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INBOUND and the 4 Keys to Buyer Trust in 2023


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Tue, Sep 5, 2023 05:53 PM

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As I prepare to speak at INBOUND once again, my mind comes back to everyone's core principle: Trust.

As I prepare to speak at INBOUND once again, my mind comes back to everyone's core principle: Trust. [IMPACT+-Presents-THE-LATEST-By-Marcus-Sheridan](113/bXSp04/VWHsGY95_YKnW5FZkPK74tzWLQ15342zJN35KTC63qgyTW6N1vHY6lZ3lgW3Ts7Kj7S4Xl1N3gS3shFS97GW5CZG_M4Q5vbCN6CqdH3z3C1bW4T8FvY2cm5QqW8m1CJ_2MhFT_W5Pk1w34BDtVTW5JgvT34jtVBjW5Ng6LP6c3lVKW7Ytk-42G8BGSW8f66_r4MQYHWW5YnbY182wDF_W7b55GQ6ZQFHSW2gZfKt3DL3hZW8Q6_6J7vV90XW3lmtQZ3wTcVgW4P7MYc50_fRMVzVPKl39NDskN90jqdMc8LwZW17JX5Y8bQJrRW9059W_6Xfg77Vq3Bn48Q5rvPf8Zjtvj04) [Join our weekly live event series →](113/bXSp04/VWHsGY95_YKnW5FZkPK74tzWLQ15342zJN35KTCq3qgyTW7lCdLW6lZ3mDW4d6C1q1LBDdtW6dSSQv86JDd5W17wLPt7Y_lLJW51yYzB8k3SzqW30PkLK51p7dCW84kBnr3ycbtXW7K5W631hVWY9W48Z1R0174c8lN49lx0GKWkgxN8cHWqqpw97wW7LwYF296QvtrVG0d9Q7t2yDjW496d7z220LZTN3V5fgy34KYtW2Cwf9Q1ldncdMkmB8xpydNRW2hSl3g4M7VV6W7DnTyC6NWPdfVYCwRc5xBVW3W4prB-c27Wh1KW7Qq2Wy74mrvTW3DQ1l_2-SJhpW1xZFt73QgMCLW2Bk9pB7B2bpwf2rYbsM04) [Join IMPACT+ for free →](113/bXSp04/VWHsGY95_YKnW5FZkPK74tzWLQ15342zJN35KTCK3qgyTW7Y8-PT6lZ3q2W8gjjBl91nsq1W4hTWbz8xVGSBW2RGLHd84lQvnW4dzgKb6qsx4BN87l7lRbZn0-W7_cg0Z20DKY8W1VXpVR7jZNp9VP1jq213zmsFW2FtTc95FRj9cW1LHV8P1h9gr6W3nxmDC50c3-KW1yPFkR1dPvsSW6-Qq5T8K-HlmW3GyGfQ64Q5D0W43PWQ-8DpX7KW1d33_R7sfdTXW5BXrjR3lHLLvW4G4krx24jRXlW1xzBK_8M0MsxW30DZrM6BxCWNW46H23k5gT9vbW6PRd-n5SxrPQW7RYtxR6MwzgPVw6c7M5CvpsbW56tLxZ3LBYRBW6wSx1G19RtD2dHHTLT04) I’m speaking at HubSpot’s INBOUND conference this week. For over a decade now I’ve walked their stage, discussing what makes buyers truly trust us, believe us, and want to buy from us. The INBOUND community is a special one, and if you’re going to be in Boston this week, I do hope you’ll stop me in the halls and say hello. With this year’s event, I’ll be speaking on the subject that is one of the great obsessions of my life: TRUST If you’re a marketer, sales pro, or business owner — I do hope this is your obsession as well. Why? Because despite all the crazy changes in this world (AI included), one thing will never change: Your business will live and die by the TRUST it