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🏖️ Ditch your 9-5 and chill at the beach


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Sun, May 5, 2024 02:18 PM

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It’s possible today more than ever Building an e-commerce brand is often referred to as the per

It’s possible today more than ever [fdrlogo] Hey {NAME}, Did you daydream when you were a child? What happened to those? The sad reality is… Most people have had their childhood dreams killed by the age of 40. By who? By well-meaning parents, the rigid society, and workaholic bosses. But the truth is…it’s never been easier to build a business that helps you thrive without sacrificing the zest of your everyday life. [That’s why we love ecommerce! ❤️](113/d2H9Nt04/VWyWN097HNxVW7BywY41zGzr1W24t7JB5dKzfVN2v9B1n5nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3lSW36rsn176c0x-W4zDXS442kDwYW44JgJY71pVmbN5ZFswCl2rkWW1WRWGt6cd5VjW8l9C5M309VGzW4_nkbR56hv9MW6X-LKx1y4sWMW9hSxY84PXxHtW7g9Tc33y3k5vW3KR62v7jKnWyVXsbWQ31C5s6W6B9gDD4PjQZ6VjwSm32TLDx5W2v1L7m4Vvn0PW5s9my-1xKlrlW87BHwG5Plg4yW69dM8V1bTYV1W6RH60K6XngKdW7z-JCq3yMCsMVHrJcT42ZCJkW5GtZBt50hc1RN4mwrHCK25_mW2zHJ-X3t8JZ_VqBK4k6XB9GxVF0qfw4lrYvfW2rpqNQ7fYkXvW2SLSKN163t_NVSx0y-7rgY_1W22mKbp7LF8HJVQkKYn1CzcLhW8J7sd948fFPrN5-sldkqk_MSW4wQzG54ws2R0f6VRw5q04) Building an e-commerce brand is often referred to as the perfect lifestyle business. Because while others sacrifice their best years saving for a “someday maybe” retirement, when they start checking things off their bucket list only to find their body’s full of aches and pains... You can build a dream business that also lets you live your dream life...right now. Want to run your business from Thailand for the next month? Book your flight and go. Want to work from 8am to noon then go skiing the rest of the day? Done. Want to create generational wealth and build as big as you can? No problem. Selling products online allows you to finally stop trading time for money… It allows you to make money in your sleep (like for real) as people from all over the world buy your products whether you’re at your desk or at the beach... And it allows you to have more freedom and free time to spend in whatever way you choose. That’s exactly what happened to some of our students... Renee found a “weird” skincare ingredient while living on a secluded island and used this exact framework to make $12,000 in a single day… Reever, a young first-time entrepreneur who rejected the corporate path, turned his struggles with acne and gut health into a brand that made $500,000 in its first year… And Derek, a 71-year-old dentist, made his very first sale with no online marketing experience whatsoever! This is what e-commerce can offer—a business that thrives without you having to work your ass off (and def not for a boss who takes you for granted.) When you master e-commerce, you’re no longer chained to your work desk. You can finally enjoy the freedom and flexibility of the ecommerce lifestyle. With our courses, you can gain access to the tools, strategies, and support network you need to succeed without sacrifice. Courses like… [Instagram