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Poll: Was America Safer Under Trump? 


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Thu, Jan 4, 2024 12:42 AM

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Trump Wounded? Daily Polls America Safer Under Trump? LATEST NEWS - - - TODAY'S HIGHIGHT Trump Too M

Trump Wounded? Daily Polls America Safer Under Trump? [Yes, It Was]( [No, It Was Not]( LATEST NEWS - [DOJ Officially Lets Biden Off The Hook]( - [Shocking Video Of Pelosi From Jan 6thÂ]( - [Biden Unable To Walk?]( TODAY'S HIGHIGHT Trump Too Much For Contenders Vivek Ramaswamy repeatedly described former President Donald Trump as “wounded” on Wednesday and said he was the best candidate to lead the MAGA movement forward as he makes a final attempt to sway Republican voters still enthusiastic about Trump.  The comments, which Ramaswamy made in a joint interview with NBC News and The Des Moines Register, are part of a complicated balancing act the candidate is trying to strike ahead of the Iowa caucuses: praising Trump and his policies, while suggesting he could push them further or implement them better — and also saying that Trump can’t win the election because of forces lined up against him, leaving Ramaswamy as the best choice for Trump fans.  “They don’t have on me what they have on him,” Ramaswamy said when asked why he would fare better than Trump while running against the same “system.” “You can just look right now. They’ve got four different wars they’ve waged on this man,” he added, referring among other things to Trump’s indictments and the 14th Amendment challenges to his ballot access in some states.  Daily Polls - 2023 11245 California St #C · Linda Loma · CA · 92354 [Unsubscribe]( New Brew · 45 California St #C · Loma Linda · California · 92354 [Preferences]( | [Unsubscribe]( This email was sent to {EMAIL}. [Click here to view the online version.](

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