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Fri, Oct 13, 2023 01:31 PM

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Okay! It’s time to finally pull back the curtain on this new, first-of-its-kind breakthrough. I

Okay! It’s time to finally pull back the curtain on this new, first-of-its-kind breakthrough. If you are having trouble viewing this email, [click here.]( [Dr. Steven Gundry | Founder, Gundry MD] {NAME}, I’m so excited!! Because today, I get to show you everything about my new state-of-the-art health innovation…  Gundry MD® Phyto Collagen Complex™ A First-Of-Its-Kind Super Formula Designed To Help You Feel Fitter, Stronger, and Younger Than You Ever Thought You Would Again (Just wait ‘til you see the fascinating science below!) As you're about to see, it can work wonders for virtually anyone — no matter how old you are or what your lifestyle is like. But before we get into the nitty-gritty of what makes Phyto Collagen Complex one of the most advanced new health solutions on the market...  Exclusive Invitation From Dr. G Phyto Collagen Complex will officially be ready to try on Friday, October 20th at 11AM EST. But please note: This initial release is strictly private and available by invitation only. And as a regular reader of the Gundry MD newsletter, I want you to get access to try this formula first, [by joining my exclusive Priority Access List.]() Of course, my long-term goal is to share this breakthrough with everyone eventually. HOWEVER. For the time being, I only have a limited number of introductory jars available. And I’d be lying if I said we had enough inventory to go around next Friday. So my advice is to join the Priority Access List ASAP. (As you must be on this list to get a private order link next week.) There are still some spots left, but after today’s update, they’re gonna go fast — so if you’re at all interested in this formula, click one of the links in this box and join the Priority Access List now.  → [Click here for Priority Access to Phyto Collagen Complex]() ← ^ Register for Priority Access now to secure your spot in line on Friday, October 20th. (I highly recommend joining this list now, because spots have been filling up fast.) Okay, signed up? Let’s get started! Now, there's ONE material inside your body that determines whether you feel old and feeble or young and strong. And if you can find a way to replenish it, you’ll find yourself in a stronger- and younger-feeling body, no matter what your age is.* You can take that long walk in nature. You can whizz up and down those stairs. And you can do work around the house, keep up with your kids or grandkids, restock the firewood, or easily pick up a new hobby.* It’s just a matter of helping your body continue making the one essential material that keeps it strong:  Structural Collagen Collagen is crucially important for maintaining your strength levels as you age. But unfortunately, most collagen supplements don’t work due to a fatal flaw. Collagen is literally the glue that holds you together. It’s in your muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, organs, skin, arteries, you name it.1 But without support… It starts to wither away as you get older. Which leaves you feeling weaker and weaker over time.2,3,4 This decline starts in our 30s.5,6 Then by the time we hit our 40s, 50s, and beyond — the effect starts to become noticeable.7,8 Things start to malfunction in your body. And little by little, your health slows down.  So The Older You Are, The More Your Body NEEDS Collagen This is largely why collagen supplements — almost all made from animals — have become so popular in health circles. But unfortunately, as you’re about to see… Your body can’t actually use the collagen in most supplements! Instead, it has to make its own.9,10 And the trouble is… Your body finds this harder to do with each passing year.11 Thankfully, after years of rigorous investigation — I’ve uncovered a unique 3-step “collagen reset” process. It provides your body with the exact materials it needs to make more collagen. And extensive tests show, when you fuel your body with these materials, you can start feeling a huge difference.12* And you can SEE a huge difference, too — since collagen is also what supports firm, youthful-looking skin.13* The best part is that this can all be accomplished in just a few minutes a day, and it’s simple enough to do from home.  I call it The Building Block Technique  When people follow this method correctly, the effect is normally pretty life-changing.