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HOT Chick, Ugly Friend, How To Score


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Sat, Jul 29, 2017 01:47 AM

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Score the HOT Chick with the Ugly Friend Confession time: sometimes even Dominic DOESN’T Score.

Score the HOT Chick with the Ugly Friend Confession time: sometimes even Dominic DOESN’T Score. It happened a few nights ago and it was absolutely textbook. So, today we’ll be going over how to approach and close that woman you like, while she’s with a friend who serves no purpose other than to make it harder on you. A great many approaches never occur to this “third wheel”. She’s typically nowhere near as hot as the one you want to approach and she tends to be loud and obnoxious. This is not by accident… The Tribe vs. The Hunter Men are isolationist in nature. If it weren’t for our sexual desires, most of us could live alone, in the woods, with a weapon to hunt with, and maybe a dog to hang out with. Not much more is truly necessary for most men to both, survive and thrive. Women, on the other hand, are cooperative in nature. This, again, like most things we discuss, is the result of their evolutionary progress. Women learned that the only way to survive in a world of tyrants and warlords was to work together. In time, their cooperative group strategies would ensnare the weaker males they ran across and helped to create societies. Societies are piecemeal effort. That is to say, men do all the work of planning, creating, building, and protecting, while women are the glue that holds it all together simply based on the fact that no man would care about having a society if there weren’t female companionship and breeding privileges to compete over. Therefore, any time that you go out in the night with a chubby, hoping to find a squaw to stiffen you up and empty you out, you’re competing as a hunter going up against a tribe. This immediately stacks the deck against you and this is why I’m addressing this issue from such a militaristic perspective. Think of the wolf and the shepherd. Their natural adversaries. The wolf seeks to find, kill, and eat sheep, while the shepherd seeks to see his sheep live long, fruitful lives that will give him lots of milk, cheese, and wool to sell, trade, or consume as he sees fit. The shepherd will never invite the wolf on to his property. There is too much damage that the wolf can do. Yet, the wolf and the sheep need to interact as predator and prey within the grand ecosystem evolution scheme of things. So, no matter how much the shepherd hates it, the wolf is going to eat. You are the wolf. Her girlfriends are the shepherd. Do you want to eat? It really is that simple and today we’ll cover how to deal with shepherds so that you can get to the sheep. But first let me tell you my story. Three Strikes and I’m Out… I’m sitting in the park talking to a friend on the phone and SHE walks by with her dumpy, lumpy, oompa loompa looking friend. I can’t just drop the phone and go after her, but my eyes follow her until she vanishes in the darkness. I think to myself, “how great it would be to see her again.” Upon finishing my conversation, I head over to the nearby café. It’s a bustling night on the Adriatic seaside and thousands of people, many of them gorgeous girls, walk past me, as I sip some walnut-based Rakija (look it up, great stuff). I’m already kinda sleepy, plus waiting for some friends to show up, so I don’t really have my A-game, and of course, there she goes again. Her and the friend buying a quick bite at the all-night bakery. I’m given just enough time by the hands of fate to daydream about an approach once again, and just like that, she’s gone. Again. At this point, I’m no longer even thinking about her, but rather about you, reading this and recognizing so many situations from your own past when the ‘could’ve, would’ve, should’ve’ effect took over, leaving you stagnantly frustrated. That made me feel better, but what came next was the kicker and really got me thinking about the subject anew… My friends showed up and we went to a nearby club. Great place, right on the sea. You grab your drink at the bar, go talk to some hotties, or perhaps just go dig your feet into the sand and let the cool sea wash over your lower legs. Heavenly. One of my buddies brings a Barbie doll type, giant-titted, attention-whore with him. She’s bouncing and jiggling all over the place and eventually ends up grinding her ass into my crotch as I sit on a bar stool. As I look up, I see HER again! She’s dancing with a crowd of friends. I get one of those finger-snap erections and the attention-whore giggles, mistakenly thinking