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You’re Not as Smart as You Think


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The Power of Belief Were you forwarded this email? Please do NOT forward this message to anyone. Bec

The Power of Belief Were you forwarded this email? [Sign-up to The Daily Reckoning here.]( [Unsubscribe]( [Daily Reckoning] You’re Not as Smart as You Think - What really separates man from the animals… - When fact is weakest, belief is strongest… - Then Brian Maher shows you why humans need delusions to shield them from harsh reality… Recommended Link [Exclusive: All-Access Code enclosed for you]( [Read more here...]( Please do NOT forward this message to anyone. Because it contains an exclusive VIP All-Access code that can only be claimed by a small group of readers today... You see, on last Thursday we hosted a major call on Zoom... And during that call I gave all the attendees the chance to claim a special VIP All-Access Code… But I don’t see where you claimed yours yet. And I’m worried that soon there won’t be any left. So I’m reaching out for the last time so you could have a chance to claim yours before they are gone. [Click Here ASAP]( Annapolis, Maryland October 20, 2021 [Brian Maher]Dear Reader, Man alone is the thinking animal of Earth, the skyscraping summit of all its fauna, its high king. This unlikely creature splits the atom in two. He sends disinformation ricocheting around the world in fractions of seconds. He catapults himself into space. Through his astounding astronomical binoculars he lays his eyes on the remotest precincts of this universe, billions of years distant. Of these feats he is proud, justly proud. And yet this astonishing intellect flatters, seduces and deceives itself. Man rains excess credit upon himself. He believes he alone among the creatures of Earth thinks. Yet other creatures of Earth do “think” — in their way. The cat upon the ledge fixes its odds of jumping the gap. The lion selects the herd member most vulnerable to its murderous raid. The whale transmits highly complex messages throughout the inky depths. Its mates decipher them. Do these examples not involve a type of thinking? You may call it instinct. Then human thinking is likewise instinct. The animal is not tackling Einstein’s relativistic theory, it is true. It is not rocketing to Mars. Nor is it calculating the precise number of angels prancing on pinheads… or the number of rocks inhabiting the skulls of congressmen. But it is thinking, again, in its way. Human thinking is superior — but only by degree. Besides, so few humans exercise the thinking faculties. Thinking is rough business — so we are informed. We have done so little of it. But we understand it is unpleasant work. It is arduous. It is often uncomfortable. What then divides man from brute? The animal thinks, as described above. Like the human, the animal feels. It likewise endures emotion as the human endures emotion. But the animal does not believe. Only the human — alone among all earthly creatures — believes. It is belief that separates the human from the brutes of the field, from the brutes of the jungle, from the brutes of the sea. The intellect is slave to belief. Beliefs are invisible censors that patrol the newsrooms of the human mind. They run all entering data, all entering information, through their scrubbers. Only the inflow that confirms their positions is passed on to the “conscious” mind. The remainder goes into the hellbox, shunned and discarded. The censorship is ruthless. And all rival beliefs are mortal foes to be scotched at every possible hazard. Like the genes of the human they infest, beliefs are committed unequivocally to their own survival. They will defend themselves to the last ditch and to the final bullet. Yet they produce a product the intellect considers unimpeachable and unassailable. After all, only confirmatory data are cleared through to the final receiver in the cortical centers. The intellect then wonders how anyone can entertain opposite understandings. “How can Joe vote Democrat?” Frank asks. “They are nothing else but rogues, rascals, knaves and nuts. Can’t he see it?” “How can Frank vote Republican?” Joe asks. “They are nothing else but rogues, rascals, knaves and nuts. Can’t he see it?” They may both be correct. They are both — in this instance — likely correct. Yet their polar beliefs blind them to the other’s position. They cannot see it. Observe this simple sketch. See the young beauty glancing out toward the 10 o’clock position. You can discern her lovely eyelashes… and the tip of her pert nose. Her hair flows back in beautiful cascades. A necklace encircles her neck. Do you see her? [IMG 1] Now have another look… See the wretched old hag in a scarf. Note the monster nose, note the beady pinprick of an eye. Note the gash of a mouth… and the witch’s chin jutting horribly beneath it. You do see her, correct? Now attempt to see both hag and beauty at once. You cannot do it. You see the one or you see the other. You cannot see both. Once you make the psychological commitment to one, you are blind to the other’s existence. So it is with beliefs. And here is an observation: When fact is weakest, belief is strongest. That is, a man harbors the strongest beliefs about that which he knows least. A man knows the rock in his hand will drop upon release. Newton and his apple are his infallible guide. He need not believe it. For the same reason he disregards the editorial preachings of a Paul Krugman. Science has demonstrated they are false. He further knows the United States is the freest nation ever to exist on Earth. It is as obvious as gravity itself. He need not believe it. But tell a Muslim that Allah is fictitious… tell a Christian that Jesus is not the Son of God… tell an atheist that he is the creation of God… tell a tinfoil hat that the Freemasons do not govern the world… tell a skeptic that alien craft in fact invade our skies… tell a believer that alien craft are imagined fictions… And now you have a vicious enemy on your hands. But where are his facts? Where are your facts? Again: Belief is strongest when fact is weakest. And we believe — above all — that the stock market will boom forever and ever... Below, we show you why we believe delusions are necessary for life. Reality can be overwhelming. Read on for details. Regards, [Brian Maher] Brian Maher Managing editor, The Daily Reckoning Editor’s note: Last Thursday, October 14th we went live on the Six Predictions Summit and all hell broke loose… [Click here for more...]