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This new routine can help unlock a tidal wave of benefits for anyone over 50. If you are having trou

This new routine can help unlock a tidal wave of benefits for anyone over 50. If you are having trouble viewing this email, [click here.]( If you want to unsubscribe, click here: [Manage Subscriptions]( [Dr. Steven Gundry | Founder, Gundry MD] It’s finally time, {NAME}! Over the past few days, I’ve been giving you “sneak peeks” into an astonishing new health breakthrough at Gundry MD.  A new ‘younger gut, younger body’ formula that supports high energy levels, sustained fat loss, and smooth digestion (just like you had as a kid). It’s all thanks to a revolutionary compound so groundbreaking… it has never, ever been released to the public ‘til now And today, you’ll get to finally see “behind the curtain” of this all-new health innovation... Including what this formula is called, how it works, and how you — a loyal Gundry MD subscriber — can get it first. Okay, let’s get started! This trailblazing breakthrough is officially called:  Gundry MD GI AdvantageTM The first and only gut health super formula to feature a ‘hero ingredient’ so cutting-edge — it has NEVER been released to the general public before. GI Advantage will finally be ready for you to try on Friday, June 23rd (TIME TBD) — less than one week from now. And as you’re about to see, it can help you enjoy:   ★ All-day energy to do things you love   ★ A supercharged metabolism   ★ The ability to focus at length and not lose a train of thought   ★ A faster-, stronger-, more limber-feeling body   ★ Freedom to eat foods you like without digestive distress … Allowing you to feel dramatically younger, healthier, and more active overall. Best of all, I’ve seen that it can work for virtually anyone — no matter how old you are or what your lifestyle is like.  Exclusive Invitation From Dr. G As a regular reader of the Gundry MD newsletter, I want you to have the chance to try this new formula FIRST, [by joining the exclusive Priority Access List.]( Of course, my long-term goal is to share this breakthrough with everyone eventually. But in the meantime: We only have a strictly limited number of bottles available. So this initial release is STRICTLY PRIVATE and available by INVITATION ONLY. There are still a few spots left, but after today’s update, they’re gonna go fast — so if you’re at all interested in this new breakthrough, make sure to join the Priority Access List asap.  Still Accepting Applications: [→ Click here for Exclusive Access to GI Advantage ←]( ^ Register for Priority Access now to secure your spot in line on Friday, June 23rd. Ok {NAME}, when you’re all signed up, let’s continue.  Younger Gut, Younger You? New Science Reveals A Powerful Secret That Can Help You Feel Like You’re 30 Again Now, to explain this discovery — and how you can use it — we need to travel back in time… Back to when you were little. As a kid, you probably felt a lot different. You had endless energy. Your metabolism was roaring. And you could eat almost anything you wanted. You rarely felt bloated or constipated. You were virtually pain-free. And it was easy to take for granted just how amazing you felt all the time. But fast-forward to adulthood, and much of that’s probably changed. Chances are, you get worn out more easily. You have aches and pains. Plus, you can’t get away with eating like you used to. For years, scientists and doctors operated under the assumption that this was just a natural part of aging. That is, until about 15 years ago. That’s when certain researchers began to zero in on the human gut — specifically gut microbes — and started to notice patterns… Like how gut microbes differed in children vs. adults…1 Skinny people vs. overweight people…2 Healthy people vs. sick people…3,4 And people with good digestion vs. those with bad digestion…5 As scientists analyzed the differences, they began to separate gut bacteria into two groups. Namely, “good” bacteria. (The ones associated with being healthy, skinny, energetic, and free of digestive problems.) And “bad” bacteria. (The ones associated with weight gain and countless health issues.) They learned it’s important for the good bacteria to outnumber the bad bacteria.6,7 And a short time later, these good strains — now known as “probiotics” — began to hit the market in supplement form. The trouble was, probiotics were released before scientists really understood how the gut worked or affected the rest of the body. And it turned out, these early probiotics were a very small bandaid on a much bigger problem: WHY were gut bacteria changing with age in the first place? WHAT was really going on down there? And HOW did that affect the rest of your body? For years, questions lingered. But then in 2017, a massive breakthrough happened... And it was all thanks to a surprise discovery about babies. Now, it’s long been known that breastfed babies are healthier than formula-fed babies.8 They have fewer food sensitivities, digestive problems, and illnesses. Not to mention, they’re less likely to be overweight, lethargic, or unhealthy later in life.9 But what scientists didn’t know was WHY.10 Until researchers in Florida discovered a unique bacteria in the guts of the breastfed babies. It’s called PUF1. They’d never seen this bacteria in the guts of adults, and they also had trouble detecting it in formula-fed babies. The breastfed babies, however, had boatloads of it.11 And