that it was her doing. This time, I have an excuse for not walking over, a legit one…I say to myself. I approach multiple girls, including a trio of beautiful, cock-hungry locals, that night, but do nothing of consequence. I chat them up, I make them laugh, they bat their lashes, and some inconsequential event occurs to steal my attention, or theirs, and then it’s all over and done with in the blink of an eye. I get home very late and wind up sleeping well past noon the next day. When I wake, I think about only one thing…HER. It has been years since I felt this way, and I know that it has nothing to do with the girl herself, but rather everything to do with the fact that I ignored my own teachings and let situational, irrational fear get the best of me. This is why I introduced the subject the way that I did…let’s look at what I should have done instead. Wolf – Shepherd = Sheep The easiest thing to do is to approach a group of women. The hardest thing to do is to approach two women, when you really like one. Let me compare and contrast the two: A group of three or more women is ideal for an approach, because you aren’t really speaking to just one of them, even if that’s your intent. They’re all, more or less, involved in the proceedings. This gives you the opportunity to get them involved in the conversation, interview the crowd of them, and survey which one (or more) is/are interested in you/what you’re saying/what you’re doing. This is actually quite a big advantage you have, as it demonstrates both your fearlessness and authority, while giving you the opportunity to playfully dismiss any one (or more) of the group members, while further zeroing in on your target. On the flip side, conversing with two girls (one of whom is your target) can get extremely difficult and very quickly. This effect is exacerbated further if the non-target happens to be fugly, portly, or in some other way, noticeably less attractive than the one you’re after. What’s most important to understand here is that you can’t get mad. I can’t count how many times I left such a situation feeling aggravated and frustrated. It’s one of the big mistakes I see guys making under these, admittedly disadvantageous, auspices. This, again, is why I led with the quick treatise on cooperation and survival. This chick’s role is simply to watch her home girl’s back. That’s all. She’s like a wing man. Except instead of falling on grenades to help you score, she is the grenade that tries to keep you from scoring! This, of course, is why men started hunting in packs in the first place. It’s much easier to get rid of the would-be cock blocker when you have a friend to keep her busy, but luxuries like that aren’t always afforded, especially in situations like I encountered the other night. In moments like those, you’ve got to be the wing man for yourself. Not an easy task, to say the least. Okay, enough theory, let’s get into practice. What can we do to score with the one we want, while negating the one that keeps trying to neg us out of the game? STEP #1: Approach the Non-Target FIRST! Hot women are anything but dumb. And if they can’t spell “cat” or count to ten, they can wrap the most powerful of men around their pinkie at the drop of a hat, so never, ever, under any circumstances…underestimate them. If they take an hour or two just to get dressed, how long do you think they spend picking the “right friend” to hang out with. Every hot girl has at least one, if not a half-dozen, “meh” quality girlfriends. She uses them like a guy walking through a bad neighborhood might utilize a well-trained pit bull. So, you have to know, well in advance, how you’re going to react if some trained little terrorist is going to start bum rushing you assault-style. This is why you always “carry a treat” in your pocket for the thirsty chick nobody wants. She’s more self-conscious, more bitter, more annoyed, she’s also secretly hateful of her hotter friend and will do anything to be the center of attention for once. So just give her what she wants. It’s pretty damn simple… The hot girl has heard every line about every damn thing, meanwhile, the tag-along just needs to hear “hey, nice glasses” or “I like those sandals, I’ll want to grab my baby sister a pair, where’d you get’em?” It doesn’t need to be rocket science or Shakespearean prose. Just greet the broad and smile. Look her in the eyes and say a couple of things, it’s not very complicated. She will want to keep talking, so keep her talking. And here’s why… STEP #2: The Nature of Beauty + The 2 Magic Words Beauty is fickle, because beauty doesn’t last. Remember that and you’ll instantly improve your sex life. All women know that they’re on the clock. Plastic surgery