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Neuron: June 27, 2018 (Volume 98, Issue 6)


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Wed, Jun 27, 2018 04:51 PM

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Vol. 98, Iss. 6 Highlights Announcements -----------------------------------------------------------

[Cell press]( [Facebook]( [Twitter]( [Youtube]( [Google Plus]( [Weibo]( [Issue cover]( [Jun 27, 2018]( Vol. 98, Iss. 6 [Website]( [Table of Contents]( [Online Now]( [Archive]( Highlights Announcements --------------------------------------------------------------- [Cell-NERF Symposium: Neurotechnologies]( Leuven, Belgium, Sept 30 – Oct 2, 2018 [Register early and save €100]( – deadline July 20, 2018 [Cell Symposia: Aging & Metabolism]( September 23 – 25, 2018, Sitges, Spain Early registration deadline July 13, 2018 – [register early & save €100]( [Listened. Learned. Introducing Sneak Peek 2.0]( Now it’s even easier to preview Cell Press papers under review. Improved search and access to abstracts without registration makes browsing content fast and seamless. DOI registration and single article links means papers posted to Sneak Peek can be cited earlier in the publication process—so authors can surface their research quickly and readers can build on their work. Go on, satisfy your curiosity! [Check out Sneak Peek 2.0 today]( Featured Article --------------------------------------------------------------- [Theta and Alpha Oscillations Are Traveling Waves in the Human Neocortex]( Honghui Zhang, Andrew J. Watrous, Ansh Patel, Joshua Jacobs Featured Review --------------------------------------------------------------- [Glutamatergic Signaling in the Central Nervous System: Ionotropic and Metabotropic Receptors in Concert]( Andreas Reiner, Joshua Levitz Online Now --------------------------------------------------------------- [Vascular Compartmentalization of Functional Hyperemia from the Synapse to the Pia]( Rungta et al. [Multiscale Analysis of Independent Alzheimer’s Cohorts Finds Disruption of Molecular, Genetic, and Clinical Networks by Human Herpesvirus]( Readhead et al. Video Abstracts --------------------------------------------------------------- [How APOE4 Contributes to Alzheimer’s Risk]( To better understand what puts carriers of the APOE4 gene variant at higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, neuroscientists at MIT’s Picower Institute for Learning and Memory performed a comprehensive study of APOE4 and the more common form of the gene, APOE3, in human cell cultures and organoids. [Transformation of the Hippocampal Cognitive Map]( [Tingley and Buzsáki]( describe a transformation of anatomically distributed hippocampal theta sequences into a firing rate-independent correlation with position in the lateral septum. Table of Contents Previews --------------------------------------------------------------- [A Stable Neural Code for Birdsong]( Ruidong Chen, Tejapratap Bollu, Jesse H. Goldberg Proteins, synapses, and neural connections are in constant flux, yet motor behaviors somehow remain stable. In this issue of Neuron, Katlowitz et al. (2018) show that temporally precise neural activity driving birdsong production is stable for weeks. [Parkinson’s Disease: Mitochondria Parked at the ER Hit the Snooze Button]( Nathaniel S. Woodling, Linda Partridge Parkinson’s disease patients report sleep disturbances well ahead of motor symptoms. In this issue of Neuron, Valadas et al. (2018) report that the disease genes pink1 and parkin exert novel, cell-type-specific effects to modulate ER-mitochondria contacts, neuropeptidergic transmission, and sleep patterns. [Shining a Light on Olfactory Circuits]( Christopher J. Potter How is odor information organized in the brain? In this issue of Neuron, Jeanne et al. (2018) pair optogenetics with electrophysiology to map functional connections between two olfactory brain regions. They suggest that lateral horn neurons encode “odor scenes” to represent biologically relevant odor environments. [Acetylcholine Receptor Stimulation for Cognitive Enhancement: Better the Devil You Know?]