( Never in the history of our company have we had such a meeting of powerful individuals… [And their predictions for the coming months absolutely blew the minds of everyone.]( But it’s the bombshell our publisher dropped at the end of the call that created outrage at our headquarters. In short, our publisher dropped a [‘once in a lifetime’ offer]( so low that it even offended our own employees. Since then our office has been an absolute zoo. And although it’s been an exciting time for us… We all need a break. So unfortunately we are pulling the offer down at midnight this Thursday. That’s tomorrow. Apologies for that. But before we did… We wanted to make sure you had one more chance to see what put our office in a tizzy. [Click here to see what all the fuss is about.]( Recommended Link [#1 Futurist Says: Get Ready for This Global “Reboot”]( George Gilder has a shocking message for anybody with money in the bank… with a job that pays in dollars… or who carries a smartphone in their pocket. “Brace yourself,” he says, “for the coming $16.8 trillion global ‘reboot’ ahead.” It could radically transform the way just about every major corporation does business. It could change the way you get paid, save and invest for retirement. And, says George, it could make you exceedingly rich... [Click Here To See Why]( The Daily Reckoning Presents: “The world wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived”… ****************************** You Are Badly Deluded By Brian Maher [Brian Maher]“Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur” — the world wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived. This wisdom of the ancient world is the wisdom of the modern world. And we suspect greatly it will be the wisdom of the future world. That is, the world wishes to be eternally and infinitely deceived. Why else — sisters, brothers, countrymen — do people attend magic shows… solicit psychics… read Paul Krugman editorial columns? Why… indeed... do people elect presidents? But let the world be deceived, we say. Life is “nasty, brutish and short,” in the words of Mr. Thomas Hobbes. He must grab something — anything — to soothe him and to ease his way across the perilous valley. Like gazing into the midday sun, the normal human being cannot long gaze directly into reality. He can only approach it at an angle. Consider his lot… Cold, Hard Reality Man is thrown unaskingly and unwillingly into this wicked and wrathful world. He is then dangled cruelly between two infinities — one behind, one ahead — knowing well his flickering earthly candle will blow out. While he lives, he careens pointlessly through space aboard an inconsequential chunk, going around an inconsequential star, itself occupying an inconsequential corner of an inconsequential galaxy. That itself is but one of an infinity of inconsequential galaxies. Next he comes to this elemental fact: Come his demise, the odds are excellent that he will boil in pitch for all eternity. This we have on infallible authority — 1 Corinthians 6:9–10: Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters... nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. Ninety-nine percent of humanity thus stands condemned — and 100% of Washington. Hence man’s desperate, eternal plea for deception. Hence his embrace of quacks and pitchmen eager to gratify it. Hence, man’s permanent condition. And the grimmer the reality... the louder his shrieks to be conned, foxed and deceived. Sit down momentarily with the realities listed — if you can summon the steel. If you do not run a razor across your wrists within three minutes, you, friend, are one lionheart — believe it! Happy Delusions Here are some additional fictions men cherish — cherished because they ease his passage through this sorrowful vale... That stocks, like trees, grow to the sky... That “buy and hold” — over hill, over dale, through bush, through brier — is the everlasting way to wealth… That wise and learned experts from ivied institutions can repeal the iron laws of economics… That a body of 12 can determine the value of money for hundreds of millions of independent economic actors... That deficits do not matter... That prosperity springs from the printing press, that money and wealth are identical twins, to have money is to have wealth. The examples of Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Argentina, Weimar Germany, post-WWII Hungary — to name some — count nothing… Recommended Link [Is this a ticking time bomb to another financial collapse?]( [Read more here...]