may have changed that a little bit, but at the core of it all, a woman get really only be truly beautiful while she’s still a girl. This is why they battle to capture and keep the essence of youth for so long. It’s because there’s a newer, hotter, better styled version coming around the bend every few years. This means that they face a paradox. They want their beauty constantly worshipped, but they also want to feel the thrill of being hunted… NOTE IMPORTANT: Way too many guys, even some very successful players, make the mistake of thinking that merely approaching and trying to sleep with a woman is part of “the hunt”. It can be, but not necessarily… “The hunt” is something thrilling and exhilarating, by nature. If something gets too routine, it’s no longer a hunt. It’s just going out shooting ducks near a pond that some game warden sanctioned. It’s sterile, cold, boring, and repetitive. That’s why the hot girl looks like she’s falling asleep while you spit game at her. She’s not thinking about Brad Pitt, diamonds and pearls, or a Pink Lambo. She’s thinking “Damnit, I’ve heard this all before, already…say something new.” The thing is, you don’t have to say anything new, or smart, or witty, or creative. You just gotta bring the hunt back to the game, and what better way to do so than by making her the huntress?! You see, her beauty and its fleeting nature means that she simply won’t waste time living in another woman’s shadow. Especially a woman she uses as a protector from unwanted attention. Therefore, by engaging the friend, slowing down the conversation, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, pretending that the hot girl isn’t there you will both, intrigue her and wound her pride, just a little bit. This will, most often, create a childish reaction, where she will try to do both, dismiss you and win you over. It’s profoundly comical how bad women are at doing this, once you’ve realized that it is, indeed, what they’re doing. At some point, she will say the TWO MAGIC WORDS and then you’re in like Flynn. Those magic words are “Let’s Go”…she may preface them with, “I’m bored”, or “We’re late”, or perhaps, “Hey Blank, don’t we have that thing to do?” Wait for them patiently. Depending on how smooth of an operator she is, she may play the “I’m so happy somebody’s finally hitting on my dumpy friend instead of me, let’s give her a chance to have some fun”…card, but don’t buy that crap. Secretly, she’s seething that you’re not paying any attention to her. At this point, you gotta know your surroundings and strike like a lethal power hitter. The best batters in baseball still make an out 70% of the time and can strike out up to 200 times per season. That doesn’t matter, however, for those who know what their pitch is and who are able to wait for it patiently, while smacking the shit out of it when it does come flying their way. This is your mindset. The TWO MAGIC WORDS are your pitch. Here’s how you clobber it over the fence, thereby completely turning the tables on both girls at once, setting them at odds with each other, and getting your target on her back foot, where she’s just one step from swooning over you, if she isn’t already. You say something like, “Wow! What a hater. I’m sorry nobody has complimented you in the last 4 minutes, princess, but your friend (use name if possible) are having a really nice conversation. Can you not be such a killjoy, please?” Then you turn to the friend, smile and ask playfully, “Sheesh, is she like this all the time? How do you deal with it?” and then continue talking. There’s only two reactions that I’ve ever encountered to such a response. Either the hot chick is mad cool, plays along and starts playfully busting your balls (“Ooooh, careful! This one’s a plaaayer!) which is a HUGE indicator of interest. Or, better yet, she tries to get loud and aggressive, which is only anchoring her enhanced emotional state to your comment. In other words, you’re making her the huntress and by deftly avoiding her from this point on, you’re seriously messing with her mental wiring. I’ve had great results with both types, but let me tell ya, if you can wait out the loud and aggressive one, man she’s hot in the sack and it won’t take much effort on your part to get her there. STEP #3: Be Congruent, Be Vicious At one point in time, in order to make this work, you’re going to have to rip off the band aid, quit the charade, and viciously devour your victim. It can’t really be done subtly, at least not if you hope to have them both reacting positively. There’s basically three possible variations: 1) You go after the hottie, she falls. You score, fugly friend hates you and pretty much trash talks you out of a shot at Round 2, post mortem. 