Domination](113/d2H9Nt04/VWyWN097HNxVW7BywY41zGzr1W24t7JB5dKzfVN2v9B1n5nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3m6W7_BhnH4FhPB9W81B84q4KLC4tW233Kt61d8Vj4W7bWtzS8FrMRRV-P_n-3r-vHtVW69bq15HY9CW1dQFJg8SGqWtW4sDJ-P14sZgxW4Y8zj07XjFWhW2vR3QR4MNclMW5vLc5W7zGlQfVDrcZ55wy1kCN1k3MK46L93VW1ncCT-7TbvqgW2Fh_H11-TPtCW6WbhWt6Xb03ZW1Z4Kcg5JN6lqN43MCHZwP1-lV6_DxJ5DV-jLW3xGnC62ggXTmW4WCVDC6zBdX7W10wM3V4M7qgxW7nDGC57WXG6wW6dpcH43RDq41W5WVHnP23XbmZW8sYBbQ3cJ5VMW5CjryN4SKNKPN93X9by5wWkxW5BsS3W5bCdvSW4fbTZX8vSzmJW6rGJs1354w3_N36D4Z85VRpjW4T4ddL5-563SW3P59v880WFk7f40x_sx04) which shows you how to build a loyal following… Or [Start & Scale](113/d2H9Nt04/VWyWN097HNxVW7BywY41zGzr1W24t7JB5dKzfVN2v9B1n5nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3mTW7d-_-32KX0wjW1zchLQ5DfVMyW4WYRHk1b0PdjW2sPwxb9k5bPcW99dl0B4zrqc_W2NHWV37DCqdvW27YtjB8-_G0vN3dHrwPBLJTGW7xTrkj78Nhz4W47f5G68F8z_sW83FG0j4NVRxvW6yfrpW57V0HjW2Ww-T77X6RPbW23ZHxL2wkwx_W5JQ1KS8gydPYW46Hj2j6mvZYBW7-CtJR6_2MT_W32SF_f29yLNFW1MFJ6H5SV_cjW1JmTrz6DFSxVW42SJ0w3vhL4sW6CmW8Y4CHMJ4W6LWMWY5g8wL1W8c2mm04LyXWGN1h1X_VX_mjgW3-0qW5350ZWJW7V8HYF5L1rxYN3rg8w930S87N1DhK7JF1hPhW3Cd7Zy5WHx2RW2X-VDL4NKdFjW1f3_XJ6nfdS1W1MjGs22JjXdBW6r9pKh5fWD_Qdc7F6x04) that takes you step-by-step on building a highly valued e-commerce brand… Or [Product Sourcing Blueprint](113/d2H9Nt04/VWyWN097HNxVW7BywY41zGzr1W24t7JB5dKzfVN2v9B1n5nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3kGW1GSf3_5h1GMjW6Gk2-v9jdf5xW7BF6lW8qXWXvw579y9VLrqW6b0tHw1Hs0VYW3twK1L5FsmyLW2jkDK56xb_nMW1TwF156DSwwqW7ZW9SX4dc5jqW7FQXbC15WvNfVFL_Rl1QsYw3VL6_V25g9q8TW3xDqp18yldJSW7CV0Lb98T31LN4pl9YmXQgZDW8S5kXP7_rdG2W4Y3d3Y6LxhDqW1_8K528Q_KtXW6clgb924ZQ8YW8w9-968ctJyNW4GVd2s7fz6QHN70Q3JBTr-G2N1gpzpjNStNcW8xQRh72xjHPGW5-skFQ3MwQt6VsZTbN65Yw9jW1wn0B06NWwnPW8vFsHk5jW37KW3L-MyB16CL30W37hmlM3gzbV1W2fKBR794wGnGW7VBrP34tSw5qW54t79F5pWyXCW8MzmYB8N46Rbf2cgBKC04) that gives you insider secrets on how to source world-class products like a pro… Or [Social Media Monetization](113/d2H9Nt04/VWyWN097HNxVW7BywY41zGzr1W24t7JB5dKzfVN2v9B1n5nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3llW6xsDmx8Yz--tW5gvzfy9kprftW8XgpHS7jZC3vW999F-Y4cWGk0W7dTGY06qYbjcVjbpBv44dh7_W2qrMBp8Gyq_KW5mdDcn3CXm7XW4s6NHZ289lS9W5RcMSv962ZTWW4jzzJ-82S_fcW8jDzCZ1bJxRvVRN9HC68kGSkW4nyljC2CPlwPW5Zc_FY7rdbFJW2WlfWt1XcdtNVf9gXs31099CW36K4Sw3K3PSfN1XHRNqkGlrlW64_DQQ2mx6dDW592N875tH_sqW3LZkDT1X04xCW5HGG8s7m4yjxW7Wf24Z3whK2FVGBK9k7Fjd5gN1l-Bp8bCyxbW33l_rn8GH_CFW6lc8FS4TqjtxW8Dd8sW6mBKyhW8Zs0bg5nSDsTW3rKqRr3RJPwGW6dT2n98cYNSgW31KwF74VwL0nW5Nn6Qv8wFrMndlnCS204) that helps you crush social media and explode your brand without spending a single dime on ads… And so many more… For the next few days, [you can get our top ecommerce courses for 75% off, or bundle it with a 6-month Foundr+ membership for 85% off.](113/d2H9Nt04/VWyWN097HNxVW7BywY41zGzr1W24t7JB5dKzfVN2v9B1n5nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3njW5xxp-q1J52zSW78VKb32p1vQjW2VWprP69zJP8W6V5fgQ3sTGrKW6HggyF6dzSxPW5687Tz6THxP3W1TRJnw2dsBjHW5CfygK1CRFsyW9g79m96h3jjvW3DyL9J7gl8zmW1T_zkk4rSK7LVjjtCM8qCrpcW6FqY-g9k9K-0W2DYQ445bTqdQW2VwMBc62CHxxN8F-lGJvSL5TW2cNv622WGfNhW4RM59T5Lz1jjW3gSFqw58wd3SVj4Nfv5DymYrW48wR_26xCBX8VH4DHt7lYdHQW2kVK8f8RDMDxVhFZmb7XLckkW5hdNcx91cQnWW8mqhG91Y_jLgW48hx4q57Mns2W7SWjxT6QPzkGW1P_G3F1QQSQjN40vB0PHGLZWW6HqX_R4r3M8CW8BFr3_6-VLjbW4Yd6wR3n2_55N6kCvq_VQNq9f9jmkmY04) The membership includes: - Customized Learning: Get instant unlimited access to over 1,000 lessons, templates, and guides in a customized learning pathway that helps you unlock your goals faster. - Community Support: Engage with over 30,000 founders for real-time advice, feedback and support. This