZWhR7G-vsyW97h0Rk2XMGMLW8wLvYg6LVf9rW7m-DHN6LN9lCW5Z5DWS7qym83W983p0k4Sz-XJW28J0qW19-YwGW3t39h374h-T1W2HlSf44CKxVfW2LYyNb3r5fFbW8_PqDD6T9-zqW5q3lVD1BxBrMW4V9YVs8BWcK1W8FTt-P1gkkXRW990g4d80GNfLW6Fxw738jq03NN5RTMnmxQx9bW2cTk3t6jBkXlW6FfS3_5t92l3W9bKh-c4-9Q3qW4hFxJW74CNTpW2Gg3M61kPfqpW19VGL986BwRgW2DHwmX538gRSW8nWvZl25VZp9Vd8bC18XmDXnVYNR6_5yD-jHW6l3krB7MNYHgW1CVFqh91nXcsW1T-pL61MMPtDdmdZZ204) [Ramit Sethi Signature] P.S. Another way to automate your money systems? Schedule regular Rich Life Reviews with your partner. This is your chance to get on the same page about your finances, goals, and how you want your money to support your Rich Life. [Here are some scripts and questions to get you started](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyFK3qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3mcW682hFy8LxD25N6FKw3Xdcd_TW43Nw2P84Rq_4W2XjRJl9kxQqQN6xtV7QDpWP_MZMY71kVB-hN6LXr8hxYsTbN2H-LP8_2_-rW1JkcD15fjcGJW1rV4qh3B1NGHW2jsPN41Kw-3kW3xtCcB35N02GW5-1dxV13gJCNW4ZL-rl1Pg-PBW3kdv184PznN2VmQjxz925rpGW6pCr_x5l8kprW26zSwT2k1-_2W6TN-_28fzF5MW2Svdsl1LHp7xW60L_ZD22DQjmW51s6hD2tbxZbN4MTCFTk2CRpW45jslJ7bjm__W393hGz353BR9W7jj_by2J5XcpN73SZZ2Zhhg_W3vhvkQ8cYTrjf4xCg6404). (And yes, it might feel “weird” to schedule meetings or create a shared Google Doc with your partner. But you know what’s weirder? Being with someone for 50 years without ever talking about money!!) [Programs →](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyFK3qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3mdW6n6Yxb22xr-xM8B_cgLG44XW5FMd6l7FNNqLW100gsG51CKjPW2LrCwg91pNDnW8S5_hW6CLTD0W2sx7Tq63ZnDfW6lhXvb8zKpWGW1LXkq87dqf-NW3_L8YB6p6c_vW6q8S7f1rrd4pW3XHtdk7F8ZrcW77xsXB81QPHlW7jW2Np4d3XzyW43gNfj2VQvT9W4w-_YZ1fxq4xW83K0YT6XrFfkW7-g6T_48Cn-JW9cpwYk6N10n1V_wtq174cRYwW5_T2Rs3n_klSW1DvS4f27p3tSVqCltH7w6fCGW5HQkDY3rW3YsW7w_5ZP3QtVSwW7VR1Fj4nCNHvW1LnNlf7wF2w3N6CbgXw3qFGKf25MQ6C04) [Podcast →](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyFq3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3p6W8vM4tf31syg2W4b4fpK3hLVYZW2zc2z08NRdVPW9g3QTd5pv1FwVXz0jH7p0vq9W6gJ67y1dVT0bW6HZNST6YXRZCW2n9qr26JC3QlW1KQXH53_1vXBW7_l2Bf1Ph5tKW3BSStT4GX7lDW2HDQKK2v1kBVW6RH3v332-Wd1W3Tl4xj78BFWQW7fGdpV6Wxz70W119CCv79j_d2W4hzk8J4Bny6QW8QcNB86cWYPBW8m_WVw3nVXCzW59NZQw4Y39Y-V9p0NL2-YH7_N2Gp2YdfGJmXW3-3N5X3pnc2rW7k4t-41hyKMqW3Nsz7f92k5RrW65MNkS1kX-5tf2dpxSv04) [Netflix Show →](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyFq3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3lLW71JhhC6gJGDqW5-ZPN98CqkR_V__Hmv4frPm0N7q2RPnwTs8dW4jb-c55q7l19W3XBzsg5PXmqTW3hGsJ35SbBLdW7vXQ9G1-t4ZzW5-_9Zr8C6KY4W1fN7wM8XrqK7Vcqx7l3dtXqqW3B0J5v5w5wZqW4WP4LN26tL7fW5KM7ZT80Zg4vN4XVGBXm2_rZW1nvzLj1Wc1RkW7flPJp2grbtNW2W9l-C8Dql6WW1mkl0T8ZtWChW2wZWlH6XkXkyW4rZ3Bz5g1fRNW2VNdbx5YdzQzW5gfJ_Z17xwklM5ptQdxjX5xW3HNy_J1q-ZNxW3CpqsH1cMJjVdvD-D204) [Books →](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyFq3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3kXW1swBSy2_Rr_FW3WJHTM8sNQzfW1HVlJ173Cc-9W6D1by77qgGwFW2Y5chl6BWs9hW5_0mYC2n4nQ1W69zJr-2k8VBtVT_b7s7gsF38W2fk5L87VmrF0W2sKKrP7KxxjdW170GmJ4X1npCN1Gk6qDc8Cn8W51cZrG7lWPjnW47zrjj7FLnhYW9gZcFP8qfq_BW8Dl6jc7xZr8dW9bSsZy4FcP0DW6h4wLp2q-1sJW3MP8xv6fyKLjN1KX7lyWsJ-RW2tS0JP7GrYwTVKxLj24krmt6W9dwNbT1s2k8XW8JPq0N3T8NdLW91G1QH34k-r6W8rj2Bc96R3YGf1wMVNT04) [Website →](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyFq3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3nTW932fNM4CdbvlW8dDyGb7T3sH4Vhr44w208sgLW1SvnyW5zL334W6n3y8K8j8GkgN4Tc-4cd3pw-W1rQ2qc8skP0HW5gncyC40rRlPW7fN0nC7vL96tW2QL8xk66v1-dW7PlV7X5CkKkXW2db7vN8dp17KW3hflVL6-pvW3W8JyxRT1r8JCfW6sdVX_426H5vVrMCdq3WsK7sN2yqJYPfwW9zVxG50F32PJ2HW19Fq8y3R8YnBW5J5Bgg6NvQLvW1bRcR13LygQkW3KcLbz770g8_W2Gh3FK2JFMl_W7qCGq_7LvwBCW2xsJbR6JMhpwVdlFc93FJh4Ff104Lgj04) [Instagram](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyF63qn9gW7lCdLW6lZ3nlW6pg6JQ1HbmtFW8kNFNq8YBGZXN1XSspJJL47sW6XpkHb7S-99SV3MLWb4zlxtmW5XSVc74nd-R8N84KcQQV4qy5N2P_TYmVqGKDMGgdV0hc_h4W69MJD04Ss91RW3-6fcX3RGz2bW2ypc-11RzycyW4vjSw35tV0sbW2kVlVc3s0TlYVG3qLr7GTgf-VlVlWy8z081BN8Nb7glhwB9KW74z2Sr4tRY-MW7RqvdX8lszD6W2pYxm63bhT9cN7CBD8tQ2bGkN7KSXJRtLcGdW8bQwTh8SzJT8W90ZjyR4tCLpNf3v41jx04) [LinkedIn](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyFq3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3mYW6Rtxxj7lgsktW4YtcP-69LFyGW5DnCKY4ww412W3zrbrB4mjpX8W6kvp562VCMHZW1jQ0TC5byYh-W5RqwQL8PhtSyW2Y-2xN2g140vW4TWWNY1r0sYjW3vbKXQ4tWhG2W5g-wcC38RCjKW5wgyND4M9b6TN48NCQhpJyW8W1wjmK65BBhGWW7-yV-J6m-DvNW4y7vvB976Jy1W5J0Jk26w_5D8W50RzHg5WRxWvW2km2WN16M-SwVRx4XM40H5YFW2qf0pK6__nC0W5YNX7j93dg_wV7FvRV3WkNp4W3P_HTC1sg42JW6Y4dvX4C7MBFW9ft2581_bxm2f3g8g8s04) [Twitter](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyF63qn9gW7lCdLW6lZ3mwW924-w724YqltW9jFRz47GLsrqVg9XZv9jmgJNW8H9v8H1h0mZJVQ669j6h8vQ0VK87R-5dCcpmW7SjLxh4PFtFTVY1kPT8JntmvW4GKFYT3GjqmvW6sf9-c1b9Mz7W8mDW_X6FfVsqW5d4wQW4bfGYnW4cqLhR9g1_cpW3M2tsg1FYmCzW7tkG775M5pXHW5g22JD7HJMVJW1QvjSs4LWzx4W5wC2h23sKHTWW3n5sF54Np9jBW6djTSC9fnnqlW8D61kK4g0C05W8wdYzJ275KLXV3BV2n1WgjHJW4T4Mvs6lc0XRf4wmH9l04) [YouTube](113/d586LZ04/VVN1QN8h3Ts5W2D6_PD3M5SqRW3wqskQ5cL782N8NyyFq3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3p8W3vSgtn3_-M5vW2D9Tq02PLjQdW8n2grz3szwVxW4ZzcMQ4nYHJlW6ntm441RD3xtW5RS81Q2f-T4zW2qqLkZ4Xq9yFW6vv89-7_1lFBV2w62C98zvG4W3WCX3_6m_ldmV2Xxgw9k82XvW3XDLqb3YnHjpW96kfyk4fhFg_W8PrD6X1DcC1zW6drQJG9kbr8FW2nLvy82mFryFW2NL4Y53ydFhNN1QqjljVxTTsW6m4_Y43_89BWW8248Sx8jjtdFW7q0Y4M1fxPQsW2Vc-cN2plSSXW21ytZr2jmG5vN7FZMLQy4JHpVGTP-_25GdRQW2XZ19C3lCRjdf8pHD2004) Was this forwarded to you? 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