( If you own stocks, you may want to cash out immediately. And if you hold dollars, you need to see this chart. Because, according to one of America's most respected economists, the data in this chart signals a possible COLLAPSE ahead for the dollar. What he revealed is not pretty. But you still need to hear it... [Click Here For More Details]( Relatedly, that the addition of water to wine yields more wine. That is, diluting the purchasing power of money yields more money… That sinking the nation into debt will raise it up into wealth... That raising the prices of life’s essentials raises the general economic level... That negative interest rates are positives... That democracy — the theory that the individual may be a dunce but a million dunces equal Einstein — is a superior form of government. Moreover, that all the world’s nations long painfully for American democracy. Baghdad to Kabul, Mogadishu to Damascus, Beijing to Caracas, the name Thomas Jefferson is on all lips, at all times… And perhaps the most enchanting and permanent of all the world’s delusions… That this time is different. Not All Lies and Delusions Are Bad Do we denounce the world in its cowardly resort to delusion and lies? Not in the least. Who can denounce the former beauty, now wrecked with age, who wishes the mirror would show her a fabulous fiction? Why must the world peer defiantly into the fathomless pit, why must it take the cold bath stoically and bravely? A full and honest trial of the facts would send the world forever under the bed, hopeless and resigned. No one would budge a jot in the course of his day. And let it go into the record: Your editor is not exempt from this immemorial human need for delusion. He cherishes certain beliefs particular to our station and circumstances. Go at them at honestly — he must concede — and they may fail rigorous scientific audit. More Lies and Delusion Among these are the beliefs… That he is vastly undersalaried and underappreciated for the exquisite labor he performs — and that he is used badly by his abominable employer… That he is wiser than 1,000 Solomons welded together… That he stands seven feet in height... That every fair one — from sea to glistening sea — rolls her eyes yearningly at the mention of his name…. Most delusionally of all, and against all reason... He cherishes the gorgeous fiction that his New York Metropolitan Baseball Club will win another World Series before he sinks into the cauldron... to roast forevermore. Thus your editor is in deepest sympathy with the world and its ceaseless quest to be deceived. The world would be unendurable without comforting fictions to stroke our hair and caress our gills. A Stock Market Crash Isn’t So Bad Might some of the world’s delusions invite disaster? Almost certainly. We have the stock market and the economy close in mind. But whatever miseries they inflict... they cannot parallel the miseries of constant warfare with reality. And so we speak our piece for delusion. “All are lunatics,” said the great scalawag Ambrose Bierce... “but he who can analyze his delusion is called a philosopher.” And who wants to be called a philosopher? Yours in hopeless and eternal delusion, [Brian Maher] Brian Maher Managing Editor, The Daily Reckoning P.S. Last Thursday, October 14th we went live on the Six Predictions Summit and all hell broke loose… [Click here for more...]( Never in the history of our company have we had such a meeting of powerful individuals… [And their predictions for the coming months absolutely blew the minds of everyone.]( But it’s the bombshell our publisher dropped at the end of the call that created outrage at our headquarters. In short, our publisher dropped a [‘once in a lifetime’ offer]( so low that it even offended our own employees. Since then our office has been an absolute zoo. And although it’s been an exciting time for us… We all need a break. So unfortunately we are pulling the offer down at midnight this Thursday. That’s tomorrow. Apologies for that. But before we did… We wanted to make sure you had one more chance to see what put our office in a tizzy. [Click here to see what all the fuss is about.]( --------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading The Daily Reckoning! We greatly value your questions and comments. Please send all feedback to []( [Brian Maher][Brian Maher]( is the Daily Reckoning's Managing Editor. Before signing on to Agora Financial, he was an independent researcher and writer who covered economics, politics and international affairs. His work has appeared in the Asia Times and other news outlets around the world. He holds a Master's degree in Defense & Strategic Studies. Add to your address book: [Whitelist us]( Additional Articles & Commentary: [Daily Reckoning Website]( Join the conversation! Follow us on social media: [Facebook]( [LinkedIn]( [Twitter]( [RSS Feed]( [YouTube]( The Daily Reckoning is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We do not rent or share your email address. By submitting your email address, you consent to Paradigm Press delivering daily email issues and advertisements. To end your Daily Reckoning e-mail subscription and associated external offers sent from The Daily Reckoning, feel free to [unsubscribe here.]( Please read our [Privacy Statement](. For any further comments or concerns please email us at If you are having trouble receiving your Daily Reckoning subscription, you can ensure its arrival in your mailbox [by whitelisting The Daily Reckoning.]( [Paradigm Press]© 2021 Paradigm Press, LLC. 808 Saint Paul Street, Baltimore MD 21202. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized financial advice. We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in any security they personally recommend to our readers. All of our employees and agents must wait 24 hours after on-line publication or 72 hours after the mailing of a printed-only publication prior to following an initial recommendation. Any investments recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company. Email Reference ID: 470DRED01

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