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๐Ÿšช ChatGPT Finally Opens the Doors to the "GPT" Store


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Wed, Jan 17, 2024 09:27 PM

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? AI Insider News Get the latest scoop on key developments in AI with our curated news roundup. W

๐Ÿค– AI Insider News Get the latest scoop on key developments in AI with our curated news roundup. We summarize the top stories so you stay informed on what's happening in the world of artificial intelligence. ๐Ÿš€ ChatGPT Finally Opens the Doors to the "GPT" Store ๐Ÿ“ฐ News Blurb: OpenAI's GPT Store is officially open, and it's not just about sharing custom chatbots; it's about rewarding creativity. Here's the scoop: OpenAI is rolling out a revenue-sharing program for GPT creators, starting in the first quarter of 2024. While the nitty-gritty details are still under wraps, the gist is clear โ€“ creators will earn based on how much their custom GPTs are used. ๐Ÿค– My AI Two Centsโ€ฆ OpenAI isn't just opening a store; they're setting up a whole new economy in the AI world. For creators like us, this means our work can potentially pay off in more ways than one. Think about it: your AI brainchild could not only revolutionize how we interact with technology but also bring in some revenue for your innovative efforts. This is a big deal for all of us in the AI community โ€“ a chance to monetize our creativity and contribute to the ever-evolving AI landscape. So, let's get those creative juices flowing and start building some amazing GPTs! The future of AI is not just bright; it's potentially lucrative too! ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿค– OpenAI Launches ChatGPT Team Subscription ๐Ÿ“ฐ News Blurb: OpenAI has just unveiled a new subscription plan for ChatGPT, specifically designed for small teams. Named 'ChatGPT Team,' this plan is a perfect fit for teams of up to 149 members. It's not just about group access to ChatGPT; it's a whole suite of admin tools for efficient team management. Subscribers get the latest from OpenAI, including GPT-4, GPT-4 with Vision, and DALL-E 3, plus capabilities to analyze, edit, and extract information from uploaded files. What's more, teams can build and share their own GPTs, custom apps based on OpenAIโ€™s models, without needing any coding experience. Priced at $30 per user per month, or $25 if billed annually, ChatGPT Team offers a cost-effective solution for small- and medium-sized businesses seeking advanced AI tools without the hefty price tag of larger enterprise plans. ๐Ÿค– My AI Two Cents... In my own experience, managing multiple ChatGPT accounts for just three team members was not only costly (total $60 a month!) but also incredibly frustrating. Each account had to be trained separately, leading to disjointed efforts and inefficiencies, even when we shared our chat threads. Now, with ChatGPT Team, we've consolidated our efforts into one account. This means not only significant cost savings but also a unified approach to training our AI. No more fragmented chat threads! Every team member can now contribute to and benefit from a single, cohesive AI learning experience. This is a game-changer for small teams like ours. It streamlines our workflow, enhances collaboration, and allows us to leverage AI more effectively and efficiently. For any small business or team looking to harness the power of AI without breaking the bank or their spirits, ChatGPT Team is the way to go. ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿค–๐Ÿ‘ฅ Rabbit R1 Flies Off the Shelves, The AI Gadget Everyone's Rushing to Get ๐Ÿ“ฐ News Blurb: Have you heard about the Rabbit R1? This little gadget is making huge waves in the tech world. It's a pocket-sized AI assistant that's designed to make your life easier by handling your apps for you. Talk about convenience at your fingertips! The R1 has been flying off the shelves, selling out not just its first but also its second batch of 10,000 units each. Launched at CES 2024, the Rabbit R1 comes with a neat 2.88-inch touchscreen and operates on Rabbit OS. Its standout feature is the "Large Action Model," which acts like a universal remote for your apps. From playing tunes to ordering groceries and sending messages, the R1 does it all without you having to touch your phone. It's customizable too, so you can train it to work with your favorite apps just the way you like. With the first batch ready to ship in March and a third batch up for grabs, the Rabbit R1 is quickly becoming the must-have AI companion. ๐Ÿค– My AI Two Cents... Let's break down why the Rabbit R1 is such a big deal. In our fast-paced digital world, we're always looking for ways to make life a bit easier, and the R1 hits the nail on the head. It's not just another gadget; it's a peek into a future where AI helps us manage our digital lives more efficiently. The R1's ability to centralize control of various apps into one easy-to-use interface is a stroke of genius. It's all about simplifying our digital interactions, making technology more approachable and user-friendly. For us in the marketing and tech industry, the R1 is a wake-up call. It shows us the potential of AI in enhancing user experience and engagement. The Rabbit R1 isn't just a success story; it's a blueprint for the kind of intuitive, AI-driven solutions that could redefine our relationship with technology. ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ“ฑ๐Ÿ’ก ๐ŸŒŸ Marketing Prompt of the Week Well Thought-Out Prompts That Will Get You Moving In The Right Direction & Unlock Your Creative Genius! Let's chat about something that might not be your favorite topic โ€“ managing your business finances. I know, just thinking about it can make your head spin, especially with the way costs keep creeping up. But, facing this head-on can really pay off. So, where do you start? First up, let's tackle your expenses. It's time to get real with yourself: do you truly know where every dollar of your business is going? I know, tracking every single expense sounds like a snooze fest, but believe me, it's a game-changer. It's all about gaining insight and control over your cash flow. Take a good, hard look at your bank and credit card statements. It's not just about cutting costs; it's about spending smarter. Now, let's talk about the big dilemma: Saving vs. Spending in your business. Sure, investing in that shiny new piece of tech or jumping on a trendy marketing strategy sounds exciting. But remember, stashing some cash for a rainy day is just as crucial. It's all about balance and making choices that benefit your business in the long run. And when it comes to investments, I hear you, it can feel like you're trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces. Stocks, bonds, new ventures โ€“ it's a lot. But here's a simple tip: start by setting aside a small percentage of your profits for different investment opportunities. It's not about making huge leaps; it's about taking small, smart steps towards growing your business. Running a business is tough, and managing its finances? Even tougher. But it's so worth it. That's why I've put together a ChatGPT Prompt specifically for business finance. It's designed to give you personalized steps to budget, save, and invest in the right way for your business. Small steps today can lead to big wins tomorrow. Let's roll up our sleeves and tackle this together โ€“ you've got this! ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ’ผ๐Ÿ’ก Marketing Prompt: Develop a comprehensive and detailed financial wellness program tailored to different needs and life stages. The program should cover topics such as saving plans for the small business owner facing specific financial challenges, budgeting guides for different groups, beginner-friendly investment guides, debt reduction strategies, retirement planning frameworks, frugal living guides, SMART goal-setting strategies, emergency fund action plans, efficient tax planning guides, and credit score improvement plans. Please ensure that each component of the program is thorough and tailored to the specific financial needs and challenges of the target audience. The saving plan should include analysis of income streams, expenditure patterns, saving potentials, saving methods, and practical implementation steps. The budgeting guides should cover fundamental and advanced techniques, pitfalls, and adjustment strategies. The investment guide should focus on key concepts, risk assessment, and resources for further learning. The debt reduction strategy should include comparative analysis of repayment methods and a personalized repayment schedule. The retirement planning framework should discuss retirement accounts, investment strategies, and adjustments for life events. The frugal living guide should offer budget-friendly practices and tips for maintaining a frugal mindset. The SMART goal-setting strategy should include financial planning tools and techniques for staying on track. The emergency fund action plan should cover fund size, saving vehicles, and withdrawal guidelines. The tax planning guide should explain tax brackets, deductions, credits, and planning strategies. The credit score improvement plan should discuss factors affecting credit scores, improvement strategies, and monitoring tools. Please wait until all necessary information is provided before proceeding with the development of the financial wellness program. ๐Ÿ”ฆ AI Spotlight: Workshop AI Spotlight spills the beans on a cool new AI tool or innovation that all you savvy marketers need to get hip to! Create 30 Days of Social Media Posts in 30 Minutes Or Less Using AI Do you ever find yourself stress-eating over the kitchen sink, wondering what on earth to post on social media? ๐Ÿ˜… If that sounds familiar, this workshop is for you! Hereโ€™s what weโ€™ll dive into: ๐Ÿคฏ End the Daily Content Scramble: Learn how AI can turn your content panic into confidence. โ˜• From Time-Drain to Time-Gain: Reclaim hours with AI-powered content creation. ๐Ÿ’ฐ Posts that Donโ€™t Just Talk, They Sell: Master the art of crafting posts that convert followers into customers. ๐Ÿ“… Plan Like a Pro: Get your social media strategy neatly lined up for the year. ๐Ÿš€ Revolutionize Your Social Media Game: Invest in your business's future with cutting-edge AI strategies. And guess what? To help you jumpstart the new year, we're offering a special discount just for our community - $47 instead of $147! That's right, a whole $100 off! ** If you are member of AI Authority Insiders, you get this workshop for FREE as part of your membership. Don't miss this chance to transform your social media strategy and embrace the power of AI. Keep in mind that this is a limited time offer, and the clock is ticking to get your discount! Secure your discount today and get $100 off! โคต๏ธ [GET INSTANT ACCESS NOW ]( Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your