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Act now: Grocery retailers can be hours away for rural communities—and hunger is on the rise.


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Thu, Apr 4, 2024 02:32 PM

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Rural communities grow much of our nation's food. We must help them now. | In some of our nation's r

Rural communities grow much of our nation's food. We must help them now. | [Feeding America.]( [TAKE ACTION]( [Campaign to End Hunger.]( In some of our nation's rural communities—including the places that grow America's crops—regular access to fresh and nutritious food may not be a guarantee. For many people, the nearest grocery store is too far away to visit regularly. And as grocery costs remain high, finding affordable food can be a challenge. The result? Rural communities are more likely to experience hunger than their urban neighbors. About 96% of rural communities receive food distributed by a food bank through The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)—from fruits and vegetables to protein-dense items, like beans, dairy and meat. Crucial federal nutrition programs like TEFAP and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) help rural communities access the food they need year-round—and we need to bolster these programs to support rural families now. [Tell Congress: You can help rural communities by strengthening nutrition programs like TEFAP and SNAP in the next farm bill to help families and individuals access the food they need to thrive!]( 9 out of 10 counties with the highest food insecurity rates are rural. Tell Congress: Pass a farm bill that helps rural communities NOW! [ADD YOUR NAME]( Without public transportation, accessing food in rural areas often means families need a car—and extra gas money. Low wages and underemployment in these regions can also make affording food hard. And because of long-term inequalities in food access, people of color are facing food insecurity in rural communities at disproportionate levels. Our rural communities play a critical role in producing the safest, highest-quality food in the world, and we must ensure that the same communities that produce our food have access to the food they need to thrive. Feeding America works with farmers across the country to help provide nutritious food to the families we serve. Rural communities are the backbone of food production in the United States. [Tell lawmakers: Pass the strongest possible farm bill to strengthen nutrition programs, like TEFAP and SNAP, that help rural communities access the meals they need.]( It will take all of us to end hunger for good—thank you for taking action today to help rural communities everywhere. Sincerely, [Kristina Kus signature.] [Kristina Kus.] Kristina Kus Advocacy Manager Feeding America [facebook link]( [twitter link]( [instagram link]( []( | [Donate Now]( | [Contact Us]( | [Privacy Policy]( | [Unsubscribe]( 161 North Clark Street, Suite 700 | Chicago, IL 60601 | 1-800-910-5524 © 2024 Feeding America

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