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Can You Lose All Your Crypto Without Lifting a Finger? 😐


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Tue, Apr 16, 2024 12:02 PM

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The crypto community is facing a new threat. ͏ ‌    ͏ ‌  

The crypto community is facing a new threat. ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌       [CoinMarketCap Spotlight Logo](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0QraHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS8_bGlkPXk2NzZ0dzM3MDBkY1cDc3BjQgpmENJoHmaMFwDmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~)   The crypto community is all excited as the Bitcoin halving draws near, kicking off a new era of scarcity for the OG crypto. But this excitement and mainstream media coverage is triggering a wave of developments and threats for us. Just yesterday, Trust Wallet sounded an alarm about a potential iPhone hack that could leave users exposed to losing their entire stash. No clicking a link is required - a properly scary prospect for those holding serious crypto wealth on Apple devices. Of course, with risks come opportunities for the daring. Ambitious new solutions are hitting the scene with grand plans to tackle crypto's most persistent hassles and upend the status quo. And we are here to update you on all things crypto (but only from the past 24 hours). Here is a quick rundown of what we’re gonna cover today: - Bitcoin is prepping a "Rune Awakening". But why is Franklin Templeton [so hyped](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0SSaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvZnJhbmtsaW4tdGVtcGxldG9uLXJ1bmVzLWNvdWxkLWhlbHAtYml0Y29pbi1icmlkZ2UtdGhlLWdhcC1pbi10aGUtZnVuZ2libGUtdG9rZW4tbWFya2V0P2xpZD1taTBldGUwajdhbWdXA3NwY0IKZhDSaB5mjBcA5lIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc)? - OKX reveals a Layer 2 solution promising to fix Ethereum's scaling issues. But how [does it plan](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0R9aHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvb2t4LWxhdW5jaGVzLWV0aGVyZXVtLWxheWVyLTIteC1sYXllci1sZXZlcmFnaW5nLXBvbHlnb25zLWFnZ2xheWVyP2xpZD14Z3cxaDlubWdzajVXA3NwY0IKZhDSaB5mjBcA5lIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) to do it? - Trust Wallet warns of an iPhone hack that could drain crypto riches in one sweep. How [does this hack](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0SIaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvdHJ1c3Qtd2FsbGV0LWlzc3Vlcy13YXJuaW5nLXRvLWFwcGxlLXVzZXJzLWFib3V0LXplcm8tZGF5LWV4cGxvaXQtaW4taW1lc3NhZ2U_bGlkPXFjOWJ5ZmhxM2c2OFcDc3BjQgpmENJoHmaMFwDmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) work and how can you prevent it? - Norway cracks down on Bitcoin mining with harsh new oversight rules. Is it [completely banning](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0SRaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvYml0Y29pbi1taW5lcnMtZmFjZS1wcmVzc3VyZS1pbi1ub3J3YXktYXMtbmV3LWxlZ2lzbGF0aW9uLWZvci1kYXRhLWNlbnRlcnMtaW1wbGVtZW50ZWQ_bGlkPTlhbWY0aXE4YWJlbFcDc3BjQgpmENJoHmaMFwDmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) Bitcoin mining? - Solana's devs take another stab at fixing the network's crippling congestion issues. Will this patched-up solution [finally work](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0R8aHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvc29sYW5hLXJlbGVhc2UtYnJpbmdzLXByb3Bvc2VkLWZpeGVzLXRvLW5ldHdvcmstY29uZ2VzdGlvbi1pc3N1ZXM_bGlkPXhtZmlwdTU2b2FobFcDc3BjQgpmENJoHmaMFwDmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~)? Let’s dive deeper into each of these stories! MARKET OVERVIEW GLOBAL MARKET CAP 2.29T -5.07% (24h) 24H MARKET VOLUME $116.22B 0.09% (24h) BITCOIN’S DOMINANCE 54.08% 0.23% (24h) FEAR & GREED INDEX 60 Greed [ALL CRYPTO PRICES/DATA »](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0QraHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS8_bGlkPTVxanphczBlcTloOVcDc3BjQgpmENJoHmaMFwDmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) [TRENDING CRYPTO »](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0RFaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS90cmVuZGluZy1jcnlwdG9jdXJyZW5jaWVzLz9saWQ9OXdkbjFwenVvaGJ0VwNzcGNCCmYQ0mgeZowXAOZSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAADHA~~) [NEW LISTINGS ON CMC »](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0QvaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9uZXcvP2xpZD1wMnhrbWtmN28yYWlXA3NwY0IKZhDSaB5mjBcA5lIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) [TRENDING DEX PAIRS »](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0RAaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9kZXhzY2FuL3RyZW5kaW5nL2FsbC8_bGlkPWoxYjV6NHJibjR0eFcDc3BjQgpmENJoHmaMFwDmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) Data