has built in the marketplace. And what are the 4 most essential keys to winning trust in 2023? Here they are, as obvious and simple as ever: - You must be willing to tell what others in your space do not. - You must be willing to show what others in your space do not. - You must be willing to sell in a way others in your space do not. - You must be more human in a way others in your space are not. Nothing quite new here really, although #4 is becoming more and more relevant with the AI content explosion that is among us. Although each of these four is likely obvious to you and me, I truly believe the act of DOING them consistently is extremely rare in the marketplace. This is also why I’m constantly challenging our coaches at IMPACT and my audiences I speak to the same thing: Are you TRULY pushing the envelope? What are you telling and showing that’s actually different? How are you selling in a way that shocks your competitors? What makes your brand more human than every other one? Folks, and I mean this seriously, PLEASE ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS AT YOUR NEXT LEADERSHIP MEETING. Don’t just look at them and think, “Yeah, sure, makes sense.” Push yourselves to explicitly answer each. If you do, you’ll learn a lot about the state of your company, your brand, and the direction you’re headed. [They Ask, You Answer Tip of the Week] It’s critical you learn how to leverage two types of video in 2023 and beyond. - The first is what you’re used to: Long-form, educational style (can be entertaining too) video. - The second is newer, but you’ve heard me talk a lot about it: Short-form, vertical style video. Trust me when I tell you the two are NOT the same thing, and they require a very different way of thinking. This is also why I see much more success when one individual owns long-form video within a company and another owns short form. By having a constant focus, you’re able to improve the creative process as well as your end product much faster. [Stat of the Week] Fun stat (because it is INBOUND week): My swimming pool company, River Pools, became HubSpot’s customer #967 (if memory serves me) in 2009. Today, HubSpot has a mere 200,000 or so customers! [coach_insight_of_the_week] Here's a great reminder from our coach [Devon