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Screw it, it's TUESDAY!


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Tue, Oct 3, 2023 06:01 PM

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Let’s have some fun Marilyn ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏

Let’s have some fun Marilyn ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ~/AASl5QA~/RgRm_tv3P0T8aHR0cDovL2dldGNob25nY2JkLmNvbT91dG1fc291cmNlPUtsYXZpeW8mdXRtX21lZGl1bT1jYW1wYWlnbi1lbWFpbCZ1dG1fY2FtcGFpZ249MTAuMy4yMyUyMC0lMjBUVUVTREFZJTIwJTIzMSUyMCUyODAxSEJWQThYU01UREdLTkQxQzkwSEhWMFZEJTI5JnN1YjE9MDFHR1RWMUpLRjY3NjdaMlIxNjJBMVgzNlEmX2t4PW93aG5RWU0waFd4V18waW9mbU5ucUxyWkFYY3pEMWpKQk1HVnpweUNKZU5Sa1dKWDkxaHIydUIyTG5LLS1oNnIuVnRpalZHVwNzcGNCCmUU91YcZR97MM5SG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAHyQQ~~   Hey Marilyn – it's Tommy... Man, ain't it crazy how much people's expectations have changed in such a short period of time? I mean, when I was on the road, we were just happy to get a post card in a week, now you can get damn-near anything you want with two-day (or even SAME-DAY) shipping! Somehow, we still managed to see our friends more than we do now, even though we'd have to actually go see them. Now, you can just whip up FaceTime and chat anytime you want. Makes me think about this little CBD business... 20 years ago, this would have never been possible for a 85-year old stoner to pull off. But now it is (as long as you have a lot of help!) And speaking of our little company... If you've been around for any amount of time, you'll know one of the things I'm proudest of is building [Tommy Chong's CBD](~/AASl5QA~/RgRm_tv3P0T-aHR0cHM6Ly9nZXRjaG9uZ2NiZC5jb20vP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9S2xhdml5byZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWNhbXBhaWduLWVtYWlsJnV0bV9jYW1wYWlnbj0xMC4zLjIzJTIwLSUyMFRVRVNEQVklMjAlMjMxJTIwJTI4MDFIQlZBOFhTTVRER0tORDFDOTBISFYwVkQlMjkmc3ViMT0wMUdHVFYxSktGNjc2N1oyUjE2MkExWDM2USZfa3g9b3doblFZTTBoV3hXXzBpb2ZtTm5xTHJaQVhjekQxakpCTUdWenB5Q0plTlJrV0pYOTFocjJ1QjJMbkstLWg2ci5WdGlqVkdXA3NwY0IKZRT3VhxlH3swzlIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAfJB) and the amazing team we have here. From our incredible Rock Stars, to the marketing folks down in the office, to Steve on the computers, there's nothing like a small business. America is built on em'! Which of course... brings me to our old friend, Jeff Bezos and his tiny little company Amazon (maybe you've heard of it)? Now, don’t get me wrong. I’ve actually got heaps of respect for folks like Bezos. You gotta admit, Amazon is pretty incredible. Plus, I've talked to plenty of small business folks who thrive selling on their site. But when it comes to these massive companies in general, sometimes they squeeze the little guys out. And I'm not so keen on that. I mean c'mon, man! Jeff's got enough green to go to space! Between you and me though, my version of green has been taking me to space since the ’70s, and for a lot cheaper than building a rocket! But I digress... If you've been getting these dispatches for any length of time, then you might remember a little something we did last year and the year before... You see, speaking of 'ol Jeff, I got a little peeved a couple years back when he up and moved his made-up holiday "Prime Day" to October... (For some reason, we were all busy in April 2020 and didn't have time to buy toasters...) Well, the next year, when he did it again, I decided to make up a little holiday of my own as a little "protest" of sorts. We called it the "Screw it, it's Tuesday!" sale. And then the damnedest thing happened... Everyone loved it! And the following year (last year) I said "Hey, Bezos ain't the only guy who can keep his made up holidays going year after year..." so we did another "Screw it, It's Tuesday!" And you'll never guess what happened... Yep! Everyone loved it again. So, I bet you can't guess what we're doing this year.... Ok. You got me... You're to damn smart for your 'ol Uncle Tommy sometimes... (What gave it away? The fact that it's Tuesday?) Anyway, here's the deal, just because it’s Tuesday