( Mark G. Baxter, Johanna L. Crimins Drug treatments to improve memory focus on enhancing acetylcholine. However, Vijayraghavan and colleagues (2018) show that direct stimulation of the M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor adversely affected neuronal activity in prefrontal cortex related to working memory for behavioral rules. [Zen and the Art of Making a Bayesian Espresso]( Lei Zhang, SaÅ¡a Redžepović, Michael Rose, Jan Gläscher In this issue of Neuron, Konovalov and Krajbich (2018) argue that a Bayesian inference is employed when learning new sequences and identify distinct brain networks that track the uncertainty of both the current state and the underlying pattern structure. Q&A --------------------------------------------------------------- [Magdalena Götz]( In an interview with Neuron, Magdalena Götz highlights the responsibility of scientists to educate the public about the process of scientific discovery and how ideas evolve. She also describes how her current research on neuronal reprogramming is influenced by her earlier findings that radial glial cells give rise to neurons. [Morgan Sheng]( Morgan Sheng leads research and drug discovery efforts for diseases of the nervous system at Genentech. In an interview with Neuron, Dr. Sheng shares a striking moment from his postdoc training, his guiding philosophy as a scientist, and his excitement for how recent technological advances will transform neuroscience research. NeuroView --------------------------------------------------------------- [Investigating the Neural Encoding of Emotion with Music]( Stefan Koelsch Does our understanding of the human brain remain incomplete without a proper understanding of how the brain processes music? Here, the author makes a passionate plea for the use of music in the investigation of human emotion and its brain correlates, arguing that music can change activity in all brain structures associated with emotions, which has important implications on how we understand human emotions and their disorders and how we can make better use of beneficial effects of music in therapy. Review --------------------------------------------------------------- [Glutamatergic Signaling in the Central Nervous System: Ionotropic and Metabotropic Receptors in Concert]( Andreas Reiner, Joshua Levitz Reiner and Levitz analyze the mechanisms of crosstalk between ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptor signaling, summarize its role in synaptic physiology and disease, and discuss novel approaches to develop a more holistic view of GluR biology. NeuroResource --------------------------------------------------------------- [Unsupervised Discovery of Demixed, Low-Dimensional Neural Dynamics across Multiple Timescales through Tensor Component Analysis]( Alex H. Williams, Tony Hyun Kim, Forea Wang, Saurabh Vyas, Stephen I. Ryu, Krishna V. Shenoy, Mark Schnitzer, Tamara G. Kolda, Surya Ganguli Williams et al. describe an unsupervised method to uncover simple structure in large-scale recordings by extracting distinct cell assemblies with rapid within-trial dynamics, reflecting interpretable aspects of perceptions, actions, and thoughts, and slower across-trial dynamics reflecting learning and internal state changes. Reports --------------------------------------------------------------- [Biallelic Mutations in MYORG Cause Autosomal Recessive Primary Familial Brain Calcification]( Xiang-Ping Yao, Xuewen Cheng, Chong Wang, Miao Zhao, Xin-Xin Guo, Hui-Zhen Su, Lu-Lu Lai, Xiao-Huan Zou, Xue-Jiao Chen, Yuying Zhao, En-Lin Dong, Ying-Qian Lu, Shuang Wu, Xiaojuan Li, Gaofeng Fan, Hongjie Yu, Jianfeng Xu, Ning Wang, Zhi-Qi Xiong, Wan-Jin Chen Yao et al. provide evidence that MYORG is a major causal gene for autosomal recessive PFBC by a comprehensive strategy combining whole-exome sequencing analysis, Sanger