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You Heard Jim... Now Act...


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Wed, Oct 6, 2021 09:34 PM

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Don’t risk it… Dear Reader, Yesterday Jim Rickards blew the lid off of a LIVE Zoom call. W

Don’t risk it… [Daily Reckoning] You Heard Jim… Now Act… [Matt Insley]Dear Reader, Yesterday Jim Rickards blew the lid off of a LIVE Zoom call. We had 8,500 people tuning in from all over the world… And Jim’s brand new thesis was a BOMBSHELL. (Frankly, as the host, I couldn’t even keep up with the comments.) Here’s a quick recap of Jim’s brand new 3-part thesis: The Great Ponzi Of China -- the dominos are starting to fall in China. And over the next four quarters we could see a massive economic collapse. Think of it this way… Just like a contagious virus, like we saw sweep the globe over the past 18 months… An economic contagion can spread just as fast and have damaging effects on your investments, retirement and wealth. This will affect America. China’s Evergrande debacle -- that hit the mainstream news a few weeks ago -- was the first domino to fall. As Jim showed us live, an economic collapse tends to take about a year to play out. Think about the fall of Long Term Capital Management in 1998… the dominoes started to fall in 1997… Same thing happened with the financial collapse and meltdown in 2008. That crisis took a year to unfold, and started in 2007. The Evergrande situation is showing that China’s house of cards is on the road to collapse. Here’s a look at Jim’s “backstage” Evergrand notes from the event: It will emerge gradually in the form of (a) bad debts written off by banks, (b) corporate failures by those who depended on Evergrande for construction and supply contracts, (c) social unrest from retail investors in wealth management products (WMPs), (d) arrests (or flight) by executives most involved, (e) depression in the real estate market as Evergrande itself and other investors try to dump property assets before the coming tsunami of liquidation sales, (f) write-offs and outright demolition of unfinished projects, etc. This will cascade into rolling failure and sharp declines in China's largest asset class (real estate) in the coming years. Communist money controls… and censorship… Energy shortages (from a country that uses an alarming amount of coal power)... Wasted “ghost cities”... (Jim has had boots on the ground in China for over 40 yrs, and has seen these ghost cities in person. It’s a haunting reminder that something’s not right.) A ponzi crisis forming in China’s “Wealth Management Products” (similar to money market accounts here in the US.) There could be a giant collapse for China’s retail investors and a quick rush to safety… And, here’s the kicker… An unstoppable demographic wave is about to overtake China’s economy as well. Their workforce is aging, and the next generations are shrinking -- which Jim believes is going to lead to a massive economic collapse. (After all, if your entire country is built on growth and cheap manufacturing, what happens when the workforce ages and there’s not enough new workers to replace them?) Simply put, the cracks in the Chinese economy are becoming more clear by the day. The contagion effect will send SHOCKWAVES through the global economy. We’re in the early innings here. But that’s not all that Jim Rickards unveiled on the call. We also took a deep dive into what’s happening here in the US… “4 Quarters Till Chaos” -- The 3rd quarter just ended here in the U.S. and Jim sees carnage coming in the data. There are two dates you’re going to want to circle on your calendar, according to Jim. First, is this Friday October 8th at 8:30am. We’ll get our first look at September’s unemployment numbers -- something that could point to some large cracks forming in the economy. Next, is even bigger… Around October 28th we’ll get our first look at Q3’s GDP data. According to Jim this could be a bombshell. Yesterday on the call Jim shared the Atlanta Fed’s GDP “NowCast”, which points to an alarmingly low GDP estimate. In fact, if you were on the call yesterday you saw that number update LIVE -- and it was worse than Jim imagined. Insane. Of course, that’s just a forecasting tool. The real data will hit around October 28th. It could be a bombshell report for US markets. Investors beware. But there was one more bombshell to keep on your radar… The CBDC “Digital Slaughterhouse” -- The Fed and central banks across the globe could be sending savers and investors into a dangerous cattle chute. Here’s what Jim said… Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) could be the next tool that central banks and the Fed use to erode your wealth. Not to be confused with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, CBDCs are the government’s version of digital money. This would mark the end of cash. And the “dollars” that you and I hold would be nothing more than zeros and ones. All digital. At first this may seem novel and it could be pitched as efficient and lucrative (with stimulus handouts, etc)... However, Jim warns… “Think of a slaughterhouse”… If you want to get the cattle to go in, you need to get them to line up in a cattle chute. Then, one by one they’re taken to slaughter. Government backed digital currencies are the cattle chute. And once money is 100% digital there will be nowhere for Americans to hide. This will pave the way for negative interest rates and massive wealth