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March Product Update: AI Recommender 2.0 + Deal Origination Service + Multi LOI + more...


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Fri, Mar 24, 2023 06:27 PM

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Discover Flippa's newly launched Deal Origination Service that offers the most comprehensive online

Discover Flippa's newly launched Deal Origination Service that offers the most comprehensive online business M&A solution globally. [View in browser](113/d2q1V504/VW2Ylh4LlV_zW6FBLWD7D6kBhW15bp5B4YxrrlMSn_mL5nCTJV3Zsc37CgPzQN63pkBV8bFFxW249PfX3lSGpXW1hRBsw8QCrlZW7V59YZ2m9v6sW7Dxkv31wF-NbN5FHL-zT6Z31W6gdnZl8pYD-vW8DKLjv5PwwSzW7Dk72542CWvHW5mRPGn8w2JjQW4R_gzC4GCbF-W27GQ_v8-CKbyW82f26l2gCsh3W8L8sq-7Kv4VFW3GKkcz8SkMkmN2rC4V0dKCmDVRh_3L1mrDZSW3Yd0VY8Jbj93W61WzmB62405rW6v-SYx56LF5wW4_rqw76RT22QN4w99g-r8H9BW7Lp97x74M5WJW394qfc3yTTcpW3SNgXK34gjk9W6n5TyC6zTydTW4_w4lQ1b90jHW6rP8Xp359mZJW8tnjRL6hz3qTVkk-dN8RyKv9W6YqYcD71n4W_N1_Hnk8nH9d2325Q1) [Email Header Daily] [Get a Valuation](113/d2q1V504/VW2Ylh4LlV_zW6FBLWD7D6kBhW15bp5B4YxrrlMSn_nk3hpP1V1-WJV7CgMM7W5sdn418Kqld0N7y2Fy6xntWgW5NVzDP3GlLV2W1pXrjS13T_nGW6Zc-zc1J6JqLN7rRnNgbs0lTW238ch07Z4ykxW7tFHR_8L5QxsW3qkVdM9lmGSCW63YszF6Hf90KW4jlt2w53T9fsW1gR-HM3jv24tN5zHkMQVf48HW1Zm8t-9cVMzgW3_wG5K3XQSf9W5gmNbx7ShrdfW1Cn4V75RzRDmW3hRDSg6-S73zW8-8Mdw490G0_VR7vwS7fRs2b3lZJ1) [Search](113/d2q1V504/VW2Ylh4LlV_zW6FBLWD7D6kBhW15bp5B4YxrrlMSn_nk3hpP1V1-WJV7CgF4SW8-5fB27-3V7mN8Q-0VPKkN6XVMM-Z74yjj74W3NL19D3n3h-SW8Vg0Ft2fySsdW7Q9bd023HW-FW3GpZTR3Mg-HnW3G9KMx22M9wRN6vCGbvKCYbwW7MrPl-4r6w4pW5rQv2737DQslN74NS5RGhth4W1xKk2W6gCfS7W4fdLSy1C9Y-JW7Qs36j55w85DW5JS8-c7yHGtPN8r6HRw9dfGTW7sSgFy1J07m4W1143rX8kfdHZW1HT4q51BcbXG39q01) [Blog](113/d2q1V504/VW2Ylh4LlV_zW6FBLWD7D6kBhW15bp5B4YxrrlMSn_nk3hpP1V1-WJV7CgGXzW7MJS2W30t8jYW8SXskc2Rh_myW92QyZ8233WF9W3vyCtg8Kpc4LV5KTTt68wjW4W3-7-Xm5T1j2SW4gw-293c6swCW71hYQ87VVL6-W3qB5ks9bzJBzW3WQH0k6k0ygjW96Q74-25mKMNW9jwtNF7zJJK2W1vWsDW8Mfb6sVLPg7W9kfbrqN3VrDMxbcxzDW8rJbK43qxCPzVnCMK35nFHJxN2bhcNvKkND5W648TNT71HG8LW5-2BdM3f02GG3bwh1) MARCH PRODUCT UPDATE 1. AI Recommender 2.0 Less than 8-weeks after releasing the world’s first AI matching engine for online business M&A, we have pushed out Version 2. Remind me, what’s so important about this product? Using cutting edge machine-learning, we have developed a system that matches buyers with quality vetted listings picked specifically for them by leveraging the latent (or hidden) intent of their actions and behavior which informs their preference. [Group 1042](113/d2q1V504/VW2Ylh4LlV_zW6FBLWD7D6kBhW15bp5B4YxrrlMSn_nX3q3nJV1-WJV7CgFbzW5Gw7R647BjmSW8JHhxT5ssBz7W3gsJB86qCV0cW2FLxwP5qWYsSW4bT2gJ8-83_DW6nJ-N47G0pWRW5ZFt7M7Pj9vYW26_3bw5hs_2GW3qB_Fs2xXdJ_W1P6JRs1nC-MWN42QtrG125Z7N2dYyyfN2H6wW1v0PJ24K53fvW2PQhxs4Q7cYFW4vWtZ33dbzMSW4hV72G8qVhd7W2VBYg76nCb5PW84Q_408Fgl8VW2NHFB48mKfCsW8m09ll2DYG4zW78MW6r7Mg7D1W1dfFBK1B7PGZW3RLH8k336YLMW2nTT9t2-K9ck2Y71) For sellers, this effectively answers the question, who would buy my business? The tool also puts business owners, advisors and brokers in