is the best motivation you need to get started and dream big. - Weekly Mentorship Sessions: Every week, join a world-class e-commerce mentor on a live group coaching and Q&A session to get you up to speed on what’s working right now. - Exclusive Discounts: No matter what stage you’re in the business, you can save on your software costs with the Startup Tools where you get exclusive access to deals on 200+ essential software services and tools. This itself is worth more than the price of the membership. - 90-Day Success Guarantee: We’re so confident that you’ll see real, measurable results in your e-commerce journey when you follow the customized learning pathway. That’s why you also get the 90-day success guarantee. There’s nothing to lose but everything to gain! Don't wait for "someday" to start living. Make today the day you choose freedom and fulfillment. Click below to get started. [Save up to 85%](113/d2H9Nt04/VWyWN097HNxVW7BywY41zGzr1W24t7JB5dKzfVN2v9B1n5nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3l3W2JqpBK1VrgfmW21Hyck96vTJJW38C8yW28sc4rW36r7vS3VcdpBN9k6hLK2XTGfW5K5Bw71-lvlCW7fKFL688Fr0QW5ffX2H7qBl4XVxhb403_xhhlW6zqn9V8kFkK5N7Q1Lm38CZ7gW6_h5wL4dYk6jW4PYYKP966hWTW4LrcVX12_SSxW4CgFW46g4vt5W5tjMmY1GSrtFW46jjBy7tJ4bHW5pKPWH2kCfgtW5WSFy62pdgYQW1v_HGV6GtHl-W8KzyCw38vcS2W7ddjqk5rDVl5W5DMgJR3NRptCW8TQkYc5hy6gBW981sMw39XBF1W3ZGQ7w3Y8XDLW7rT5cx5JYTRqW9g4gkS4XjtfPVLSzRl8kwmVXN6zM53qW2N-FW9k6ljS6qtS0WVW487z9hmJtjW2vtQfg3Ky4xwW3Rnp8j53wWksf8JJ2cz04) Let’s make it happen together, Nathan Chan CEO, P.S. Ask anyone who’s started and succeeded with their own business and nearly all of them will say the same thing… I wish I had started sooner! [Are you going to start now](113/d2H9Nt04/VWyWN097HNxVW7BywY41zGzr1W24t7JB5dKzfVN2v9B1n5nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3ksVzmf4N3CfPsWW5zbyhr8vKlNZW4-XSQf3MBnfhW1RyQB84f2cqfVZrPC-6dZC6bW9hxsY15XSkyjW5b8Bk_1ljXw8W1xHZBw6YBjTCW5QDkQ723DNB_W6GKrF94Jn-x-W8Q6khc7fybD2W4pxzb77YGbsXW8wPQy0667rhlN7F7FT5l0vw7W2Wb8ST351W9sVfPlxD4gcywDVY4wJN8D5Jc4W6C7hGQ954hD4W7csGYf2N2ZbzN2r0YJjYxVCQW8kgK3C5tcRRcW5mCXQs5MTDBBW8fL2kp2T3-nqW7BDQRn35DwQrW7M8YB95MR8ZCW4YSS1y71FsjwW9f77Ts74dy89W2wyZLS2NSlG1W5r0yVP31l-vyW6PGRWW8twkm3M3HSqdcQ0DmW1s1hxY6-5YcVW5_6gsd222hXDW4kdfQr3pKYp1f8kq0CC04) or wait for the perfect opportunity that never arrives? For less than a cup of coffee a day, you can build your dream business with the foundr+ membership. And right now, you can get it free for 6 months when you get one of our top ecommerce courses at 85% less. [Why wait? See all the details of our spring deal here](113/d2H9Nt04/VWyWN097HNxVW7BywY41zGzr1W24t7JB5dKzfVN2v9B1n5nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3p3W6wykYZ4MCRMdN3R7LnQR0KqDW3ncMqb7MjcX0N2QSW0GdvXCgW8ZVRLd46xs5YVm79wf8cp3bPW5ddjz_7mDHVtW4lw6tW57fKrZW4wDvZf4MhXwsW5GyCxy5Bf4zXW5jsRgK475svpW76rXHT7xQ-fqW100Nhp8djyS6W5nF9n65Wrr9KW4tdx1b5fL_GdVqvj7588RSdHW5PwgFF7zL_3yW7FmZz8327VN-W2jVNJ26TWM-kW543K1c41jzq3W1tYh2F944b6wW6y0n9g1F3Jx6W8Xn25g60G2RrW7lsf-n3PKRrTW4ydDfp2P3LvXVPPlcw130BRqVywv986xsYt3W47w0Z08sCwLcW2rYjNJ1y0kDXW7xzBck6Bst7tW2FDsgT9jQ5cpW8CNmp26kjQs2W8Rf-H86FHN_4W8ltnZV1jp000f1clxhK04) This email was sent to {EMAIL} by You opted in by signing up or receiving an epic gift from us. Foundr Media Pty Ltd Level 1, South Yarra, VIC, 3141, AU [Unsubscribe from All Emails]( | [Manage Subscriptions](

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