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Match expiring: don’t leave wolves to suffer and die


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Mon, Apr 22, 2024 09:06 PM

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Friend, I’m reaching out with an urgent Earth Day alert: majestic gray wolves are at a tipping

Friend, I’m reaching out with an urgent Earth Day alert: majestic gray wolves are at a tipping point. [ONLY 7 HOURS TO MATCH YOUR GIFT BEFORE EARTH DAY ENDS]( Friend, I’m reaching out with an urgent Earth Day alert: majestic gray wolves are at a tipping point. This vulnerable species and their lands are under vicious attack by hunters that want to kill indiscriminately and Big Polluters that want to destroy their habitats for profit. And we're seeing these attacks play out in real time. Three precious wolf pups were heartlessly SHOT TO DEATH on the Wyoming border. These babies were part of Colorado’s first wild-born litter in more than 80 YEARS. They were a symbol of hope for this dwindling species’ recovery. But trophy hunters deliberately targeted these wolves and drew them out of their protected zone – right into the crosshairs of their guns. Now, with the trophy hunting lobby attacking legal protections for our LAST surviving wolves, helpless pups and their entire packs across the country are in a dire situation. Trophy hunters aren’t alone in attacking our nation’s wolves and the federal laws that are keeping them from EXTINCTION. Dirty industries like mining, logging and Big Oil are pooling their resources and launching an all-out attack on wolves and their habitats. If they get their way, one of the strongest tools we have to defend biodiversity – the Endangered Species Act – could be seriously weakened, and massive ecological destruction could be unleashed. Friends of the Earth is fighting back to protect the Endangered Species Act so that gray wolves and other critical wildlife can thrive. We won't sit back while bloodthirsty hunters and their Big Polluter allies risk our wildlife, our forests and our fragile climate for the sake of “fun” and short-term profits. That’s why this Earth Day, a group of donors is MATCHING every gift up to our crucial $90,000 goal so we can keep up the fight to protect vulnerable species, our communities, and the only Earth we’ll ever get. But our deadline is midnight tomorrow! We know you’re a committed supporter of our work for the planet. That’s why we’re counting on you to help give us the best chance of reaching our goal. We even created a custom link so we can see your personal impact immediately. [Please, will you rush your $10 gift – while $10 becomes $20 – to help protect vulnerable wildlife and our planet while we still can?]( [EARTH DAY MATCH ACCESS FOR {EMAIL}]( Gray wolves have been suffering senseless slaughter for too long. When federal protections for gray wolves were slashed in 2020, trophy hunters slaughtered hundreds of wolves in just a few days! Now they can be LEGALLY shot in their natural habitat if they cross into wolf-hostile states like Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service isn’t doing enough to protect our wolves. We urgently need to strengthen the Endangered Species Act so we can fight the brutal attacks on our wolves. Otherwise, Big Polluters will mine, log, and drill our planet to the edge of destruction. That’s why hitting our $90,000 Earth Day goal is so important, and we can’t afford to fall short. The just and sustainable world we want is within reach – if we fight together. We’re reaching out to you specifically because we know you understand how high the stakes are for vulnerable wildlife, our planet, and all its inhabitants. When you make your membership gift today, it will be matched dollar for dollar – and you’ll be ensuring that we can keep the pressure on key decision-makers, fight to put a stop to endless corporate pollution, and protect our planet before it’s too late. Time is running out for gray wolf pups and their packs, so we have to make this Earth Day count. So please, rush your membership gift to Friends of the Earth now and make TWICE the impact to help protect vulnerable wildlife and our planet before Earth Day ends at midnight tonight! [MAKE YOUR EARTH DAY GIFT NOW TO MAKE DOUBLE THE IMPACT]( Standing with you, Raena Garcia Senior Fossil Fuels and Lands Campaigner, Friends of the Earth Contact Us: Friends of the Earth U.S. Washington, D.C. | Berkeley, CA PO Box 7010 Merrifield, VA 22116-7010 1-877-843-8687 [Contact us]( Email Preferences: [Click here to unsubscribe]( Learn more: Connect: [Facebook]( [Twitter]( [Flickr]( © 2023, Friends of the Earth. All Rights Reserved. [supporter]

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