control. The platform serves up the buyers and you pick who to invite into the deal. In Version 2, we have made substantial improvements: More node features At the heart of our recommender system is a Graph Neural Network (GNN). In our graph, we have two very important node types - buyers and businesses. Over time, we have gotten better at describing these nodes and their feature sets have expanded. We now also include text embeddings into the matching logic - looking at rich chat and messaging data to understand intent. More listings Initially the recommender was only available for listings with value over $100k and up to $10MM in value. Since then we have lowered this requirement to $25,000 - opening up the power of the feature to so many more. More accuracy We track the results of our recommendation system in real time. Over time we've watched our metrics improve across the board. Precision is up, NDCG (a measure of relevance) and the depth and breadth of the matches is expanding in real-time. The initial 8-weeks since launch has yielded: - 10,168 buy-side invites - 3,167 incremental deal negotiations - 8 LOI’s - 2 Deals done Learn more at: [](113/d2q1V504/VW2Ylh4LlV_zW6FBLWD7D6kBhW15bp5B4YxrrlMSn_nX3q3nJV1-WJV7CgY1JW8Hy4CG6MWjlsW15SfCT1jy4vRW8KfYYS2txBy-Mrd9xPrCJ2qV6Tkrv473Vw5W6bvHrv8YyzGtW88mzTn96BTJnW6F97g16FWDwdW1Kk0Nq2-0c2tW58JPzp1Pk4zHW2m-NKV91S_0jW6blzWB70l1LHV91YGj3phfDZW5bcRyk69yFktW385s821W-vgWW61G1pb2XqdSmW93jLRB3KGqBpMqVjMWWwfJDW6VJljT3VS6BBW1J9XF38X8yGFN68_k4_rmZK-W3RtQCw8sTj85W4LhlX_1yp_5QW35tPxy3XKrhn3gYd1) 2. Deal Origination As a managed marketplace, we combine our rich technology capability - matching, data and insights on 100’s of thousands of digital businesses - with world class advisory to offer the most comprehensive online business M&A solution globally. This has expanded this week with the formal launch of our deal origination service. [Group 1043](113/d2q1V504/VW2Ylh4LlV_zW6FBLWD7D6kBhW15bp5B4YxrrlMSn_nX3q3nJV1-WJV7CgWJ7W3Gh-Zk8fVxVhN5C7VcvgdXgVN6Zl7yrj6vW-N3YcbRR_Cxn6W32QQZw4JCGsfW74Bkzp87lD8SW3Q2qTW8P6ZZLW9hcFw098WwC7W4KJX0T7w2jR8W7DGHlB4Qffn0W2VMQXZ2yFrZ2W7659vF6drj7WM7xHdgStN-HW91QXWZ8t-xV5N1FbdYk44c42TKzDT1pgX4xW324bWx1sPWTDW2GjVWH9bFLW2W5319Q92r-X7JW7464TG2lwSQYW8sK2817jfrjwW2f4h7f6nrWwHW5-Fb055qJ3g0W5Fry-q13j8_d3pCZ1) The service enables buyers - private equity, funds, aggregators and corporate buyers - the opportunity to tap into our off market database of 100’s of thousands of business owners, their businesses and insights. Our team then takes on the mandate, conducts market research, identifies targets and prepares deal briefings to ensure your search effort is best optimized. It’s been in testing for sometime. This is what they are saying - I put in front of them a monumental task: to track down an obscure market, direct-to-consumer vertical and the companies associated with it to bring me buy-side deals. Not only did they bring me deals, but the deals have now become integrated into our ecosystem. I couldn’t recommend the team at Flippa more for their consistency, adherence to best practices, and