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Are you a Creator or are you being left behind?


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Tue, May 2, 2023 05:18 PM

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Welcome to the creator economy -- where anyone with a cellphone can produce great content. We live i

Welcome to the creator economy -- where anyone with a cellphone can produce great content. [IMPACT+-Presents-THE-LATEST-By-Marcus-Sheridan](113/bXSp04/VVYTg_6st47KW8-Jz5s5T7MjbW2SWDgt4-3Yg9N3cFw5G3q3npV1-WJV7CgVw7W3L41MY67FdRyW8nNN5Z5LBr3HW1vZC7Z8gbY2LW1wqFkd8Jzj1zVLmk5c8DMzGWW9c6hww1chBPlW1hJmtd70MHN7W2qWYwG2PcRTkW84sfDn6y7FB9W4JT17z2TqFJlW92RLhc3cMxrHW5v9CkN8GM981VvgZsc58N2g-Vwyrtv5-S85HW8cCxxc7mzMfjW6WRSrD1SHrNbW8mTlNR2vXp-4W4fsBXt8Gg9wbW2NjLTX3VDwbzW4S0JJG6lQg62N1Rlq4szd9xYW3L3wgl700D043hms1) [Join our weekly live event series →](113/bXSp04/VVYTg_6st47KW8-Jz5s5T7MjbW2SWDgt4-3Yg9N3cFw5Z3q3nJV1-WJV7CgSvVW34CkQy4dpdYBW48dTl_745nKbW5G-WFq5qHFSvN1XS6gT4_WY-W1vDLxJ6B_z23VlQWPS2-4PbMMCrkMHptsZTW45DYC23FYv84W3t8kL06WZmP2W3jkl5m3NP9M_N1KJh0jLn8KFW3lqBQJ7Lsv15W4zrwYL1WmsWYW5sNfFr2l7mKzW5XN8_K44TFppW7pFDJq3t1dnkW125jbV3PjMyFW30PHzR1XJhnrN1JPPHt_T6MdW5CR67S5dNx4jW8Xqdfx90l4vYW84sPMm50GnFkW3P_dLF2Dcb9VW147x_y37wGSL32jb1) [Join IMPACT+ for free →](113/bXSp04/VVYTg_6st47KW8-Jz5s5T7MjbW2SWDgt4-3Yg9N3cFw5Z3q3nJV1-WJV7CgSRBW6TbXhl7FwBtyW392cGY20p5G8W5TNVt05n8g_xW4FFcd44V4zpcMnGsDfPPLmfW9j8PzY8j98fSW3STx7l1Rp8ZpW6gxJ5y4CGV7rW5MJCVQ1NPHjlW8tcvz89bvpyKW93LSDq5pHsR3W5sMCFQ4jyY5BV5qv1K14wqv9W2F5T_S2FVP8xW8WCqVS15lLwyW6ppYRD55D3tqW1HPY0Q4bvq8HW1Dnzgh833YZhVMND8N893QlKW2lXWZY2BdWWnN5T441-pwnSWW7D856s1V0n_ZW6PZryp9cjxt2W2BDfVW6Rc1wC34sv1) We live in a world where anyone with a cell phone can create just about anything they want, when they want, online. You don’t have to have a big budget. You don’t have to have any special degree or training. All you need is the willingness to CREATE. (Hence the phrase “Creator Economy”) Any of us, if we want it, can have our own sandbox. It’s rather wild if you think about it. Opportunity for all. The ultimate equalizer. Yet, the truth is, most businesses don’t embrace the creator economy. Most rest on previous successes or blame ridiculous things like “Brand Standards” and instead of creating, they continue to do what has always been done, thinking their newest “home page iteration” is actually progressive and cutting edge. Friends, I want to be very clear about how I say this: THESE BRANDS WILL NOT LAST. Sure, they may be fine over the next month, next year, or next five years. But eventually, because they refuse to think outside the box, take any risks, or dare to blaze a new trail, they will be left behind. Yet, such is the circle of life. This is how it has always been. Businesses rise and businesses fall. The only difference