erosion. This is the “Empire Strikes Back” according to Jim. Look.... I hope you were able to be on the call LIVE yesterday where Jim outlined some solutions. And I hope you feel the gravity of this impending situation. This could be the most impactful moment on you and your family's wealth. So please listen carefully. Because, there are THREE things you need to know... First, Jim has a laundry list of bestselling books and prescient predictions. He called Brexit… He called Trump’s upset victory… And he even called the REAL potential for a “pandemic”... in his 2019 book Aftermath. Fact is, when he makes bold predictions you’ll want to listen...and act. This live Zoom bombshell is no different. Second, if you were on the LIVE call or read the recap above, you’ll know that a huge economic crisis is brewing. Americans all across the country can feel it… They know something isn’t right… They see the cracks in the market… And now we’ve got some hard data that’s pointing in that EXACT direction. Simply put, if you have money in the markets, have a IRA or 401k, own real estate or have a bank account with over $10,000 in it… Jim believes YOUR wealth is at risk. That’s why I’m urging everyone that was on the call (or any of Jim’s loyal readers) to take action. Which brings me to this… Third, you need to make sure you have full access to Jim’s latest predictions and research… And that’s why today I’m pulling out all of the stops for you… As a special thank you for joining Jim’s LIVE Zoom call… I want to give you an unprecedented “Zoom Only” discount on all of Jim’s research with Unrestricted Clearance. That way you’ll have EVERYTHING you need to know to stay ahead of the coming collapse and Jim’s warning. You see, this “Zoom Only” discount that I’m giving away today… Will allow you to do a one-time upgrade to your account… And receive access to everything Jim publishes…for an entire year. Without having to pay any of your regular subscription fees. It’s called Unrestricted Clearance. I'll go over exactly everything this "Zoom Only Discount" for Unrestricted Clearance covers in a moment (I can almost guarantee you won't believe me when I tell you) But the real question you should be asking yourself is… Why are we doing this? Well let me tell you an open secret about our business… You see, our business depends on loyal, long-term customers. A lot of people come and go. They don’t do us any good at all. Or themselves. We work hard to provide the best investment research in America. That’s why we work with Jim Rickards, the top macroeconomist in the world. But investing and protecting your wealth is not easy. There’s no one-size fits all solution. Instead, you need everything that Jim publishes. And that’s why I’m making you an incredible offer today… To give you a chance to kick the tires…to look under the hood…to take the car out on the road and see what she’ll do. Because Jim’s been able to get our readers ahead of some of the biggest moves in the market. In fact, in September 2006, a full two years before the 2008 financial meltdown… He began warning our intelligence officials in Washington of a looming financial crisis. His full thesis was so in depth, that the CIA circulated his warning among its senior staff. [Rickards Thesis] It appeared in the CIA’s official journal, Studies In Intelligence. That material remains classified to this day. But nevertheless in August of 2007, he shared the same warning with officials from the US Treasury department. [Jim Rickards] But Washington still failed to heed his warnings. We all know what happened next… As the world entered one of the worst financial crises of our lifetime. However, anyone who listened to these repeated warnings was able to side-step the carnage. But long time readers know that’s not the only event that Jim has been ahead of. In fact, Jim has been at the forefront of nearly every major economic event of the last 20 years. His analysis and mathematical models have allowed him to predict Brexit, the election of Donald Trump, and even the 2020 Corona Virus crash. Needless to say, our inboxes have been flooded with messages from readers raving about Jim. Like this note from Geoffrey Chrisly... [tweet] Or this note from Patrick Neal… [tweet] Or how about what Ken Franks wrote in to say… [tweet] And now with the global economy being in the most fragile state it’s ever been… I am looking to help out our most loyal readers. That’s why… I’m Giving Away A HUGE Discount On Jim’s Unrestricted Clearance… So You Can Get ALL Of Jim’s Research For An Entire Year. WITHOUT Having To Pay Your Regular Subscription Fees! Once this discounted Unrestricted Clearance is applied to your account… You’ll be able to utilize all of the research offered by Jim (including his macro economic analysis, currency trading strategies, gold research, and downside preparation services). For an entire year. Without having to pay any of your regular subscription fees. In fact just take a look at everything you’re going to get access to. - Jim Rickards Strategic Intelligence: (Value $199) - Jim Rickards Gold Speculator: (Value $5,000) - Jim Ricakards Tactical Currency Profits: (Value $5,000) - Jim Rickards Crash Speculator: (Value $5,000) - COMING SOON: Jim Rickards Strategic Intelligence Pro That is over $15,199 in value! And considering the average subscription to most of our high-end products costs $2,000 each. Just by eliminating your typical yearly subscription fee… You could be saving thousands of dollars on your