as of: 16 Apr 2024 12:00 UTC [Gainer Icon] TOP GAINERS 24H% [Project Icon 4] [Pi](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0QvaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9jdXJyZW5jaWVzL3BpbmV0d29yay9XA3NwY0IKZhDSaB5mjBcA5lIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) ▲4826.82% [Project Icon 5] [Spix](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0QqaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9jdXJyZW5jaWVzL3NwaXgvVwNzcGNCCmYQ0mgeZowXAOZSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAADHA~~) ▲2590.68% [Project Icon 6] [Redluna](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0QtaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9jdXJyZW5jaWVzL3JlZGx1bmEvVwNzcGNCCmYQ0mgeZowXAOZSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAADHA~~) ▲409.9% [Loser Icon] TOP LOSERS 24H% [Project Icon] [BUNNY MEV BOT](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0QzaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9jdXJyZW5jaWVzL2J1bm55LW1ldi1ib3QvVwNzcGNCCmYQ0mgeZowXAOZSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAADHA~~) ▼97.21% [Project Icon 2] [Felix](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0QxaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9jdXJyZW5jaWVzL2ZlbGl4LXRva2VuL1cDc3BjQgpmENJoHmaMFwDmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) ▼91.41% [Project Icon 3] [Zebec Network](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0Q0aHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9jdXJyZW5jaWVzL3plYmVjLXByb3RvY29sL1cDc3BjQgpmENJoHmaMFwDmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) ▼90.86%   Bitcoin's Rune Awakening According to Franklin Templeton, the OG crypto is quietly cultivating a new not-so-secret weapon: fully utilizing its fungible token economy to challenge the reigning titans of Ethereum and Solana. The key to this ambitious multi-chain conquest? A token standard called Runes that's catching the eye of institutional backers who clearly see loads of potential. And we're not just talking about eliminating annoying technical bottlenecks - Runes is being hyped as Bitcoin's expressway to enhanced privacy and unprecedented scaling. But what made Franklin Templeton so bullish on Rune? [Read the full story](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0SSaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvZnJhbmtsaW4tdGVtcGxldG9uLXJ1bmVzLWNvdWxkLWhlbHAtYml0Y29pbi1icmlkZ2UtdGhlLWdhcC1pbi10aGUtZnVuZ2libGUtdG9rZW4tbWFya2V0P2xpZD0xemJiemV2eWE0MTlXA3NwY0IKZhDSaB5mjBcA5lIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc)!   OKX’s Layer 2 In the intensifying race to solve Ethereum's scaling woes, OKX is making its big play with the launch of X Layer - a new Layer 2 solution leveraging Polygon's blockchain interoperability tech. Revealed this week, X Layer represents OKX's bid to tackle two of the biggest hurdles still hampering Ethereum's mainstream adoption: sluggish transaction times and excessive gas fees. How will this layer 2 solve these issues? [Read the full story](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0R9aHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvb2t4LWxhdW5jaGVzLWV0aGVyZXVtLWxheWVyLTIteC1sYXllci1sZXZlcmFnaW5nLXBvbHlnb25zLWFnZ2xheWVyP2xpZD13ejB5M3d5cXc1MXhXA3NwY0IKZhDSaB5mjBcA5lIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc)!   Countdown to the next Bitcoin Halving with CoinMarketCap! Historically, Bitcoin Halvings have following key market phases: an accumulation phase marked by price stagnation and modest volatility, followed by an expansion phase with market rallies, and a post-halving bull market phase where Bitcoin outperforms previous all-time highs. Bitcoin then enters a bear market, with significant price drops. Now, though, there's no re-accumulation phase, and previous highs have been surpassed before the Halving phenomena chalked up to demands from the newly launched US spot Bitcoin ETFs. [BTC Halving Analysis](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0RCaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9ldmVudHMvYml0Y29pbi1oYWx2aW5nLz9saWQ9Mng0bDA3a2hvejd3VwNzcGNCCmYQ0mgeZowXAOZSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAADHA~~) Ever wondered what the buzz around the Bitcoin Whitepaper is all about? Published on October 31st, 2008 by the elusive Satoshi Nakamoto, this nine-page document, distributed into 12 sections, might seem complex at first glance. But, guess what? We've got you covered! We're excited to introduce you to our newly written guide: ['Bitcoin Whitepaper: Simplified for