sequencing, linkage analysis, RNA expression analysis, and a mouse model. [The Temporal Dynamics of Arc Expression Regulate Cognitive Flexibility]( Mark J. Wall, Dawn R. Collins, Samantha L. Chery, Zachary D. Allen, Elissa D. Pastuzyn, Arlene J. George, Viktoriya D. Nikolova, Sheryl S. Moy, Benjamin D. Philpot, Jason D. Shepherd, Jürgen Müller, Michael D. Ehlers, Angela M. Mabb, Sonia A.L. Corrêa Open Access Ubiquitin-dependent proteasomal degradation of Arc tightly limits its temporal expression, yet the significance of this regulation remains unknown. We generated a mouse disrupting the temporal control of Arc removal (ArcKR). ArcKR mice exhibit enhanced mGluR-LTD and have impaired cognitive flexibility. [Stable Sequential Activity Underlying the Maintenance of a Precisely Executed Skilled Behavior]( Kalman A. Katlowitz, Michel A. Picardo, Michael A. Long By longitudinally tracking song-related activity in the zebra finch brain using two-photon imaging, Katlowitz et al. show that the timing of premotor sequences in a cortical region necessary for precise vocal production is maintained at the level of single neurons Articles --------------------------------------------------------------- [APOE4 Causes Widespread Molecular and Cellular Alterations Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease Phenotypes in Human iPSC-Derived Brain Cell Types]( Yuan-Ta Lin, Jinsoo Seo, Fan Gao, Heather M. Feldman, Hsin-Lan Wen, Jay Penney, Hugh P. Cam, Elizabeta Gjoneska, Waseem K. Raja, Jemmie Cheng, Richard Rueda, Oleg Kritskiy, Fatema Abdurrob, Zhuyu Peng, Blerta Milo, Chung Jong Yu, Sara Elmsaouri, Dilip Dey, Tak Ko, Bruce A. Yankner, Li-Huei Tsai By generating and characterizing isogenic APOE3- or APOE4-carrying human brain cell types, Lin et al. show that the APOE4 variant can lead to extensive gene expression alterations, and multiple cellular phenotypes potentially related to AD pathogenesis, in neurons, astrocytes, and microglia. [ER Lipid Defects in Neuropeptidergic Neurons Impair Sleep Patterns in Parkinson’s Disease]( Jorge S. Valadas, Giovanni Esposito, Dirk Vandekerkhove, Katarzyna Miskiewicz, Liesbeth Deaulmerie, Susanna Raitano, Philip Seibler, Christine Klein, Patrik Verstreken Valadas et al. show that ER lipid imbalance causes sleep pattern defects in Parkinson’s disease by preventing the formation of secretory vesicles required for the release of the neuropeptides. Restoring the ER lipid balance by supplementation with phosphatidylserine rescues the cellular and behavioral defects. [A Combination of Ontogeny and CNS Environment Establishes Microglial Identity]( F. Chris Bennett, Mariko L. Bennett, Fazeela Yaqoob, Sara B. Mulinyawe, Gerald A. Grant, Melanie Hayden Gephart, Edward D. Plowey, Ben A. Barres Bennett et al. create a macrophage transplantation system to measure how origin and brain environment contribute to microglial identity. Although diverse macrophage types survive in the brain, only those sharing developmental origins with microglia express microglial genes normally. [Synaptojanin and Endophilin Mediate Neck Formation during Ultrafast Endocytosis]( Shigeki Watanabe, Lauren Elizabeth Mamer, Sumana Raychaudhuri, Delgermaa Luvsanjav, Julia Eisen, Thorsten Trimbuch, Berit Söhl-Kielczynski, Pascal Fenske, Ira Milosevic, Christian Rosenmund, Erik M. Jorgensen Ultrafast endocytosis is a distinct form of synaptic vesicle recovery occurring within milliseconds of vesicle fusion. Using flash-and-freeze electron microscopy, Watanabe et al. demonstrate dual roles for synaptojanin and endophilin in membrane remodeling and clathrin uncoating on rapid timescales during ultrafast endocytosis. [The Organization of Projections from Olfactory Glomeruli onto Higher-Order Neurons]( James M. Jeanne, Mehmet Fişek, Rachel I. Wilson Jeanne et al. use two-photon optogenetics to map connections from olfactory glomeruli onto lateral horn neurons in Drosophila. Certain combinations of glomeruli are over-represented. These are not