subscription fee this year.. But I’m not stopping there. You see, this "Zoom Only” discount is going to do more than just give you access to our publications. This Unrestricted Clearance will get you special access to a whole slew of benefits that aren’t for sale anywhere, at any price. For instance: “Unrestricted Clearance” Perk #1 Private Strategy Briefings Did you enjoy Tuesday’s virtual event? Where Jim was able to give a 2 hour deep dive on topics that matter, with analysis you’d hear nowhere else? Well get used to that. Because with Unrestricted Clearance… You'll be given a special access link to every time we host a call. So you can listen in and hear our editors talking about their biggest ideas live. Imagine the opportunities you could have if you had an "ear in the conversation" every time Jim breaks down his analysis on an urgent macroeconomic event... (He did call Brexit after all)… And getting ready for the potential fallout from reckless monetary policy. (Like when he coached our leaders through the LTCM bailout and warned of the dangers in the housing market in 2007). As an Unrestricted Clearance member you don't have to worry about missing anything… You'll be ushered past the velvet rope to every single virtual conference and summit we host. And receive special invitations to all LIVE events like these at no additional charge. And you'll be treated like a VIP too. In fact, we've got something big planned for the people who claim their Unrestricted Clearance today… But before we get to that… Let me rush you your copy of... Four Quarters To Chaos You see, on the Zoom call, Jim only scratched the surface on his brand new thesis. That’s why he wrote up the full details -- along with THREE brand new recommendations -- in a 20-page briefing. It’s called “Four Quarters To Chaos” And this is the FULL rundown of Jim’s new thesis. He outlines everything you need to know about China’s collapse, and unveils the three ways to help protect and grow your wealth. But time is ticking on this report and our “Zoom-only” special deal. You’re Just One Simple Step Away From Securing Your Unrestricted Clearance When you act immediately to claim your discount… You'll get immediate access to everything Jim publishes… Without having to pay any of your regular subscription fees… How much is having this Unrestricted Clearance membership worth to you? Before you answer, consider this… The access to the research that you’re getting could cost you $15,199 per year. But you’re also getting benefits and bonuses that could be worth thousands upon thousands all on their own. For instance, the LIVE event invitations and the "Economic War Games" ticket aren't for sale right now anywhere, at any price. Typically, this service would be valued at $15,199 per year… But like I said… With this “Unrestricted Clearance” Membership… You Won't Pay Anything Close to That Amount! I believe it’s so critical that you get the full benefit of ALL of Jim’s services as we enter 2022… So much so that I’m going to allow you to join for a one-time fee today of just $995 per year. And when you do… You’ll automatically receive Unrestricted Clearance... So you can get access to all these benefits today. And after that you won't have to pay a single subscription fee for an entire year. And when it’s time to renew, Unrestricted Clearance will stay on your account for life… So you get this same level of access at this same price forever! I can tell you that we have never offered a deal this good for this level of service in the entire history of our company… In fact, we are only able to offer this because of the amount of money we saved on doing this summit virtually instead of in person… But we cannot guarantee something like this ever again. In fact, the amount of value you are getting for that price borders on the insane… Just to recap here’s everything that your purchase includes: [Unrestricted Clearance] - Jim Rickards Strategic Intelligence: (Value $199) - Jim Rickards Gold Speculator: (Value $5,000) - Jim Ricakards Tactical Currency Profits: (Value $5,000) - Jim Rickards Crash Speculator: (Value $5,000) - COMING SOON: Jim Rickards Strategic Intelligence Pro - Access to Our Strategy Briefing Calls — Where you’ll get insight and recommendations not available anywhere else. - Invitations to Live Events — every time we host a live event, you'll get a special invitation sent directly to your inbox. - COMING SOON: Jim’s interactive “Economic War Games” - No renewal or maintenance fees — For a Full 365 Days But as part of this special offer - I’m sweeting the pot: Those Who Claim Unrestricted Clearance Today Are Going to Get A Special Gift Right now I'm letting you upgrade your account to a "VIP All-Access Membership" and get all the benefits that entails for an entire year… For just a yearly fee of $995. Just think about… For the price of your regular subscription fee to just one of our premium services… A fee you were already going to pay to keep one of those services next year. I’m giving you the chance to receive EVERYTHING we publish… And waiving ALL of your other subscription fees for an entire year. If you don’t understand the value in that… The value of having access to all of the research and every money-making opportunity we offer… The value of all the other benefits we've put together for you… Then to be quite frank… Our service probably isn’t the right fit for you. But if you’re the type of person who understands what this is worth… And you’re excited about the opportunity