McCarty](113/bXSp04/VWHsGY95_YKnW5FZkPK74tzWLQ15342zJN35KTCq3qgyTW7lCdLW6lZ3m1W18sVm71r6DqJW2V1DsB3P8FkkW4yZSp75hCdHqMwy_BfYdNX0W1W9xnp31G_LRW4flt9z120s3bW25KFks7xm4N7W7LCQ2N7YyQjWN34FjrCztxsJN1DvvmXj4xCvV1bqYd5Lj4m9W96gNBx3RHp22W970-1n3DVccYW599RcH3KvzwRW8XXZ7y2Pg6XTN8YDZY4nhg_DN8bfLmqQzP_rW599PT18WFTnGW1mQM-s5MdZykW8ZC3Jz46W2QMW3PyW_55bxJgfV24t-J6YGbXpW85LynT2gZjDxW2hJFgQ2j2PTqf22K4Vq04): When you build the right habits and commit to the principles, it's amazing what you can accomplish. Videographer [Jaeden Leclerc](113/bXSp04/VWHsGY95_YKnW5FZkPK74tzWLQ15342zJN35KTCK3qgyTW7Y8-PT6lZ3pPVG6QzC8RQpJJW49cHXw93LTDtW96bQdY1CY9m2W87pcG25sbDPQW2lzX-D5Xm7RhN6QzPdT8RsMtW4tkgF430W8K3W3kZB_p56Xr5XW1_LY9B9hG4QVMHjHnxFcKjNW4RF7MS7NX85GV-Q81T3-KCpPW51-N8D9gzd-gW2MBCpd6dxVG5W6qLLPr2qkPGsN1YswNcf-H_bW5Z_pVW4BCyy7W51nw9T89xjzDV_t1-x3-qzzVW8ZFr9N4nNfpwW2BL-P58B-PMnW1frD433CVwCjW7c4JSc7SqLtPW3nd6J644rvh0W8LGxDr291JrYW56dmYV5t54KGf5Pn-_F04) filmed 65 videos in his first 30 days on the job with [MoveMobility](113/bXSp04/VWHsGY95_YKnW5FZkPK74tzWLQ15342zJN35KTCK3qgyTW7Y8-PT6lZ3kwN7bJvXDkF0Z2W2Fyg4q4mKKl1W8BWH0980c7hNW7SvYJW3xS0J8N8qM-tcmNqSqM6R6G0CzqcrW6MJ-4l2mYV00W8VMzzp6Xn6DYW2YD3ht1Jsth1W98-4qy1x3_DSW5v5XxJ6DF2gwW9dd_qb5D0r96W3cWYwx8c2N0cW31Kdl23ktPpHW57cpMx1bHrDMW4R0rt48lMCDJV7hBFv3WTb4_W86W1qY1tFjblN1nnqkx5j4kwVD7CvT8rbBqVW1r-wXm7Gwt3XW5s4Xww7jDnMlW6SxfwL6w40LLVLs_xD5gHJ_FW48t05m65VSCBN2P5zhtBy8ZZf71rDnd04)! [Devon McCarty coach video production inspiration](113/bXSp04/VWHsGY95_YKnW5FZkPK74tzWLQ15342zJN35KTCq5nR32W7lCGcx6lZ3m4W42y4X37FQL2wW4rtt_C8HpjVXN5F7m43y2DsVW485zGG7cqjR8W5cCYS06fnF7SW4q46l94G7wwpW904t5q6mX8swW27BKNn6mJfCQW8fgNv459G4psW43QRyP6DCHS5W5hmT7p70Kl7xW1hMC7x2hTMKrW87yzmq8jYKVPN4XgtP02xGVRVyLsKf1r53qMN6cq4QCbfPSTW5GtVlK8yD0-CW87XXtF5-WKbRW8GTcLH8VjtHzV4fRYt5Vz4BpN4ykLs3Wgs4cW2v2hkV746v9dW36wyG69fv_C4W14v1ZK3Pkrs3W1Tff-d2XK4v6N2d68BgWCMjhW5B6CHR8Tby02W89B-4l753CQwW52QJW35n_HtJW6sdH7Q3TJ-1BW1k4CZp8K_0rpV1t2YZ5MbM7TW8C2lXr4K2BdYW4fCHKS1KSXrxW6RVxj94V2db7Vf8tL48yCHSFW3Dt1q93Y9fGKW8TlfxC5r2jjnW3syTs515LhFbVDDPVK93CkCWf4V0Wfl04) To being the business our audience wants us to be, [Marcus-Sheridan] Marcus Sheridan Author of They Ask, You Answer [](113/bXSp04/VWHsGY95_YKnW5FZkPK74tzWLQ15342zJN35KTCq3qgyTW7lCdLW6lZ3nTN7KvZyxH22HxW8CgDZ-1_NxHXW1jxDSz1kd8KkW40P8_n5Ml6cYN4DSbPXG_9-wW6SvdfF5FRMRFW8VPdxW4DJ09MW7nWpzl1_KFTmW2T9z143QS61bW2263t_49vfhRW7S4KzY3GcTSFW3TZD4Q8VSbL-W44YwxX1NwP5jW1wcdS88-fqD-W8Hkk-C8rkTRcW7ZhBwb5gYDQwW3cXK6K6r50wGW8-5vXm5X-WXFW8_ZDPK2H1KcwW4vNtz28cGZKnW36QvTc4QTTK-W3Xmmr81GkwJWW8G38_f79jxh4W2mJzZJ3xzdbNd7nGm204) [Top-Email-Border-Radius-Bottom