similarly tuned glomeruli; rather, they are glomeruli whose co-activation signals a salient “odor scene.” [Active Sampling State Dynamically Enhances Olfactory Bulb Odor Representation]( Rebecca Jordan, Izumi Fukunaga, Mihaly Kollo, Andreas T. Schaefer Open Access Using whole-cell recordings in the olfactory bulb of mice across a range of behavioral states, Jordan et al. show that odor responses are dynamically enhanced during learning and task engagement, tightly mirroring alterations in active sniffing. [Transformation of a Spatial Map across the Hippocampal-Lateral Septal Circuit]( David Tingley, György Buzsáki How abstract representations are translated into action is unknown. Tingley and Buzsáki describe how the hippocampal cognitive map is “read out” by a target region. The transformation relies on population coordination referenced to theta oscillations rather than the tuning of individual neurons. [Blocking NMDAR Disrupts Spike Timing and Decouples Monkey Prefrontal Circuits: Implications for Activity-Dependent Disconnection in Schizophrenia]( Jennifer L. Zick, Rachael K. Blackman, David A. Crowe, Bagrat Amirikian, Adele L. DeNicola, Theoden I. Netoff, Matthew V. Chafee Zick et al. report that blocking NMDAR reduces 0-lag spike correlation and persistently reduces functional coupling between neurons in monkey prefrontal local circuits. NMDAR synaptic dysfunction in schizophrenia could similarly disrupt spike timing and disconnect prefrontal circuits via an activity-dependent process. [Muscarinic M1 Receptor Overstimulation Disrupts Working Memory Activity for Rules in Primate Prefrontal Cortex]( Susheel Vijayraghavan, Alex James Major, Stefan Everling Vijayraghavan et al. report that muscarinic M1 receptor blockade did not reproduce the effects of general muscarinic antagonism on maintenance of behavioral rules in prefrontal cortical neurons. M1 receptor stimulation consistently inhibited prefrontal neurons and overstimulation disrupted maintenance of rules. [Theta and Alpha Oscillations Are Traveling Waves in the Human Neocortex]( Honghui Zhang, Andrew J. Watrous, Ansh Patel, Joshua Jacobs Zhang et al. use direct human brain recordings to show that neural oscillations are spatially propagating waves that move across the cortex. The results show that oscillations coordinate activity between brain regions rather than being a local phenomenon. [Neurocomputational Dynamics of Sequence Learning]( Arkady Konovalov, Ian Krajbich Konovalov and Krajbich present a computational model for how the human brain detects deterministic patterns in its environment. Using fMRI, they identify distinct brain networks that track uncertainty about the specific temporal prediction and the underlying pattern. Correction --------------------------------------------------------------- [APOE4 Causes Widespread Molecular and Cellular Alterations Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease Phenotypes in Human iPSC-Derived Brain Cell Types]( Yuan-Ta Lin, Jinsoo Seo, Fan Gao, Heather M. Feldman, Hsin-Lan Wen, Jay Penney, Hugh P. Cam, Elizabeta Gjoneska, Waseem K. Raja, Jemmie Cheng, Richard Rueda, Oleg Kritskiy, Fatema Abdurrob, Zhuyu Peng, Blerta Milo, Chung Jong Yu, Sara Elmsaouri, Dilip Dey, Tak Ko, Bruce A. Yankner, Li-Huei Tsai [Update Your Profile]( [Terms and Conditions]( [Privacy Policy]( [Follow this link to unsubscribe.]( This email has been sent from Cell Press, a division of Elsevier Inc., 50 Hampshire Street, 5th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. You are receiving this email because you signed up for email alerts for new issues of this journal. For all inquiries, problems or suggestions regarding this service, please contact [our support group.]( Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Subscription ID: c1bedb93-d933-486c-b094-8eaf812d893b Webuser ID: a55d53f7ab892786bd7dece67e5041dc06f264ea Results Event ID: 869d2ec3-8518-49c6-ac1e-2fa77af2c0af

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