is that with each passing year the “rise” and “fall” seems to happen at a faster and faster rate. So I ask you: Are you creating? Are you in the sandbox? - Maybe for you it’s YouTube Shorts. - Or an incredible pricing calculator on your website. - Or a sales process that is literally unmatched in your industry. But the pattern is the same: You’re pushing the envelope. You’re creating new art. And for that, you will be rewarded. [They Ask, You Answer Tip of the Week] Want your sales team to embrace better digital selling habits? Well, the best way to do this is generally NOT by teaching everyone at once. Rather, first teach a few “champions” on the sales team, allowing them to experiment and experience success, then having them share what they've learned with their peers. Once everyone else starts to see their results, they’ll be much more likely to try the thing, whether you're talking [assignment selling](113/bXSp04/VVYTg_6st47KW8-Jz5s5T7MjbW2SWDgt4-3Yg9N3cFw6f3q3n_V1-WJV7CgL1bN1CPXwXSzGskTmg1J8Nj6jqW35CYcD5jmLfFW7PPG-L68MZt8W7zdfVK8J7qVqW26sh-V6yzfLWW4TwGDt68DL37W5Fl7_t2wfnjnW681nv-7pWm-YW3BLdw21NfNmgW5TjvMz8nqzxhW1Xw2cm6DjHnCW7Y_sCp57zj9-W59hm4C4yjlhWW3PY3LW1h9z63W4dJsJ64VSZWpW2Ljt809bRB_FW8CZzPz7HpBZbW8t03xD7zGmdHW194sqk4f_5cXW2KMRSQ39mKl-W1xZGsP7kv0cQW4fB_rF3PsY97W1y5Rd15ZbTsSW2lPV0V73hDmJW8J790X8RjFvH3n8g1), 1-1 video, or anything else. Remember, salespeople are a competitive bunch — but they are also a resistant bunch. If you want to win the many, you must first win the few. [Stat of the Week] 91.3% of Google Users still don’t realize that there is no such thing as "Page Two" of search results anymore, as Google got rid of that some time ago. (I just made up that number btw, but I’m sure it’s true. 😉) [coach_insight_of_the_week] Here's a timely reminder from our Director of Demand [Nick Bennett](113/bXSp04/VVYTg_6st47KW8-Jz5s5T7MjbW2SWDgt4-3Yg9N3cFw5Z3q3nJV1-WJV7CgYScW6_Htkx7Mqjz2W8z9fjW7P4p86W5_cPWb8lDyM7W55jG6f4pPSCkW4kXGDr1YvhZ-W38-WXg2pvCPYW6yTxKw7Y7z_BW2nlRSq68r0KLW7cZLc08fzfmYM3yCXmpYPQzW3vWkgS3Kl9tSW6M3sNm3rzTXWW7_-L5L5lS7Q9N8P51jVPGQSmVGfscr2qLn1dVqShkx9gWXPwW5PbD9z8ZtfQLW2V39215vnQd8W71dthX8bM5f0VZZR1L2jLZWXN5KcKK4SZWtKW4V_0jL5txnBMW8nvg_M5KxgbHW5F--J_4dk6TJ3mhp1): If you're not producing content for every stage of the buyer's journey, your customers will encounter an uneven and frustrating experience. You'll widen the trust gap instead of closing it. [Nick Bennett consideration](113/bXSp04/VVYTg_6st47KW8-Jz5s5T7MjbW2SWDgt4-3Yg9N3cFw535nCT_V3Zsc37CgF_pW83j9Hp14T4w_N5QzRcyJQFRcW81J5MJ4y6CHGW7PTMRw92KQXtN702dTLj9rrKW6P7JT24ZQ6KgW5gclGm5FQrCsN22-r0cFvyd2W55zvGD7tm2Q1MKcrNxl9350W3lp7w-2GmjxPW2mWHkB3SgDRjW41ZFYt2jl0dgW3NMZF46KJ4TbN3VgfVQHnsGHN1Qp3m6tRdtgMy9gMDcvvtRW5fjdZT7tltDrW6H-xpy5gh9zvW9jF0lB6cx02hW5hxWFj9b7YsLN804GrC6ss-SW7MLPqf6llvXJW6D-vLg3f5q7wW2KxZZS1w3jqlW24_2W464HMlGW20HPdb6wvx7TW6603vy7-d5HVW2k1rw12XyLWVW5sQSyx3KBJzgVxtSYb2-t60XW7SNs9053K27VW4psv-z80mBDvW8NKl5l45NZtv38kX1) To