* And the older you are, the more dramatic the results can be. Why? Because it’s the only approach I know designed to help your body build its own collagen. So how does it work? By supplying you with the exact components to make more human collagen — in the exact right amounts — in a form your body can readily use. That’s why I call it The Building Block Technique. It gives your body the perfect set of collagen building blocks it naturally knows what to do with. So you can feel better, look better, do all the things you want, and life is just more fun. It’s truly like you’ve gotten time back on your side. And I say this from firsthand experience. So let me quickly show you how to do this.  Why Your Body Can’t Actually Use The Collagen In Many Supplements Now, you might have heard people on the Internet or TV saying you should take a collagen supplement, drink bone broth, or eat gelatin. The beauty industry is very guilty of this. So-called experts claim you should add collagen to your diet to replenish the collagen in your skin and look younger. And the fitness crowd is just as vocal when it comes to taking collagen for your muscle health. If only things were so simple!  Many people think adding collagen to their diets will help slow aging, but this approach is actually very ineffective. Unfortunately, your body can’t actually absorb collagen. It’s simply too big a molecule.14,15 And this is where we run into 2 problems with animal collagen: First, animal collagen is not identical to human collagen.16 (It doesn’t directly translate to the collagen in your body.) Second, animal collagen is extremely hard for your digestive system to break down.17 (So you don’t even absorb most of it in the first place.) That’s why you can eat collagen-rich foods like organ meats and bone broth all day long without seeing a difference in your strength, mobility, digestion, heart health, complexion, or any other area of your body that collagen supports. And when you think about it, this makes perfect sense. Because otherwise, everyone who ate Jello — which is just cooked collagen — would become an ageless superhero athlete. (As someone who used to eat practically his bodyweight in Jello, I can assure you that an athletic body is NOT the result!) Which brings us to the big question:  What Does Your Body Need To Make Its Own Collagen And Help You Feel Young again? After years of research, I’ve determined this question has a 3-part answer. PART 1 is the raw material your body needs to actually assemble the collagen protein chain. These are the collagen BUILDING BLOCKS. PART 2 is the crucial compound that encourages your body to actually use these building blocks. This is the BUILDING FUEL that powers the assembly process. PART 3 is the set of compounds that helps preserve the collagen once it’s in your body. These form the COLLAGEN SHIELD. Together they give you the Building Blocks, the Building Fuel, and the Collagen Shield. And it’s only when you combine ALL 3 that you can start seeing the real benefits of collagen in your body… Like being stronger, moving freely, looking youthful… And having the confidence that comes with being the healthiest, most independent version of yourself.* So first, let me reveal the Building Blocks. Now, the collagen in your body is a complex material. It’s made of no less than 18 unique amino acids. These include Glycine, Alanine, Proline, and Hydroxyproline to name a few. And all 18 amino acids exist together in an extremely precise ratio.18  When I Analyzed The Structure Of Collagen, I Had A Major Lightbulb Moment  If you provide these exact same amino acids, in the exact same ratio, in a fully broken down, ready-to-use form… It should be easy for your body to take them and put them together… Making fresh collagen that could help you start feeling stronger. Of course, it takes a lot of manpower to test a theory like this with real people. The best scenario would be if there was already a scientific team out there running studies on this. And given the mountain of potential health benefits, I suspected there probably would be. So after several weeks of me asking around in scientific circles…  An Overseas Contact Put Me In Touch With A World-Class Research Lab In Nottingham, England This world-class research laboratory in Britain was key to unearthing this groundbreaking anti-aging solution. The team there had created a compound called “Vollagen”. It contained all 18 amino acids in collagen in a bioavailable form. And each one had been extracted from ultra-rich plant sources.  [Study] Look And Feel Years Younger In 60 Days In a 2-month study, 55 participants consumed Vollagen daily. By the end of the trial, virtually everyone reported obvious changes — consistently saying they looked and felt years younger.19 They were amazed at the difference it made and said they “didn’t ever want to be without it”.20 Many were also struck by how much healthier their skin, hair, and nails looked.21 And this was just 60 days in! So, I had to get my hands on this stuff for a test of my own.  Vollagen provides all the 18 amino acids your body needs to support high collagen production so you can feel youthful and strong at any age.  After some negotiation, the research team agreed to send a box of samples to the U.S., so I could experiment. My plan was to personally try Vollagen for a 90-day run… with some key additions thrown in. See, as I mentioned earlier — the older you get, the more collagen you lose, and the less your body makes to replace it. And my instincts as a doctor told me those issues weren’t getting fully addressed by collagen building blocks alone. I figured, even if you gave your body all the materials to support its own collagen production… It might be slow to use them, so the collagen wouldn’t last. I wanted to add ingredients to the formula that would address both of these issues head-on. My goal was to create a collagen support formula that would work even better in the short term… and KEEP working in the long term, even as your chronological age kept increasing. So you can breeze up and down stairs… Take a long walk without giving it a second thought… Go play tennis or golf… Socialize at gatherings… Do things around the house… And feel more youthful, confident, and independent at any age.* That was the dream and I intended to make it REAL. Now, because I had only so much Vollagen to work with — and it was not cheap or easy to get… I pretty much HAD to get this right on the first try. So I spent hours going through hundreds of possible nutrients, poring over study after study, consulting biochemists on the phone, and narrowing down my options. Until…  I Arrived At 2 Advanced Vollagen “Amplifiers” The first was a super-bioavailable version of ascorbic acid — also known as Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a crucial collagen ‘cofactor’. That means it helps fuel collagen production in your body.22 And studies have shown it can have an even bigger impact on this process when you’re older.23,24 So with guidance from a top vitamin expert I’d worked with before, I added a precise dose of fast-absorbing Vitamin C to the Vollagen. This would encourage your body to use all the collagen precursors to make as much collagen as possible. (It’s the building fuel that powers the assembly process.) After that, I also made a second addition — to help ensure this new collagen was as stable as possible. See, a big problem we run into as we get older is something called oxidative damage. This is where compounds called free radicals form in your body, and they start damaging cells and tissues to make you age faster.25 Well, it turns out… Collagen is particularly vulnerable to oxidative damage. This is part of the reason why we start to lose more and more of it as we get older.26 So, to help protect your collagen from damage — and keep you feeling strong — I decided to incorporate a precise blend of polyphenols. Polyphenols are protective compounds from plants that can scavenge free radicals before they damage your cells.27,28 This allows polyphenols to act as a strong line of defense in your body. (Think of them like a protective shield that helps preserve your collagen.) And since different polyphenols target different sets of free radicals, I decided to add a massive blend of some of the most polyphenol-rich berries and fruits ever studied. The most powerful of these was the baobab fruit. Sourced out of southern Africa, it’s one of the most potent free radical scavengers on the planet.29 It comes from trees that have adapted to harsh environments, producing ultra-powerful polyphenols to protect themselves. (Yes, trees are hurt by free radicals, too.)30,31,32 That’s why some of the longest-living trees ever recorded have been Baobab trees. We’re talking thousands of years old!33  Baobab trees are some of the most resilient and longest-living trees in the world. Why? Because of the exceptionally powerful polyphenols they contain! And while getting my hands on the baobab fruit wasn’t easy… I knew its massive blast of polyphenols would be a vital addition to this collagen-support blend. But I didn’t stop at baobab. Next, I rounded out the polyphenol blend with ultra-rich sources from other parts of the world… Like Brazilian acerola cherries and jabuticaba berries, Argentinian maqui berries, and North American tart cherries. Even though most of these fruits were extremely difficult to obtain, my research told me they would combine perfectly to form a powerful shield for the collagen in your body.  