Everyone'](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0RlaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvYml0Y29pbi13aGl0ZXBhcGVyLXNpbXBsaWZpZWQtZm9yLWV2ZXJ5b25lP2xpZD1kZXE0NTU5a3E5eWNXA3NwY0IKZhDSaB5mjBcA5lIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc)   Don't miss out on CoinMarketCap's countdown to the Bitcoin Halving! Have a guess at the ATH Bitcoin Price this cycle! Share your predictions in a Tweet to participate in our event and stand a chance to win $USDT [View Countdown](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0RCaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9ldmVudHMvYml0Y29pbi1oYWx2aW5nLz9saWQ9bjBqMHFuN2lqNXJ1VwNzcGNCCmYQ0mgeZowXAOZSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAADHA~~)   iPhone Hack Threat Popular crypto wallet Trust Wallet is urging its Apple-using community to take immediate action amidst what it deems credible intelligence of a potentially devastating new iPhone hack making the rounds. The warning, across Trust Wallet's social channels, calls for all users to disable Apple's iMessage service due to an unpatched "zero-day" exploit that could allow hackers to seize control of devices without any user interaction required. According to Trust Wallet, this particular iPhone zero-day is severe enough that high-value crypto holders could be in trouble. But how does it work? And are all your crypto holdings in danger? [Read the full story](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0SIaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvdHJ1c3Qtd2FsbGV0LWlzc3Vlcy13YXJuaW5nLXRvLWFwcGxlLXVzZXJzLWFib3V0LXplcm8tZGF5LWV4cGxvaXQtaW4taW1lc3NhZ2U_bGlkPTNhdXZxczRsaXZieVcDc3BjQgpmENJoHmaMFwDmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~)!   Norway's Crackdown on Bitcoin Mining Bitcoin miners operating in the Nordic nation of Norway could soon find themselves under increased regulatory scrutiny. The country has just passed a new law mandating stricter oversight and registration requirements for all data centers within its borders. It's a concerning development for the Bitcoin mining operations that have increasingly flocked to the region to take advantage of its cheap, renewable power sources and colder climate ideal for industrial-scale computing operations. But what exactly does the law say about Bitcoin mining? Is it banning it altogether? [Read the full story](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0SRaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvYml0Y29pbi1taW5lcnMtZmFjZS1wcmVzc3VyZS1pbi1ub3J3YXktYXMtbmV3LWxlZ2lzbGF0aW9uLWZvci1kYXRhLWNlbnRlcnMtaW1wbGVtZW50ZWQ_bGlkPXUxc3ZtcGs2YWJrM1cDc3BjQgpmENJoHmaMFwDmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~)!   SPONSORED CONTENT   [KuCoin Announces](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0SVaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cua3Vjb2luLmNvbS9uZXdzL2VuLTIwLW1pbGxpb24tYWlyZHJvcHMtZm9yLTMtbWlsbGlvbi11c2Vycy1pcy1jb21pbmctbm93P3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9bmV3c2xldHRlcl9wcm9tb3Rpb25fMjBtX2FpcmRyb3BfY21jJmxpZD04d2xweGw3eDVqeTNXA3NwY0IKZhDSaB5mjBcA5lIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) KuCoin Announces $20 Million Airdrop for Its Loyal Community KuCoin is airdropping $20M in equivalent BTC to 3 million users as gratitude in 5 days. [Claim Your Airdrop Now!](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0SVaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cua3Vjb2luLmNvbS9uZXdzL2VuLTIwLW1pbGxpb24tYWlyZHJvcHMtZm9yLTMtbWlsbGlvbi11c2Vycy1pcy1jb21pbmctbm93P3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9bmV3c2xldHRlcl9wcm9tb3Rpb25fMjBtX2FpcmRyb3BfY21jJmxpZD1mZ2RyZzFhYWc3MHBXA3NwY0IKZhDSaB5mjBcA5lIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc)     Solana’s Attempt to Fix Its Network Issues Solana's blockchain devs are trying to get a hold of the network's escalating congestion crisis with a new validator client update aimed at alleviating - though not entirely resolving - the transaction pileup. Released by the newly formed Anza team spun out of Solana Labs, version 1.18.11 of the validator software proposes several tweaks intended to ease the strain on Solana's chokepoints. Solana has been plagued by failed transactions and functionality breakdowns across its ecosystem in recent weeks, issues triggered by both skyrocketing memecoin trading activity. So is it going to solve all of Solana’s network problems once and for all? [Read the full story](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRoAO3SP0R8aHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvc29sYW5hLXJlbGVhc2UtYnJpbmdzLXByb3Bvc2VkLWZpeGVzLXRvLW5ldHdvcmstY29uZ2VzdGlvbi1pc3N1ZXM_bGlkPTl1MWJwanh3NTBnOFcDc3BjQgpmENJoHmaMFwDmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~)!   And that’s a wrap. 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