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Sun, Jul 30, 2023 10:03 AM

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Sha is a veteran and entrepreneur. She was medically retired from the military after an incident tha

Sha is a veteran and entrepreneur. She was medically retired from the military after an incident that led to... [Group 935] {NAME}, Sha* is a veteran and entrepreneur. She was medically retired from the military after an incident that led to multiple broken bones and a traumatic brain injury. It took nearly 5 years to recover. Focusing on her health was a full-time job as she learned how to walk and talk again. Today, she’s a mindset coach who helps her clients to overcome challenges and step into their greatness. Last year, Sha noticed the info about [ROI](113/d2M4P904/VVB72w83hGD9W3vvj9S4FRVKFW4gSXWJ51C2dbMBB8T13lSbtV1-WJV7CgMWTW8Wh-pZ7ppqZXW9dmw8S9jqYrRW1W_fnj2X-XXSV60k904tMhkNVl4Z3h4w0_KMW9b3bsL2lxC0zW9bqnyd50Z76WW29sg-j12m85tN1wcpV3sLlMNW8RTS6P1BcN3RW8gXchT17_l7xW2_S7C01JksxYW2g27lb1PJP4sW4vnpNp6LmjgFVhY1s-47mtDnW6tlRPF94dHysW8VWJXc3TTWQ1W68YSZ74Vg5tzW1TR-3F694FPrW6yvzJn4P5Wsj326s1), our annual conference at the Puerto Rico Convention Center, and wanted to go. She emailed us and said, “I got my ticket. I’m excited! However, I feel nervous because I have PTSD due to my time in the military. Certain things—like loud, sudden noises and crowds—can startle me. Is there any way I could arrive at the convention center early and walk through the space before people arrive? That would help me get familiarized with the space and feel secure. Would that be possible?” My team replied and said, “We can absolutely do that.” Possibility is what we do. We arranged a pre-event tour. And, we provided a complimentary ticket so she could bring her partner along to be her support person during the event. Because of this, Sha was able to participate fully. I’ve been an entrepreneur for nearly 15 years. I’ve grown my company from $0 in revenue to 5 figures, then 6, 7, and 8. There are many accomplishments that I’m proud of. But the way my team took care of Sha, that is hands-down one of my proudest moments as a CEO. It is one thing to say, “We celebrate diversity” on your website. It is another thing to live that promise through actions, not just words. For us, inclusivity isn’t a noun, it’s a verb. I’m not saying my company is perfect. There is always room to grow. But when a client makes a request and tells us what they need, we do everything within reason to make it happen. ROI happened back in January 2023. So many moments are forever burned into my mind. Seeing not one, not two, but multiple women wearing a hijab, gathering together on the convention floor. Nobody had to feel like “the only one” in the room. Seeing not one, not two, but multiple speakers living with disabilities onstage, telling their stories, explaining how they made their first million and how you can do it, too. Seeing not one, not two, but multiple non-binary people, meeting one another and excitedly discussing their business goals. Seeing a woman get the worst news of her life—a phone call to notify her that her mom had passed away. She collapsed onto the floor. Within seconds, ROI attendees and staff members came to her aid, circled her with love, held her while she sobbed, booked her a flight home, and covered the cost. This is the kind of community that you find at ROI. It’s a place where you are not just tolerated but celebrated. Where you are applauded for your achievements and held up when you need support. Where you never have to be the “only,” the “other,” or the “token” in the room. What is your proudest moment as an entrepreneur? I believe everyone comes into this life with an assignment. An assignment that is yours alone to complete. When you feel deeply proud, this means you