Aging In Reverse (A 90-Day Experiment) Now once I had the entire formula mixed, I found I had just enough for 2 people. My wife Penny had been super-curious about this formula when I was putting it together. So I asked if she’d like to join me in the 90-day test run. She said she’d be delighted and we started taking it the next day. I have to admit, I was nervous at first… Like I said before, this was the only supply of this formula I had. And the chances were, I wasn’t going to be able to get more of the star ingredient unless I saw results. Plus, I had a lot of personal hope riding on this! During that first week of taking the blend, I thought a lot about how my life had changed over the years — how my body was slowly letting me down in certain ways. And I realized just how much it had been affecting me. (Far more than I’d admitted to myself.) My hiking speed had slowed down, my balance climbing down a rocky slope wasn't as good. I saw many hikers my age using hiking poles for support. Maybe it was my turn? Maybe despite my best efforts, age was beginning to catch up with me. Then one day I was mulling this over in the kitchen, waiting on some sign that the formula was working, when I looked down at the kimchi on my plate. I actually ended up buying a gripping device to help me turn the stubborn lids on my kimchi jars. That day though, I didn’t have it. I’d loaned it to a neighbor. So that meant I’d opened a stiff jar (seal still on it!) with my bare hands.* As the days progressed, I noticed more and more things getting easier. Penny did, too.* One place she particularly saw a difference was tennis. She’s been an avid tennis player her whole life. And after starting the collagen support formula, she noticed the quickness and the lateral movement getting better.* Plus, the soreness following a long match just wasn”t happening like before.* Penny started to notice her skin looking smoother and feeling firmer. She realized just how much when her friends started commenting.* Together, we just felt great.* The more the weeks went by, the more other people started to notice something was different about us. We were more energetic, more confident, and more game.  By Day 90 It Was Almost Like We Had A Whole New Lease On Life It got to the point where friends and even colleagues were asking me what I was doing. When I explained the new collagen support formula, nearly all of them wanted to try it. And so, armed with real-world results and the interest of a larger group of people, I reached out to the UK research team again. They were excited by the breakthrough I’d made, and they agreed to start supplying me with more Vollagen. From there, I partnered up with a U.S. nutrition lab that helped me source the fast-absorbing vitamin C and exotic polyphenol fruits to put the whole formula together. We made enough for my circle of friends and colleagues to try out the formula for themselves. And they experienced similar results to me and Penny: ★ Feeling stronger and younger* ★ Moving more freely* ★ Looking more youthful* ★ Feeling more confident and capable* ★ Being more active* And just enjoying their daily lives more, like they did when they were younger.* Each one of them had a different way these benefits translated into their daily life... So I have to ask:  What Would Your Life Look Like If You Felt Stronger And Younger Again? If you’d like to find out, I’m thrilled to show you how. After everyone’s results came in, I knew more people needed to be able to try this amazing collagen support formula. So, I arranged to scale up production and make a larger batch of it. As a result, I’m thrilled to be able to do a limited release of this formula to the public for the first time. Like I said, I proudly call it:  Gundry MD® Phyto Collagen Complex™ A 3-Tiered Formula Designed To Help Your Body Build The Collagen That Keeps You Strong And Youthful By doing this, it helps you enjoy: ✓ A strong body that’s alive with energy from morning to evening* ✓ Newfound athleticism as your joints limber up* ✓ Radiant skin that looks smoother, firmer, and healthier* ✓ The ability