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Biden's New Digital Currency: Government Agents Can Access Your Accounts.


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Fri, Feb 16, 2024 12:01 PM

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  BREAKING: FEDS Now Testing Biden's Digital Money Executive Order with 120 Banks. Phase One Ro

[Republican Update]   BREAKING: FEDS Now Testing Biden's Digital Money Executive Order with 120 Banks. Phase One Rolled Out. "there is a fourth function of money: as a means of social control." -William Michael Cunningham Economist & Author My Fellow American, The age of big brother is upon us…and any true American patriot should be TERRIFIED. The news out of Washington is getting more and more disturbing, and for anyone paying attention, the writing is on the wall. You see, there’s a growing movement to do away with paper money. The government wants to implement a centralized digital currency that allows them to monitor all your financial transactions. Senate Bill 3571 describes these as "FED accounts" and it’s only a matter of time until this sinister plan is implemented. Former President Donald Trump warned that a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) or a Fed-controlled Digital Dollar "would give our federal Government absolute control over your money." With this program, the government can track everything you do. Every single purchase, transaction, and dollar that comes in and leaves your account. Congress, the Feds, and the IRS can see your transactions. Get your Free [Protection Guide](~/AAST1QA~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_lUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44OUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~) here. And here’s why this is truly terrifying With these FED accounts the government has total control over your life. They can turn your bank account on or off at will. What’s more, they can greatly curtail how you spend your money. For example: - if you’re overweight, the government will simply restrict your ability to buy certain items. - Need ammo? You won’t be able to get it. - Any business deemed non-essential will be shut down. - Any individual who goes against the party line will be frozen out of the system. You simply won’t be able to get access to your hard-earned money. This is already happening in China. As you can imagine this will have a dramatic effect on the lives of ordinary Americans. Especially freedom-loving Americans who dare to speak out against left-wing ideology. Don’t believe in climate change or vaccines? Bye, bye bank account. And this isn’t some conspiracy. This isn’t a crackpot fringe theory. Grab a Complimentary [Protection Guide](~/AAST1QA~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_lUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44OUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~) here. In fact, it’s already happening. This is all already in the works. The ball is already rolling. For example. - Then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tried to sneak these Digital Federal Reserve accounts or digital wallets into the $2 trillion pandemic stimulus bill but silently pulled it out at the last minute. - Now Senator Sherrod Brown has stepped up and proposed a new pro-digital dollar draft. S.3571 - Banking for All Act. - Back in 2020, The FEDS teamed up with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to work on Fedcoin blockchain technology. And don't forget, Joe and his democrat cronies want total control over your lives and your finances. - Remember back in October 2021, Biden asked Congress to authorize new bank surveillance measures of Americans to the IRS for accounts with as little as $600, but banks and depositors in large numbers pushed back. If you're concerned about the direction America is taking and think it's the wrong way, grab this Complimentary [Protection Guide.](~/AAST1QA~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_lUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44OUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~) The worst thing is that Joe Biden claims that this is in our best interests According to a 2022 released Federal Reserve white paper, these digital wallets… "Promote consumer protection and community development through consumer focused supervision and examination" When our government tells us there is nothing to worry about, nothing could be further from the truth! You see, there’s only one reason why the government wants to implement these programs. CONTROL! It’s about having absolute control over the lives of every man, woman, and child in America. Grab A Complimentary Copy of Our [Protection Guide.](~/AAST1QA~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_lUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44OUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~) These bureaucrats want to monitor every single thing you do… …and transform American freedom into a system of bureaucratic authoritarianism called socialism/communism. And if we’re not careful things are going to get a lot, lot, worse. But there’s also another reason why politicians are so keen to implement these digital wallets You see, the truth is that politicians HATE cash. Paper cash gives you (WE THE PEOPLE) the freedom to spend and earn however you like. They DON’T want you hoarding money or getting paid under the table or anything like that. The politicians in Washington want every penny they can get their greedy hands on. …and these digital wallets give the IRS more power than they could possibly handle. BUT, THERE IS A WAY TO KEEP WASHINGTON'S GREEDY HANDS OFF YOUR MONEY If you have a minimum of $25,000 and want to protect it outside the system of the greedy hands and reach of socialist Democrats, I implore you to get this [Complimentary Protection Guide](~/AAST1QA~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_lUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44OUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~). Everything you need to get you on the path of protection is in this Complimentary Guide. You'll Learn: - About the special account, rich people use to shield their assets - About the world’s most powerful anti-inflation fighter - About what you must do now to protect your retirement…plus how to profit from the coming turmoil - Plus we’re also going to reveal the secret IRS loophole that could save you $1,000s in taxes Time is of the essence. There are new crises every day. I'll make this promise to you; you will not regret acting on this information. It will save you countless nights of sleep. ACT NOW. It's important not to delay. Grab your [Complimentary Protection Guide](~/AAST1QA~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_lUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44OUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~).   Trusted by over 520,000 readers, Conservatives Daily is your source for daily news and updates, with an editorial focus on politics and policy. 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