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Mon, Mar 4, 2024 03:20 AM

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Friend, it?s Dr. Mary Trump, niece of Donald J. Trump, here with an important message about my unc

[Dr. Mary L. Trump](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) Friend, it’s Dr. Mary Trump, niece of Donald J. Trump, here with an important message about my uncle. With the 2024 election just months away, and my uncle so close to the presidency once again… There's so much to do, so much at stake, that this time until November will pass in what will feel like the blink of an eye. [That’s why I’m reaching out to you personally today to add your name now to the list of Democrats DEMANDING that Donald finally be held accountable for his actions. We need 8,000 signatures before midnight tonight.]( [ADD MY NAME]( Friend, here’s the bottom line: In the last three years, Donald and his allies have continued to spread conspiracy theories about everything from the Big Lie to Taylor Swift. He’s currently facing four criminal indictments (that’s 91 criminal charges). And it’s taken over half a century, but Donald's ability to commit fraud with impunity has come to an end – at least in New York – and believe me, that matters to him. But it’s clear that there is nothing my uncle won’t do to regain power and avoid accountability. He’ll create division, he’ll attack any agency investigating his alleged crimes, and he’ll lie about his record and the progress we have made during the Biden administration. If none of that works? He’ll threaten our very democracy. And do you know why that scares me? Despite his record, Donald Trump is still the presumptive nominee for the Republican nomination. And if he wins again, he’s promised to use his power to attack anyone who stands against him. He even told Sean Hannity that he’d rule as a dictator on “day one.” But I hope last month's ruling stands as a sharp reminder of the importance of transparency, accountability, and the pursuit of justice. We’re often told that “no one is above the law.” Let’s make sure that’s true. Democrats like us must be committed to doing every single thing we can think of to keep Donald and his loyal cronies out of public office, including electing more Democrats to governors’ offices across the country. Because if Democrats don’t win, this could be the last free and fair election we ever have in this country. That’s why I need every single grassroots supporter to step up and add their name to hold Donald Trump accountable – including you, friend. [With Donald almost certainly the 2024 Republican nominee and the danger of a catastrophic second term looming on the horizon, we can’t waste another minute. Please sign our petition to DEMAND Donald be held accountable at all costs.]( This is no longer about the integrity of public office – this is a battle for the very values our nation was founded on. With gratitude, Dr. Mary Trump [Dr. Mary L. Trump is the niece of Donald Trump. She is a psychologist, author and podcaster best known and respected for her commentary and analysis on the Trump family and Donald. Now, she needs your help to stop GOP extremists and elect Democratic governors across the country. Can she count on you?](XYKBD/UW5SODhVSTQwUjM2N2thRFQyUlRNQXlSRUJMcHZ0dmkzZTJoRUlaT2tSZWpQenZqTFk2clR5N2N1WWEwWWk2WEVHejRLL1ZHQ05Rb2xHK2lCV2FZOS9hbTc1clhqckgra0E4aytyK3U4NEU9S0/QVZGb3RpdER4OTVsSW5OaHFDdkFzc25xRlh5bWY5RUtLT0pucUY4NTFCbHJIcFFoZ1g3R0I0a2VXWlBQdE1QWk00ZnJ0VEJDOE5PalB6eEVIWWlCdEtKZkhXTCt4cUo0b2RZdzM5V3ZIdDlVQkN6TGY2am9jSDVsdEVWZGwxOGJONGxsclNjeVZrOGNDejVBNktLeHl4OGJENmlhdzNzM0VzS0NoUmQvRGJXRXNyYUlFcXFjYkxrTDM2TTlhL2lOeWd5c1RiN3VGKzVoZkRBQW1ZUHNDWFFFUTZIMENPTGpMeFNpaUdRVkpKbm81SlF5SFNBS2dEOGFPcUhWelM3YWg0c2IwNzhxVW5zSUJSYnpWRG1COTFmQmg3WVh5UW1BSXNNbGorSTZtY0I5RzZybENPaHIzd0JweGFPaDBvcklVeUdDNi8wS0lRc1UvWmNsRzEzKzJnPT0S1) [ADD MY NAME]( --------------------------------------------------------------- We’re relying on grassroots supporters to provide us with the urgent resources we need to win nationwide. To be one of the first people to receive critical updates about toss-up elections in battlegrounds and red-to-blue races, just text DEMGOVS to 30201 – [or click here if you’re on your cell phone](adpTz/UW5SODhVSTQwUjM2N2thRFQyUlRNQXlSRUJMcHZ0dmkzZTJoRUlaT2tSZWpQenZqTFk2clR5N2N1WWEwWWk2WEVHejRLL1ZHQ05Rb2xHK2lCV2FZOS9hbTc1clhqckgra0E4aytyK3U4NEU9S0/) – to join our team! [TEXT DEMGOVS TO 30201](/UW5SODhVSTQwUjM2N2thRFQyUlRNQXlSRUJMcHZ0dmkzZTJoRUlaT2tSZWpQenZqTFk2clR5N2N1WWEwWWk2WEVHejRLL1ZHQ05Rb2xHK2lCV2FZOS9hbTc1clhqckgra0E4aytyK3U4NEU9S0/) This email was sent to {EMAIL}. To unsubscribe from the DGA email list, [click here](. Paid for by Democratic Governors Association. Contributions or gifts to the Democratic Governors Association are not tax deductible.

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