White] Connect with us and share your They Ask, You Answer success stories with the hashtag #TheyAskYouAnswer [Facebook](113/bXSp04/VWHsGY95_YKnW5FZkPK74tzWLQ15342zJN35KTCq3qgyTW7lCdLW6lZ3mtW4lNrfm4sxyvjW6VQkmJ6t67_RW4MzxF67Tsb_VVf8m8T8h_WtyN8QFzx898lKCW1-3FpS92mvhdW4rdNrJ6Ty2TJW4nQdR43VMdzXW5fvbxB5StNyLW329LXj3--TqKW27H1Vc2pHBlwW15xz1W1-Q-VMW8T5DDW2pYnCNW3Wkwst1YhYpKW2Jm3BX62_WXQW3drFq28K_-17W2Yywsf6yjCZ1W33k99h6QhMy3W1r0Dn94GPh-WW4FyzGH6-b1dZW5x22qS7czvvyW2xv3nM2XMnc1MkNHXnY_p1RW1VHs_K8pPzy5cDNJq04) [LinkedIn](113/bXSp04/VWHsGY95_YKnW5FZkPK74tzWLQ15342zJN35KTCq3qgyTW7lCdLW6lZ3lpN3qnwWm-wtlRW7hzY2y70zLFSW1QN-T-6gg7_2W1CSZVy65r3lQW7MGSwJ3hDSHPW36ggTC514zcbN6wSxw-3PtMvN8FF_Y3R0D2QW4GCYwt6p00lbW5CPvhg3VLz4hW6_Wd858mD7z_W3QJDnc9ll7bGW3YBXB93x5Jn-W4F4MQM8fFgQ_W69rnNC303wrnW2x07zb3WfrGNW3kdZcW3swB9yW3PcWb-5rDDhcW2-x3lY4GZX2RW7pjGhk1BqRR2W4xl9Yb7Y8HZyW26bykc3Xj38BW2WHXLd6R9ldBW7cQwZC7dmLd2f5PF1V204) [Twitter](113/bXSp04/VWHsGY95_YKnW5FZkPK74tzWLQ15342zJN35KTCq3qgyTW7lCdLW6lZ3mqVxX2yJ4RG29PW200Xf041Jj3sW1jZPFM7Q_chNW752BGb7sD6MXW4nfSTr2T7S6cW7_TMWb2fD8M9N66Whq8LYVk1W6m4vRy4CvCNkW45yvfj306jm3W2DzSY32Xm5D6W6lNr8M7X54DVW8YNsk-3TtbzmW6lHHqs4GJ3y3W7__TB384pR_TW7Qzs3w5w2FnJN5Cc5Nmgbb0hW3wtytd1y8G9bW2H1p462J-21PW4Y-P6n5d42L3W8gBDYH2JV-qVN1YdYlYpzZpnW2r-Nf77L3nzXW2zBqWL8JfFJ2W5gVNSx8S3zcvf92Ktsx04) [Instagram](113/bXSp04/VWHsGY95_YKnW5FZkPK74tzWLQ15342zJN35KTCq3qgyTW7lCdLW6lZ3kHW2RSFDd8D_Vg4W8R9ZRT2-8K7tMPKZHY-2m3sW7J3QDz7vRX1wN4J-tXnXPQtnW9gjFQX1Hpwm-W4cRdqc5s2_mjW1RD9Jf5YgPJwW5R-lv07CW3NQW5mx23k76ztF5VtwsNr39RfTXW1X48f413MMZBW1LtmH91yK3ZBN4fxZfsRVB5gN5g_2QNJtqRzW7Txcps5Pp99dW3s989Y5bdbR7N3zNX4Qf54dfW2kxPsY1WZtQPW5C9c4k5wr8HpW31r8WM83m9bzW6k7s6F6bM7ctW6DQvfc2G14PKW1pSnFd5vNHkyf8tN3cv04) [YouTube](113/bXSp04/VWHsGY95_YKnW5FZkPK74tzWLQ15342zJN35KTCK3qgyTW7Y8-PT6lZ3lrW5gdwvL4mXzf4W5zWv1F371jncW5N0fHw60FBHpW43X1mk5h721vW1zDJpW79WllNW59ncPP7DpY-_W7mNBJ61NzhbpW9gqm-v2lWV37W1NdvmV8KSkG2W3gCsWt5h22P5W5fqWYr1nCQ-LW35VYZ24FM8TfW7yyC9W20VNDvW71Ccjj90YknZVGYn3x1N1lq4VNVW7m6BgRD3MZfR5BXVsZpW8HKnc657p-5KW8XSSHM344zn3W37PKMG6kkf8NW3StpLP8W4Pt4W1cPkR4512Tb7W70nMqf2QtPL8W4J3CGX8fY_jtW4DbXJ13wQ_6xF5WDnQs43KNf2ZqHx804) Sent with 💙 by IMPACT IMPACT, 125 Commerce Court, Suite 9, Cheshire, CT [Unsubscribe]( [Manage preferences](

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