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2024 Jun 01

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2024 Jun
🦈 China builds jet engines using ‘shark skin’ tech, World's 1st 3D-printed engine-powered rocket takes flight in India, US Marine Corps purchase 100s of tiny tank-like robots from Israeli company
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🕵🏽‍♂️ OpenAI busts AI-driven propaganda networks from 5 countries, JWST discovers oldest-ever galaxy, Russian analyst calls for nuclear 'demonstration' to warn West, Ukraine
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🎈 North Korea sends 150 poop-loaded balloons to South Korea, world's largest botnet busted, cancer patient receives pig's liver
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Russia jams Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites in Ukraine, world's 'most sustainable' protein, scientists create lethal Ebola-like virus to study eye disorders
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🦜 Heatwave slaps Pakistan with 125°F and kills birds and monkeys in Mexico, Chinese firm rivals Starlink with 10k-satellite constellation, new tech to cut radioactive waste by 80%
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🖥️ Musk to build most powerful AI supercomputer, world’s first diabetes cure with cell therapy achieved in China, first pill for postpartum depression hits the market
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🌑 Robot explorers to get nuclear heaters to fight harsh lunar nights, Tesla Roadster in space could hit the Earth, Heroic WW2 submarine that sunk most Japanese warships found
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🇨🇳 Second day of China's military drills around Taiwan, Congress passes Taylor Swift-inspired law on private plane tracking, human head transplant could soon be a reality
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🛸 Europe’s 1st Martian rover will use nuclear-powered heaters, 3500-year-old Mycenaean armor found battle-worthy, therapy cows prefer healing women over men
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🛰️ US says Russia’s ‘inspector’ satellite is tailing its spycraft, desalination breakthrough using solar energy, scientists create world’s 1st mini-brain with working blood-brain barrier
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🎬 ChatGPT silences Scarlett Johansson-like AI voice after actress objects, the rapid melting of the Doomsday Glacier, anomaly found under Pyramids of Giza
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🇮🇷 Helicopter crash kills Iran president, solar storm detected by deep-sea observatories, Neuralink's first patient shares his journey
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🏹 UK’s new UAV killer uses 13-cent shots to destroy drones, Caltech develops tech to translate thoughts into words, and farmer finds 88-pound piece of SpaceX debris
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🛰️ AT&T challenges SpaceX’s space-based broadband dominance, bisons could be the newest climate warriors, JWST spots oldest and most distant black hole collision ever
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🌋Why volcanic ash could be a key piece in G7 countries' green energy puzzle, China's solar-powered robot astronaut, and Google's latest and greatest AI chip
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🤖 AI is learning to deceive humans, world’s 1st gene-edited pig kidney transplant recipient dies, scientists discover ‘master’ brain circuit that regulates inflammation
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🤖 British Army to get ‘world’s most capable’ bomb disposal robots, MIT's control algorithm for limbless robots, and gravitational forces squeezing lava on distant planet
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🕵🏼‍♀️ Microsoft launches covert chatbot for US intel agencies, yearly expansion of a Siberian sinkhole, Google tests 3-fingered robot hand
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💣 Putin orders nuclear weapon drills near Ukraine, Google's Med-Gemini beats GPT-4 in medical analysis, sperm whale communication secrets decoded
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🚀 Boeing's first astronaut mission grounded, oral insulin innovation, monster black holes detected by JWST
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