since those kids were so much healthier, happier, stronger, and smarter across the board — scientists decided to isolate the strain and study it in great depth. What they discovered was startling. It turned out, PUF1 acted like “health coordinator” for the whole body. Nearly every part of being young, healthy, and energetic seemed to amazingly involve PUF1. For example, one of the biggest factors in how fast you age is your immune system.12 Simply put, when your immune system regulates itself well, your body stays youthful and healthy.13 But when your immune system is OVERactive…. your body slowly damages itself and you “age” faster.14 Aches and pains, mobility problems, visible aging, mental aging… All these issues can be traced back to an overactive immune system.15,16,17,18 With that said — when your immune system is UNDERactive, you’re more susceptible to sickness and other health problems, too. You don’t want that either.19,20 So, what PUF1 does is pump out a nutrient called propionate.21 Which fuels the “control cells” that govern your immune system.22,23 When these control cells are active — your immune system can strike the perfect balance to help keep you healthy and youthful well into old age. BUT this immune benefit is just the start. Scientists found PUF1 also boosts your energy levels and metabolism. It does this by producing an incredible amount of vitamin B12 — also known as The Energy Vitamin.24 Your cells rely on vitamin B12 to make energy…25 So much so, that people with fatigue literally get B12 injections to help them bounce back!26 And better yet? In the process of giving you energy, B12 also helps you burn more calories.27 In fact, the more B12 you have in your system — the less likely you are to be overweight.28 And on top of that, this extraordinary ‘super strain’ ALSO helps regulate your digestion. It does this by supporting other “good guy” bacteria strains in your gut — especially Bifidobacteria.29,30 Bifidobacteria do a number of things for you — like help you avoid gas, bloating, constipation, and irregular poops.31 They also help you absorb nutrients from your food more efficiently, which helps your whole body run a whole lot better overall. But wait a minute. If PUF1 does all these great things for us when we’re young… What happens as we get older? Well, if you weren’t breastfed as a kid — nothing supported your PUF1 levels from the start. But even if you WERE breastfed… you were probably weaned by age 3 or 4. Then after that, you encountered the same problem as the formula-fed crowd: A lack of PUF1 support. And what happens next should come as no surprise. All three systems PUF1 regulates in your body…  Healthy immune support (propionate) Youthful energy and a high metabolism (B12) And problem-free digestion (Bifidobacteria) … began to decline as you got older.32,33,34,35,36 Crazy, isn’t it? This one single strain of bacteria is connected to all the things you associated with feeling young. So what would happen if you got PUF1 back in your gut as an adult? Would it bring back some of the benefits of being young? Like abundant energy, a healthy weight, and smooth digestion? Well, that’s exactly the question I set out to answer when I contacted the scientists who discovered PUF1. After a long conversation, they agreed to send me a batch of samples. I worked with a brilliant laboratory scientist to culture these samples — and have enough PUF1 to run a little experiment. The test subject was myself. Every morning, I’d take a spoonful. It didn’t taste like much so I washed it down with this tasty berry kombucha I’d just started making at home. I recorded all my experiences in a daily journal. And keeping this journal was fun — because every time I opened it, I had something new and exciting to write down! Like feeling more limber than usual… Getting stronger… Doing longer hikes with my wife… Being even more productive (which is no small feat since I work 7 days a week)… Sleeping better… Going weeks with no digestive trouble… And even losing those last few stubborn pounds left over from lockdown. To feel that good in my 70s was pretty incredible! Simply put, everything was going great… until suddenly, my results leveled off. It was nothing like it was before I started taking PUF1 — but it was still enough to make me sit up and take notice. I waited to see if it would pass. But, unfortunately — as the days progressed, the backslide became more noticeable. “Maybe something happened to my batch of PUF1,” I thought. I took it into the lab and ran some tests, but nothing was wrong with it. Still perfectly viable. Next, I began to analyze my diet. Had I been consuming anything recently that might be harming the results? I looked over every food and drink that had entered my mouth searching for any kind of “trigger food”. I found nothing. Then, it hit me… Maybe it wasn’t something I ADDED. Maybe it was something I TOOK AWAY. At the beginning of every year, I cut back considerably on carbs. It’s part of my annual “New Year’s Resolution” to start the year off healthy and lean. And in the process, I had cut out two things that I didn’t know were amplifying my results! One was the berry kombucha I’d been washing the PUF1 down with. Berry kombucha is a fermented beverage. And as it turns out, the fermentation process releases powerful compounds in the berries called flavonoids.37 Studies have shown these flavonoids are fantastic at promoting the growth of healthy gut bacteria — like PUF1.38 The