social media presence and create a year's worth of content that not only resonates with your person, but converts them to a sale. ๐Ÿคฉ Weekly AI Tool Superstars This week's top AI tool picks for content creation and marketing automation! >> Your 24/7 AI Assistant for Smarter Lead Generation ๐Ÿ“ฐ Tool Blurb: Let me introduce you to MagicForm AI, a tool that's about to make your lead generation game a whole lot smarter. Imagine having an AI assistant that works round the clock, qualifying, converting, and following up with your leads. That's MagicForm AI for you! It's super easy to get this genius up to speed with your business - just feed it your website info or documents, and voila, it's ready to chat like a pro. For small and medium businesses, this is huge โ€“ it means you can keep the conversation going 24/7 without burning out your team. What's really cool is how you can tailor the chat flow with drag-and-drop ease. Plus, you can trust it to stay on point with real-time edits. Deploying it? A piece of cake! Just a quick copy-paste job and you're set. And for those who like to keep their branding front and center, MagicForm AI offers white-label options. This tool isn't just smart; it's a reliable workhorse for your lead gen stable. []( >> Simplify Your Daily Tasks with Lutra AI ๐Ÿ“ฐ Tool Blurb: Lutra AI is a tool that's changing the game in integrating AI into our daily workflows and apps. And guess what? You don't need to be a coding guru to get the hang of it. Lutra AI is all about making AI accessible and user-friendly. It offers a range of AI-powered workflows that you can start using in a snap. Fancy a personalized news digest tailored to your interests? Lutra's got you covered. Need to sort your emails into neat categories automatically? No problem. Want insights about people and companies for your next big meeting? Lutra AI is on it. The best part? You can build your own AI workflows in minutes, chat to express your goals, work with your existing apps, and even schedule these workflows to run automatically. It's like having a personal AI assistant to make your work life a whole lot easier. []( >> Unlock Visitor Behavior with Stey AI! ๐Ÿ“ฐ Tool Blurb: This isn't just another analytics tool; it's a window into your visitors' world. Stey AI offers an AI-driven platform that plays back user interactions with your product, giving you a front-row seat to their experience. It's like having a crystal ball that reveals not just what users do, but why they do it. Stey AI does more than just track clicks; it gives us a peek into our users' minds. You'll see their actions, understand their context, and grasp their intentions. And the cherry on top? Stey AI's AI Summary feature, which pinpoints key moments and UX issues, offering you actionable insights on your visitors behaviors. No more grappling with complex event tracking; Stey AI's got it all under control, collecting all the data you need effortlessly. Plus, its AI search feature lets you zoom in on specific user behaviors, making it a breeze to enhance your product's user experience. ๐Ÿ˜‚ LOL Meme of the Week This week's funny for ya... ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Visual Image Prompt of the Week Here's some visual marketing inspo for ya... Ready to up your YouTube cover game? Midjourney 6.0 is here with its fantastic new text feature, making it easier than ever to create eye-catching YouTube covers. Whether you're promoting a travel guide or any other content, Midjourney 6.0 lets you blend stunning visuals with clear, crisp text for maximum impact. PROMPT: Create a travel guide YouTube cover for "Hidden Gems of Tampa", with the title in crisp text, overlaid on image of Tampa Bay streets and landmarks --style raw --ar 16:9 --v 6.0 Create a YouTube cover for '[Your Topic]', with the title "[Your Title]" in clear text, overlaid on an image of [Key Visual Elements] --style raw --ar 16:9 --v 6.0" __________ Just fill in the blanks to tailor this prompt to your specific needs. Whether it's showcasing the 'Hidden Gems of Tampa' or any other theme, Midjourney 6.0's text feature will bring your vision to life with style and precision. WARNING...sometimes it's hit or miss but keep trying! It's worth it! Let's get creative! ๐Ÿ”ฎ AI Looking Glass Predictions for the Future of AI... "With AI, every student gets a front-row seat in a personalized classroom of the future." ~Kim Garst ๐Ÿ’ก Stay In The Know Stay Ahead of the AI Curve With AI Authority CreatorsTM If you wanna stay ahead of the curve on all things AI, you are gonna want to join my free community - the [AI Authority Creators]( ๐Ÿค–๐Ÿ’ก Inside we geek out on the latest AI trends, tools, and strategies for creators. I drop hot tips, and share my fave new AI resources. You'll be the first to try cutting-edge AI before anyone else! ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿคฉ Imagine leveraging brand new AI tools to 10x your content, explode your audience, and make Epic Stuff happen in your biz! โšก๏ธ๐Ÿ“ˆ This community gives you an unfair advantage. Don't get left behind...AI is the future! ๐Ÿค– Join us at []( and let's go from AI curious to AI Authority together! See ya there! โœŒ๏ธ [TAKE ME TO THE COMMUNITY ยป]( [Facebook]( [Twitter]( [Instagram]( [Youtube]( [Linkedin]( Click here to [unsubscribe]( | Sent to: {EMAIL} KG Enterprises, LLC, 64 Tub Run Road, New Castle, VA 24060, United States

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