the creative spirit, [Marcus-Sheridan] Marcus Sheridan Author of They Ask, You Answer [](113/bXSp04/VVYTg_6st47KW8-Jz5s5T7MjbW2SWDgt4-3Yg9N3cFw5G3q3npV1-WJV7CgRqCN4fGgnZ_X1qZW43g46R5XGPyzN42YtW6bsjj6W5qntgM8S12gYW3lYBL03wJy9nW8j3wlf25HfxPW8QqM0G6HxkFDW8LyWMj3VD2t7W4pql_Z1FkMRpW4JC-524srjRMW3RvmCh8K240TW2nGgG56z89C9W81GvxQ7CFWCDW607Jql3nvtn8W3Q1-nJ6gqZG5W8gJt-F9hLwwhW6NVNGR4Y4j-lV1HgwB7lscpNW2kkC408DfX0ZV590-643zpJ-W7xy_Mh7DNqKqW6ts2gC8g1HZb3g5j1) [Top-Email-Border-Radius-Bottom White] Connect with us and share your They Ask, You Answer success stories with the hashtag #TheyAskYouAnswer [Facebook](113/bXSp04/VVYTg_6st47KW8-Jz5s5T7MjbW2SWDgt4-3Yg9N3cFw5G3q3npV1-WJV7CgNgdW2bdzHQ2BWDLWW4V6M3X58RwdcW6z5Crc3H75wHW6YTS4N3hf4LVW3_8Bd_8KdsxSW1DbPq56d2vL6W2Dq92Y1Mw6pdN59-rhQl8mw2N2Z_5pDp0ynVW8B6MKK60kfplW2RFrkj8SWvvCW1l25dm5n3dlCW4jhRDQ8MJv3zW4kdXTM33fxLLW1T4fBR55MGmVW4TkmnT6d8TN0N1_xhcww-NPwW3dbd9Y6BP_XdW3Ndpf76yYHsZW8nkpTW8twkY1N8SpqsR46Qh5W4MWWG_9698cw3nv11) [LinkedIn](113/bXSp04/VVYTg_6st47KW8-Jz5s5T7MjbW2SWDgt4-3Yg9N3cFw5Z3q3nJV1-WJV7CgZ5PW60LlWz2rbYvyW3L6pbP7c9P-VVhHjXy7YCsMtW90BmnY60VFbNMb9G_t6CnDCW7sK4G54w3-WYW79MVn38P0RnxVyw8c68SVZZXN5Ccz2v4nYy1W3Z1QPn65TB35W5Q67q97NF82sN2pxdhs7J3DWVhVTyK61wbZnN7GY04FYHXZtW11kwlH8Mz5m_W44mw-k80xL8sW2TpBYW4bhPsJW7MFqMx8rxGY4W1Xqghs8bL1qKW5tgLV432cf70W2LfMn17DXtKBW3p6MJr20m5s6V8Kwhj7qBlcTW2DqZWP7q4gP637D81) [Twitter](113/bXSp04/VVYTg_6st47KW8-Jz5s5T7MjbW2SWDgt4-3Yg9N3cFw5G3q3npV1-WJV7CgLgPW4c0Bk414XrmXVqmbHv8cMXmgVTHmyt7Gxp2ZN6m__nLyg24xW84N6nw9f2w_xW410-qn2GyCbYW3lHgsR3RV0RSW3clSw33YQqMbW1XhRBb6rzS0lV2DsdS2llRhtW68cN5L65cj7VW4b5sY16ssWhrW86wDZf4hBzd_W6DgZcL1y7xJwW5hZf0p85qXxvW1ZRqmS2yX0VtW2VD6dB7HzrlPW5X3Pts3cGjNNVXpX_n8vfFbcW3Y7Z4L8bKT-RW1qyx5V65jl-rW1wwhDx6mk5ws33gK1) [Instagram](113/bXSp04/VVYTg_6st47KW8-Jz5s5T7MjbW2SWDgt4-3Yg9N3cFw5G3q3npV1-WJV7CgK12W5YKpJc7n8KWpW6L0YZC2v-DHdW3v1LG52sNX_BW7DDcK06WK6zFW71M2v14rsRPnW45tRfk6f9hSJVqKKrp1Q61s9W2vTVyN3N1rzXN2Wz5b6TnMdhW4c51N43TWBL6N5Zhw6-3mfQBW7mv9g18Bvb5lW7-4cr74tdbVBW1FDbv18ll_-4N8WJl_nRL6ckW1rHPN6451B7hW11qh_v8Ghp1MVfYzlS45Gm1xW1TBSnj68Wt4RW2JGWcs6qRdDtW6mVNyr1F7ynnW9k3rhd6X2_7h3hr71) [YouTube](113/bXSp04/VVYTg_6st47KW8-Jz5s5T7MjbW2SWDgt4-3Yg9N3cFw6f3q3n_V1-WJV7CgSSpW7q-LjG5rYw7lW3250xP5pq_nGN8x9N4sFGmrxW7bJPVM8B0y-cW37hZbL3CKn4HW2-PssG5_4-0cW1wrBdb6-vwWsW5NKFf-55rLwXMCBtl56kBSKW1j4b4y2GpVjjN6Hz9SKvPHglW54lwmw7SyWQyW48Z-pg4KjPvfW4Pw5cY7wb4VJW1L5VGj3xnP0RW3fCpT_2mKXPPW5SwNwM29GfynVkkfSr4-yj7yVCYKqf4c3dxpW55X29-1dRD0TW4NpRXH8pQgfWW26vhWv88ZL8lW8LBxXr86HjF-W7VyC0P2v0SnWW2s3-NZ50g7qYW3N07jH8Vpd5j374M1) Sent with 💙 by IMPACT IMPACT, 470 James Street, Suite 10, New Haven, CT [Unsubscribe]( [Manage preferences](

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