2) You go after the hottie, the fugly friend goes ape shit and you just lost a bunch of time and effort. 3) You bag them both, by reeling the hottie in super smoothly, so both her and the roadblock feel included. This is unlikely to go down unless they’ve both had one too many, so feel free to take that into account. Variation #1 is your typical best-case scenario. Variation #2 is an absolute train wreck. And Variation #3 can be ideal if the fugly friend is actually somewhere around a 6 or better or if you’re rocking a powerful enough set of beer goggles for it not to matter to begin with. The point is that you’re going to have to be physically aggressive. This is scary for a lot of men to think about, due to our Victorian legal system, but what’s more important to you, truth or fiction? Truth be told, if you want to score in this situation, you will have to shoot. When the right time is can’t be explained in advance, but if you do everything right, you will definitely know when the moment presents itself. The right way to get to the right moment is to slowly start allowing your intended target back in the conversation, but not completely letting on that you have an interest in her. It’s a very touchy situation because there are multiple ways to go overboard in either direction. Ignore her too much and you’ll kill her confidence to the point where she’ll just feel lousy. Don’t ignore her enough, she’ll see through your ruse and you’ll be in for a very fast and hard fall from grace. The fine line has to be walked, and you ought to know in advance that almost no one gets this equation right on the first try. In other words, try this again and again, like you would your approaches otherwise. What I can tell you from personal experience is that it’s best to maintain your focus on the other girl throughout. Some hot chicks like assholes, some are a bit softer, so knowing who to treat like a piece of trash and who to simply ignore a little bit longer, is not something you’ll always know for sure. Even after having done this for years, I still often go way-too-far with being dismissive in these situations. What I’ve found is that as long as you’re semi-polite, yet dismissive, while FOCUSING on the other chick, you’ll stay in the game. But enough about that… Here’s the part most guys struggle with mightily: Taking physical charge of the situation. The green light she’ll give you will be very noticeable. I’ve had everything, from the hot girl actually grabbing and kissing me to her pulling me aside and asking, “What’s going on here, am I not your type or something?”, happen and there’s never been the same case twice. But what has been uniform is that when she’s ready, you will know. The catch is that at this point, you will have to overwhelm her…in deed, not in word. So, whatever smart stuff you’ve been spitting will be rather moot. Just go with the flow and trust your feelings, Luke. When the time’s right, forget the tag-along and go for the jugular. Walk up to her, look her in the eye, place your strong hand on the back of her neck and kiss her. Don’t go all slobbery, unless she starts tonguing you down. The real move is thereafter. Take her by the hand and lead her out of whatever venue you’re in. No words, no nothing. If it’s a club, that’s ideal. If she tries to protest about her friend, just kiss her again and repeat the exercise. I’ve never had a hot girl think of her less hot friend even once. It’s not how they function. There are no “wing women”, maybe you’ve been fooled into thinking otherwise but they simply don’t exist. The reason women create so many psychological barriers to your advances is the age-old fear of being called a whore. This was, at one time, a serious concern as being considered unvirtuous pretty much meant no marriage or procreative options. Hence, women’s almost fanatical need to have the actual sex act decision taken out of their hands. At this moment, they only function on instinct and desire. So, all you gotta do is man up and run the slight blue-balling risk of her saying “no” or hell, even slapping you in the face, maybe. Who knows? It’s really nothing compared to the effort you’ve already put in and the benefits you’re on the cusp of reaping. That’s all there is to it. Go out and give it a shot. This is (most definitely) a practice makes perfect sort of scenario, so go ahead and start adding your own tidbits to the general plan I’ve laid out for you here. Score (2x as much) With the Magic Touch, Dominic Score P.S. If by any case I ended up in your spam, please click "Not spam" and move me to your priority inbox so you don't miss out. Thank you. [unsubscribe](

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