understand the assignment and you’re completing it to the very best of your abilities. What is your assignment? xo, Rachel Rodgers and The Hello Seven Team PS. [ROI: The Millionaire Summit](113/d2M4P904/VVB72w83hGD9W3vvj9S4FRVKFW4gSXWJ51C2dbMBB8T13lSbtV1-WJV7CgRGxW4vpjjK5_r07HW905shH7mJ9cVN3-fp4dM672wW2m2VRR1hB8vkVJdbjN3gPd2-W8vTJX_5nykJBW8KBmG-8mxtSCW2SJMcY3RyzXgW322C3L2gBFRtN2hLJjJfy-L2W96PglT4lRJgTN2f_MRCqSj-8W4ZYbrW5WKv8KN91wm2Gn2xKlW6RSCNK22n_lHM7ndWNt7xTkW6YqJZC4fY0S5W5TNZ_G4R5s4ZW1cZQPH2Cjn5GW8bGgg33wTNyG3g3w1) is back in 2024. A 3-day conference for people who want to build a successful business—and build generational wealth. We spend millions to produce this luxurious event… and it’s like no conference you’ve experienced. Whether you have a 9-5 job, want to start a side hustle, or run an established business, wherever you are on your wealth journey, come to ROI to level up. 2024 ROI tickets drop TODAY! VIP and GOLDEN tickets: 50% off for 24 hours. The ultimate ROI experience. Half price. Very short time. [Get Your Half-Price Ticket](113/d2M4P904/VVB72w83hGD9W3vvj9S4FRVKFW4gSXWJ51C2dbMBB8T13lSbtV1-WJV7CgMWTW8Wh-pZ7ppqZXW9dmw8S9jqYrRW1W_fnj2X-XXSV60k904tMhkNVl4Z3h4w0_KMW9b3bsL2lxC0zW9bqnyd50Z76WW29sg-j12m85tN1wcpV3sLlMNW8RTS6P1BcN3RW8gXchT17_l7xW2_S7C01JksxYW2g27lb1PJP4sW4vnpNp6LmjgFVhY1s-47mtDnW6tlRPF94dHysW8VWJXc3TTWQ1W68YSZ74Vg5tzW1TR-3F694FPrW6yvzJn4P5Wsj326s1) *Sha is a real person, but we’ve changed her name to protect her privacy. [Group 936] [01.HelloSeven-Branding-Logo-RGB-Main 1] [Instagram](113/d2M4P904/VVB72w83hGD9W3vvj9S4FRVKFW4gSXWJ51C2dbMBB8Tk3lSbNV1-WJV7CgD_DW59YQQM2pRxYMVlq1bY8LCj_3Vt5TNM8gT8xmN26NzhCbtRy5W2_BJhq1kjmwrW6YwVPD5gXZY5W3jvXBV4pfS0QN1QbMHdLvHrhW4yy1Dg1wf-b6VXLsvL6CXBPMMG4QNZNPl7bW80Hdkk1D8CNmW78T3S02F5_-RW2nqnf65gYYxtW6qYc8b35qnM6W3-FFCP3vl9DPVbKDQh5ClKd0W7_DQGy1kTC49W58lS4y2QNnpBW3qDtbj1NGRVjW8DCgxd2y3pdbN1QcJV4q3c9s32b01) [Facebook](113/d2M4P904/VVB72w83hGD9W3vvj9S4FRVKFW4gSXWJ51C2dbMBB8Tk3lSbNV1-WJV7CgPn6W5rG86t3CjJXxW1DztfS1kZH3XW4Vdlm868-QhcN3JpGvg2sgxDV53Bjw1m9gsnW5jktGL3Bd_GmW3rsBLj244v5TW3CbXdV5jBwrvW39Wy1j6hnqTLVKpQCl8dn7FPN2P7sxgPk8fvW7tGv4G8Ml3S8W2qzNMx7g4KqfW99gKDK8TVF7vW83kVD690bkJxVx9WX72B6M-xW2CphrL5ZnkCdW7vQVy65pw4gmN22m4rvhxNNGN5ssCw1VtvT6W7lmSHv1Nd0qPW4s9hsm6B_nFW3cKg1) [Twitter](113/d2M4P904/VVB72w83hGD9W3vvj9S4FRVKFW4gSXWJ51C2dbMBB8Tk3lSbNV1-WJV7CgFD7W7VbrFL4RnWWnVXhVT713DxFLVrPDrz3s6-0kW6yYVtK8J-sTGW8S5R-62nBkRLW5kBxdj6-ZrQhW7MWQ4N6x65KFW8tQPY22sqy6_W2h1Hqk8DxqxmN9lgc8_Wt8nKW73kZb33npF6FN87KqHkbrBjgVwz0QP5v98QNW26_DcC4NHntdW91Q8M22cr1ChW8NjHpg2G_lQbW1cSCNY8xFqtZW2W7_Cq3GrMTmW6wMtHf8VlDd4N8r4C1C6kp--W8sRrKk8Vh3pzW2q7L8K268qVk3fCv1) [LinkedIn](113/d2M4P904/VVB72w83hGD9W3vvj9S4FRVKFW4gSXWJ51C2dbMBB8Tk3lSbNV1-WJV7CgFQ0N7JQG6wQz1hsW6z4l8C2BQjhCW2XxX4k5h9BwxW4BFq6Q6XtfnbW6LvVkB4Zby-7W2xpddW3mqzP1W74n8BY4h-B1qVc2-kf7DtyvSW148WFB7X4cmFN1Y4y2d-TR6vW6hQsHJ8pY5s6W1f8NCh8zmkD7W75Bw4-872LTGW7N7br887tGpZW45PT7h4MNrrsW8WQvns6-Yl9FW6V7M4L9hXntlW47sMVY5V6q9DN6Tx-4p493lKW1YyZcX6ggCfZW918DH41TQYgxW2SS8Jx3PbRGN32wk1) [Website](113/d2M4P904/VVB72w83hGD9W3vvj9S4FRVKFW4gSXWJ51C2dbMBB8T13lSbtV1-WJV7CgS16W7JlT__6BdtznW8G0jDd5602rZW9kyrwg2kh_nJV_yGrR8mDcMwW3PFfbP4Cd6j-W7BtRCC6NBlc4W7WkKLQ33HGfQW1PSy4R4YjsHmW7k6jRR3wfB1VW49-MDG7y3RTNW3vxLHF93ZzRtVBJ4BR6vN_wzW8PJWhR8srMM4N7gB0BtQJLzZW7QXFX014nFbZN2nXN1nty7S3W8hNG2q5m87f0W24Hynd1QT-gwW2jVXYb5lN7JtW1xwpgL3wbKQT3p4x1) | [About Us](113/d2M4P904/VVB72w83hGD9W3vvj9S4FRVKFW4gSXWJ51C2dbMBB8T13lSbtV1-WJV7CgF-yW1Crnjb66RtN5VJClcZ4DF6PsW4FJYyC30jQd6W5KGxHP5yFy9xW5M0ntP7Xp7LKW6_Sqsp8TvrDHW5bRZHb8f2xCHW8ld32W5CktT2W82H7y86rPKBgW3bvZH56BTDwqW47m85-7G2PcVN9hzGqvWb1sxVXNsDt7m4kHQW5qYl3z8F8hZPW5vn9T66WjnLpV79M4J93-FgyW2Qb4P34WCSGzW83sGBT3Y3MHCW1gW0zg6hBL7LW33H93z8sQYf92qr1) | [Contact Us]( You received this because you subscribed to the Hello Seven Newsletter. 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