for how they assisted us in gaining market share through acquisition. Ryan Niddel CEO of MIT45 Learn more at [](113/d2q1V504/VW2Ylh4LlV_zW6FBLWD7D6kBhW15bp5B4YxrrlMSn_nX3q3nJV1-WJV7CgJlqW73-8D63KM-RYW5_cQh-3CTfZFW995FBy6VsTY2W5rk7cC1kc7m_W2N4WM27SRvGCW2jj1vG7rLT8pN5SJ95_7J832W5FDj8K3WpcsFW1MjCnK61smJ7W2_D1yK310BqNW1Wx13F808wVNW8vVkJz17ZxcLW2CBRlV5lPBgvW2KZFDf3bcz1fW3wv5S_73l3_hW2SFFJf8-sh8MW6LXrdG6wDJb_W42GckZ36gmL8N7Z006ByR2NfW6bpVVq50rGx_W4dZYpT7gG9vdW27BwDL3hT4JTW1Y3vMl3tJ41fW5qCFlm3MvwkV3nqx1) 3. Multi LOI Getting more than one offer gives you bargaining power and transparency. Our new multi. Letter of Intent feature combines what we know about a buyer's intent to solicit for LOI’s on your behalf. Once you have more than one, the deal room showcases LOI terms side-by-side. Pick the one that works best for you! [Group 1044-1] 4. Embedded DD We’ve been offering due diligence for some time now. You can find it here but this service is now embedded within the deal room. Simply look for the ‘Due Diligence’ tab, pick the service you want and the team will take it from there. Our analysts are experts with CPA’s and digital marketing experts on staff providing a forensic view of how a business operates, its strengths and weaknesses. [Group 1045] 5. Off Market Not new but growing. We continue to map the digital ecosystem with our Off Market now mapping 73,000 businesses; and for each, we sit on tech, contact and traffic data. We’ve mapped the ownership and transfer of ownership and can help you do the deals you want… This combined with the deal origination service mentioned above puts deal flow at your fingertips. Learn more at: [](113/d2q1V504/VW2Ylh4LlV_zW6FBLWD7D6kBhW15bp5B4YxrrlMSn_nX3q3nJV1-WJV7Cg-sgV-MQhn4QP9V3W29B8ZW7gVVBTN4YlXVbJ8Wd1W2xVSXv4h2pH0W3Nt1mk7GfCMnW3-Y-8J2yVSkBW1p9tTb3bD6DjW2twm827J-tMpW3WQffm4b22mYW51_rq-7RV7-yN6W3r8Rcq2v_W4QqJkj2ncqMFN7711ll35K2QVW3KMG3YYvpdW11CQDF40cxd-W932cDJ9dXlywW6jwgZn4tQ4lxVslZy017z-LsW41j3Cr73L8rDW4FhV_35gqvxnW6lxsCn8DkfGrMgXHvgQQ_nBN3_P5H1CnNj8W3vgYY77T5bGR34vP1) [Group 1046](113/d2q1V504/VW2Ylh4LlV_zW6FBLWD7D6kBhW15bp5B4YxrrlMSn_nX3q3nJV1-WJV7CgZR-MQjPHtFflk7VKZ55x7yQz27N7r4x36cp4TQW3nzlyv65Spg4W48fdMW5M9BwjW2p68yQ9c4zBGW3_4rw_4XLPdtW4f2ZYv7FFmRMW5rknwP3M9z5TW7pf3mx6hQGqfW1lgV2-4xJ2wQW4NrDNP2_p8jbW3dk7b43n9xJRW6qCZj02lj4MSW7JWSpZ15gKWkW3sTr8W5WYvHxW4RrmC66N47dQW5qKMrG16hksBW6XxTzG6_8xCdW2gy4798--2ZXW9jVfl44dyMhgW3qzklk3fBM4LW5dSCZ79fh1d0W96GTpq3Xbgb93c3x1) Thanks for reading. For more information or to provide feedback get in touch at []( Regards Tony Xu Head of Product [Flippa-email-footer](113/d2q1V504/VW2Ylh4LlV_zW6FBLWD7D6kBhW15bp5B4YxrrlMSn_nD3q3npV1-WJV7CgMtRW2hf9lJ7mRBXBW3GsYRh7Xs9fnW3tqdFp5P1wxnW8X46P77L1cF3W2DPPZx25lGfVW27N-3x2Vq1z0W8j0fZk4WGH-zW8RQ-sH8Fzr8yN1Pb78PHZrswVdmZKY3lRK8LW3vXm1C7NL_3kW2WS1np83cj8nW7cvSfc7qtdD0W45G8JB3NMqpZVx8t3Q3F_Z04W8f5m-w2zhNXQW6LyMl05DTMy9W1MFy3n221rXqW8WGbkF3dG4n_Vm7XJD6B90VJW1jSklt9kK5hJN6RwzWZkY_C43c6P1) Flippa, 3000 E Cesar Chavez St, Austin, TX 78702, United States [Unsubscribe]( [Manage preferences](

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