and I love to hook you up, let’s have ourselves another "Screw It, It's Tuesday" Sale. Just feels right, doesn't it? Use the code TUESDAY and get yourself 30% off anything you need. Whether it's [Cruise Chews](~/AASl5QA~/RgRm_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~~), [Good Vibes](~/AASl5QA~/RgRm_tv3P4Q2AWh0dHBzOi8vZ2V0Y2hvbmdjYmQuY29tL3N0b3JlL3RvbW15LWNob25ncy1nb29kLXZpYmVzLWVuZXJneS10aW5jdHVyZS0yLXBhY2sucGhwP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9S2xhdml5byZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWNhbXBhaWduLWVtYWlsJnV0bV9jYW1wYWlnbj0xMC4zLjIzJTIwLSUyMFRVRVNEQVklMjAlMjMxJTIwJTI4MDFIQlZBOFhTTVRER0tORDFDOTBISFYwVkQlMjkmc3ViMT0wMUdHVFYxSktGNjc2N1oyUjE2MkExWDM2USZfa3g9b3doblFZTTBoV3hXXzBpb2ZtTm5xTHJaQVhjekQxakpCTUdWenB5Q0plTlJrV0pYOTFocjJ1QjJMbkstLWg2ci5WdGlqVkdXA3NwY0IKZRT3VhxlH3swzlIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAfJB), [Nice Dreams](~/AASl5QA~/RgRm_tv3P4Q2AWh0dHBzOi8vZ2V0Y2hvbmdjYmQuY29tL3N0b3JlL3RvbW15LWNob25ncy1uaWNlLWRyZWFtcy1zbGVlcC10aW5jdHVyZS0yLXBhY2sucGhwP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9S2xhdml5byZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWNhbXBhaWduLWVtYWlsJnV0bV9jYW1wYWlnbj0xMC4zLjIzJTIwLSUyMFRVRVNEQVklMjAlMjMxJTIwJTI4MDFIQlZBOFhTTVRER0tORDFDOTBISFYwVkQlMjkmc3ViMT0wMUdHVFYxSktGNjc2N1oyUjE2MkExWDM2USZfa3g9b3doblFZTTBoV3hXXzBpb2ZtTm5xTHJaQVhjekQxakpCTUdWenB5Q0plTlJrV0pYOTFocjJ1QjJMbkstLWg2ci5WdGlqVkdXA3NwY0IKZRT3VhxlH3swzlIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAfJB), or any of our other CBD goodies, it's on sale over at [](~/AASl5QA~/RgRm_tv3P0T-aHR0cHM6Ly9nZXRjaG9uZ2NiZC5jb20vP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9S2xhdml5byZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWNhbXBhaWduLWVtYWlsJnV0bV9jYW1wYWlnbj0xMC4zLjIzJTIwLSUyMFRVRVNEQVklMjAlMjMxJTIwJTI4MDFIQlZBOFhTTVRER0tORDFDOTBISFYwVkQlMjkmc3ViMT0wMUdHVFYxSktGNjc2N1oyUjE2MkExWDM2USZfa3g9b3doblFZTTBoV3hXXzBpb2ZtTm5xTHJaQVhjekQxakpCTUdWenB5Q0plTlJrV0pYOTFocjJ1QjJMbkstLWg2ci5WdGlqVkdXA3NwY0IKZRT3VhxlH3swzlIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAfJB) Plus, when you support our little bid'ness, you help out this old stoner keep the lights on. Who knows, maybe one day I might even build my own spaceship (Tommy’s Galactic Express, anyone)? If I do, you'll be the first to get the invite! Keep on keepin' on, Peace and love, [Tommy Signature] Tommy Chong     [Facebook](~/AASl5QA~/RgRm_tv3P4QUAWh0dHA6Ly93d3cuZmFjZWJvb2suY29tL2dyb3Vwcy90b21teXNhcm15Z3JvdXA_dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1LbGF2aXlvJnV0bV9tZWRpdW09Y2FtcGFpZ24tZW1haWwmdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPTEwLjMuMjMlMjAtJTIwVFVFU0RBWSUyMCUyMzElMjAlMjgwMUhCVkE4WFNNVERHS05EMUM5MEhIVjBWRCUyOSZzdWIxPTAxR0dUVjFKS0Y2NzY3WjJSMTYyQTFYMzZRJl9reD1vd2huUVlNMGhXeFdfMGlvZm1ObnFMclpBWGN6RDFqSkJNR1Z6cHlDSmVOUmtXSlg5MWhyMnVCMkxuSy0taDZyLlZ0aWpWR1cDc3BjQgplFPdWHGUfezDOUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAB8kE~) [Instagram](~/AASl5QA~/RgRm_tv3P4QMAWh0dHA6Ly93d3cuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS9oZXl0b21teWNob25nP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9S2xhdml5byZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWNhbXBhaWduLWVtYWlsJnV0bV9jYW1wYWlnbj0xMC4zLjIzJTIwLSUyMFRVRVNEQVklMjAlMjMxJTIwJTI4MDFIQlZBOFhTTVRER0tORDFDOTBISFYwVkQlMjkmc3ViMT0wMUdHVFYxSktGNjc2N1oyUjE2MkExWDM2USZfa3g9b3doblFZTTBoV3hXXzBpb2ZtTm5xTHJaQVhjekQxakpCTUdWenB5Q0plTlJrV0pYOTFocjJ1QjJMbkstLWg2ci5WdGlqVkdXA3NwY0IKZRT3VhxlH3swzlIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAfJB) Don't Want These Emails? All Good Man! [Unsubscribe](~/AASl5QA~/RgRm_tv3P0SoaHR0cHM6Ly9tYW5hZ2Uua21haWwtbGlzdHMuY29tL3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMvdW5zdWJzY3JpYmU_YT1WdGlqVkcmYz0wMUdHVFYxSktGNjc2N1oyUjE2MkExWDM2USZrPTI2NDdmZjIzZGVjZmQ4NjY3ZWM4ZmNlZjQ4OGY3ZDM3Jm09MDFIQlZBOFlXUEVDMVhLUzQ2U0pQNTBKTjcmcj1YWnJrMkQ2VwNzcGNCCmUU91YcZR97MM5SG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAHyQQ~~) Send All Love Letters & Hate Mail Here: Tommy Chong's CBD 274 S 700 W Pleasant Grove, UT 84062

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