to pick up new and old hobbies (even if you haven't felt up to it in a long time)* ✓ The gift of feeling confident and comfortable in your body at any age* Basically, name what you enjoyed the most about being young, healthy, and vibrant. Did you like to go out dancing? Make things with your hands? Ride bikes? Play tennis? Swim? Hike? Or was it simply being more spontaneous? Well, Phyto Collagen Complex can help you enjoy more of that again. Plus, you’ll love how easy it is to use. Just mix one scoop with a beverage of your choice, and drink up. It has a really refreshing strawberry-lemonade flavor that tap dances on your tastebuds... And with each delicious sip you’ll be supporting the healthy collagen levels you need to thrive. Better yet? Phyto Collagen Complex can deliver these results at ANY age. Meaning nobody is considered “too far gone” to see a huge difference. Now if you’re anything like my patients, your immediate reaction after learning about this formula is…  “How can I try Phyto Collagen Complex for myself?” Well, like I mentioned earlier, this formula will officially go “live” to select Gundry MD subscribers on Friday, October 20th at 11AM EST. Because we only have a limited number of introductory jars available. That’s why I created a Priority Access List, to give subscribers like you access to Phyto Collagen Complex, before anyone gets a chance. (You must be on this list to get a private order link next week.) And {NAME}, as of this morning — I still have an open spot with your name on it. So if you’re even curious about experiencing this formula firsthand… Be swift about [joining the Priority Access List]() if you haven’t already. And then, get excited! Imagine waking up in a body that’s strong, energetic, and active. And with each passing day, you keep feeling better and better. Your loved ones ask you what you’re doing differently. You seem more alive than they’ve seen you in years. You feel more connected to life and more comfortable in your body. These are things most people can only dream of. But with Phyto Collagen Complex, those dreams can become a reality. And I can’t wait for you to experience it for yourself. So I encourage you to [j]()[oin the Priority Access List.]() And mark your calendar for Friday, October 20th. Then get ready to be blown away! Looking out for you, Steven Gundry, MD [Steven Gundry, MD] P.S. I’ve got some exciting surprises lined up for you next week. So be sure to stay tuned to your email inbox over the coming days. In the meantime, I know I’ve thrown a lot at you today. But I just want to say one last thing. Thank you. Thank you for sharing my enthusiasm for staying on the cutting edge of human health. And thank you for joining me on this incredible journey. I think Phyto Collagen Complex is gonna leave you awestruck. Can’t wait to tell you more soon.  Sources 1. Cleveland Clinic. Collagen. Cleveland Clinic Website. . Last Reviewed May 23, 2022. Accessed October, 2023. 2. Harvard School of Public Health. Collagen. HSPH Website. . Last reviewed May 2021. Accessed October, 2023. 3. Czajka A, Kania EM, Genovese L, et al. Daily oral supplementation with collagen peptides combined with vitamins and other bioactive compounds improves skin elasticity and has a beneficial effect on joint and general wellbeing. Nutr Res. 2018; 57: 97-108. DOI: . 4. Viguet-Carrin S, Garnero P, Delmas PD. The role of collagen in bone strength. Osteoporos Int. 2006; 17 (3): 319-336. DOI: . 5. Varani J, Warner RL, Gharaee-Kermani M, et al. Vitamin A antagonizes decreased cell growth and elevated collagen-degrading matrix metalloproteinases and stimulates collagen accumulation in naturally aged human skin. J Invest Dermatol. 2000; 114 (3): 480-486. DOI: . 6. University of Utah Medical Staff. Wrinkles & Volume Loss. University of Utah Health Website. 7. Varani J, Warner RL, Gharaee-Kermani M, et al. Vitamin A antagonizes decreased cell growth and elevated collagen-degrading matrix metalloproteinases and stimulates collagen accumulation in naturally aged human skin. J Invest Dermatol. 2000; 114 (3): 480-486. DOI: . 8. University of Utah Medical Staff. Wrinkles & Volume Loss. University of Utah Health Website. . Accessed October, 2023. 9. Rustad AM, Nickles MA, McKenney JE, Bilimoria SN, Lio PA. Myths and media in oral collagen supplementation for the skin, nails, and hair: A review. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2022; 21 (2): 438-443. DOI: . 10. Holwerda AM, van Loon LJC. The impact of collagen protein ingestion on musculoskeletal connective tissue remodeling: a narrative review. Nutr Rev. 2022; 80 (6): 1497-1514. DOI: . 