I am presenting YOU. Then I want to reward you for acting early. You see, the real benefit of what I’m offering you today, isn’t just the research, the reports or the recommendations… It’s that I’m inviting you to Jim’s “inner circle”… You see, with this Unrestricted Clearance… You'll Have Access to Opportunities That Most Customers Could Only Dream Of… In Fact, I'd Like to Prove It to You by Inviting You To The 2021 Economic War Games You see, one of the things Jim is well-known for is helping the intelligence community host their first ever Economic War Games. It was at a top-secret weapons laboratory outside of Washington D.C., conducted by the Pentagon. This was where they stress tested the U.S. financial system against threat from other countries. And it was there that he discovered some of the secrets he still uses to this day to help show a small group of people how to profit from massive geo-political events. These are strategies that I’ve never seen before anywhere else. And right now it’s time for round two. The global economy is the shakiest it’s been in decades. And with rapidly developing situations out of China, the potential for further covid related problems in the global supply chain, and reckless US Monetary policy… That’s why Jim is hosting his version of the 2021 Economic War Games this November. And with your "Unrestricted Clearance”… You’ll get free access to the virtual event. So… The Way I See It… You Only Have Two Options Listen, I wish we could offer everyone access to this level of service through today’s special deal. But the truth is… Because of the sheer value of this opportunity and upgraded level of service… We can only offer 500 of these memberships today through this deal…. (And with over 8,500 people that attended Jim’s LIVE call, we expect them to go fast.) So we are going to have to let everyone in on a first come, first served basis. That’s only fair… So if you want to become a "VIP All-Access Member", then you need to take advantage of this deal right now. That being said, this offer should really be a no brainer. Just consider what I’ve worked out for you. You just heard from our TOP analysts on a live Zoom call, for FREE. So you’ve already stepped on to the red carpet. Now you have the chance to be on our VIP list forever (for the lowest price we’ll ever offer.) Once you’re upgraded to Unrestricted Clearance. Not only will you get all these brand-new benefits… But all your subscription fees will be waived for an entire year. And your Unrestricted Clearance will be applied to your account forever… So you can get these same benefits at this insanely low price year after year…. So if you take advantage of this offer, you’ll be saving at least $1,000 on a single premium research service when it comes time to renew. And over $15,199 in value if you tried to subscribe to all of these services individually. Plus, you'll be getting unlimited access to ALL of Jim’s research. And a whole slew of other benefits that aren’t for sale anywhere at any price. So you essentially have two options. On the one hand, you can take me up on this offer today and get a year’s worth of access to ALL of Jim’s publications for an unthinkably low fee of $995 today. And lock that price and all of these benefits in year after year… Or… On the other hand, you can ignore this message and pay at least $2,000 just to renew a regular membership to a single premium service. And run the risk of missing out on another stellar year by his other publications. But don't wait long to decide… Because we only have 500 of these memberships available today, and with over 8,500 attendees on the call… We have to offer them on a first come first served basis. NO exceptions. Remember, with this upgraded all access account you’ll NEVER have to worry about missing a single money-making opportunity for as long as you are a customer. These discounted memberships will likely go FAST (probably in just a matter of hours) So this may be your LAST chance to grab one — take it and secure your chance to make 2021 your best year ever. [Click Here To Claim Your Unrestricted Clearance And Upgrade Your Account]( I look forward to welcoming you as a member. See you on the other side! [Matt Insley] Matt Insley Publisher, The Daily Reckoning The Daily Reckoning is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We do not rent or share your email address. By submitting your email address, you consent to Paradigm Press delivering daily email issues and advertisements. To end your Daily Reckoning e-mail subscription and associated external offers sent from Daily Reckoning, feel free to [click here](. Please read our [Privacy Statement](. For any further comments or concerns please email us at If you are having trouble receiving your Daily Reckoning subscription, you can ensure its arrival in your mailbox [by whitelisting the Daily Reckoning](. [Paradigm Press]© 2021 Paradigm Press, LLC. 808 Saint Paul Street, Baltimore MD 21202. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized financial advice. We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in any security they personally recommend to our readers. All of our employees and agents must wait 24 hours after on-line publication or 72 hours after the mailing of a printed-only publication prior to following an initial recommendation. Any investments recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company. Email Reference ID: 470DRDE02

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