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Thu, Mar 7, 2024 10:52 PM

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Demand Justice wages campaigns that empower people to organize around our nation’s courts. If y

[Demand Justice](#) Demand Justice wages campaigns that empower people to organize around our nation’s courts. If you only want to receive our most urgent emails or unsubscribe, please [click here.]( [MIKE JOHNSON]( Mike Johnson is out of control. His impeachment investigation into President Biden is nothing but a partisan scheme to derail Biden’s campaign. We’re sending a constituent letter CONDEMNING Johnson’s attacks. [We need 10,000 New York signatures before this can go to his desk. Can you sign now? →]( [SIGN THE LETTER ➞]( Dear Speaker Mike Johnson, I am writing this letter to tell you that I stand FIRMLY AGAINST your scheme to impeach President Biden. With the 2024 Presidential Election in a matter of months, it couldn’t be clearer that you’re only trying to hurt Biden’s campaign. You have no sense of justice. This isn’t some noble cause. You only want to help Donald Trump win, nothing more. But I am an informed, engaged Democrat and I am paying attention…and I won’t let you get away with this. [Which is why I’m signing this letter today CONDEMNING your impeachment investigation in the strongest possible terms.]( [SIGN THE LETTER ➞]( Donald Trump has been indicted on 91 felony charges, including for his role in inciting the January 6th Insurrection against the United States Capitol. He is unfit to be President and you should be ashamed of yourself for plotting to put him back in the White House. Meanwhile, President Biden is working every day to repair Trump’s damage and protect our Democracy. It makes me sick to watch you squander the unique opportunity to lead this country and instead put our Democracy at risk for nothing more than petty partisan gain. I won’t stand for it. [SIGN THE LETTER ➞]( Sincerely, {NAME} [***Please remember to use the button and sign your name. All signatures must be submitted by 9:00 AM tomorrow →]( [SIGN THE LETTER ➞]( Demand Justice This message was sent to: [{EMAIL}](#) [Click here to receive fewer emails.]( | [Click here to unsubscribe.]( [Demand Justice](#) Thank you for supporting Demand Justice. We’re working tirelessly to restore balance to our broken judicial system -- on every level up until the Supreme Court. We rely on the support of grassroots activists like you -- our average gift is only $13.47. Can you support Demand Justice today? [DONATE TO DEMAND JUSTICE ➡︎]( We rely on the support of grassroots activists like you -- Demand Justice is the leading progressive grassroots organization solely dedicated to fixing our broken court system. With a Democratic majority in both the House and the Senate, we can add four seats to the Supreme Court and confirm justices who will safeguard our democracy and our rights. Here’s our plan to reform our judiciary: [ADD FOUR SEATS TO THE SUPREME COURT, ALLOW BIDEN TO NAME MORE JUDGES TO DISTRICT AND CIRCUIT COURTS, ELEVATE PUBLIC DEFENDERS & CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEYS TO THE BENCH]( We’re working around the clock and doing EVERYTHING we can to make this happen -- making calls, writing petitions, lobbying Congress -- EVERYTHING. And that’s why we email you so often. Your support is critical to our success. Without you, corporate donors and ultra-conservatives will permanently alter our judiciary -- we can’t let that happen. [DONATE TO DEMAND JUSTICE ➡︎]( The money we raise goes straight back into our mission. And that’s why we email you so often! But if you’d like to receive fewer emails from us, you can [click here](. If you’d like to unsubscribe from our emails, you can [click here](. If you’d like to join our mission to fix our broken judiciary, [click here]( to volunteer with Demand Justice. [JOIN THE MOVEMENT ➡︎]( [LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ➡︎]( [FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ➡︎]( [DONATE ON ACTBLUE ➡︎]( Paid for by Demand Justice PAC, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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