11. Varani J, Dame MK, Rittie L, et al. Decreased collagen production in chronologically aged skin: roles of age-dependent alteration in fibroblast function and defective mechanical stimulation. Am J Pathol. 2006; 168 (6): 1861-1868. DOI: . 12. Not a scientific study. Study was carried out by Ayton Global Research with 55 women over the course of 60 days. 13. Al-Atif H. Collagen Supplements for Aging and Wrinkles: A Paradigm Shift in the Fields of Dermatology and Cosmetics. Dermatol Pract Concept. 2022; 12 (1): e2022018. Published 2022 Jan 1. DOI: htps:// Accessed October, 2023. 14. Holwerda AM, van Loon LJC. The impact of collagen protein ingestion on musculoskeletal connective tissue remodeling: a narrative review. Nutr Rev. 2022; 80 (6): 1497-1514. DOI: . 15. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Your Digestive System & How it Works. NIDDK Website. . Last Reviewed December 2017. Accessed October, 2023. 16. Gallo N, Natali ML, Sannino A, Salvatore L. An Overview of the Use of Equine Collagen as Emerging Material for Biomedical Applications. J Funct Biomater. 2020; 11 (4): 79. DOI: . 17. Holwerda AM, van Loon LJC. The impact of collagen protein ingestion on musculoskeletal connective tissue remodeling: a narrative review. Nutr Rev. 2022; 80 (6): 1497-1514. DOI: . 18. Eastoe JE. The amino acid composition of mammalian collagen and gelatin. Biochem J. 1955; 61 (4): 589-600. DO: . 19. Not a scientific study. Study was carried out by Ayton Global Research with 55 women over the course of 60 days. 20. Not a scientific study. Study was carried out by Ayton Global Research with 55 women over the course of 60 days. 21. Not a scientific study. Study was carried out by Ayton Global Research with 55 women over the course of 60 days. 22. Michaels AJ. Vitamin C and Skin Health. Oregon State University Linus Pauling Institute Website. . Published September 2011. Accessed October, 2023. 23. DePhillipo NN, Aman ZS, Kennedy MI, Begley JP, Moatshe G, LaPrade RF. Efficacy of Vitamin C Supplementation on Collagen Synthesis and Oxidative Stress After Musculoskeletal Injuries: A Systematic Review. Orthop J Sports Med. 2018; 6 (10): 2325967118804544. DOI: . 24. Phillips CL, Combs SB, Pinnell SR. Effects of ascorbic acid on proliferation and collagen synthesis in relation to the donor age of human dermal fibroblasts. J Invest Dermatol. 1994; 103 (2): 228-232. DOI: . 25. Pham-Huy LA, He H, Pham-Huy C. Free radicals, antioxidants in disease and health. Int J Biomed Sci. 2008; 4 (2): 89-96. 26. Siwik DA, Pagano PJ, Colucci WS. Oxidative stress regulates collagen synthesis and matrix metalloproteinase activity in cardiac fibroblasts. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2001; 280 (1): C53-C60. DOI: . 27. Di Meo F, Lemaur V, Cornil J, et al. Free radical scavenging by natural polyphenols: atom versus electron transfer. J Phys Chem A. 2013; 117 (10): 2082-2092. DOI: . 28. Pandey KB, Rizvi SI. Plant polyphenols as dietary antioxidants in human health and disease. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2009; 2 (5): 270-278. DOI: . 29. Vertuani S., Braccioli E., Buzzoni V., Manfredini S. Antioxidant capacity of Adansonia digitata fruit pulp and leaves. Acta Phytother. 2002; V: 2–7. 3905711. Accessed October, 2023. 30. Coe SA, Clegg M, Armengol M, Ryan L. The polyphenol-rich baobab fruit (Adansonia digitata L.) reduces starch digestion and glycemic response in humans. Nutr Res. 2013; 33 (11): 888-896. DOI: . 31. Rahul J, Jain MK, Singh SP, Kamal RK, Anuradha, Naz A, et al. Adansonia digitata L. (baobab): a review of traditional information and taxonomic description. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2015; 5: 79–84. DOI: 15)30174-X. 32. Benson, E.E. (1990). Free Radicals in Stressed and Aging Plant Tissue Cultures. In: Rodríguez, R., Tamés, R.S., Durzan, D.J. (eds) Plant Aging. NATO ASI Series, vol 186. Springer, Boston, MA. DOI: . 33. Patrut A, Woodborne S, Patrut RT, et al. The demise of the largest and oldest African baobabs [published correction appears in Nat Plants. 2018 Jul 2;:]. Nat Plants. 2018; 4 (7): 423-426. DOI: . *Everyone’s body is different, so individual results may vary   This email was sent to {EMAIL} by [Edit Profile]( | [Manage Subscriptions]( | [VIP Discounts]( | [Join Text Club]( 145 S. Fairfax Avenue, Suite 200, Los Angeles 90036  [Report Spam](  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Â

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