second food I’d cut out was sweet potatoes. It just so happens that sweet potatoes are rich in amylase — a powerful digestive enzyme.39 Amylase helps your body break down carb-rich foods — like those kombucha berries — and unlock even more nutrients.40 And by consuming these things together, I’d unknowingly created a “superfuel” for PUF1. Needless to say, these discoveries inspired me to upgrade my PUF1 routine. I decided to bring fermented berries back in — this time in a more concentrated powdered form. No carbs or calories! And I added in a broad-spectrum digestive enzyme blend as well. To make things easier, I put all the ingredients together with the PUF1 into little capsules. And I just took two daily. That was it. Two capsules to help achieve a more “youthful” balance in my gut. Once I started this new PUF1 routine — the results came MUCH faster than before. In fact, it wasn’t just my gut anymore — my WHOLE BODY was starting to feel younger! My wife Penny began to actually SEE the changes in me, and it wasn’t long until she wanted to try my regimen for herself. As we both started getting healthier and more active — and looking better — friends and family started to take notice. And their results were similar to ours. They started feeling stronger… Waking up with motivation… Getting more done during the day… And leaning out around the midsection. As it became undeniably clear how much of a breakthrough this PUF1 routine was… And how no one in the world was offering it to the public… I knew I HAD to share this amazing discovery with you and the rest of the Gundry MD family — so people all over the world can finally experience what true health feels like. So without further ado, allow me to officially present to:  Gundry MD® GI ADVANTAGE™  GI Advantage is the first and only PUF1 super formula designed to help mimic the gut profile you had in your prime. And by doing this, it sets off a cascade of benefits throughout your body, so you can enjoy: ✔ More natural energy to do things you love* ✔ A better-supported metabolism that allows more control over your weight* ✔ More mental sharpness ✔ Your body feeling younger, stronger, & more limber* ✔ The ability to eat foods you like without digestive upsets* Basically, name something you enjoyed about feeling young, healthy, and vibrant. That’s what GI Advantage is designed to help you enjoy more of again! Will it literally turn back the clock? No. But can it help you feel better than you ever thought you would again? Absolutely! Plus, you’ll love how easy it is to use: Step 1: You take two capsules a day. Step 2: You start to feel years younger. Simple as that. And better yet? GI Advantage is designed to deliver these results at ANY age. Meaning nobody is considered “too far gone” to see a huge difference. Now if you’re anything like my patients, your immediate reaction after learning about this formula is…  “How can I try GI Advantage for myself?” Well, like I mentioned earlier, this formula will officially go “live” to Gundry MD subscribers on Friday, June 23rd (time TBD). But we only have a limited number of introductory bottles available. That’s why I created a Priority Access List, to give subscribers like you exclusive entrance, BEFORE anyone gets a chance. And {NAME}, as of this morning — I still have an open spot with your name on it. So if you’re even curious about experiencing this ‘younger gut, younger you’ transformation firsthand… Be quick about [applying for Priority Access]( if you haven’t already. Then be sure to look out for my next email. Where I’ll show you what happened when people in my circle started taking GI Advantage as part of a documented experiment. (Seriously, just wait ‘til you see the results!) In the meantime, just imagine. Imagine waking up fresh for the first time in a long time. You’re alert and focused mentally. You feel energetic all day. Your stomach is flat, with no gas or bloating. And with each passing day, you keep feeling better and better. Your loved ones ask you what you’re doing differently. You seem more alive than they’ve seen you in years. You feel more connected to life and more comfortable in your body. These are things most people can only dream of. But with GI Advantage those dreams can become a reality. It’s the FIRST and ONLY formula in the world to feature PUF1. (That’s right, the only one.) And I can’t wait for you to finally experience it for yourself. So mark your calendar for Friday, June 23rd. And be sure to stay tuned for a big update in my next email. ;) Here’s to the future! Looking out for you, Steven Gundry, MD [Steven Gundry, MD] P.S. I know I’ve thrown a lot at you today, but I want to say one last thing: Thank you. Thank you for sharing my enthusiasm for staying on the cutting edge of human health. And thank you for joining me on this incredible journey. After all, Gundry MD subscribers like you are the guiding force behind everything I do here. You inspire me, you help spread the word about my research, you motivate me to keep pushing the boundaries of science, and your emails never fail to brighten my day. You really are my extended family. And with breakthroughs like GI Advantage by our side — I truly believe some of our best years are yet to come!  Sources 1. Radjabzadeh D, Boer CG, Beth SA, et al. Diversity, compositional and functional differences between gut microbiota of children and adults. Sci Rep. 2020; 10 (1): 1040. DOI: . 2. Wein H. 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